NeonRevolt ago

This is my account. The one you referenced is not my account, so small wonder I never saw the notification and acted so "rudely."

SemperFortis99 ago

NR, no more excuses! It's getting exhausting!
But, I except you to continue squirmimg! Seems to be your nature, unless you have team around you, to silence your critics. You even admittedly said, in so many words, you search through the garage of 8chan to bring us the nuggets! Is any of your work original? Or do you just plagiarize, most of it?!

tyfdt ago

Hi Neon :wave LOVE your reporting, you are one smart cookie!!

White_pride_cis ago

@neonrevolt is a faggot who is using the Q movement the same way as (((AJ))) and (((Corsi))). I used to enjoy reading his thoughts, until he went full snarky bitch mode, complaining that his taint hurt after a particularly brutal night of homoerotic fun (but buy his merchandise, so he can afford the proper toys he deserves) to actually write his report. Since he had his little tantrum about how Q was too confusing, and how he is so important that Q follows him, I chuckle at how much of a cucked faggot he really is. Didn't Q say something about people trying to profit from the movement? Correct me if I am wrong, but I am almost positive he did... along with the lines of... don't follow them. Yep. That is what I remember.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm new here, completely because Neon recommended it. I don't regret it, but I have to say it was cringeworthy watching the faggotry going on with v/ta and NR's weak assed defense of why he didn't trust v/ga. I've been reading his blog for a couple of months now and while I find it interesting, Neon is awfully impressed with Neon. He could learn a bit about conciseness in writing and really needs to take the focus off himself and on the subject at hand. I couldn't finish reading his meltdown about not understanding Q's drops -- it felt like 10,000 words about how much he suffered because Q wouldn't accommodate his level of understanding. That's some serious narcissistic faggotry. I'll also mention how offputting it is seeing how much Q merch he has for sale.

I've tried leaving comments telling him this -- nicely -- but because they're subject to moderation, my comments never appear, of course. I'll still continue reading this faggot, but I'm glad this little escapade happened despite the division it caused Voat because it made Neon show his true colors.

White_pride_cis ago

You said it very well. Those that follow blindly will always follow him, no matter what. But people like you that see that they are following the pied piper are few. I think that he will get his comeuppance, but in the mean time, welcome. People with an open mind tend to fit in well here.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thank you kindly, sir or madam, for the good words. I try to act respectfully even when I disagree, which I think is all most Goats here ask. And I'm a navy vet, so being called a niggerfag is easily one of the milder things I've been called. I appreciate the welcome and will use my newfound freedom for good and not evil.

White_pride_cis ago

I am an Air Force vet. Thank you for your service. I am glad I got out when I did, the Air Force has been corrupted by the SJW. Some of the best insults I have ever heard were while I was in the military. You’ll fit in just fine mein Dude.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

And thank you for yours. I got out in 1994, while the Tailhook debacle was going on. I was aware of good officers who had their reputations tainted and careers stalled simply by being associated with it. For at least a year after the witch hunt, officer fitness reports needed to include a statement that the officer was not involved or did not attend the 1993 Tailhook convention.

I was glad to get out when I did. The service I was proud of when Reagan was president had changed to something that measurably reduced readiness and lowered the navy's ability to fulfill its mission, and it was only going to get worse from there. All of the armed forces were targeted by DACOWITS and the militant homosexual lobby, furthered by the willing compliance of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, 24 years of three of the most inept and corrupt presidents who ever lived. I still take great pride in my service, but I despair what current service members have to deal with these days.

mwoew8t5cs ago

Neon is a true patriot, and you are a faggot shill.

everlastingphelps ago

1.5 day account calls 3.2 year goat a shill.

And you wonder why no one takes you all seriously on this sub.

mwoew8t5cs ago

So you've been on the shill payroll for 3.2 years? Do you want a medal?

everlastingphelps ago

Oh noes, six day account thinks I'm a shill! I better go an hero myself!

