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Philosopher_King ago

Voat does endorse censorship with allowing you to vote and down vote. Voat is a "right-winged" echo chamber, and because of this, the "right-winged" people vote up any content THEY personally agree with and down vote anything else. So only the ideas of "right-winged" people come to the top.

The moment you speak out against the norm on this site, you get called a cuck and shill and down voted. People here just don't like labels and being called "right-winged" because it's not entirely them, but they are guilty of being like-minded with the masses in here.

Crensch ago

Voat does endorse censorship with allowing you to vote and down vote.

That's not censorship, it's, at worst, minimizing a comment, but usually just ordering it to the bottom. It's also not done by some higher power - everyone gets a vote.

Voat is a "right-winged" echo chamber, and because of this, the "right-winged" people vote up any content THEY personally agree with and down vote anything else.

I downvote lies. I downvote MSM narrative pushing. Guess what doesn't happen here? Mods and admins removing entire narratives, and those that post those narratives.

The moment you speak out against the norm on this site, you get called a cuck and shill and down voted.

Generally that doesn't happen to usernames that have been around and garnered a respectable amount of scp/ccp. Of course it happens to the new accounts that want to act like the sandnigger invaders.

People here just don't like labels and being called "right-winged" because it's not entirely them, but they are guilty of being like-minded with the masses in here.

No, people don't like when faggots try to paint Voat as being just as bad as rEddit with censorship and being an echo chamber.