the-rev ago

Praise the Lord, I'm in my 60's and have been preaching the gospel for quite a while even on the street. One time many years ago I was preaching on the street when a cop pulled out his billy club and tole me that he will show me repentance. I told him that only if the Lord allows it can he use that club on me. The cop walked across the street with his club in the air above his head and could not bring his arm down until he was on the other side of the street.

There are people who believe that they are born Christian and others who believe they are born Jews or any other religion. Jesus told a preacher named Nicodemus in John 3 that he had to be born again. When you read the entire chapter you see a discussion about the grand difference between spiritual and carnal. A Christian or a Jew can choose to be either spiritual or carnal. The choice belongs to each individual. To be spiritual you must be born of the Spirit and have the spirit of the Lord dwell inside of you. Anyone can be carnal, but you have to really seek the Lord with all of your heart to be spiritual. To repent does not mean to say your sorry, but to change your whole life from following the ways of the world to following the ways of the Lord.

**John 14:6-11 KJV ** 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

I firmly know that Jesus is the only way to salvation. Christianity started out as a Jewish sect and was not considered different by the Romans. Satan's main tool is to divide and deceive. His deception is extremely strong. Look at Revelation 12. If Satan was able to deceive 1/3 of the angels how strong is that deception? Satan has been in charge of the nations of the world ever since Nimrod and the building of the Tower of Babel. Satan desires to be like the most high but he will never reach that plain. Only Jesus Christ has the right to sit on the right hand of God. The world cannot know Jesus Christ for it does not know the creator. The world can only know what is carnal and what is of the flesh. They cannot know the Spirit for they only have the spirit of Satan and the world in them.

Only Jesus Christ can unite the world and that will happen during the millennial reign.Until then we must be on guard against the deceptions of the World and of Satan.

sguevar ago

Amen brother. God bless.

Bludgie ago

Wow. Brilliant response. I'd have to actually respect you to either believe you or care.

ElmerFudd ago

Friend, you err regarding Israel. God has not forgotten His chosen people. The promises of God He does not forget. They have rejected Him many times but ultimately they will be saved. Please prayerfully consider what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans chapter 11. Peace to you.

Romans 11

1 I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

2 God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel?

3 "Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have torn down your altars, and I alone am left, and they are seeking my life."

4 But what is the divine response to him? "I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to baal."

5 In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God's gracious choice.

6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

7 What then? What Israel is seeking, it has not obtained, but those who were chosen obtained it, and the rest were hardened;

8 just as it is written, "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes to see not and ears to hear not, down to this very day."

9 And David says, "let their table become a snare and a trap, and a stumbling block and a retribution to them.

10 "let their eyes be darkened to see not, and bend their backs forever."

11 I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous.

12 Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!

13 But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry,

14 if somehow I might move to jealousy my fellow countrymen and save some of them.

15 For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?

16 If the first piece of dough is holy, the lump is also; and if the root is holy, the branches are too.

17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree,

18 do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you.

19 You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in."

20 Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear;

21 for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either.

22 Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God's kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off.

23 And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.

24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree?

25 For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery-so that you will not be wise in your own estimation-that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in;

26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, "the deliverer will come from zion, he will remove ungodliness from jacob."

27 "this is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins."

28 From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God's choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers;

29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

30 For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience,

31 so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy.

32 For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.

33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!

34 For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became his counselor?

35 Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again?

36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

Rotteuxx ago

Prüf dat Q iza joo

WhiteMan ago

Why do jews think its ok to throw around the anti-semite around wherever they please? Jews seems to be the most rascist of all people. Just read their scriptures particularly the Talmud. Sneaky and never showing their hand. Accusing others whilst at the same discriminating...

sguevar ago

Because that is how they manipulate people while victimizing themselves.

OpposableGums ago

I'd like to contribute on voat, but many features are disabled for me. What do I need to do?

sguevar ago

At the moment commenting and posting. That is how I rolled when I first came here.

hfkmfn ago

ReadyForThe17Drop ago

That was a really long post just to come out of the closet.

Seriously dude, what we're dealing with is more than just censorship. We're attempting awake with the 7,000,000,000 BILLION people on this planet. This movement is bigger than free speech, bigger than religion, bigger than yourself. Don't get side tracked by simple things like a website shutting off our r/GA I'm about ready to start spewing my knowledge in the street if it'll awaken one soul. Satan doesn't have any power, that isn't his right. That jerk has to get permission from God himself, Talk about CENSORSHIP.

SemperFortis99 ago

Well said! In God We Trust! Praying for the whole movement!

sguevar ago


HunHunter ago

I agree completely. Another thing that I'm seeing a bit of and none of us should tolerate is racist hate speech. I realize that these people may be paid trolls from the other side but we have to confront it and fight it none the less. Q is not about hate of race in anyway shape form or fashion. There is no room for it.

Hand_of_Node ago

racist hate speech

Found the talking puppet... You might be happier back on reddit.

HunHunter ago

No, I'm good thanks.

Hand_of_Node ago

Now that we're in our new home can we talk about our experience on voat?

it was just awful, we just wanted to continue our research but the people there wouldn't leave us old and said such terrible things about our mods, and all the racism and hatred. That's not what freedom is about, and they don't have to be so mean when we're just trying to get used to things there. I'm never going back there, can a fellow patriot get a hug? what did you guys think of that awful site?

That new home =

I don't know how anyone claiming to have a detectable IQ can say "racist hate speech" with a straight face.

HunHunter ago

It's quite simple really.

Hand_of_Node ago

"Be a redditor"

Goathole ago

Are you talking about how we name the dirty fucking kikes or how we shame the shiftless disease filled and criminal element niggers?

Please, tell me what value they hold and why they shouldn't be wiped from the earth?


HunHunter ago

I'm talking about you Adolf.

Goathole ago

not widdle ol' me? shilling? really?

shill- A person engaged in covert advertising. The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretense of sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services.

I hope that paycheck shows up soon because I'm thiiiiiiiiiis close to paying my home off. It will really speed things up.

I think what you meant to say was:

agitator- a person who stirs up others in order to upset the status quo and further a political, social, or other cause:

.....and you'd be right. I want to further a political, social and other cause, freedom and transparency. Something this sub, it's mods and users are apparently against.

Wasn't it nice that you could make that post AND NOT GET BANNED for it? Too bad you guys didn't extend that same courtesy to us that we allowed you to have.

HunHunter ago

No, what I meant to say is there is no room in the Republican/Conservative party for hate or haters. Trump and Q wouldn't stand for it and neither will I.

The third or fourth post I believe it was that I made on the greatawakening (reddit) (on last Monday or Tuesday night), I got banned. I immediately sent a scathing letter to the Whitehouse about what had happened and the next day or so the greatawakening on reddit was gone. I understood at that point exactly why the Trump team wanted to get rid of a bunch of you guys. They were embarrassed and afraid by what they saw posted. I was too. Don't get me wrong, we definitely need a greatawakening and I'm all for that but there is no room in it for hate. I will fight that until my last breath. We can fight the bad guys/deep state and I'm 100% with you but when you advocate for eliminating entire races of people then thats where I draw the line. Trump and Q won't have any of that either. I guarantee it.

Goathole ago

oh my god, you're a fucking nutcase.

