Kwicherbichen ago

You're doing great work Neon.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#288) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

Hamton ago

Just read you latest post about infiltration and the same thing is happening on discord. Our discord server exploded with blackhats and pantomime - shocking to watch it play out. I wonder about Conspiracy Fact on discord being related to the one you mentioned on reddit. The discord shenanigans were almost exactly as described by you on reddit - same playbook. Dang. Feeling lost. Thanks for making this place. Will try and work it out. I have a similar name on Gab, messaged you about Nick Kroll and recently about 911 numbers. H

Ps4Freedom ago

This asshole has plastered his hit piece on all forums! The only thing he proves is that Toast has multiple names with multiple subs and has mods on multiple sites. He hurls this info as an accusation that causes discord, drama and division. Not to mention the headaches of half the people reading this trash because they can't understand what it says. I ask you Neon for what purpose? What good has this done? How much harm has it done?
Honor my ass. You don't know the first thing about honor and would probably kick it, if it bit you in the ass. United We Stand Divided We what's YOUR fucking agenda? Your actions are contrary to everything Q says. They are contrary to everything decent and honorable.

I know you'll never answer you chicken shit MFer. I've called you out before and I get crickets!

Always watch the assholes that make the most noise, write books, sell T-shirts and monetize clocks. All ego and no balls. Oh yeah, since you like this kinda stuff, rumor has it your a mod with an alternate name on the old ga (which you brought here and caused all kinds of havoc) and now on 8chan. hmmm...

I fucking love VOAT right now. Thanks for the god damn free speech!

Ukpatriotwarrior ago

Help... I can't get any 👍 And not even convinced my messages are being seen... put out loads and not 1 engagement 😩😡

LonelyInMyNightmare ago

Thank you Neon!

Ukpatriotwarrior ago

Hey all I'm a dedicated uk patriot just moved across... they are killing us on all other platforms 😩.. would appreciate some up votes so I can get into the action 🙏🙏

jtreddit ago

what is CPP

Qluelessnomore ago

I can vouch that FoT started SwampWatch shortly before CBTS was banned. I was there, under a different username, and received an invite to SwampWatch, which I did not accept. Later I joined GA after lurking a while. Then FoT starts trying to sow division and again starts a new sub, DrainTheSwamp, shortly before GA was banned. Both times I was invited to join the new sub and both times I just didn't feel right about it. By the way, look who moderates this new Great Awakening sub on the newer Saidit platform:

Orangutan. Coincidence?

Qluelessnomore ago

I just posted Neon's article on the Great Awakening Said it board. KEK!

GoodGodKirk ago

I find it sad that you can’t do proper research on facts before reporting them, but that seems to be your MO with your posts.

Srayzie use to be the only mod for /greatawakening and just cause you ping someone, doesn’t make you a mod or give you extra privledges, it just says “hey, look guys! Responses would be nice!”. Nothing more.

Why have you not mentioned Jen777? Any research on the boards would inform you that was Task Force, the investigator killed looking into a Clinton case, who got her start from /pizzagate and moved on from there into real investigations. Oh, but you don’t mention that...

The fact that you started another board shows the community you wanted power over what was displayed instead of putting your trust into an already established community. We’re not kids, we don’t need our content policed. There’s BLOCk buttons for content you don’t like, learn how to use them.

But to accuse people of division cause they don’t want to enforce your insane wording filters? This isn’t reddit, your channel isn’t going to be banned for content, but if you keep it up, the community can have entire teams of mods replaced by the community. It’s happened before, and may likely happen again with the way you’re moving forward.

Bunch of immigrants forcing their customs on an established community instead of attempting to assimilate and learn the functions of the sites self censoring features.

Q_4536 ago

Great post. I can hack the lingo of the natives but a lot of people will struggle with the transition. Freedom of speech is important. I ask for no regulation, only compassion on the part of those speaking. P.S. Negative responses can go ahead and perform the proverbial self inflicted sex act.

blackfriday44 ago


Italian govt permanently banned italians from 8ch access.

It happened just 10 days ago, and it's very strange: the ban comes from Interior Ministry (the Salvini Ministry! Salvini is buddybuddy with Trump, and everybody here supports him). I believe Salvini knows nothing about this, there's a deep state hand in the Ministry preventing italians to follow Q.

Since the enemies can't shut 8ch, they are trying to bypass the problem by banning whole countries via deep state connections inside those countries. Will it happen WW? Are we expecting this? More countries?

Anyway, now we can read via Proxy or VPN, but we can't write anymore (I was there since November). 8ch owner gave us a workaround, but it's a windows only. Can some of you do me a favor? Can you ask 8ch owner to do something for this? More important: CAN YOU INFORM Q of what is happening? Repeat: I believe more countries will ban 8ch in the future. This is a big risk for Q WW movement.

MrDigging17 ago

Voat is new to me going to lurk a while until I learn the ropes. Respect to you old goats that have been here a while.

Ceirwyn ago

Now watch all the salty Mossad Clown tears flow in response to this. They be coming onto another board to start shit. Shill is as shill does.