White_pride_cis ago

I am definitely not a shill, but define "true patriot". As a veteran, who was there when they laid to rest an old teammate of mine was killed by an AFN while he was doing CAS, most would call me a "patriot". Using this movement to pad your pockets, well... that is no patriot. Call me whatever you want, I've got a thick skin. The difference between you and I, I believe, is our definition of a "patriot". McCain, he was a steaming pile of shit that I PRAY is being fucked by Beelzebub's 4' spiked dick right now, but he is probably what you would call a "patriot" too, right?

mwoew8t5cs ago

Not a shill? You try to damage the movement just for fun? You are a sick fuck then.

White_pride_cis ago

It took you 5 days to come up with this? Did you have to wait for your grandkids to come type this for you? Damage the movement? This is what early onset dementia looks like. You fucking window lickers damage everything you have ever touched

kneo24 ago

They come from Reddit. They were told, over and over again, anyone attacking them is the same as attacking the movement. They believe they are above criticism. They are beyond reproach. We've seen a little of that here on Voat, but it's quickly died down because thoughtful people on both sides engaged in actual dialog and conversation.

mwoew8t5cs ago

How old are you? 15? More likely an arrested development basement dweller. I don't answer your stupid questions because you can't fix stupid. Go fuck yourself, asshole.

White_pride_cis ago

@kneo24 @BuilderAnon People like this @mwoew8t5cs cunt are the same type that blindly follow Neon and SB2... Just look at the conversation exchange. The guy is a fucking idiot. He is a blind sheep that just follows the shepherd, because he is too ignorant to think for himself.

BuilderAnon ago

Why are you including me in this? I don’t know any of you.

White_pride_cis ago

I linked you here from the other conversation, because it is the same as Serial Brain. Neon Revolt is his little buddy, and they have a cult of personality they use to sell shit.

BuilderAnon ago

Ok? Why do I care?

White_pride_cis ago

You may not care. Just providing you context and examples.

BuilderAnon ago

I really don’t. Neon and his Paytriot ploy are old news.

White_pride_cis ago


kneo24 ago

I'm aware. He believes the Voat immune system is just shills being shills. I've noticed this a lot from their group. Everyone who criticizes them is a "shill". It's from the leftist playbook, "Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot" nonsense.

White_pride_cis ago

It is like how my Dad tried to tell me that if I do not believe all of the "evidence" regarding the Holocaust, I am an idiot, because it was the worst tragedy EVER! When I brought up Holodomor, he didn't believe it, because there were no movies about it. He then proceeded to tell me that Israel is our greatest ally, and that the Canadian lady deserved 18 years in a German prison for saying she didn't believe it (longer sentence than the shit skins get for rape and murder). He just watches Fox and parrots them, the same way the left parrots CNN. It is maddening.

Mkanon ago

I think NeonRevolt is just being cautious, that's all. He clearly knows some mods he trusts, and wants to start there. You can see from his research he is doing a good job. Just have two channels.

jaybee333 ago

Q urges us to be united and not divided. I live in Ireland and love you Patriots. I need CCP upvotes please. Many thanks in advance

CanadianGhost ago

NR has street cred, you dont.

srayzie ago

Not on Voat. I do.

White_pride_cis ago

So did (((AJ))) and (((Corsi))) and the (((Patriots))). How'd that pan out?

NeonRevolt ago

For the record, seeing this now... You weren't talking to me. That Magnus account, or whatever... Yeah, that's not me.

You can't legitimately expect me to respond if you're not even talking to the correct account.

Furthermore, I never accused you of wrongdoing. I want to be clear here. I did write what I wrote out of a superabundance of caution.

If you need further confirmation of the authenticit of my motives, please refer to the recent notables on /qresearch/. You'll see BV highlighted my story today (of his own accord), as well as some of the actions taken in compiling it.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this comment.

This notification (#824) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SemperFortis99 ago

NR, you are misinformed. FartOnToast simply called out mods for unwarranted censorship and bringing in a known troll as a Mod. Your outrageously whimsical, so called prove, was biased divel, at best, and proves nothing. Now in hast, ego, and controlled famfagging, you and the old mods from /r/ GA screwed up the new /v/ta sub and divide the community. I find it hard to believe, that someone that comes across so intellectual, could make so many easy mistakes, that yourself and the other /v/ta mods could of easily avoided. Now you are here just making excuses?! This is all completely jacked up and puts into question, your integrity, as well as, the mods from /v/ta! Completely unprofessional, especially with your book, to be out soon! Finally, it is most disenfranchising for myself and others that followed you. Don't worry, we will all keep a suspicious eye on you, from here on out and call out every mistake!

dunklederf ago

this is what damage-control looks like

White_pride_cis ago

Why would you accuse me of wrong doing? I feel this response is probably for @srayzie than me.