You might actually fit in, welcome! You can be The New Sane!

HunHunter ago

I'll do my best of course.

sguevar ago

Hate speech is free speech. The only speech that isn't free is when some threatens your life or the life of others.

Like Islamists do. ;)

HunHunter ago

Sorry, the guy telling me "GAS THE JEWS" is not free speech. That's hate speech. My boy Trump and Q ain't going to play that game either.

sguevar ago

As per the Supreme Court of the United States, hate speech is free speech. If he doesn't say "I will kill you" for example, he can say w/e he likes, for his statement is ambiguous to proof to be a real threat to anyone.


HunHunter ago

You kind of ran off the rails there a little bit. Just like NFL players kneeling, just because he has a right to say it, it doesn't mean that he should.

Love not hate


sguevar ago

Your comparison is illogical.

But let's leave it there.

YoikesandAway ago

Great post, sguevar! I have been part of the GreatAwakening Voat for several months and they are a good group. But you are correct, we must ALWAYS submit everything we read to a Truth test. There is no one, except Christ who is perfect. So it is good to have grace for each other. That is how we stay together.

sguevar ago

Glad you liked it. Hope this serve as one of the first stones for both groups to unite against a common enemy.

AngelofDeath ago

sguevar, you're still missing many pieces of the puzzle, imo. And I've been writing about these issues for over 30 years … actually before there was an internet. Yes, to find facts you had to purchase and read actual books, so I have a hefty library in my home … including Bible texts from around the world, including the oldest known texts on microfilm from several libraries and museums. Keep an open mind. You're still new to this. The Religious element is most dangerous. And … you're still in a major deception they hatched before the Babylonian captivity … before even there was an Israyl.

Never forget, Gen. 5:1 … "THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE RACE OF ADAM" … it will NEVER change. It is only to the race whose name means "to show blood in the face", "to blush red".

Bringing this FACT into the message of President Trump and Q is only acceptable to a very few, since they will ignorantly suggest such facts cause 'division' within the ranks. They haven't yet understood, this is war, and it will only be finished with the uprising is put down and the RACE YAHWEH COMMANDED TO RULE IS IN FULL CONTROL. The Trump agenda, and the purge of the agents of evil, is simply part of the early stages of Acts 3:20-21, where things are being RE-ESTABLISHED FROM A STATE OF RUIN. It's sets the table for the big feast to come soon.

If you can understand the GENETIC WARFARE of the Bible … understand it started in Genesis 3:15, if not before. It has continued, and the battlefield is bigger than Edomite Chazar mongrel 'jews' (though they be a specific major enemy).

At least understand … it is impossible for the Messiah's name to have been "Jesus".

The world is polluted with CAIN RELIGION … and chrsitianity is part of the pollution to be purged, as is Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and etc.

sguevar ago

If you want to deny he Christ that is between you and God. Has nothing to do with the rest of us.

But thanks for the input.

AngelofDeath ago

That's part of your problem. John 1:41 tells you, SPECIFICALLY, your 'christ' in an interpretation, and not the real Messiah. Now think of that next time you read one of the numerous passages which warned you of the false whore church and their false messiah SPECIFICALLY name 'christ' in Rev. 13:17-18. The entire false system Rome formulated into a state religion is that false MOTHER HARLOT … and she had daughters … called protestants.

sguevar ago

Your false doctrine is blinding you for I have read entirely just now the whole chapter of John that you cited.

I would recommend you to read it again. From the KJV original version.

Regarding the Roman Catholic Church, and your quotation of the book of Revelations, I know they are the whore that pervert the Word of God. I am an evangelical.

If you want to deny the Christ that is between you and God. Not us.

Hope you are able to leave the false doctrine and come back to God.

You have been rebuked.

AngelofDeath ago

As usual, your type think they know it all, and yet know nothing. They changed the very name of the Messiah. You are indeed part of the whore church daughters. John 1:41, among other passages CLEARLY show you the helenization that took place. His name wasn't even "Jesus" in the original 1611 KJV Bible since there was no "J" in the English language until around 1654. When they helenized the text they perverted it to present their solar deity you now hold so dear, as did the WOLVES that entered in, and the gnostics, and THEN ROME packaged and formulated it into the great falling away you now are a part of with your 'man of sin' sitting in your 'TEMPLE' who is exalted as if he were Yahweh … BY YOU and your evangelicals. THAT is the reason you use ROME'S CALENDAR instead of the Bible Calendar. Yep, THAT is why you go to church on SUNday, THAT is why you celebrate the birth of the SUN under the pretense of birth of the son of the "venerable day of the Sun" Dec. 25th, THAT is why you practice you EASTER / ISHTAR SUNRISE service pagan filth … and THAT is why Yahweh has given you the STRONG DELUSION you currently are under, and yet think you have need of nothing. You reject Yahweh and His torah. You refuse to walk in the steps of Yahshua the TRUE Messiah, who observed and lived torah, the LAW of Yahweh.

Jesus Christ is the false messiah promised. Yet, you refuse to take heed of the Scriptural warning because you are into SOCIAL CLUBISM, and not the faith of the Scripture.

LIKE the pagans of old in Ezekiyl's day … just like the women "weeping for Tammuz" … whom Yahweh declared were "abominations" … you do the same. JOHN 1:41. They are telling you they ALTERED the name and title of the true messiah and replaced it with another when they translated the original Aramaic/Hebrew NEW TESTAMENT into Greek. Read it again.

sguevar ago

Only through the Son you get to meet the Father.

I have nothing more to add. Hope you are able to find your way back to God, for he that denies the Christ, denies the Father also.

But rebuked you have been.

AngelofDeath ago

Jesus Christ is Satan in disguise … a solar cult. God is the name of a demon from Teutonic Europeans. And since you are specifically commanded not to call upon such, and only call upon Yahweh in Yahshua's name, you have a problem, since you are fulfilling the very crime that got million killed off in Bible history … and you don't care. You're under such 'strong delusion', sol filthy, naked, destitute … and think you have need of nothing. You're not following the True Messiah, but the false solar deity … Satan in disguise.

sguevar ago

You are blasphemous and that will be between you and God.

I have nothing more to say to you.

Have a nice day.

AngelofDeath ago

There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, Acts 4:12. AND THEY CHANGED IT TO "JESUS" AND YOU DON'T CARE! THEY DELIBERATELY ALTERED IT SO THAT YOU ARE NOW CALLING UPON THEIR SOLAR CULT DEMON AND YOU DON'T CARE! No, reprobate, it is you that is blasphemous.

sguevar ago

Begone with your false doctrines.

AngelofDeath ago

Yep, you're just giving into the hate of your masters that seek to turn people away from the True Messiah Yahshua. You and your type have hated Yahweh for a long time. Jer 23:27  Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.

Bet you're a nigger lover too. Hate the fact Yahweh chose the "ELECT RACE" of the "HOLY SEED".

Are you a mongrel? The Bible calls it a "mamzer" in Hebrew. Translated "BASTARD". No wonder you would be in favor of perverting the name of the Messiah and Aba Yahweh for all demons the mongrels worship.

sguevar ago

Not at all but you have been rebuked and there is no more that I will tell you. You have made your choice and you deny the Christ. That will be between you and God.