PittUSMC ago

I don’t know that any boards besides Q’s posts are “vital”? I know I share my comms with a couple Marine buddies, active and reserve. In fact, I would encourage everyone to network as much as possible offline because of growing censorship. I’m not discouraging this page (obviously, as I am here), but only Q’s posts are to be fully trusted.

BelBlade ago

God bless the usmc.

Ceirwyn ago

Given the psyop attacks can you blame them for keeping things locked down a few days?

FatherDadDude ago

Seriously we need prayer. Lots of it.

ThomasCrafts ago

Gods speed patriots. MAGA

heygeorge ago

@NeonRevolt it is very clear that you are seeking control. Pls respond

Liedtwo ago

I never saw it cuz I didn't explore other Reddit shitholes

Lilred68 ago

Awesome info Neon! I have been following your work for some time now, and I trust what you have to say. Thanks for the hard work that you are doing.

lynnmar ago

I am playing around more on 8chan. Ultimately we're going to be there so I better get use to it. If voat has some of the same sock puppets from reddit then it's's only matter of time. I follow the same group since Oct 27, Neon Revolt, SB2, etc...

Nattylitecoin ago

Well, I just bought a neon revolt shirt.


Bigglesworth45 ago

Dude fuck you. After your attack on @srayize I consider you controlled op at best.

Q62 ago

I thought we were supposed to hate mods?

BossyCowgurl ago


lethak ago

Interesting read but I find your linking between FoT and v/GreatAwakening a bit weak to say the least.

And speaking of FoT, you assumed it was alt accounts when it could simply be friends.

I'll simply stick to the facts and go both ways in order to judge by myself.

Qluelessnomore ago

I agree that was the weak part of the article. Pure assumption there. Those were users names that are on the ping list. I don't see why we can't have both subs working together. I am subbed to both. Fighting with each other serves nothing and wastes our valuable time that we could be using to research and spread info.

R3VO1utionary ago

Good read. Nice summation. WWG1WGA!

cwharris1 ago

WWG1WGA.. Carl Harris SD. California.. love you brothers, I am praying for all of us in this spiritual battle ... Do it Q

Liedtwo ago

Seeing all the racist anti semitism from here at VOAT spashed all over twitter and attributed to Q followers sucks big time and looks to have been a setup by somebody before te move occured.

SemperFortis99 ago

Just learn and go to 8chan! It's enviable!....per Q!

ExpertShitposter ago

You baby boomer get aesthetic fascism artwork of your qfag shitsite RIGHT NOW!

It is reserved for true right wingers, not you civic nationalist faggot boomers that wrecked the world to begin with.

NoraPandora ago

Hi Neon! Thank you for your real good work!, enjoyed it! :)

Please guys - I need upvotes for my CCP, will upvote you in exchange! Thank you! :)

WhiskyDave ago

No Upvotes equals no possibility to open threads ... oh yea thats free speech at its best

Lemonjello ago

This is an important read. Do your homework pedes

russian_intelligence ago

Thank you. This post was needed.

CerialBrain3 ago

THIS BOARD... Man, have they hardened positions. I'm not disappointed, to have such an enemy. FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT PATRIOTS.

MolochHunter ago

Hey, @NeonRevolt , I think you might have just lost a monthly financial donor to your website. I dont know if you've paid any attention to her but she's here on voat, named @Srayzie

just thought I'd give you the opportunity to mend bridges

SemperFortis99 ago

All, never pay this scam artist (NeonRevolt) anything! Continously sham him into a real job!

jeronimo7380 ago

NeonRevolt on his BEST..... Thanks for your great work! WWG1WGA

cjweekley ago

Jeez! Signed up a couple of days ago. Came back to check it out after finding out you were trying to work things out here. Seems I've wandered into hostile territory!

PD_Locksley ago

Thanks, Neon.

I can't understand how people who claim to be for truth and freedom somehow mix up gutter language, etc. with freedom of speech.

It's like saying, "I care about freedom of action. So let me poison your soup since I have freedom of action."

Love of truth and truth of love doesn't operate that way. Freedom, in the ultimate sense, is the POWER TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT. Not the power to engage in toxicity that destroys other people in search of truth...


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no, freedom is the power to do whatever you want you communist faggot. There's supreme court precedent that clearly shows that the first amendment applies to offensive speech as recently as matal v. tam 2017. That means "gutter language" and "toxicity" are covered

PD_Locksley ago

In an absolute sense you are right. But in a moral sense you are wrong.

If persons such as yourself really cared about the real goal -- awakening & freedom of a country -- you wouldn't use freedom of expression to derail others on the journey toward that freedom.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

my only real goal is the country to founding fathers talked about and tried to create, there's nothing immoral about free speech

PD_Locksley ago

Well, surely you appreciate that on the journey to that country the Founding Fathers intended, we all have a responsibility to use free speech in the service of true FREEDOM. Where we stand now, with so much of our wonderful country compromised, is precarious. We need all like-minded people on the same page. And being intentionally offensive with language as a faux litmus test is off-putting. It doesn't serve the larger goal to which free speech was given to us, by the Fathers: freedom of the nation.

