SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked by @mattathias from this comment.

Posted automatically (#1511) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

cabalstone ago

Qwant search engine does not track your activity and has a very appropriate name. Gotta love their logo.

AmericanRev ago

Very helpful tips WWG1WGA Thank you

gr8daze ago

Just like learning a new language

Xyz4u ago

Wow who woulda thought? We have a long thread and discussion without calling each other niggerfaggot in every other sentence! To those who think it’s necessary: go the fuck ahead and say it. There are however many of us who have bigger fish to fry than calling each other niggers and faggots to prove freedom of speech. Our fish to fry is the deep state to die.

joanofarc1951 ago

Just got here. I think I will lurk awhile until I get my sea legs LOL!

CommonCents1 ago

im a rufus dufus, any other tutorials in laymans terms for all these alternatives?

DoverPro ago

Thanks - fast moving events are hard to keep up with, help is always welcome.

Hand_of_Node ago

Correction: You can see 99 pages of your own comment history, and 19 pages of others comment history.

Defendliberty ago

How long before We’re taken down from Voat? Then where? anyone thought of starting a board on 8chan?

alele-opathic ago

Well, nobody has been taken down from Voat yet - our Jailbait subs are even still here (though inactive), and the pedos behind them are still here too.

HST ago

Well /v/jailbait was disabled, and I seem to remember it was demodded by an admin. But that's perfectly allowed if illegal/against user policy content is not deleted by mods.

NotUnhindged ago

Thanks, good info! A newbie here.

Gassman1776 ago

Lurking for now, will talk when I can.

CommonCents1 ago

need help with this tech stuff in laymans terms, or tutorial links!

MillionDollarBonus ago

Why aren't we using Bitchute. It's setup to prevent censorship and is the natural place for this sort of stuff.

alele-opathic ago

I only linked Invidious as it mirrors youtube content, but without the google. Believe it or not, we have long-term members here that still post youtube links.

countrybuc ago

Thanx for the info. I'm a newbe to all this. Been following Q for a few months now. Hope to catch up soon. Thanx for the welcome!

PutridPoots ago

How do you do a search on this board?

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Just make sure y'all assimilate. This place isn't reddit, please don't act as if it is.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why can’t you faggots answer any questions about your god?

esctab ago

Great! Thank you. Now it's time for me to upvote.

CommonCents1 ago

yep, definitely need help on various browsing/email/OS solutions to look at!

D56D53D84 ago

Getting a bad cold, going to give it a rest for a few. Keep it up Patriots. WWG1WGA

AmericanAnon ago

Hi Patriots I’m new and eager and ready to serve and learn. I was a lurker on Reddit but I want to go deeper this time. Everyone is needed now, “all hands on deck”.

RonaldSwansong ago

OP mind dropping this on /patriotsawoken/ ? Very important info. ThankQ.

KimiJo3624 ago

This is surreal. And yet, this seems to be the hallmark of our times. We now have to get used to communicating in a different way. It is my hope that true democracy is born of this.

Kehar ago

Thank you thank you thank you--all great information. Each new platform takes a bit to break in to understand the application interface... But I LOVE nightmode! Woo hoo! So much easier on my eyes.

Tweet357 ago

Great tips, navigating my way through, glad to be here.

Suzo ago

WWG1WGA! Must be over the target; so although we need to regroup, we do so with more resolve.

Whoohoo ago

Checking in! Mods = Gods. Glad the real team is here and ThanQ You Q.

digitalentity1497 ago

You reddit faggots are retatded as fuck.

70jphillips ago

Thanks, great tips. How about VPN Express? Does anybody have any suggestions for a fast, secure VPN?

KrokusTheMagnifier ago

(((Echoes))) around a noun signify either that it is Jewish (e.g. for a name), or that it is the product of Jewish meddling (e.g. for a concept).

Help me out here, someone. Please. Does Q want to be associated with anti-Semitic stuff like this? I'm genuinely confused. How are we supposed to reach out to people to join when there's such vile stuff here? Why do Jews need to be labeled anyway? Sure, if someone is in some bad Jewish political org, you can call that out, but why are Jews labeled for their ethnicity? This is nuts. Anyone?

qbck ago

Those of you new here trying to figure out how the voating system at Voat works (TellVoat) here's a link to an older archived post:

This is how the voating system at Voat works (TellVoat)

Wat_Dabney ago

So I've gone from being fellow patriot to being Nigger faggot? but I'm not Nigger faggot kike ....I don't think.....though I'm not sure. on the street there would be blood, but here........kinda feels like home.

Sarevok ago

You nig nogs have to go back

Joeker4Trump ago

I was just asking because it is asking permission to access files in my phone?

Joeker4Trump ago

Is the same as

eldorann ago

Supposedly this place has free speech. If that's true then I won't get banned for writing that Spez is a retardedfuckingnigglekike.

freeperjim ago

Is it possible to have more comments to load?