Begone with your foul and false doctrines for you are inspired by the spirit of Satan.

AngelofDeath ago

Right off of E-Sword, the free Bible Software: Rev 13:17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Rev 13:18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for** it is the number of a man**; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

From "Vincent's Word Studies", a commentary on the software: "Six hundred threescore and six (χ. ξ. ς') Each letter represents a component of the whole number: χ = 600; ξ = 60; ς' = 6. χς' the name of Christ abridged, and ξ the emblem of the serpent, so that the sublimated sense is the Messiah of Satan"

Yes, THAT is who you have in your TEMPLE, the "MESSIAH OF SATAN", named "CHRIST". Here is your mark:

It was against the law for over 300 years in Europe to buy and sell in the market places unless you were a practicing Christian. Yep, YOU are part of the GREAT FALLING AWAY. You have the "man of sin" sitting in your "temple" who you exalt as if he is Yahweh, when he is a false messiah solar deity … Satan in disguise. Similar statements as Vincent's can be found in several Christian commentaries. YOU WORSHIP SATAN IN DISGUISE.

Bella7 ago

Alert and on guard

eronburr ago

I think the only course of action is remind everyone to downvote based on relevance to context.
If OP talks about A and comment 1 relates A->B, comment 1 reply1 relates B->C, and comment1 reply2 relates Z to aliens and you see aliens being upvoted, just downvote and reply shill (if at all).

That's the purpose of downvotes and mods are there to ensure there's no upvote farming or off-top posts drowning out on-topic posts.

Keep your emotion out of it, that's the important part and likely where this "left / right" went astray.

We're not here to share feelings, if you can't articulate them to something we share (words) you're just crying out loud.

Goathole ago

That's the purpose of downvotes and mods are there to ensure there's no upvote farming or off-top posts drowning out on-topic posts.

But it's okay for you fucks, especially @SerialBrain2 , to VOTE FARM the fuck out of this site? That's okay huh? YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITES.

Get the fuck out. Pack your bags and LEAVE.

eronburr ago

I'm not a mod, idiot. rage less

Jenmon ago

You don’t trust Q and I don’t trust YOU! If you knew anything you would know that Q is not just one man and throwing God in the mix to push your agenda is very suspicious.

sguevar ago

Well another one that didn't get the message. Can't help you if you don't know how to read....

SerialLarper ago

"The synagogue of Satan means the church of the adversary."

It's go nothing to do with the church. A synagogue is not a place where Christians meet. The point of verse is that there is a distinction to be made between real jews and false jews.

sguevar ago

True but you are taking out of context what I was trying to say with that analogy.

However you did understand the message I gave. Hopefully.

SerialLarper ago

I agree that finding common ground and taking a rational approach is important. I'm just wary of Christianity in this context because of Qanon's appeal to the traditional Christian base and his implicit endorsement of Z policy in Syria via Trumps's administration.

James Corbett on yet another Syrian false flag:

sguevar ago

The Christian part of the post is explaining my perspective. The main message is that you guys need to find common ground as I was able to understand from my interactions with Crensch.

The main message was understood which I am glad.

ekylok ago

Is there a way to block posters or seeing post from certain people? I'm sure I will have a long list soon.

sguevar ago

Block the user, for example if you click in my name you can then block me to the right of the page.

ekylok ago

Nevermind I figured it out...personal banning begins now.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's more effective to leave the site entirely.

MrPim ago

Blocking is for fags.

EEgal27 ago

Will people please upvote me!! Been lurking for months and I want to contribute.

wooqy ago

Go to v/introductions, it's the meet and greet place.

Hand_of_Node ago

Begging isn't the way to earn legitimate CCP. Get off welfare and go earn your points. Go outside this sub and join a discussion. If your contribution is appreciated, you'll be rewarded with some points.

retractableclaws ago

A lot of Voat users will downvoat you if you beg for upvoats. Instead, join the discussion and earn votes naturally.

sguevar ago

This is upvote farming....

ReAwakened ago

Needs a fucking midol and maybe some FDS.

Crackrocknigga ago

Jews have no legitimate claim to spirituality. They lost that when the Messiah came and turned their souls over to evil once they killed him. Jews are truly the wretches of the earth, cursed to never be loved or accepted any place they go. They've been thrown out of hundreds of countries because they reject love, peace, and sense of community in exchange for ease of existence and hoarded wealth. Even stating they serve Satan is not a severe enough accusation. A better comparison would be that they are his business partners, as they do everything in their power until their dying breath to undermine his kingdom in order to further mutual goals.

INTJewel ago

Jews... REAL Jews are still God's chosen people. Christians are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (not Israel in general) because Jerusalem is the city of our God. The heavenly city, which will come down from heaven, is New Jerusalem. Do not confuse God's chosen REMNANT with Zionists.

sguevar ago

The only ones that are God's chosen are the Jews in the Spirit. Those who believe in Jesus Christ. Romans 2:28-29.

INTJewel ago

Nope. In Christ's Kingdom, gentiles will take hold of Jews' clothes and implore them to teach them about Christ because they are the chosen. When the unconverted Jews see Christ's second coming, they will repent, believe, and will be issued into Christ's Kingdom. All of His chosen will be saved, whether Jew or gentile.

sguevar ago

Sorry to break it to you but the jews in the letter are no part of God's elect. The jews in the letter that decide to believe in Christ and become Jews in the Spirit will be part of the chosen.

INTJewel ago

God's Word disagrees with you.

sguevar ago

Ok please show me where?

INTJewel ago

I'm on my way to Discipleship, then Evangelism. Will try to get back to this convo later.

sguevar ago

Pm. I am all for it.

Crackrocknigga ago

Nope they're all cursed to eternal damnation

Helena-WWG1WGA ago

May God bless you too. WWG1WGA

sguevar ago

Thanks. Amen.

ExpertShitposter ago

Also, @astitious, your people did 9-11, you do know that don't you?

astitious ago

No it was actually your people.

ExpertShitposter ago

And who would those people be?

Bludgie ago

And yet I have been banned from a sub here for "hostile infiltration." You can shove your "free speech" hypocrisy up your arse. If other subs here don't want "hostile infiltration" they censor to their heart's content. If we don't want "hostile infiltration" we're encouraged to kill ourselves. It's so intellectually dishonest. All the back-patting and self-congratulation is rubbish. "ASSIMILATE!!" you demand, like a bunch of totalitarian despots. You liken US to refugees who need to "assimilate" to the culture, but you're like the terrorists who come to disrupt and destroy the safety and happiness of people minding their own business and pursuing the freedom to have a happy and peaceful discussion--then demand the "right" to do so. You're the two people in class who disrupt it for everyone else and make it impossible to learn, then howl when the student is suspended. That's your idea of "free speech." Freedom for YOU to ruin it for others.

sguevar ago

Voat has specific rules for ban. You can take that with the manager of the site and his team.

I don't know of what particular sub you are referring to but what I can share with you is my experience. You can call me totalitarian if you like because of being a proud Voater. But that is on you not me.

From my part you can do as you will, but do not impose yourself to others. If you get downvotes for things you have posted or said then deal with it as we all have. You are free to say what you want doesn't mean that others will like it. But you are still free to post here and say "Voat sucks" etc, etc.