Where we stand now, so far downstream from the founding of our land, is with somewhere around half the country totally deceived, walking down that primrose path of quasi-socialism. And, a good portion of those who would fight on the side of right (not deceived, not just fully awake) would be put off by someone using pornographic speech, gutter speech, racist speech, even in a self-ironic sense. It hurts the movement of freedom instead of helping it, in other words.

Surely wise persons in service of larger truth can see that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we all have a responsibility to use free speech in the service of true FREEDOM.

yeah no going to stop you there,the first amendment is about liberty not responsibility God gave me these rights and I can use them as I see fit in my pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. If this country is to be fixed we need to adhere to the values enshrined in our constitution above all else

pornographic speech, gutter speech, racist speech,

all of which fall under the protection of the first amendment, if you can't even get normies to accept the constitution and the rights it seeks to protect how will you redpill them on anything?

PD_Locksley ago

The Founding Fathers would look at someone ravenously desiring immoral speech as someone hell-bent on the destruction of the country. NOT serving free speech.

John Adams, on this exact issue, said this:

We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

In other words, cloaking the right to free speech in immoral action is eventually counterproductive. It will throw out the baby with the bathwater. Claiming freedom of speech, it will eventually lose freedom of the country. At which time freedom of speech will be lost.

Freedom of speech is irrevocably in service of high freedom: freedom to do what is RIGHT in this country.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what immoral action?

HangemAll ago

Patriots Please calm down! We knew this would happen, stop demeaning yourselves, stop relying on other "popular patriots" opinions and go directly to the source, form your own opinion., potus twitter, executive orders, as painful as it is check out what msm is pushing and think mirror, projection, narrative, THEY are stupid, THEY are lazy, THEY are losing. Keep up the FIGHT! WWG1WGA

SemperFortis99 ago

Awesome reply Patriot!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

many of us come directly from the chans

yeah, I don't believe this at all

we don’t want to enrage the entire userbase of Voat

a little late for that

But you’re going to have to be patient with us.


I’m not saying you guys have to do anything for us, but in reality, any help you could give us in expediting this process (for instance, by turning off the downvote pings so our mods can actually function normally) would be helpful in expediting this process.

"change the rules for us"

We thought we only had ~70k subscribers.

The reality was closer to 300k.


and we hope you’ll give us the chance to prove it.

I'm not big on 2nd chances tbh

And if you’ve spent any time on the chans, you know that they’re often filled with porn, gore, and all sorts of offensive material.

I believe you're from the chans even less now considering this bothers you

As much as some of the Voat locals may despise it, the simple fact is that /r/GreatAwakening was one of the most vital and important hubs of Q-related activity to date.

nobody here cares as long as you stop censoring and banning people, you're free to do whatever you want

In other words, I wade through rivers of excrement, dive in deep to pull out the gold nuggets, and leave the filth behind.

what are great way to view the sites that are hosting you, no wonder you were so well received here

There’s not going to be a Reddit, or a Voat, or a Gab, possibly even a Neon Revolt in the coming months.

there's been plenty of efforts to shut down voat before through any number of means, didn't work. I'm not worried.

Even during these early stages, you’ve learned how to fight.

from my interactions with your ilk here on voat I'm just going to throw it out there that I think you're over estimating them.

It’s designed to basically be a heavily-moderated version of /QResearch/

why do you need a safe space so badly? won't that just divide your community on 8chan?

Third, I want to address why we didn’t go with /v/GreatAwakening.

...seem to be

We believe...

And we believe...

this reads like that bullshit report on "russian interference" the DNI one that dropped early in January of 2017 where instead of backing their claims with any evidence they just kept insisting that "We assess" it to be so.

(bunch of reddit drama about power mods and sockpuppet accounts)

I mean it's reddit what did you expect?

Whether Srayzie, who runs GreatAwakening on Voat knows it or not, she’s likely already been infiltrated.

I mean you could at least try talking to her first, no?

you also have a screenshot of @madhatter67 post but his account shows as actually older than the v/greatawakening subverse itself so the implied accusation of conspiracy seems unlikely on his part, but he's pinged now so he can defend himself.

Trust me, the learning curve isn’t as steep as it might look

I'd say the same about voat

SemperFortis99 ago

Yep! NeonRevolt is begging! He needs to sell more hats and tee-shirt to eat! Get a real job, Neon, like the rest of us!

Liberty1111 ago

Great to see you here NEON REVOLT!! We are all Patriotsawoken! Thanks for all your long hours of research. I am new here to this platform. WWG!WGA

HangemAll ago

Trying to post comments

patrat102 ago

This is a VERY important post to read. It really explains a lot and clarifies the Q drop about the 297 thousand followers instead of the 71, 000 we thought we were. Lying reddit traitors. I for one intend to go over and start familiarizing my self with the new /patriotsawoken/ - A Board for Patriots on 8 chan. If Q had it set up for us so that it isn't filled with porn and gore we would be crazy and ungrateful not to get over there and make ourselves familiar with it. I don't want to get caught off guard again--tossed over board in stormy waters struggling to find a place to land. We can still visit with our new voat family while getting familiar with the 8 chan board. Patriots we need to learn to use the weapon handed to us---an 8 chan board set up for us---what are you waiting for--go over and start training----after all WWG1WGA.

