CrudOMatic ago

Number 2, anon.

thisismyusrnm ago

Whoever agrees is a coloured homosexual.

CrudOMatic ago

A Homosexual Person of Color, anon. Quit being raycis.

malloryquinn ago

Or just a place to call people faggots. Nigger.

Definitely-not-a-spy ago

There are all flavours here. But they have to argue their case. And not everyone will agree. That's freedom of speech.

Naught405 ago

Its not an echo chamber because almost every single post has dissenting opinions among the commentators and there is no censorship to remove those opinions and ideas.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

unfortunately, voat is becoming a CONSPIRACY THEORY chamber, not right or left wing, but conspiracy

sad, the users were not so eager to upvote the most ridiculous and wildest thing someone could imagine while sitting on their toilet when i first came onto voat, but that's exactly what it's now becoming

Wyvern_Egg ago

"Free Speech" communities tend to be saturated with whatever side the mainstream censors.

CrudOMatic ago

> mfw this nigger purposefully forgets that the mainstream sites are censorious echo chambers and puts Free Speech in quotes when referring to a place that doesn't censor you

You have to go back.

eagleshigh ago

Voat isn't an echo chamber, many people don't ascribe to the left or right paradigm at all, myself included

What're you smoking? It's a Trumpsteinbergwitzman circle jerk. Say anything bad about Trumpsteinbergwitzman and oh vey u r sharia blue. U r Hillary witz shill. Blah blah blah. Trumpsteinbergwitzman is a kike puppet but lolz, Ecks dee he triggurs da liberulz. Lolz.

You gullible goyim got JEWED.

CrudOMatic ago

Nice try, Moishe.

eagleshigh ago

My name is Moishe because I point out that Trumpsteinbergwitzman loves kikes? Sure thing. Anyone who doesn't point this out is "Moishe".

CrudOMatic ago

No, your name is Moishe because this was a common tactic to veer right-wing nationalist voters away from Trump so Hillary would win. What would you have us do, Herschel - elect someone who is completely antithetical to what we believe in and would only continue the anti-White agenda? Ezra, what choice did we have? Everyone else was either a cuck or a commie, Bibi, and I'm not voting for anti-White commie cucks and turbofeminists.

Give me the white billionaire that actually reflects my beliefs and doesn't think my country is garbage that needs to be burnt, Jonah.

eagleshigh ago

No need for the 50 different kike names.

>u must hab wanted Hilldawg to win cuz u r tawkin bad bout Trumpsteinbergwitzman

What a silly way to think.

Trumpsteinbergwitzman is in with the kikes. No wall, scum DACA will stay. Bibi is his best pal. He loves Israel and the Jews. His fucking kids married Jews. What more do you need?

CrudOMatic ago

You tell them Abram - they should have voted for vibrancy or kept their filthy Aryan votes to themselves and let vibrancy continue. That truly is a nice plan though, Spiro - keep harping about the wall - as we know, our MSM will never tell the goyim that prototyping on the wall has completed, starting location selected, old worn-down fencing is being replaced and that $18 billion has been shifted into the 2017 budget for the wall. All shit they could easily put into the Google-machines and find out about.

It so especially evil when you US them like that, Dov - pointing out that his kids married our hook-nosed women, meaning their kids will be Jews too - ignoring the fact he married a Russian white woman and expecting him to hate his own grandkids. Keep up the good work there with the D&C tactics there, Chaim - you're almost as evil as that mensch Jacob Frank.

casprus ago

well not me

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

If leftists want to come to Voat and post their opinion, we will have a discussion. Always open to free speech.

Doesn't necessarily mean we will agree or be respectful! But no censorship is the reason Voat is better than reddit.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Well it is a right-wing echo chamber.

DaJahn ago

I can't recall libtard comments ever getting deleted on here, just criticized. Criticism != Censorship. Though, what you need to realize, because nothing here ever gets silenced, it just so happens that right wing and centrist ideas beat out the rest, organically.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

We seem to view the term "echo chamber" differently. I never intended to imply censorship.

CrudOMatic ago

Censorship is a big part of what makes an echo chamber. Just like an engine is a big part of what makes a car.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

I disagree, self-selection and aggressive hyperbole makes this place a virtual echo-chamber. There fairly little intellectual and political diversity, it is mostly a circle-jerk.

