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CanadianGhost ago

NR has street cred, you dont.

White_pride_cis ago

So did (((AJ))) and (((Corsi))) and the (((Patriots))). How'd that pan out?

NeonRevolt ago

For the record, seeing this now... You weren't talking to me. That Magnus account, or whatever... Yeah, that's not me.

You can't legitimately expect me to respond if you're not even talking to the correct account.

Furthermore, I never accused you of wrongdoing. I want to be clear here. I did write what I wrote out of a superabundance of caution.

If you need further confirmation of the authenticit of my motives, please refer to the recent notables on /qresearch/. You'll see BV highlighted my story today (of his own accord), as well as some of the actions taken in compiling it.

SearchVoat ago

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SemperFortis99 ago

NR, you are misinformed. FartOnToast simply called out mods for unwarranted censorship and bringing in a known troll as a Mod. Your outrageously whimsical, so called prove, was biased divel, at best, and proves nothing. Now in hast, ego, and controlled famfagging, you and the old mods from /r/ GA screwed up the new /v/ta sub and divide the community. I find it hard to believe, that someone that comes across so intellectual, could make so many easy mistakes, that yourself and the other /v/ta mods could of easily avoided. Now you are here just making excuses?! This is all completely jacked up and puts into question, your integrity, as well as, the mods from /v/ta! Completely unprofessional, especially with your book, to be out soon! Finally, it is most disenfranchising for myself and others that followed you. Don't worry, we will all keep a suspicious eye on you, from here on out and call out every mistake!

dunklederf ago

this is what damage-control looks like

White_pride_cis ago

Why would you accuse me of wrong doing? I feel this response is probably for @srayzie than me.

NeonRevolt ago

Yes, this ended up at the wrong level, somehow. It was intended for @srayzie. Sorry for the confusion.

White_pride_cis ago

Seriously though, now that I have your attention, I have to ask. Why did you go from insightful, funny and great to follow, to the realm of a big ego and more whining than following the crumbs? I always read your articles, for the research you did. Before the latest move, it has been tiresome. You had like 4 or 5 articles in a row that started of with you patting yourself on the back and then bitching. I really enjoyed your work.. The last article I read was about the skull and bones... the few before that, I couldn't finish. This is a legitimate question by the way. This was akin to (((AJ))) saying that Q himself called him.

Vindicator ago

Interesting you got no reply to this legit question, WPC. Looks like Neon is just another Corsi. Sad.


White_pride_cis ago

I was rather disappointed too. To be honest, it is exactly like Q said. Be careful who you follow, because some are trying to profit from the movement. I get he has coats involved (server space and site), but it was like the Reddit mod linking his $300 pens in a sticky. Pathetic.

Crensch ago

"My team vouches for me"