SemperFortis99 ago

That number 297,000 was from an article before NeonRevolt plagiarized it!

MisplacedMan ago

The 297k number is actually from one of Q's more recent posts. And the person you're replying to is one of NeonRevolt's alts. At least, I hope so, cuz there doesn't appear to be any brains in there.

steelgnat ago

Neon without you and SB2 where would the rest of us be? It sucks to be an awake sheep but without a good understanding of psyops we just keep falling for the same old shit, They have been working the same old stuff longer than we can imagine. Truly sucks not to be able to trust people.

SemperFortis99 ago

Doing your own research, as Q has stressed from the beginning!

DJB ago

Thank u for setting Aj straight. Always found his shit deep and interesting but saw a silver lining thru everything he did, well more like a brown lining

sufficientlydusty ago

I wouldn't expect us to latch on to just any group/board etc...out there that purports/pretends to be the good guys. The dedication and sincerity of all you mods is evidenced by your written words. (And other people, exactly the opposite is true.) Myself, i dont doubt your sincerity and authenticity

Thanks for keeping it all together!

KKOH ago

Yay, NeonRevolt, 'twas looking for you. Glad this sub has apologized for its transgressions. Hopefully the angry goats will be more peaceful when yous (ewes) feed them sweet posts.

Ceirwyn ago

Pish. I'm moving to 8chan. Screw all the social bullshit and profiles garbage.

KKOH ago

I think I may too.

4TheRepublic ago

You know where to find me.

This. is. not. a. game.

Stonenchizel ago

To all the redd-zit refugees from the GreatAwakening sub, first of all none you guys are dumb asses because you are following "Q" & you've made your way home, back to the new following place of our MI Friends that are helping POTUS bring down the Evil Adrenachrome Addicted Satanic Cabal.... Never forget those fuckers are some foul evil creatures that torture kids & then kill them for their Adrenal Blood induced by fear of the hands of the Satanic Cabal ...... "Trust The Plan! "

altagracia21 ago

Excellent post! Thanks for providing so much transparency. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and not in vain.

Hand_of_Node ago


You're not going to find mainstream credibility here on voat. (i.e. Nigger faggot, and etc.) Reddit code is apparently available, and there are a number of sites that used it to be independent, just like voat has. Why not get the code and make your own version of reddit/voat/poal/etc? You could make your own rules, and be as super-normie as you like. I've visited 6 or 7 of them and they seem to work fine, although most suffer from very low numbers. You already have an entire userbase.

Given that it would undoubtedly take some amount of time to activate, getting started on that ASAP might be something to consider. Imagine having a whole site like this to shape as you want.

Lillypad2018 ago

Hi guys and gals im new here how can i get to serial brain 2 posts?

SemperFortis99 ago

SerialBrain2 posted last night on /v/ GA and /v/ ta. Just search his user...I believe.

Lillypad2018 ago


SemperFortis99 ago

I concur! If you are a God fearing individual, please pray! We can always come together as Patriots and support POTUS and Q! Please spread the word!

cerebralpeecock ago

Great info as usual Neon. As a 60yr old, who at the age of 5, knew something was fishy about JFK assasination and only a few years later the Warren report smelt worse. Nam never made sense and was glad to be too young. In these past few decades, I had given up trying to play this game of politics as well as life in general. I got a big kick outta Trump kicking the asses I had come to want to. THEN CAME Q! I have never in my 60yrs

Liette ago

Okay, I am new to the 8 chan, so I found 8 Chan but how do I find the new patriotsawoken board? Kept trying to type it into the search but it’s not working.

hankkimball ago

Go to and you will find the link at the top of the page.

Liette ago

Thanks I’ll try that out.

hankkimball ago

Awesome write up NeonRevolt. I was part of greatawakening, The_GreatAwakening and The_SwampWatch and I think you hit pretty much everything on the head.

I got a couple of those PMs from fot. The last one was about a month ago asking me to re-confirm my commitment to The_SwampWatch. I was given two weeks and If I didn’t reply, my private membership status would be taken away. I did nothing and figured they would revoke my ability to see that sub. Nothing happened though and I was able to participate all the way up to the end.

I really didn’t do much in fot’s subs the last few weeks. I am more of a information gatherer and not really looking for the social side of reddit, so I found myself going to fot’s subs less and less because the good stuff was being ignored and sliding to oblivion and BS stuff was rising to the top.

So here we are.

SemperFortis99 ago

Don't trust him! He just sold himself out! Yes, NeonRevolt!

hankkimball ago

I trust President Trump and I trust him to guide me on my trusting of Q. All Q interpretation is taken with a grain of salt. My reply was anecdotal evidence that seems to support a lot of what NR is saying in the article he posted.

