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Oinkie ago

Great Tips. I feel like I’ve been shipwrecked on an uncharted island and not sure what language the natives are speaking.

ImNoDisneyPrincess ago

I'd only learned a few phrases and now I have to start to learn another new language. Pardon me, while I lurk awhile and people watch till I get the hang of it!

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

Same here. I, for instance, learned at least one new word! Never thought I would type the word niggerfaggot!

Meatgod ago

Still have trouble with that, but I get it. If you can write it and not be banned, then you are in a free speech zone. It is the canary in a coal mine. I left voat after pizzagate devolved into some sort of nazi like shit show. again, I get it. The goal is to drive away the shills. But I can't send my grandmother there to learn more. I think that is the issue I am having. I think that was why reddit was serving a purpose.

NoisyCricket ago

Still have trouble with that, but I get it. If you can write it and not be banned, then you are in a free speech zone. It is the canary in a coal mine.

Exactly right. This is all that matters. If people are repelled by liberty then we don't want them around because it's impossible they can ever meaningfully contribute to a discussion or society at large. They care more for emotion than facts or evidence.

Words like, "nigger", "faggot", or, "niggerfaggot", need not become every day words. I have no use for them in daily life. In fact I've used them more since the Reddit Great Awakening migration than I have in years here.

Here you will lean the true meaning of liberty, tolerance, and diversity. Sadly, the real meaning scares many people away. Which brings us back to the canary in the coal mine.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." - George Washington

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Kierkegaard

“A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything." - Napoleon I

People who hate the canary have no place in America, let alone Voat.