NeonRevolt ago

Yes, this ended up at the wrong level, somehow. It was intended for @srayzie. Sorry for the confusion.

White_pride_cis ago

Seriously though, now that I have your attention, I have to ask. Why did you go from insightful, funny and great to follow, to the realm of a big ego and more whining than following the crumbs? I always read your articles, for the research you did. Before the latest move, it has been tiresome. You had like 4 or 5 articles in a row that started of with you patting yourself on the back and then bitching. I really enjoyed your work.. The last article I read was about the skull and bones... the few before that, I couldn't finish. This is a legitimate question by the way. This was akin to (((AJ))) saying that Q himself called him.

Vindicator ago

Interesting you got no reply to this legit question, WPC. Looks like Neon is just another Corsi. Sad.


White_pride_cis ago

I was rather disappointed too. To be honest, it is exactly like Q said. Be careful who you follow, because some are trying to profit from the movement. I get he has coats involved (server space and site), but it was like the Reddit mod linking his $300 pens in a sticky. Pathetic.

Crensch ago

"My team vouches for me"


FrozenFire74 ago

NR has it wrong though. @srayzie isnt going to give the sub over to the users on the ping list. They've never had those users as Mods, and brings up a valid point that both users may have bad apples among their ranks.

I'm not a part of the Q movement, but it seems like Srayzie had tried to communicate with NR and NR refused to respond, or even reach out, to the established Voat Awakening community. From what I can tell, NR is more interested in holding control over his Qanon followers than he is in unifying the Q movement.

It shouldn't matter who is running the show so long as they aren't silencing the truth. The transparent banned and removed features on Voat do more for that than 8chan or Reddit would ever allow. If you want the truth, it'll be easier to find that here.

SemperFortis99 ago

I just proves more and more how egotistical NR presents himself.

srayzie ago

Thank you. He’s my favorite blogger. It’s gonna suck reading his stuff now because it’s going to always make me think of him stooping so low.

SemperFortis99 ago

I hear ya! I was a regular reader of NR, myself, until yesterday. I will be nothing but even more suspicious of ever article NR publishes, from here on out.

FrozenFire74 ago

You've done good in my eyes, and I hope he's acting out of an abundance of caution rather than being paid opposition. If Q is legit then everyone needs a unified force, not the fractured legions we're currently seeing. You've made it clear you want that unity, can't say the same about the other guys, but that's just what this Old Goat sees.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Yes, even still I would like unity

SandHog ago

Or you could use your brain and see that the connection neon made between FartOnToast and v/GA was complete bullshit. The 'ping link' was nothing more than alert for people on voat for new Q drops/posts. He neglected to include that information even though he must have seen the thread. Huh, weird.

CanadianGhost ago

My lot of shills out today -

This is not the first time someone has tried to go after NR - that other person was Eye The Spy. That didn't pan out too well. NR is also the one that revealed to the community before Q did that Corsi was tied to Mossad. As for your ping list bs that you're pushing - you really should read his article in full and learn to comprehend what was written. He is stating that the original mods from Reddit that Q had actually made note of were compromised for one reason or another so when they shut down reddit, it was those same mods that were showing to be indirectly or directly involved in the migration to Voat. He also did a good job at showing how those same mods were in control of a vast majority of the "conspiracy" section of Reddit - if memory serves, over 90%.

It seems to me that you folks haven't read his latest article either. Anyhow, I'm done entertaining this silliness. Either focus on Q related subjects or provide real evidence, until then, what you're presented is conjecture at best and can be interpreted many different ways. Have a nice day.

SandHog ago

The only conjecture here is from neonerevolt. You should pay more attention and use your brain.

These people are not who you think they are. Feel free to do what you want.

kneo24 ago

What good is that street cred when they lie at the very end?