I don’t think most of us would have made it this far if we blindly trusted any of the media. Even the new media.

Res_Publica ago

Yeah, you can’t trust the old media, or the new media. And you can’t trust Neon Revolt, either.

You can’t TRUST. You have to JUDGE, for yourself.

BuilderAnon ago

I was just on his subs because the GA mods banned me for BS reasons but this has me questioning if I left one hornets nest and joined swamp watch to be step into a swamp of them.

SemperFortis99 ago

No! ,NeonRevolt just sold himself out! Review what happened! Seek the truth!

SorosTrannyQShill ago

Uh oh guys! For all the non tech savvy people on here, this guy gets money for your support. He wants to get paid he doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything else. Guess what the mods and their buddies are all shills. I’d know I’m a shill too. The plan to move here was Organized at a pizza party.

SemperFortis99 ago

Absolutely - fucken- egg-right!

yougettogotogitmo ago

Neon, please come to greatawakening, you would be welcomed there, I read your updates all the time and really like to hear your insights, agree most of the time. Would hate to see you get stuck in the reddit loop, voat has good folk here who would love to hear from you too.

exoter60 ago

Thank you, Neon, for the post with the explanation of why we have the new subverse here rather than joining the one that was already existing.

We all have a course now and know that 8chan is eventually where we'll end up. I figured it would come to that. And it's fittingly so, since Q (team) and the best autists/anons are already there.

SemperFortis99 ago

It's bullshit! If NeonRevolt wasn't sooo busy stroking his own ego, he wouldn't have fallen for the corrupt mods on /r/GA. FOT only called out the corrupt mods that were sleeper cells set up by Soro's executives on reddit! Please do your own your own searches, all! NR either sold out or was a SHILL from the beginning! Just like maepaperclip!

iahkaferoaster1 ago

Love your articles. My daughter used you as a source in a paper. I had a sit down come to Jesus with that schill of a teacher, & the bias was corrected to an "A". Your the cis nondifferentiated!!!! Kidding with that last. Youdaman!!!

Ps4Freedom ago

I'm still confused. Not about FoT but about the mods. I left because of the ridiculous censoring and mod misbehavior. I had one threaten me for godsakes! I reported and got a wave off like I was just a problem that should go away. What the hell is up with that? I been in online communities since AOL and I've NEVER had a problem.

SemperFortis99 ago

/r/ was comped... FOT called them out and the shill mod (s) banned FOT!

Hand_of_Node ago

They're mods from reddit.

sorosminion ago

So...WHY does Trump have to speak in some RIDICULOUSLY complicated numeric code? WHY are these Q drops so vague they need constant interpretation and explanation? WHY no arrests? ZERO. WHY was Manafort pleading guilty? Why is Cohen pleading guilty? WHY is Q suddenly posting about MSM links to news? And STUPID ROCK VIDEOS? WHY is there no "real" Inspector General's Report released? Did you forget? WHY no "FISA" declassification? WHY does Q use the Nostradamus method of scattershot predictions? WHY , if Q is some hotshot in the Administration, has the "Deep State" not tracked him down? You people are like the Jonestown, the Halebop Comet , the Mayan Calendar people, members of an OBVIOUSLY fake cult , you follow some anonymous nut on IDIOTIC 4chan and now are on VOAT with PEDOPHILES, NAZI's, RACISTS and assorted psychopaths. NICE COMPANY YOU KEEP, YEP REAL JESUS LIKE! WTF ARE YOU DOING? Grow up, realize you fell for a childish fake. Q isn't going to rescue anything. You just fell for some stupid teenage trick. MY GOD, WTF is wrong with you?????

SemperFortis99 ago

There is a lot wrong with NeonRevolt, most likely, a NARCISSIST! Your other questions can be resolved with the idea, ' timing is everything' - Sun Tzu

Textualintercourse ago

51k fwd indictments.


Hand_of_Node ago

Most likely a sophisticated psyop, or a new form of cult. Judging by the fervor among the acolytes, this thing could have a hell of a payload when it finally pops.

Wi11y_w0nkA ago

Toasty Farts is that you?

Luellaloveheart ago

I’m glad you are here. FoT has way to much time on his/ her hands. Get a life, right?! FoT must be a group of people. Shame on them.

SemperFortis99 ago

Neonrevolt is a liar!!

Zed000 ago

Nothing to see here.

Madasmel ago

Glad to find you here Neon , all this craziness is only going to get worse.

greatpartriot ago














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SemperFortis99 ago

I am guessing, you don't trust NeonRevolt, as well!?

greatpartriot ago










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































=D~~ ######

SemperFortis99 ago

Or are you saying everyone should unite on Infinity chan, as well!

greatpartriot ago














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SemperFortis99 ago


greatpartriot ago

hey faggot safe space mindless fucks, suck on my dick: 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SemperFortis99 ago

It's got NeonRevolt's name... all over it!

robertawearefree ago

“And when you’re there, there’s not going to be any vote tallies, or recognizable names to tell you how to think, or what’s important to pay attention to. You can’t see u/NeonRevolt, or u/SerialBrain2 or u/Whoever, because we will all ultimately be #Anons.” See, here’s the thing Neon: THE WHOLE PROBLEM IS US NOT THINKING FOR OURSELVES!! I don’t want or need you or serialbrain or anyone else to tell me what is crap and what is not. And I don’t need you or anyone else to filter offensive content. Wtf, you think I am 4 years old? I am old enough to be your grandma! You are against censorship unless you and your buddies ate doing the censoring? We’re done here.

