hangry ago

@NeonRevolt posts a shitload of condescending faggotry right there. It's a Q Cult.

GoBackToReddit ago

Anyone else care to rip this apart? There is just so much and I don't have time right now.

CryptoBard ago

I'll give it a try... it's a short summary of what I think are fundamentally different trains of thought.

Some newcomers demonstrated that they believed that if they read something, they subscribed to that idea.

I believe rational minds know that bad ideas or thoughts can be countered/explained away, or perhaps their own mind may be changed, which is a valid outcome.

Some newcomers demonstrated that if they didn't like reading things they found offensive, they would rather hide or censor it.

I believe rational people SHOULD read offensive things, on a daily basis, if you never exercise, how are you to improve? How well does an immune system work when it's never tested?

Some newcomers would rather hide from ideas that are "hard" strong minds seek them out, they have individualism, individual agency that seeks out truth no matter how upsetting to a worldview.

Dirty_Money ago

Same boat, man.

What a load of self-righteous, entitled bullshit.