Greenzero86 ago

It is where free speech advocates go to, since they are shut down and pushed out of other platforms. It isn't an echo chamber by choice, but rather by necessity.

Crensch ago

So it's an echo chamber of the best ideas, which just so happen to be right wing?

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Eh hardly, most of the conversation is pretty mediocre.

CrudOMatic ago

So mediocre that it has to be censored off of the net? So mediocre that the site needs to be DDoS'd? Nigger, you need to try harder.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Did I say any of those things you fucking pseud? It is mostly shit-posting and unnecessarily edgy bullshit, the rest are truisms or frankly second-rate ideas.

Philosopher_King ago

Voat does endorse censorship with allowing you to vote and down vote. Voat is a "right-winged" echo chamber, and because of this, the "right-winged" people vote up any content THEY personally agree with and down vote anything else. So only the ideas of "right-winged" people come to the top.

The moment you speak out against the norm on this site, you get called a cuck and shill and down voted. People here just don't like labels and being called "right-winged" because it's not entirely them, but they are guilty of being like-minded with the masses in here.

Crensch ago

Voat does endorse censorship with allowing you to vote and down vote.

That's not censorship, it's, at worst, minimizing a comment, but usually just ordering it to the bottom. It's also not done by some higher power - everyone gets a vote.

Voat is a "right-winged" echo chamber, and because of this, the "right-winged" people vote up any content THEY personally agree with and down vote anything else.

I downvote lies. I downvote MSM narrative pushing. Guess what doesn't happen here? Mods and admins removing entire narratives, and those that post those narratives.

The moment you speak out against the norm on this site, you get called a cuck and shill and down voted.

Generally that doesn't happen to usernames that have been around and garnered a respectable amount of scp/ccp. Of course it happens to the new accounts that want to act like the sandnigger invaders.

People here just don't like labels and being called "right-winged" because it's not entirely them, but they are guilty of being like-minded with the masses in here.

No, people don't like when faggots try to paint Voat as being just as bad as rEddit with censorship and being an echo chamber.

european ago

Not sure what you are trying to say. Left wing avoid voat and right wing whose idea's are drowned our or banned elsewhere come here. Leftwing views are more accepted at reddit and elsewhere it would seem. It can be argued that voat is an extremist site I think. Some of the views espoused here are likely grounds for prison sentences in some European jurisdictions.

Gewgalisebil ago

I have to say I am left wing in the sense that I believe you should have a right to have an abortion if you need one and social security when you retire, or that faggots should be able to fuck each other, but I started coming to voat because I just couldn't handle the constant circlejerking of leftist shills and braindead idiots on social media and plebbit. I also feel it is legitimately unhealthy to be browsing reddit now that it has fully acquiesced to the demands of the corporate overlords and government alphabet goons.

The internet offers a place where people can share their legitimate opinions like on voat or /pol/, where you can bounce your own ideas off of others and come to your own conclusions, or it can offer a place where you are spoon-fed opinions and oneliners to give off the impression that you are a real human bean and not some spineless automaton waiting for direction. Training from a place like that can be powerful and I don't think it is fully apparent yet how great a threat it poses to the freedom of thought in the west. Though I do agree that voat tends to be a niggerfaggot echo chamber with conservative framing, I feel part of the reason for that is a desire to keep a low profile as this place has been and is being targeted by some unsavory groups.

european ago

Though I do agree that voat tends to be a niggerfaggot echo chamber with conservative framing, I feel part of the reason for that is a desire to keep a low profile as this place has been and is being targeted by some unsavory groups.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this part.

Gewgalisebil ago

I suppose I mean I don't want to unintentionally reveal enough to give away my identity, because there are groups out there like Antifa and academics who have shown that they are willing to ruin you for associating with places like this. I think of the people at the unite the right rally that were fired after being identified. I think that causes people including myself to lurk essentially, which contributes to the echo-chamber

Crensch ago

Not sure what you are trying to say.

Simply that Voat is not the mirror-image echo-chamber that rEddit is. It's not an echo chamber, because other viewpoints are presented. Just because they're widely dismissed by the users doesn't make this place anything resembling what people mean when they try to shame Voat by calling it an echo chamber.

Some of the views espoused here are likely grounds for prison sentences in some European jurisdictions.

That's something to be proud of, IMO.

european ago

Couldn't you argue that reddit is not an echo chamber?

boekanier ago

What isn't an echo chamber? I shouldn't know.