SemperFortis99 ago

Yes! NeonRevolt sold out! He is a shill! Not a Patriot, but a PAYtriot!

Hand_of_Node ago

Hey, we need more WTF grammas on voat. (Don't tell anyone, but I'm secretly up there with you.) Like the Google says, look around a bit.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You might make a great goat, as long as you don't have any jewish blood in you. Do yourself a favor and browse the rest of voat for a week or so. Freedom from oppressive thought "filters" like these mods can be gritty, but it is reality. A reality that the censors across the majority of the modern day internet are TERRIFIED of: The freedom to make up your own mind and opinions.

Eyez_wideopen ago

We were being herded. Thanks for your research. Do you mean the entire internet shut down? You think things like infrastructure and communication and monitoring and online services.... all down? Like the satellites were? It will be spooky weird but if chances made for the better than worth it.

Ceirwyn ago

Still sticking with you guys.

hfkmfn ago

Your blog is very hard to read, it takes forver to load in browser or RSS reader! I tried converting a post to PDF once but the output was very long and hard to view in PDF reader... Trying to rip images from webpage download ends up with every image duplicated in 3 different sizes and there are alot of slow to download images!

Thanks for the recommendation to come here.

P.S. I can hardly read today's post either. :/

SemperFortis99 ago

Don't worry NeonRevolt had nothing to say but a bunch of bs!

BogBogCerrado ago

Great article Neon. I also migrated here from Reddit. But after Q reminded us of no outside comms I came to the same realization that you mentioned in your article; that we would eventually all migrate to 8ch. So I lurked over there and I actually like it better. No politics of "votes" just straight up sharing of info. And like you said, if youre redpilled enough you can sift through all the bullshit fairly easily [time to remove the training wheels]. 8ch will be my permanent dojo. Thanks for your hardwork.

Btw, I picked up a couple caps from you. They're very clean. Cant wait to wear them at a Trump rally here in Cali if POTUS makes a stop out here. Peace and Blessings. WWG1WGA.

MIDefender ago

Thank you! Clarity and patience are worth it to win.

data57 ago

My head is spinning! I belonged to all those Reddit subs! I got messages from FOT regarding the moderator compromised at GA! WOW! I've got to read this whole article about 10 more times to totally absorb it!

SemperFortis99 ago

FOT was spot on!

BuilderAnon ago

We’re all kinda there. Did we follow the wrong people?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

wouldn't it be more expedient to just go to /Qresearch/ and follow Q himself if anyone?

Hand_of_Node ago

Did we follow the wrong people?

You were literally on reddit...

BuilderAnon ago

Well yeah I get that reddit is a mistake all it’s own but it was the easiest way to consume the volume of information when real life lends kettle spare time to go 8chan deep.

JubilantJewel ago

Thanks Neon. I knew there was a logical reason behind keeping us all separate but together. God Bless you and the mods.

WhiteDragonMage ago

ok neon i really don't even know where to start with this. you have made some serious allegations here and once again i see you causing division. (i know you mean well) if you had been around r/conspiracy when pizzagate started then yes you would recognize several of those mod names (FOT Orangutan, peyote). they have been around for a long time as you have pointed out. i am not sure if you are aware but before and about halfway through the pizzagate/reddit ordeal that sub was pretty much wide open to discuss whatever. there were no bots/shills, and no censorship happening at that time. after reddit decided to shut down pizzagate that place became a hell hole and they tried to silence any intelligent conversation which continues to this day. from my experience with those mods over the past couple of years they have never once censored me (which is a lot more than i can say about the mods from GA... happened on reddit and here). they don't try and control a narrative and occasionally add things to the conversation.

so based on my experience with them i think you are wrong. just because someone mods for a bunch of conspiracy subs doesn't mean they are controlled but it does mean they enjoy it. i get it you have trust issues or whatever but honestly to just go around being paranoid that everyone is some sort of controlled opposition is ridiculous. let their actions speak for themselves and not judge others made from baseless claims. you are a great researcher and even better at connecting dots. however since the shutdown i have seen you tripping over your feet trying to be a leader for this movement. try going back to what you are good at before you start causing unnecessary and unfounded drama between the movement. idk what kind of special treatment you have been getting from the mods in this sub but once again myself and plenty of others were silenced for no reason. sometimes things are deleted because they aren't relevant not the case in mine and a lot of others situations. i do appreciate you but on this issue we do not agree.