I don't even know how have you approached the person that got you banned for something I don't know your background. I can only share mine and I am a living proof that the system on Voat works fine. Whether you like it or not. If you ask me if it could improve, yes it may be able to improve. But the moment you get people demanding things from this site when they just got here and started banning people left and right because they questioned your mods the ones that is showing hypocrisy here is not us but you.

Go ahead if you like, go to 8 chan a site that is well known for CP where you have the ability to separate yourself from others in your safespace. That is your way not ours here at Voat.

Have a nice day.

Bludgie ago

Oh, like I was banned before I even tried to post there. Not that I would have. I was banned for existing and disagreeing. You "free speech" hypocrites have a nice day.

Le_Squish ago

Where were banned from? Could be a shill controlled sub? But since you are too busy trying to play victim, we may never be able to help you.

Bludgie ago

I can't even pronounce it. v/arsArachnica. Or something. And I expect no help here. It's a bad fit all round. While I loved every Chan I met during Chanology, I always knew WWP or 4ch were no places for me. I'm mainly here because I refuse to go away when I'm told.

Hand_of_Node ago

You're here because you were told to come here.

Bludgie ago

Wrong. I'm here because somebody told me ABOUT it. They have a new board up on 8ch. Most people hate it here and love the 8ch board, so I doubt my sub will last long or be that interesting here with most people off somewhere else.

Hand_of_Node ago

Now that we're in our new home can we talk about our experience on voat?

it was just awful, we just wanted to continue our research but the people there wouldn't leave us old and said such terrible things about our mods, and all the racism and hatred. That's not what freedom is about, and they don't have to be so mean when we're just trying to get used to things there. I'm never going back there, can a fellow patriot get a hug? what did you guys think of that awful site?

ᕦ( ͡͡~͜ʖ ͡° )ᕤ

Bludgie ago

Lol! That was not me, but I agree with the comment. You got what you wanted, so I guess that you should feel self-satisfied. It's clearly not a good fit.

Hand_of_Node ago

Yep, generally it's only ~10% of these invading groups from reddit that can handle free speech. Most of them need to be protected and sheltered from reality, so they quickly flee to curated spaces.

I did notice that their shelter on 8chan has links to the rest of the site right across the top of the page. And it looks like the post asking why they were told to move to a site with "child porn and beastality" has been removed.

Bludgie ago

The reality that some people will always infringe on the right of others to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Le_Squish ago

I'm mainly here because I refuse to go away when I'm told.

Too late for that. That's why you are here.

sguevar ago

Well I am not familiar with the sub you are referring to.

But if you are still here that means you acknowledge he fact that you are free to say what you want. So you are kind of proving my point....(G.G)''

Bludgie ago

Every hour or so I manage to say a few things. I'm guessing you think that censoring spam speech is still free speech. Or something.

sguevar ago

There is a rule for spam. So if you want to post multiple comments saying the same thing over and over again with the exact same wording that is spam.

Can't help you if you have issues understanding that. Might as well go back to Jewbook (FB if you didn't understand the reference) for all I care.

Los_Control ago

Q is not a man, first off Q is a team. Several posters make up Q and sometimes even Trump post as Q. You are Q, I am Q this board supporters are Q. Q ask us to use our brains and think for ourselves, and often points us in a direction to search for truth.

Of course you should question everything, we have been lied to our whole life .... hard to imagine there is a team and a plan in place to reveal the truth to all. This is a incredible time in history to be alive.

sguevar ago

a man/woman or group of men/women i don't care. I don't put blind trust to the things that are of man. But I do find the topic interesting. Just not trustworthy, at least not from my part.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Yeah there is a difference between cultural (religion) and followers of (religion). I hope Q is real but its in my nature to be suspicious, thats why it took me so long to find the lord. Good post were just gonna have to deal with the trolls. I hate and love everyone here but I will continue to use it.

sguevar ago

I am glad you are. God bless.

ExpertShitposter ago

Pizzagate deletes spam and bans repeat offenders. People have mostly accepted that. So you wouldn't have caught nearly as much flak if that's all you did.

What you did however, was wrote a set of rules where "hate speech" is a banable offense, even if its q related. Not only is that retarded to begin with (because niggers and jews really do suck), but you also then have to have a few mods that will have to decide what is hate speech and what isn't.

So then you have the same situation as when the government wants to ban hate speech, and a handful of judges will define what hate speech it. And wallah, Q and pizzagate discussion is "harassment of Innocent congressmen and government officials" and must be a jail worthy offense.

See how that works? If you ever make something illegal, then someone has to be in a position of power to define what that is. And that person is always a jew fucking faggot, and then shit gets fucked.

You were gonna get trolled ether way, because that's life on the internet, but you got flooded with shit because you revealed your self to be the same kind of redditor, as the ones who banned you over there.

ssgrader ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.236 📁 Sep 15 2018 15:28:26 (EST) NEW DnKGWXyU8AAG5Ln.jpg-large.jpg ⬇

They want you DIVIDED. DIVIDED by RACE. DIVIDED by RELIGION. DIVIDED by CULTURE. DIVIDED by CLASS. DIVIDED by POLITICAL AFFILIATION. DIVIDED YOU ARE WEAK. TOGETHER YOU ARE STRONG. WE, THE PEOPLE. WWG1WGA! Q just a friendly reminder WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and there are people of ALL colors that ARE Q besides this racist BULL SHIT was created to keep us divided .. but you know this already.. yes we are the same race H U M A N and because of the ALL of us are fallible but no division that is Uni rock and AJ tactics ...

ExpertShitposter ago

No they don't. They just want you enslaved.

I want us divided, only division has a chance for lasting peace. I am not strong with jew leaches, and nigger slackers and killers. I am only strong in the European brotherhood.

Europe + USA + Australia + UK + New Zealand + South Africa = 800 million white people.

Is this 800m group not strong enough for you?

ssgrader ago

congratulations you just listed 5eyes this isn't about race in fact ALL PEOPLE are the same race it is called the HUMAN race the Satanists are lying to you...

ExpertShitposter ago

Fell for the jew meme.

If you stick around, you will learn why blacks have an IQ of 70-80 instead of 100-110. And you will learn why they commit half the murders in the use, even tho they are only 15% of the population. You will learn why there is 3000% jewish overrepresentation in us govt, and why most 1%ers are jews.

And many even darker things. You are not ready yet.

ssgrader ago

how many races are listed for mankind? oh i am ready brother this isn't my first rodeo but ALL people are of the HUMAN race

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't give a fuck about dumb and lazy people you christ's jew cock sucking rearded christfag boomer.

Kill em all.

Hand_of_Node ago

There may be something wrong with your keyboard. Check your caps lock key for unwanted substances.

ssgrader ago

Intersting comment DID you notice ALL I DID was copy and post Q's Drop? those ARE HIS caps.. ... I happen to have been taught the same way Q was about Caps. .....

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't know if he's illiterate, or if he believes his target market is illiterate. Either way, it's not a good look. People leaving a cult often face strong challenges in reintegrating with reality. I'd suggest you search the internet for tips on how to ease that process before you arrive at that point. Or make the most of the ride while it lasts.

ssgrader ago

I am older and when i was in school we were taught that caps aRE ASLO for emphasis i think Q was using that here... I listed my source now if you refute my segment please give sources and actual reasoning.. ok...