Caranthir ago

his argument starts with "non-censored place". can hardly say that for eddit

Crensch ago

I don't see how. Differing opinions get deleted, those with them get banned/shadowbanned. The place is nothing but an echo chamber for MSM/Jew narratives, and the product advertisements that make it to the front page.

european ago

I guess that is right.

lexsird ago

Leftist tactics 101: 'No platform' your enemies. Leave no media unmolested that allows your enemy a platform. They can't censor voat so they have to malign it as a form of damage controla. Discredit those that you can't control.

Once you have that objective knowledge of how they operate then all of their babbling bullshit makes sense to you as the poison they are spewing. You don't fall into a trap of trying to reason with the unreasoning spin zealots.

Crensch ago

Care must be taken not to give a platform for deniers… or seek to disprove the deniers’ position through normal historical debate and rational argument.

— ‘Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust’ at the Stockholm International Forum, 2000

Crensch ago

Good to see you back. Was wondering where you went for the past 5 days.

With the caveat that the Right you mention is the establishment Right, and that the right we have here is a separate group, I agree.

ginganinja ago

I've heard Voat's been called the gathering site for the alt-right? Seems sort of accurate, most people here support Trump.

Crensch ago

Nope. Alt-right is alt-kike, and has nothing to do with us. We're something else entirely.

DeusExSapientia ago

Sieg Heil, Niggerfaggots!

casprus ago

Mother was a nigger, father was a faggot

malloryquinn ago

Faggot Niggler did nothing wrong!

Mr_Quagmire ago

Who gives a shit what anyone else calls this place?

Crensch ago

We all choose our own battles. This is a common trope that I got tired of seeing.

Artofchoke ago

I care about free speech. Don't agree with plenty of stuff I see. It's a big world. We aren't all gonna agree. You are projecting.

Crensch ago

What am I projecting?

The complaint: "Voat is a right-wing echo chamber"

Useful information in determining veracity of claim: All leftist claims, articles, and arguments are available here.

My claim: If leftist arguments were compelling, this place might not seem like a right wing echo chamber.

My question: Is this place an echo chamber of the best ideas, or not an echo chamber at all?

Artofchoke ago

I'm sorry, Sir, that was intended for the gentlemen who said we're all basement dwelling dudes who can't get laid. Near two in the goddamn morning, I gotta stop bothering with these clowns who decide what we are without ever bothering to look. :/

Crensch ago

I thought your comment out of place, but wanted to address it regardless. Happy to delete my response if you want to remove yours.

TheBuddha ago

Censorship isn't required for an echo chamber, it can be done by self selection. Voat also makes comments need to be manually expanded, so the community can effectively hide comments from the unmotivated.

Artofchoke ago

If you're unmotivated, you won't wanna be here. We click em all, lol.

TheBuddha ago

I've found a few that just don't seem worth expanding. You get someone trolling and someone feeding them and there's no reason for me to waste more time in reading it all. Not all information has value to me. It may be valuable to you, of course.

Artofchoke ago

I hear you, baby. Do what you feel, always. ♡

Crensch ago

That's just a really whiny version of "all posts deserve to be on the front page".

Can't do that, because at some point, things need to be separated, or at least minimized to keep the clutter to manageable levels.

So the 4th or later response comments are collapsed, and the very downvoated comments are collapsed. I've also never known any voater that claims to not even look at those commments.

I, for one, click on every single one of them.

CrudOMatic ago

I know that I myself constantly expand all of @JohnCStevenson's comments to see what the ShariaBlue kike talking point is for today.

TheBuddha ago

Not really, no. It hasn't to do with the front page, just that it is an echo chamber. It's much more an echo chamber than it once was. The influx of Reddit refugees has made it so that I see valid points being voted into oblivion and factually incorrect posts being voted very highly.

It is simple human nature. Most people will want to see what they are comfortable with. They will vote for things that are familiar and do not challenge them to think differently. We are afraid of that which makes us uncomfortable.

It actually takes a lot of practice to get good at removing your biases. Many people will cling to their biases, regardless of facts. It used to be taught in higher level academia, and sometimes at the lower levels, but it seems to be more rare today. I don't believe public schools even teach critical thinking. They are taught science and math by rote, and not by discovery.