SemperFortis99 ago

Nope, NeonRevolt doesn't mean well at all! Just division, because he is too into himself!

brownwaterboys ago

Im glad we found a new site... so sad that yet again another Q Anon database is gone. Hopefully we all had copies saved of everything important. I remember when CBTS_STREAM got taken down, so many people there,, then we all moved to the sister site the great awakening,, now here. I guess we better start unpacking things and getting things back running again. I truly hope this site becomes the hub, and that it isnt banned yet again. I'll never stop, but it is annoying.

StormVet6 ago

Roger. Well done as always, Neon!

Goathole ago

any help you could give us in expediting this process (for instance, by turning off the downvote pings so our mods can actually function normally)

Fuck off. You started it with coming to a site that took you in AND FUCKING BANNING USERS.

We never wanted to interfere with the normal day-to-day operations of your site.

You lying sack of shit.

We’re not here to take over or to tell you how to think.

Which is why you didn't ban anyone right? right? oh yeah, oops, my bad, I got caught and I didn't think you'd catch me so now I'm sorry.

Point is: we want to do right by you guys,

Now you do.

RexKramer ago

You should have ended that post after the 9th paragraph.

SemperFortis99 ago

After the first word! No wait... NEVER SHOULD HAVE POSTED...EVER!

Orien_Blue ago

Seriously can we just stay here? It doesn’t make sense to just pack up and run in three fucking days.

Goathole ago

You can stay, the mods and THAT VOTE FARMING FUCK @SerialBrain2 need to go.

Orien_Blue ago

Yeah, I actually agree on that. Everyone acted as though he made sense and the more I read his comments the more I thought I was loosing my mind.

Goathole ago

Welcome nigger, want to come over tomorrow for a jew gassing? We're going to laugh about holohoax lies while we watch the filthy kikes choke from the exhaust of my favorite diesel.

RadioactiveCowboy66 ago

Great work Neon, most appreciated. I have only observed and read discussions taking place on the previous reddit -Bleck-(need to spit that out bad taste out) but you are right. We as a patriots need to be more active and attentive to our surroundings, especially online, we must persevere and vigilant to stay the course. I am older and not as well versed on the chans and voat but willing to learn to do my part.

Thedametruth ago


TrueCat ago


Ps4Freedom ago

Right?? Extreme trouble, I'd say.

DTPerk ago

Swell job with the new article articulating some background.... I agree it needed to be done for transparency. Wishing you all the best... I see it didn't take long for the shills to migrate LMAO! Keep on Keepin On!

2Qornot2Q ago

Sigh. I guess I still classify as a dumbass sheep. Thanks for the extra work Neon. It’s always just a little bit over my head when it comes to psyops, black or white hats, and this crazy thing called the internet.

Lemonjello ago

hang in there.

Thedametruth ago

Ditto. I can't figure out anything involving pixels on the intertubes. Still looking for the GA rm & SerialBrain. I know, I'm a confused tech ditz but I'm on the side of liberty, justice & Goons for Gitmo. & UCMJ.

SorosTrannyQShill ago

You don’t sound like such a lost cause man , get out before it gets worse. Have you seen...gasp... how shocking people are in this place?

Lord_of_the_Hundreds ago

I just spent an hour figuring out 8chan. Those people are legitimately nuts. Cortez and Pizarro should make an appearance there and put them all to the sword for the good of Western Civilization. v/TA and r/GA aren't as bad as that place.

CaptnObvius ago

Its not for everyone, but Q chose it for a reason. It appears to be anarchy, but there is more than meets the eye and much going on behind the scenes there. Q chose it because as insane as it may seem it may be the only thing that saves Western Civilization in the end.

Neskuaxa ago

Think that's bad? I was participating in his subs since way back in January. I'm a dummy.

Tmb17q ago

How can I post, another dummy here

Thedametruth ago


BuilderAnon ago

I don’t known... FoT I was torn on. He was almost to anxious to make the_greatawakening happen but on the other hand I’d seen the mods pull their alt harassment tactics on people. What are the chances both he and the mods were all comped and FoT was a plot by them to splinter things? I’m very confused right now about who the good and bad actors are. GA here seems way more legitimate than this sub yet BV on 8chan is behind these mods...

SemperFortis99 ago


Res_Publica ago

... Dude. I read the article linked here, and it made me sad. This neon guy acts like a priest of the Q cult. He says stuff like “I wade through the excrement to find the gold for all of you..”

It sounds like he’s asking you guys to just sit and wait for him to tell you what to think about things and what to do.

I’m skeptical (probably not a strong enough word) about the whole Q thing, sure. But I just like to taunt about it, I’m not trying to convince anyone. I’m not trying to debunk anything.. you can think whatever the hell you want.

But this guy is talking in terms of doomsday cult shit. You have a Jim Jones on your hands. “You all go sit in what place on the Internet I tell you to, and I’ll be back down off the mountain after God tells me stuff. No, you don’t get to hear for yourself. Just sit still and be pure and innocent.”

Fucking WHAT!?