Hand_of_Node ago

On the internet, ALL-CAPS are a way to identify yourself as a senile old person. (said as one of the oldest pre-invasion voaters)

Huh, they say it's a sign of immature kids, but I suspect that's only because they're kids under 40 themselves. Either way, it's a technique for shedding credibility. I would suggest replacing it with a limited use of italics. If you have to use excessive emphasis, your writing style may need improvement.

ssgrader ago

WELl i am an older guy and not very computer savvy normally i would take the complement you have given me.. HOWEVER my post you are remarking about was taken from a Q drop THE CAPS WERE please by all means Inform Q about it... see where that takes you... \

Hand_of_Node ago

*Note the below is generalized across the whole invading force.

Ah, it's the old "speak the language of your audience" thing. I used to be one of the oldest on voat, until this latest invasion. IMO (in my opinion), the worst aspect of this latest Qcumber invasion has been the degree to which it definitively confirms the "senile boomer" stereotype the kids love so much.

It's like some of them are unaware that computers have been available for purchase since 1984, and that the ARPANET became the internet, that one could easily access beginning in the mid to late 90s. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them literally watch television, and think the truncated "info" in those riddles on a chan site are revelations.

Then there's all the "niggers and oven-dodgers are our friends, and we own them the courtesy of ending our race so they won't feel so oppressed" stuff... It's like all the money and effort the jews invested in subverting our culture was a wise investment.

Anyway, enough rant for now. Good luck with awakening to reality.

abattoirdaydream ago

Reminder: When v/pizzagate was infighting about censorship and v/pizzagatewhatever spun off...v/pizzagate put other PG subs in their OWN sidebar.

Bludgie ago

I can't tell you the number of times I've posted like on Facebook, about something emotional and deeply personal to me, like remembering my child on the anniversary of her death, and a couple of people decide they're going to have a flame war on my post. Just because I put it out there and free speech. My wall fuckers. If I want to create something beautiful and nice, a safe little garden, then fuck off somewhere else with your big, ugly, diarrhoeaing mouth. Go shit somewhere else. I don't want to watch you taking your dump. I don't want to sit in your turds. I yearn for a space where I can talk freely with like-minded people without having to want to punch someone in the damn face for the anger and hate that I feel when they open their bitch-ugly racist mouth. I don't want to look at their word turds. I'm only here now cause all y'all tell me to fuck off.

Kill-Commies ago

Came here to say you're just another one of the impotent right wing SJW cock suckers that I and most other people around here absolutely detest.

Bludgie ago

And you're a subhuman monster. I loathe you.

huhu11 ago

Good luck being a SJW here. Sad about your child but its your burden not ours just like we all have heavy stuff. Using JewBook ? All right. . . You want Safe Space? Ok? Sounds like you have been visiting marxist land lately. Welcome to reality.

Bludgie ago

I'm not really intending to be here. I just gate being told what to do. If I kill myself it will be because I want to, not because someone else wants me to. And the same with fucking off. It is sad about my daughter. People here would have fun calling her a retard probably. It doesn't change anything what people think, except to hurt others--to make them feel less and have a shitty day. This is your reality, not mine. My reality is filled with people who lift others up when they're down, friends who buy me a plane ticket home when my mother is dying and having to downsize her house, and even a stranger who gave me a house when I was homeless because he'd lost his son also. My world is full of beatiful, smart people of all shapes and colors in my classes at school--people I like, respect and admire. I actually don't use Facebook very much anymore. My kids never post on it, the censorship made it boring, and I was pressured by one friend to give up another, which I just wouldn't do, even though I think her opinions on Jewish people are awful. But I stayed away from it after that although I do miss my friends. I tried Twitter which I enjoyed, especially for the access to the president and other political figures, and I liked being anonymous and saying what I wanted without having to worry about what my friends thought. Then they were forcing me to delete a comment to Sarah Jeong for "hateful conduct" and I was like, "Me??? You have got to be kidding!! SHE'S the hateful one." Their whole site is nothing but hate for the president and for his family. So I deleted my whole account. Having somebody else delete my comments is one thing, but FORCING me to delete my own?? Fuck 'em. So then I tried Reddit, where I was actually censored a lot less than here, until they deleted the whole sub. So here I am, drifting and bored. Spent a while at the new 8ch board and read in peace, even with all the annoying slur stuff. Came back here to read the responses. If you ignored me I WOULD go away.

theoldones ago

dont use kikebook you fucking faggot. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR SHIT

cats_taste_good ago

I yearn for a space where I can talk freely with like-minded people without having to want to punch someone in the damn face for the anger and hate that I feel when they open their bitch-ugly racist mouth

Nobody here gives a fuck what you "yearn for" faggot.

Bludgie ago

This is not your lucky day, zitbrain.

seattlethrowaway ago

u mad

Bludgie ago

Yes. Yes, I am. If I stop being mad long enough I will just go away.

ExpertShitposter ago

number of times I've posted like on Facebook

Why would you post personal things like death of your child to a public place like facebook? Why do you think the world cares? And when you post to a public place, you get the public response. Its like complaining about wallmart parking cameras invading your privacy when they recorded you jacking off in the "personal space" of your car. Your car glass is a window into your car, and your facebook page is a window into your personal life. The public is involved. And if the flame war was your close friends and family got other problems then m8.

a safe little garden

A safe space eh? Where have i hear that before.

fuck off somewhere else with your big, ugly, diarrhoeaing mouth

We did. To here. And now you followed US. You, were cheering when they banned all the hate subs, from fat people hate, all the way to most hard core nazi subs. You were happy we were banned and gone. Well....we found a new home for ourselves here. And now that you got a taste of your own medicine, you wanna not only share our temple, and repaint the walls pink. Well......fuck off, the walls are gonna be red and black.

I yearn for a space where I can talk freely

There you go again with that safe space.....and no, you don't want a place where you can talk freely. You want a place where ONLY YOU can talk freely. How can one be so blind as to not understand that you are THE EXACT SAME person as those who now cheers on reddit about your ban from there.

I'm only here now cause all y'all tell me to fuck off.

You are only here because you are a reddit bitch that got GTFO'd by your own kind of jew, and a dumb ass hippie babyboomer that watched his whole life as the world turns into a jew controlled globalist shithole of a melting pot. And now you wanna save it?

Sorry grandpa, its past your bed time, and your rifle is rusty. It up to the young ones to suffer in the coming civil war your generation enabled.

MrDigging17 ago

Just want you to know that not everyone that came here is a child from the World Wars and the world has been a globalist shit hole for centuries not just for sleeping boomers. Imma go take a nap now so fuck off! :)

ExpertShitposter ago

Sure, not all, but i like to fuck with peeps a bit. Its the 50-60's when the NWO really started to kick in.

MrDigging17 ago

It was way before the 50-60's friend. The shit we dealing with today is related to the formation of the Fed and the central bank. If you haven't heard of it yet, read a great book that spells this out in an excellent way called, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin.

watts2db ago

true but the 50s and 60s where a real cultural inflection point

the formation of the fed in 1913 and the resulting mayhem that followed over the next 37 years where the fuel

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeha i know when that went down, but i suppose people of those times could have been forgiven for not understanding the the world of taxes and finances. But the people of the 60's should have seen enough crime from blacks at that point to know better then permit opening of the floodgates to multiculturalism.