Science is in shambles, in some disciplines, and it is my opinion that this is due to people not moving beyond their biases. It really does take a lot of work to look empirically at something and to make concerted efforts to disprove your own beliefs. Science, ideally, is about intentionally trying to disprove your hypothesis. These days, it seems to be viewed as trying to find evidence to support your hypothesis.

That's just one example.

It's not that every post deserves to be in the front page. Hell, some posts are entirely devoid of value. Some posts aren't worth the bits take up to display them. That doesn't mean it's not an echo chamber.

When a comment such as Mexicans are the fattest people on the planet gets voted up and a response with citations to disprove that is voted down, that is indicative of an echo chamber and our innate inability to see beyond our biases.

So, the question then becomes scale. Is Voat more an echo chamber than other sites? I'll let you decide.

The follow on question would be if it matters? I'd say that scales. Much like many people enjoy associating with those of the same race, religion, and social strata, so to do we like our online communities. Forcing diversity has its own faults.

I'm pretty fucking far left, not white, and have been here for ages. Echo chamber or not, I still feel comfortable expressing my opinions. They are mostly well received, but I have generally made it a point to be open, honest, and communicative. I've made it a point to be understanding and accepting, as well as to not demand others think like I do. I think that's much the spirit of freedom of expression and Voat helps to facilitate that.

Crensch ago

I pretty much agree with what you're saying here. From that resolution, it is indeed a scale.

I posit that the shaming of "echo chamber" is accusing Voat of being the mirror opposite of rEddit, so I respond based on that assumption. The resolution I start with is simply "rEddit is bad because echo-chamber" which is less a slider, and more a specific point. From there I simply point out how different Voat is.

TheBuddha ago

I don't actually have any experience with Reddit. I have no account and haven't read many threads there, except on some esoteric subjects or with regards to science and math and some tech.

Truth be told, in the scale of problems out there, I'm not sure it is much of a concern. Even on Voat, I speak without regards to my karma. On other sites, I fully acknowledge that I have been know to frequent Voat. Is it an echo chamber? Sure, but to what degree? Some subs are forced echo chambers. For that, I use FPH as the best example.

We like what we like and, for most of us, looking at things differently is not an option. We aren't rational beings, we're rationalizing beings. Learning to be objective is not easy. Learning to use logic is not simple and, frankly, some people can't do it. It's hard, like higher order mathematics. Many people seem to think they are, but they aren't. A good example of this is the evidence that suggests we are all a little racist. Harvard did a giant study, you can take the test online, and we are all racist. It's just the degree if how racist we are and what we choose to do with our biases.

Alas, some folks (perhaps even a large majority) have forgotten that Voat is about freedom of expression and have decided it is about White Nationalism, authoritarianism, and trying to be more offensive than the last. The level of discourse has changed since the Reddit Refugees came. So, it is more an echo chamber than it used to be.

Meh, it is what it is and I'm just in a verbose mood tonight.

Crensch ago

Meh, it is what it is and I'm just in a verbose mood tonight.

It's good dialogue.

Alas, some folks (perhaps even a large majority) have forgotten that Voat is about freedom of expression and have decided it is about White Nationalism, authoritarianism, and trying to be more offensive than the last.

That tends to happen when the mainstream narrative is counter to those things, and MSM-narrative/Jewish shills have been caught trying to subvert the place.

Of course it wasn't like that in the beginning, because the population was new to having non-censored information and discussions. Many different takes on history, politics, and who our real enemies are were discussed. After a while, the truth won out for those whose minds can be changed with new information.

A good example of this is the evidence that suggests we are all a little racist.

And most here are very racist despite many having been not very racist before. What changed? Stats, studies, MSM-coverups, BLM...

Most are also very anti-Jewish, thanks to efforts to show that the holocaust was a lie, that MSM and Hollywood are run by Jews, that Jews get dual-citizenship and many with that are in positions of power.

We like what we like and, for most of us, looking at things differently is not an option.

I posit that most goats are not actually NPC-tier. Most of us have been slowly redpilled with new information. Most of us appreciate thinking differently; what other reason would we have to be here?

and trying to be more offensive than the last

I've always been extremely abrasive, but I can imagine that most here are really quite angry about being lied to; justifiably angry at being sold snake oil from ((())) their entire lives.

Beyond that, and probably more likely, the more offensive we are, the less likely the carebear SJWs, crybullies, and moral-authoritarian busybodies will stick around.

