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SneakyWino ago

Thank you for the upfront ban on racism. Some words on VOAT are both unsettling and could really make us look bad. Thanks to all mods for setting up our new home! #WWG1WGA

antisrs ago

This sub is under siege by SRS. They're going to spam garbage and then concern troll that you're deleting spam, which is against the ToS. Voat is run by SRS. Listen to Q and do not leave the official 8ch board!

If SRS user Mumbleberry is shilling against this alternative to SRS-controlled /v/GreatAwakening, it's probably semi-legit. The proof is in these comments getting downvote-brigaded.

How did SRS user srayzie know to ban @oh_well_ian, the top poster to /v/GreatAwakening (who knew srayzie was SRS), the day before Reddit banned /v/GreatAwakening, unless "she" is SRS and knew it was going to happen? "She" is literally a mod of SRS on Voat and co-mods it (along with /v/ProtectVoat) with SRS users kevdude and Crensch, who have also co-opted the /v/Pizzagate investigation and made sure it goes nowhere.

If not, why was this person banned? Why is srayzie insistent that only her own SRS alts be added to the mod team?

The only people left here are paid commenters (SRS pedophiles) and useful idiots who don't realize they're conversing with paid commenters. You were herded here by SRS from Muslim-controlled Reddit to Muslim-controlled Voat (Atko = Atif Colo, a Muslim who's on the record complaining about anti-Islam bias on Voat), and then Atko flooded Voat with pro-Iran shills paid off by Muslim oil billionaires. Their primary coder is a tranny, their main devs are confirmed SJWs, and their fake CEO wears a fedora, looks like a Redditor, and has never given any indication of being a Right-leaning. Why are these people so excited to manage us pro bono?

What did Soros use his money to do to Reddit? Pay commenters to shill for Islam. What would Soros use his money to do to Voat? PAY COMMENTERS TO SHILL FOR ISLAM.

I was banned for posting this warning to the Patriots Soapbox Discord, by another supposed "woman" sympathetic to Islam. Q is real, but most mods and "commentators" and "decoders" EVERYWHERE online are shills. They own the web. They DDoS anything they don't control. We have been totally compromised. TRUST NOBODY.

BadMonk ago

Wow, not exactly what I expected to find within the first minutes of arriving here. It's a little over my head but still an eye opener. The attacks against us have been big. I've heard YT is next.

bornfree2 ago

their awful nasty people. don't feel welcomed at all. Not sure why Q would direct us here.

NoisyCricket ago

That's because Neon split the community and incited a turf war. You're watching Voat's immune system kick in to protect itself from the fascism and censorship which you just fled. While I'm sure you mean well, your comments only fuel actual hate, fascism, and censorship.

Here is a post which will provide perspective:

You have a place to go BECAUSE of these "awful nasty people." Most people call it liberty and human rights.

Indoctrination is a bitch.