MrDigging17 ago

The cabal fomented all that at a time where they controlled all the media info formats. Back then people trusted and respected the newspaper and the news anchors. There was a lot less people with more than a highschool degree. Today most people have a post secondary degree. Not that it helps them because they've been indoctrinated from socialist professors. Critical thinking ability probably peaked in the 90s then the modern socialist agenda really took off. We are bombarded with BS today just like the boomers where back then. If your really young you just lack the perspective to see that.

ExpertShitposter ago

No, i see that. But here is the thing. ALL of my generation (i'm 33) has been bombarded with the exact same brainwashing devices. So how come some of us sought out alternative information and found it, yet others didn't?

Why is it that 100% of 33 year olds aren't fully red pilled about most things surrounding us? We were all bombarded by the same lies, and distractions, and we all had internet access to alternative information through the internet.

Why aren't we all at the same level of "woke" then? Personal responsibility. Most humans have failed. And for them, my respect is .

Most people deserve the shit that is coming trier way, for they are low IQ, and...well...fuck them.

MrDigging17 ago

So you think the rule of the land should be natural selection? Let nature decide and the strongest survive while the weak suffer or die? Not everyone who holds value in society is a warrior. Soldiers fight for everyone.

ExpertShitposter ago

Natural law will be respected or else, you will collapse. Many civilizations before ours chose the same path as we did, and they paid the price for it. There are many good books on the topic. Here is just a short video on the subject:

MrDigging17 ago

One of my degrees is in Biology so I fully understand the premise. And I do get what your saying. What I'm talking about is balance. Too much give and you become a libtard, not enough give and you become a Nazi. History has proven that both extremes are equally bad for everyone.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well...had there bee no jewish invaders into Europe...Hitler would have never been necessary.

But the lesson of Nazi Germany is that government must have a cap on its power. Most of what it going on today with the deep state is due to government overreach.

MrDigging17 ago

Hitler was created by the DS. Read the Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin it explains it best.

MrDigging17 ago

It's pure laziness and self entightled attitude. By that I mean many believe somebody else will take care of it for them. Q and the Chan anons are soldiers fighting this psych war so others can go on with their day. If they fail this can quickly go kinetic.

MrDigging17 ago

But it was the height of the cold war. The propaganda started at the turn of the century, but it really heated up form all sides in the 50s to 70s. Lead to mockingbird and Mkultra. I'm just saying the people then where not much different than us they had no chance when bombarded on 5 MSM channels. Today we have thousands of channels so they own over 90% of main media. Back then there was no voat. They had total psych control.

ExpertShitposter ago

Weather they can be excused or not, they are still responsible.

Consequently, in the age of internet.....most certainly have 0 excuse for any kind of ignorance about any topic. Yet here we are....a third of our own kind....being absolute clueless trash.

But still, no reason not to annoy boomers.

MrDigging17 ago

Laziness got us here. We just have not been interested in politics and stopped doing our own research. Too many gave up. Now we have this new energy and we have to win or we are so screwed. This really is not a game.

ExpertShitposter ago

It is a game as long as people still believe something as simple as electing party "x" and president "y" can fix the world. Only when people realize, that:

  • ALL mainstream politicians are controlled opposition
  • ALL taxation is theft

....can there be real progress.

MrDigging17 ago

There can if we stop being divided. Sadly if you state a fact and someone even here on voat doesn't like it they might call you a kike lover and tell you to go kill yourself.

ExpertShitposter ago

I want to be divided. 800 million white people around the world is big and strong enough. We made 90% of all technological discoveries. We don't need niggers. They need us.

Bludgie ago

Blah blah blah wank blah Jew fuck off blah I'm so badass blah blah blah

Boring and pathetic. I'm going NOWHERE unless you censor me.

ExpertShitposter ago

You seem angry my boomer friend. And out of arguments too!

We won't censor you, we eint not bitch bois like you.

Bludgie ago

You've already censored me, hypocrites.

ExpertShitposter ago

How did we censor you? Because you cant make your precious q farts until you get a few upvotes?

That feature is spam protection. Without it anyone could make 100 alts in 100 minutes and make 100 shitposts to your sub in 100 minutes. Would you prefer that?

Bludgie ago

Why is spam not free speech? Why should they not have the right to say what they want as many times as they want?

ExpertShitposter ago

Don't be playing devils advocate with me boomer boi, or else i could become the devil just to prove a point.

Bludgie ago

Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh! More small dicked over-compensation.

Rotteuxx ago

While the U.S. Supreme Court has often acknowledged this constitutional protection, the Supreme Court's decisions have recognized the "'common sense' distinction between speech proposing a commercial transaction, which occurs in an area traditionally subject to government regulation, and other varieties of speech." (Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Ass'n, 436 U.S. 447, 455-56, 56 L. Ed. 2d 444, 98 S. Ct. 1912 (1978) (citing Virginia Pharmacy Bd. v. Citizens Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748, 771 n.24, 48 L. Ed. 2d 346, 96 S. Ct. 1817 (1976)).

These distinctions have led the Court to conclude that "the Constitution . . . affords a lesser protection to commercial speech than to other constitutionally guaranteed expression." U.S. v. Edge Broadcasting Co., 125 L. Ed. 2d 345, 61 U.S.L.W. 4759, 4761 (1993) (citing Board of Trustees v. Fox, 492 U.S. 469, 477, 106 L. Ed. 2d 388, 109 S. Ct. 3028 (1989), Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Com., 447 U.S. 557, 563, 65 L. Ed. 2d 341, 100 S. Ct. 2343 (1980), and Ohralik, 436 U.S. at 456)).

Bludgie ago

You act so tough about free speech but you have to censor by downvote to protect your pathetic little echo chamber. Warriors for free speevh? Hardly. Scared, cowering little rats and roaches who can't take the sunlight of those who don't like their slurs.

sguevar ago

You seem to be talking still though just sayin'...

Bludgie ago

What sucks is stupid generalisations about a whole group of people. Even though I think you racists are hideous morons, for instance, I still will usually look at you as an individual.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Race is a biological reality and relevant to our current demographic crisis. Niggers are dumb and violent and there's mountains of evidence to back it up.

Bludgie ago

If you want to see dumb, look in the mirror. You're a fucking mongrel like everyone else, you moron.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Can you show me an example of one successful black nation? Or a successful predominantly black city? I'll save you some time -- you can't.

Bludgie ago

Egypt, for one thing, which the Greeks stole all the credit for nearly everything they borrowed.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

As the other poster pointed out, the ancient Egyptians were not black. DNA studies on mummies have proved this time and again. Moreover the Egyptians' own depictions of themselves show them to be lighter skinned.

Try again.

Bludgie ago

Well, that is quite interesting!

sguevar ago

Sorry to bring it to you, Egyptians were no black... There is enough evidence of that too. They weren't Caucasian either buy they certainly weren't black.

Bludgie ago

Thanks, I looked that up. It was an interesting read.