TheBuddha ago

See, I'd expect most of them were already racist, just not comfortable expressing it. There's also a whole lot of misunderstanding of science and statistics. It is also accepted as fact that which is opinion. The conspiracy theories make me giggle. When time has shown them wrong, they double down on the next theory.

I'd add that attempting to offend and dissuade others from visiting and commenting is another form of enforcing that echo chamber. Let's be honest about it, however. Some views just aren't worth rebutting time and time again. But, dissuading others to contribute means missing out on different views and is that echo chamber.

I really do think much of it is fear-based. It's not just one end of the political spectrum, it's human nature. We literally need to study and practice to be objective and logical. I have a Ph.D. from back when it was taught that the 'Ph' stands for philosophy. It took me eight years AND advancing the art just to get the right to add those letters to my name. It took that long for me to master mathematics (I am a mathematician) which is the penultimate example of logic.

Frankly, and with some pride, I point out that most folks just can't do that.

So, I suspect that this sites devolving into an echo chamber is a natural progression. It's a truer form of democracy than most and that isn't quite a compliment. Your account is old enough to recall the original posters. Now, we have people voting down just because they don't like a comment, not because it is untrue or dishonest. Honesty and facts have become less important than feelings and rhetoric. I think that's what makes an echo chamber and my guess is that it is based on fear.

And, of course, we hate admitting we are afraid. ;-)

It is what it is, I suppose.

Crensch ago

See, I'd expect most of them were already racist, just not comfortable expressing it.

Technically correct, but some people really are conditioned to react the same with a black as they would with a white.

There's also a whole lot of misunderstanding of science and statistics.

While some of the race statistics have been wrong, they generally aren't too wrong, and the degree to which they're wrong doesn't change the point being made.

The conspiracy theories make me giggle. When time has shown them wrong, they double down on the next theory.

Many of the human-centric conspiracies have shown themselves to be truth lately.

I'd add that attempting to offend and dissuade others from visiting and commenting is another form of enforcing that echo chamber. Let's be honest about it, however. Some views just aren't worth rebutting time and time again. But, dissuading others to contribute means missing out on different views and is that echo chamber.

I see this as nothing more than a "lurk moar" situation, or perhaps a "speak when you're spoken to" for a child in adult company. Only a child would expect to come in here and make rEddit-esque posts and not get treated like shit - why? Because they just walked into our house and shit on the dinner table. We're not defending nor creating an echo chamber, we're at a conversational place beyond what this newcomer understands, and if we start over for every new person that comes here, we'll become nothing but a McDonald's entry-level forum of nothing but introductory redpills.

I really do think much of it is fear-based. It's not just one end of the political spectrum, it's human nature.

Looking at the above and below words, I'm not 100% sure I'm picking up what you're putting down.

We literally need to study and practice to be objective and logical.

I posit that we need to be able to change our minds when new information presents itself. We also need to be able to filter new information into "likely true" and "likely false".

I have a Ph.D. from back when it was taught that the 'Ph' stands for philosophy. It took me eight years AND advancing the art just to get the right to add those letters to my name. It took that long for me to master mathematics (I am a mathematician) which is the penultimate example of logic.

An accomplishment worthy of praise. Also a good explanation of your position.

Frankly, and with some pride, I point out that most folks just can't do that.

That's true.

So, I suspect that this sites devolving into an echo chamber is a natural progression. It's a truer form of democracy than most and that isn't quite a compliment.

Democracy is tyranny of the majority.

Your account is old enough to recall the original posters. Now, we have people voting down just because they don't like a comment, not because it is untrue or dishonest.

We always had that. It just happens more now because we have more users, IMO.

Honesty and facts have become less important than feelings and rhetoric. Honesty and facts have become less important than feelings and rhetoric.

At some point of the continuing discussions, things like pro-Jew comments are summarily dismissed. That's not because feelings and rhetoric are more valued than honesty and facts, but because it has been demonstrated enough that Jews are the enemy of literally every other race, and for good reason.

Does this prevent other viewpoints from being expressed? Maybe, but only in the same way that (real) science ignores claims that scientific theory X is wrong. Is (real) science an echo chamber of fear? "Einstein's relativity is WRONG, not just at some specific extreme, but the whole thing!" <--- common example

And, of course, we hate admitting we are afraid. ;-)

I don't think fear has much to do with it.

It is what it is, I suppose.

