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MeditationAnon ago

Dude - I honestly feel that if your going to put THAT much effort into this post - you really DON’T want anyone to change your mind. I don’t know why I should try, but for the benefit of some that might be reading this:

In the opinion of this long tome lurker, R/greatawakening was “professionally” run. Think a MacDonald franchise. Think about some execs in a boardroom deciding that EVERY person who wears a golden arches uniform MUST be friendly. The restaurant MUST be clean.

When MacDonald’s first came to places like Russia and India people in those countries were impressed by the lack of dirt and friendly employees.

The way r/greatawakening was moderated was like this. Let’s ensure people have a first rate, “clean” experience. How many times did Q link to that sub? Would he drive hundreds of thousands to a place that was 100% comped?

I actually dislike MaDonald’s. It is against my principles, but it’s no question that it’s an effectively run place - a quality that led them to the phrase “BILLIONS served.”

Q wants to see BILLIONS served as well, my friend! Be easy on these mods - they are not the enemy.

kneo24 ago

They would claim that "no one in their right mind would call them organized".. Like you, I agree with your assessment that they are organized. But, you see, you might see this them being humble, I see it as them trying to downplay everything they've done here so far - not as an act of humility, but trying to fly under the radar as much as they can hope to do so.

For the record, I don't think they're compromised, I think with they just enjoy control, and with ties to NeonRevolt, also like Money. With control, it's easier to get money.

DrogeAnon ago

I think with they just enjoy control, and with ties to NeonRevolt, also like Money. With control, it's easier to get money.

Funniest accusation this year xD. "Money" lol xD. Please point me to our Patreon, I want to know how much we've made!!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

isn't NeonRevolt selling shirts? didn't Q himself say not to trust those who try to profit off the movement?