Crackrocknigga ago

You're a racist too. We are all racists. Some are just more comfortable in expressing their subconscious being and reaching a place of equilibrium away from cognitive dissonance.

ssgrader ago

Actually i am a THREE TIME GENOCIDAL RACIST.. I want ALL FLEES, TICKS, and MOSQUITOS eradicated from he planet.. Everyone is a racist yes... everyone is ALSO tribalistic.. and SKIN COLOR is not RACE but TRIBAL

Bludgie ago

I'm bigoted for sure, cause I hate you arrogant racist fuckers for sure. I hate you whatever your skin colour. A lot.

Crackrocknigga ago

And I hate you too nigger kike faggot :)

Bludgie ago

Lol! I hate you more! :)

Fenrir-1488 ago

Your descendants will live in fear, surrounded by poc that hate them for shit they never did. Outnumbered in a country that you people gave away because you were too stupid to call a spade a spade.

Bludgie ago

Hate them for shit they never did? That sounds like you racists to me.

Fenrir-1488 ago

I don’t hate anyone that hasn’t given me a reason to. Hatred isn’t my motivation at all.

Bludgie ago

Well, I do. And I don't like it. I don't want to feel that way. I've never been near a weapon in my life, except maybe when I was chopping potatoes. I agonize over all the people executed who were really innocent. All that shit. But I feel completely consumed by hate when I see someone judged, not on their character, but by the color of their skin. Or however that thing goes. I hate being judged by the color of my skin as much. It's the most ridiculous bullshit.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm judging you by the inferior quality of your mind. I have no patience for retards.

Bludgie ago

Spoken like a true malignant narcissist. Sadly, you have an arse where your mind should be.

Hand_of_Node ago

I think you racists are hideous morons

Meh, anything you say or do is a product of a mind that's severely underpowered. And your struggle with English isn't exactly enhancing your presentation.

Bludgie ago

Really? Do tell.

Fenrir-1488 ago

For sure, I hate injustice as much as anyone, I don’t like to see anyone suffer for any reason. I don’t like that it has to be this way. I would like to live in the multicultural paradise where everyone equal and gets along fine as much as you would. It’s not possible though. That’s not reality, it’s pure fantasy.

Still, I’m not saying you shouldn’t judge individuals on an individual basis, but it’s also not unreasonable to judge a group as a group.

Race is much more than skin color. The fact of the matter is that our children would be a hell of a lot safer and happier if this country was all white, I have all the stats and studies, you can’t beat me on that. We’re also going to see the U.S. dip below 50% white for the first time in its history at some point between 2035 and 2045. This will lead to massive Balkanization and the eventual collapse of the U.S. and in this lawless war zone that’s created, it will be our children that become everyone’s favorite targets (see: South Africa and ). But at least when when they’re being murdered left and right (already happening really) you can be prideful because you stuck to your guns and were just too good of a person to be a little racist.

Bludgie ago

I'm not prideful. The fact is our white children are being endangered by racism like their black children are. So how about just fight against racism, which is the ACTUAL problem?

Fenrir-1488 ago

You’re fantasizing again. You’d be sacrificing our future for a fucking fairytale.

Whites are the only people who have ever put not being racist ahead of our collective interests. The other races don’t give a fuck about racism except when they can use it as a weapon against us. They’re not going to adopt white western values just because people like you think it would be the right thing for them to do.

Bludgie ago

I don't care about the ropes. The fact that you can meet a black person and instantly assume you're somehow less violent, smarter or superior in any other way--just based on race--is self-evidently stupid. And a person must feel pretty inferior to care so much about him, and others that LOOK like him, being "superior." There is just nothing about a supremacist ideology I respect. You could beat me bloody on your "ropes" and I'd still see you and your ideology the same way.

Fenrir-1488 ago

Complete straw man, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not a supremacist first of all, my beliefs would be completely identical if I thought we inferior to everyone else in every way.

Secondly, I don’t meet a black person and assume anything about their intelligence or violent tendencies until they demonstrate either.

I do however know for a fact (the stats don’t lie) that if you get a group of 100 random black people and 100 random white people, the white people will be about 30% as violent and have an average IQ around 15 points higher (in the U.S. (the gap is wider elsewhere)).

I’ll reiterate that race is more than skin color or looks. The science is with me on this.

Bludgie ago

Still laughing at "stats don't lie." I appreciate your other points, though.

Fenrir-1488 ago

So you don’t have an argument?

Bludgie ago

Where do the statistics begin? Like, 100 years ago, were black people in this country more violent?

Fenrir-1488 ago

I haven’t seen any that go back more than 50 years. Detailed crime statistics would likely be hard to find as you move away from the existence of computers.

My guess would be that it was a bit in lower in general since they wouldn’t have had as many issues with gangs at the time. Most of their communities would’ve also been a lot smaller and more closely knit.

Anecdotally, I know that Harlem NY wouldn’t have been considered a very safe place to be 100 years ago.

Bludgie ago

Crime also depends on how you label it. Murders of people don't tend to be counted when others consider them less than human, or deserving of less rights.

Fenrir-1488 ago

Are you suggesting we’re just ignoring white people’s crimes these days?

Bludgie ago


Bludgie ago

I am happy to take you at your word about your position. As far as taking your word about "the science," no. Even if it is an accepted theory at the time, it probably won't be in 20 years. Mostly, it doesn't accord with my experiences of people. I didn't even think about being white till I came to America. The place is obsessed with it. Also, you act like IQ tests should be taken seriously. If I used my results as evidence of intelligence I'd be laughed off this site even more than I already am.

Fenrir-1488 ago

We’re obsessed with it because we were the first victims of this failed multiculturalism experiment. Outside of the Balkans, Europeans would not have had nearly as much exposure to other races until somewhat recently.

I’ll grant that IQ can be somewhat flawed when it comes to individuals but it works well for groups. For example there is a strong correlation with IQ and how successful people are, but there will be outliers. Criminality also correlates with it, spiking around 85 points.

I don’t even know how you could argue that race is only skin deep. It’s not a coincidence that strong man competitions are dominated by white people while sprinting competitions are dominated by black people. We know this is because the ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch muscle fibers vary across racial lines. We also know that black people have denser bones or that Most East Asians have a gene that works to prevent fat from accumulating and another one. We also know that intelligence is somewhere between 50-90% genetic depending on which study you want to use. We know that race is essentially a pool of commonly shared genes within a group.

Bludgie ago

That's not what I've seen. I've read that people can have more in common genetically with a person of another race than with someone else of their own. I'm sure the issue of whether race even exists is highly disputed rather than settled science. So what "race" is a "biracial" person?

Fenrir-1488 ago

I could see how it would technically be possible but it would be incredibly rare.

What breed is a half husky-half lab? Clearly dog breeds must not exist if it’s possible for the line to get blurry.

Bludgie ago

Those aren't "races."

Fenrir-1488 ago

There isn’t much of a difference in terms of biology. The difference is the one between natural and artificial selection. Pugs and wolves are more than 99.9% genetically identical.

Bludgie ago

I don't know of any "race" that has been artificially selected.

Fenrir-1488 ago

Well no. I didn’t say they were. Abstractions and pedantry about words like race, breed, and even species are unimportant and arbitrary. Again, in biological terms, there isn’t much of a difference.

For there to be no significant differences, evolution would have to have paused almost completely for everything but skin color for 40,000-50,000 years while different populations lived in radically different environments under radically different climate conditions (ice age).