Never been a fan of that particular tautology.

eongoat ago

echos? lets try it out

flope_de ago

What you have to understand to make sense of the left is that jews and narcissists do not understand the concept that words have meaning. They are just making mouth noise to comfort themselves. They mean whatever feels good at the moment, and the next moment the same words mean something completely different.

literallyoprah ago

White-wing to too broad.

Voat is basically a support group for involuntarily celibate people who lack any capacity for self reflection or ability to identify the personal delusions fueling their social isolation.

Or more simply, Reddit for people who respond to any criticism with autistic screeching.

CrudOMatic ago

> hates racism

> can't help xirself to bring up race at every opportunity - e.g. White-wing

Neck yourself, faggot.

Artofchoke ago

That's so lazy. Why are you here? People are individuals. We're all here for different reasons. Most people here are married or in LTR, do we have an active incel community? Reddit does.

Your cheap oversimplification is bigoted and boring. Raise the bar.

literallyoprah ago

Hears criticism

Responds with autistic screeching, delusion


That's so lazy. Why are you here?

Because trolling autistic faggots is funny and I enjoy violating your safespace hugbox.

People are individuals. We're all here for different reasons

Because people in the rest of the world find you completely unlikable.

Most people here are married or in LTR,


do we have an active incel community?


Reddit does.

To quarentine them away from people who are valuable to society.

Your cheap oversimplification is bigoted and boring. Raise the bar.

I would tell you to kill yourself, but I can't imagine a hell worse that your existence.

CrudOMatic ago

Because people in the rest of the world find you completely unlikable.

I find it funny that you seem to think that, while simultaneously thinking censorship of right-wing ideas is acceptable because they might gain traction. If you were truly on the right side of history, then you would have nothing to fear. Censorship is just yet another tool of despots who wish to cling to power - those who are truly in the right have no need for censorship.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, kike shill.

literallyoprah ago

Autistic screeching intensifies.

Holy shit you're deluded. You're what happens when people don't have friends to call them out on their bullshit.

milenko ago

this illiterate sow could literally be oprah...

literallyoprah ago

I'm actually really happy that in real life, you probably have friends, a wife, maybe a child, and a fulfilling career. I bet your mom would be proud of you if she knew how you spend your free time.

milenko ago

The fact that you are not in here rallying the troops against the left is the bigger eye roller. Spare me... I cant be shamed by someone on your level.

literallyoprah ago

rallying the troops against the left

Is that what we're calling "autistically screeching while jerking each other off to totes edgy nazi memes" now?

milenko ago

has it dawned on you that white identity is growing in popularity in direct response to hatred of whites? I would have never even been exposed to this otherwise.

CrudOMatic ago

@literallyoprah is just like the rest of the left - they think they'll end something by engaging in that very thing, all the while taking ANY criticism of their retarded opioid-addicted ideas and beliefs as grievous assaults and WAAAAAAYCISMS.

FFS, those retarded faggots moved me from left-wing progressive Bernout cuck to racially-aware right-wing nationalist. They truly don't understand that they are the authors of that which they hate. If they would have kept their dick in their pants and just gradually encroached on the white race, then by 2060 we'd be a minority in our own countries and they could have just genocided us. Now white racial awareness, appreciation of Western society & culture, and white ethno-nationalism are rising fires.

milenko ago

exactly... Ive voted left in every election (pretty much) for a long time .... and if they hadnt directed their hate towards white people I would still just be chillin... I was content to be unaware. The harder they push, the more it will happen. It's such a common reason for people to have switched teams. A lot of the younger guys I know from college are starting to wake up... The best thing they could do is let it all go. We were already headed in the direction they want to take us, and nothing could actually even change that at this point.... EXCEPT them doing what they are doing. It's almost as if the whole thing is some sort of psychological fuck that's MEANT to drive people to conservativism. What's the end game ya know? Like it seems to be pushed in a calculated manner, but seems to be have the opposite effect of what they claim to want. Either way I have no choice but to veer on the side of caution. Im not in to getting holocausted today.

Crensch ago

Reddit for people who respond to any criticism with autistic screeching.


1.6years 245scp -415ccp

Get lost, Jew.

literallyoprah ago


Haha incel autist status confirmed.

milenko ago

there's really not even that much of an echo in here. niggerfaggot>aggot>aggot>aggot

Crensch ago

Well, you know what, now that you mention it, there are a lot of (((echoes))).