SemperFortis99 ago

Yes, we all do the same thing! NR IS A SHILL! Just outed himself with this article!

data57 ago

Omg! I feel the same! I'm so confused! I guess I'm also a dumb ass! God! I feel like an idiot!

trich1972 ago

Most of us do! WWG1WGA😁

Lordsendme1019 ago

We knew this would happen. If you were a dumbass, you would be watching TGIF right now thinking the world was right where Clinton left it. But you're here now, which means you have a brain for self thought. Like anything you learned in school - do it enough times in a row and suddenly it makes sense. We have to stay together, and we have to adapt, and have to stop pretending to be these clueless redditrejects. I mean, whatever we did over there broke the internet so I would say we are some fucking legitimate ass gangsters. Consider any hell you catch here a computerfag nerd hazing. Dont pass out and you'll be fine

P.S. - It helped me to change my account to night view, it colorizes everything and it's easier to read.

AnonUSAlltheway ago


LoveGod ago

My first trying this Voat out. I’ll get it eventually,, I love a good challenge. Right there with you patriot. We won’t go down with out a fight. #Maga

HangemAll ago

I concur, knock it off because if you were stupid you wouldn't be here with the Patriots, you would be with the "useful idiots" plagerising MSM and calling it an original thought. WWG1WGA

2Qornot2Q ago

Haha, this made my night. Thanks. And you’re right, we broke the internet and made history. We are badass and we know too much truth. That will never be taken from us.


Good to see you, Neon; we don’t die so easily. Awesome work on the FoT leads, I had no clue that it ran so deep. The exodus to 8ch is inevitable, as you said. I’m guessing the impending Net blackout will hit near midterms; if these vermin lose the mids then they’re done for.

LoveGod ago

Ok my first post to check out Voat. Let’s see how I can do on this site for a back up. I’m a supporter of @blessedtoteach who else is ?

BlessedToTeach ago

Thanks for the shout out. :-). God Bless!

BlessedToTeach ago

Thanks for coming on over! God Bless

Ukpatriotwarrior ago

I've sent you a message on messenger in FB, come across as per instructions but not getting any thumbs to enable involvement... PS Check FB my message is important

BlessedToTeach ago

Trying to keep up but way behind. You can also try my [email protected]


I watch his vids

ObamasPinkSock ago

The exodus to 8ch is inevitable

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't support as many free speech platforms as possible.

It's dangerous and foolish to put all your eggs in one basket.

As much as I want to Trust The Plan, I'm also a prepper, which means I prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

ThomasCrafts ago

Rough water ahead patriot.

GoBackToReddit ago

A new sticky?

So what happened to going to ? Just going to divide everything up then? Two thirds here (between this sub and the pre-existing) and the rest over there? I thought that was precisely what you people didn't want. Something about holding hands and staying together...

Textualintercourse ago

Fuck. You.

GoBackToReddit ago

Jew mad?

Textualintercourse ago

Not your goy, shlomo.

NeonRevolt ago

Maybe try reading the article first, moron.

SemperFortis99 ago

NeonRevolt, stop belittling people, you NARCISSISTIC CORSI' DICK SUCKER! Can't handle a simple disagreement on a FREE SPEECH BOARD!?

dajomo ago

too many of those negative waves man, you'll give yourself an ulcer or something

Ps4Freedom ago

Eat Toast!

GoBackToReddit ago

I'm sure that was a deep cutting remark to you.

NeonRevolt ago

LOL thanks for spreading the message!

GoBackToReddit ago

Yeah, no problem. I doubt your going to get the reaction you think you will.

NeonRevolt ago

I don't care what reaction I get, so long as the info gets out there.

Thanks again for helping spread the message with your cross-posting! (And for advertising my hats in the thumbnail!)

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @GoBackToReddit:

This notification (#343) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

GoBackToReddit ago

We don't want to change you but please change for us.

Yep. Archived for all to see.

SemperFortis99 ago

NeonRevolt, all about the money and fame!

Ok_Top ago

Right you are! I'm out of here. WWG1WGA

HansFree ago

Awesome post - glad you made it over here... I’m still figuring out voat

trich1972 ago

You have to upvote every post and replys in order for everyone to get enough points to post.

BossyCowgurl ago

Just got to voat as well. Glad to find patriots. #WWG1WGA

AnonUSAlltheway ago

Me too Patriot. MAGA WWG1WGA

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

might help if you tried interacting with the rest of the site outside of your little safe space here, I'd also recommend suicide

hdove56 ago

You first

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I already do participate on the rest of the site retard. Kill yourself

SemperFortis99 ago

Yep, make no mistake about it! Neon Revolt is a SHILL THAT SUCKS CORSI'S DICK! He just outed himself with that article! Starts out well to gain your attention, then just becomes a bunch of verbal drivel! SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE! Otherwise it's just a DISTRACTION! Everyone...ask yourself how many times Neon Revolt has been correct?! Not much!

SorosTrannyQShill ago

Figure out how to leave . Step 1 get hammer step 2 apply hammer vigorously to device . Step 3 lay on train track.

dajomo ago

hahaha you sound like crooked Hillary, ah just saw handle, explains it

Textualintercourse ago

HRT working out well for you. Is dilation painful? I wouldn't enjoy getting my cock removed, but you jew you, shlomo.