While ‘normal’, your stance seems completely absurd from the outside.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nazis feel the same way. If an individual jew was willing to reveal other jews in hiding, hew was given the title of "honorary jew" and put to work for gestapo.

sguevar ago

It is been a while since I lurked there, but I had my good share of things from there.

Txgeezer ago

Since we reddit refugees arrived here at v/theawakening, there has been almost a non-stop effort by many in the 'other Q camp' to pull our folks their way. They have used a multitude of different voices & tactics. Early-on, I saw their supporters try to lay claim that their site was first on voat & therefore the 'official' Qanon home here. Next, they tried 'warning' us about our own 'evil' mods. Then, they tried shaming us - saying we have been reddit's programmed sheep so long that we have grown comfortable with being their 'sheep'. And today, you guys are playing the religion card & 'compassion' to join teams. I get the feeling that we're being fought over by a jealous suitor.

Enough! All this pawing & whistling is only serving to distract and divide. Our eyes/minds aren't on the battle out there but are tied up with this growing fur-fight within our own ranks. Just leave us alone. Let the air settle. Allow us all some time to adjust, learn, and find our own places at this new table. And most importantly - let's get our minds, talents, and efforts BACK IN THE BALLGAME!

Hand_of_Node ago

our own 'evil' mods

we have grown comfortable with being their 'sheep'

A good chunk of you deserve the consequences of your poor choices. I don't care if you support your abusers, or if you try to block out reality and live as a coddled retard. Just don't do it here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Did you know that your own mods have this sub set so that you will never gain any CCP in this sub? See that "5 limit CCP needed to post in this sub" in small letters in the right hand sidebar? As long as that is set above zero NOBODY can gain CCP in this sub. Your mods can change that in one minute. Its up to them. They have this sub paralyzed for some reason. They could change that right this second.

Ceirwyn ago

Typical Clown/Mossad Psyop tactics. These are government attacks, not just harmless trolls.

sguevar ago

Let me clarify though, I am from Costa Rica. I am in Costa Rica right now. I have even given proof of that in different posts I ve made. I am not part of your government. But if you want to fight the shills. you don't fight them by censoring them nor close yourself to a community that despite not like the origin of this migration (redshit) still had the doors opened.

As I said before, we have quite a lot of experience dealing with shills and if you need help to deal with them you will not get it by shutting yourselves from us.

Uniting the verses is a good and rational way to go for I know that the v/GreatAwakening has a lot to offer in the fight against shills and I imagine you guys do too.

In the end is up to you - I couldn't careless - but I will not stand by blind censorship and demands from outsiders because they feel entitled to.

sguevar ago

Well your mods acted in a very redshit programmed way.

I am asking you to understand the essence of Voat. But do as you will - you are free to ignore the post if you wish. But having the change to explain why is important that you have an open mind to unite both subverses is all I could ask for.

Have a nice day.

ExpertShitposter ago

Your own mods made this sub invisible and therefore not in a position to "red pill". Then they banned anyone who pointed that out.

astitious ago

As someone of Jewish descent, you are one creepy fucker. I am glad we are moving away from the anti-semites of Voat.

Hand_of_Node ago

What's a nice oven-dodger like you doing on voat, eh?

theoldones ago


Le_Squish ago

Jews constantly pretend to be white and support things harmful to white people. I'm not even white, but what your people have done in European nations is evil. Do you condemn it.

White_pride_cis ago

Oy Vey! Shut it down! The Goy know! Why do you say that you are of "Jewish decent", like that should automatically give you some kind of clout? This isn't the First National Savings and Loans, Moshe. Did you expect an apology? I am surprised you didn't tell me how 6 goriilion of your friends perished due to terrible and unprovoked anti-semitism, and you guys were just minding your own business in Germany... Not trying to start a civil war in 1919, right? Or in Russia in 1917.... Or Cuba... Or the other 360 times you were kicked out of somewhere. Couldn't be. But seriously, what in the fuck was the point in your comment? Does that make you a "subject matter expert" whom people should listen to? Does it make you feel superior to us Goy? In case you haven't noticed, you're shit doesn't really stick here. Also, while we are on the topic... Up until this year, I thought Jewish only referred to a religion. Not an ethno-state. How does it make you feel that most niggers in America fall within your guidelines to move to Israel? What about the Ethiopians? Should you not open your hearts to them, since they are your brothers (mostly because of the rampant cousin fucking you degenerates engage in). Serious question. @astitious I want to make sure you see this.

astitious ago

First I said of Jewish descent. I am proud of my Russian Jewish farmer ancestors, that fled oppression by heading to America, but I am not practicing and I don't identify as a Jew. I just want the COINTELPRO fucks to go away.

Has anyone ever noticed that racists never help a cause? They are like a big old turd in the doorway to make newcomers think twice about entering.

Of course you know this, because people like you are often paid to show up and make everyone around you look like shit.

White_pride_cis ago

I wish I was paid to be an asshole! I would pay off my Harley today. That post had to be worth at least 20 shekels. What is the going rate for the JIDF? Is it per post, or is it quality over quantity? That part that I find most ironic about your pride in your Russian Jewish farmer ancestors, is the fact that the Bolsheviks, the ones who committed the crimes of Holodomor (look it up. 10,000,000 white, christian Ukaranians were starved to death) and pushed for the Tsar revolution, were then forced to flee when they realized they had gone too far. How's that for irony? Don't get me wrong, be proud of who you are... but at some point you must accept responsibility. How can I be racist against a religion, by the way? Does it suddenly become a race once Ben 'Kiddie Diddler" Netanyahu decides to say so, so they can keep their wall (which we pay for... as you lobby against ours). Have you ever checked to see how many of our left wing, death to America politicans have dual citizenship? I would look into it... Brace yourself... You will probably lose most pride.

sguevar ago

Ok this cracked me up so bad seriously I am crying XD

ExpertShitposter ago

Get gassed jew shitbag.

sguevar ago

Well glad I could reach a jew in letter. Maybe you can go find Jesus ;) Bye

Bludgie ago

Not through people like you.

sguevar ago

I think you misunderstood the message.

No one finds God through other people. You find Him through yourself. I can only wish you well in your journey.

But salvation is yours to take. I can't give it to you for it is not mine to give.

Have a nice day.

Shizy ago

We said OP! Your story sounds similar to mine. That's also the reason I love voat! I didn't know that about crensch, so that you for sharing! You're so right, God uses people to fulfill his will, even if those people are not believers. I understand you feeling skeptical of Q. Healthy skepticism is a good thing. Especially once you have become away of how manipulated we have been and how almost everything we have ever been told is a lie. Believeing the KJV is the only real truth we truly can depend on!

sguevar ago

My pleasure. I think good things can come with both subverses being united.

Time will tell. Either way God bless.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx for the ping, i'll have to read that later though.

Fyi only 5 pings per post, the rest don't do anything so I don't think @ExpertShitposter, @Hand_of_Node, @srayzie and @Shizy got them

Hand_of_Node ago

I suspect the @Crensch pings all counted as one, so I was #5 on the list.

sguevar ago

Thanks noted for the future

Hand_of_Node ago

Thanks, sguevar. Hope things are going well with you.

sguevar ago

Thanks same to you

Shizy ago

Thank you! I got your ping but not OP's.