So few load and then you need to click to get a few more comments.

Can ALL comments load when thread is opened?


Anonaust ago

Thanks guy WWG1WGA. The lurk begins!

NonJuan ago

Thanks for sharing these tips!

godsgail33 ago

Thanks for the welcome and the information. I didn't know what to do with myself this morning. This is a little daunting but we'll conquer it. Amazing! the tenacity and determination of patriots is incredible.

thisistotallynotme ago

I have a bunch of people (@thegrugq among them) telling/screaming at me to only trust cryptostorm for VPN, as it's "legally miles ahead of other VPN providers".

Also, we tend to use more than, since their image archive got completely deleted a little over a month ago.

qbck ago

Great info. Another board I'll have to get used to (sure I'll feel right home soon)

SherryOkie1 ago

I don’t understand any of it. I really am so lost. Just an Oldie but Newbie!

WhiskyDave ago

A place without Windows - sound like a fairytale ;)

Dennyachoochoo ago

I think I'm gonna need a sponsor to figure all of this out. I have never been on a site like this before (nor Reddit).

I apologize in advance for any screw ups that I make.

WyoTxn ago

Is there a mobile Voat app recommended?

JewGoat ago

Hello jews

rosebud88 ago

How can you post jpeg?

readymn2 ago

I LOVE YOU. Just when I needed you most. Thank you. I am new. Wish me luck. Where We Go One. We go all.

BONUS: learning new foul words to call my children. JUST KINDDING...

dinosnaur ago

Hey, fyi, you can actually view 99 pages of your own history, but only 20 of other people.

94Slacker ago

Thank you for this information.

bulrush ago

How about some love for noobies so we can post helpful content? Noobs cannot make a new post until they get 10 comment points.

Also, can we use imgbb dot com? That's one site I use. There was also catbox dot moe.

FatherDadDude ago

May I add a few things. Not all VPN's are compromised. Using an older version of Windows, ie Vista or Win7 hacked (before all the information gathering platforms). Linux is wonderful to run, I have two raspberry pi's that are kicking ass. If you want one, which I highly suggest, the internet is your friend. Tons of Youtube videos. A full Pi set-up shouldn't run more than 35 bucks. Me, i'm stupid and use a Mac. Since I'm the religious dude, I don't feel threatened by those that want to inflict harm. God literally is my guide and protector. Without him, I wouldn't be here to type and be a part of history as it unfolds. God has provided me with not one miracle but so many I've lost count. If you could walk in my shoes for a mile, you'd experience the miracle that is God. You are my brothers and sisters wether you like it or not. We all come from the same mother and father. Act like it, love each other. I'm also typing this to get enough mojo to start /biblicalq Not a clue on this platform but I'm learning!! God bless each and every one of you. God is blessing Q and Q+ and above all Give DJT the wisdom and knowledge he needs for this fight. Above all give him compassion, we are all sinners, some much more than others. Let those without sin cast the first stone. I can raise my arm Lord, but cannot throw. Please Creator, Father of everything help us rid this Earth of those not worthy of your light. Turn those than can be turned into warriors for our cause of ending Child suffering. No child should ever be harmed, ever. Amen. Give us all a sign that we are working for you God, that you are the supreme judge of all Humans. Bring down their house of cards and let my brothers and sisters live in love and freedom. End the slavery. Moses demanded, "let my people go". We, as your humble servants shout now "LET MY PEOPLE GO." Soon our voices will be heard around the world, in every place. Evil is done here on Earth. Go out and be the voice of God, wake those that want to be wakened. Let those that choose sleep, sleep. You all work for God now, get busy. All of the above is asked of you dear Father, not out of pride but humility, please do your best to help us, Amen. Remember that God will not help if he isn't asked to intervene. Ask every possible moment you can.

SemperFortis99 ago

All, Keep Fighting!

Pol-itical-crap ago

"Windows is compromised. Linux is nowhere near as hard to use or install as FUD would have you believe. Numerous posts have been created here over the years on getting started in the various Linux flavors, and we are more than happy to help out."

I installed Linux when Windows XP lost tech support. But I also play Lord of the Rings Online, which does not install onto Linux. They have a Play on Linux Windows Environment (WinE) which creates a virtual OS so you can some Windows programs on Linux, as well. Regrettably, LOTRO was too big a program for WinE, so I ended up dual booting my PC with one side Windows and the other side Linux. This went well for many years. However, there are viruses that attack Linux (although few and far between. My Linux side became unusable and Linux has no tech support. I tried uninstalling Linux and trying another distro, but something is wrong on my hard drive. Windows 7 still works fine, but it has many maintenance needs. When support for W7 ends in 2020,. I am going to just use Linux alone, and stop playing LOTRO. BTW, I put Linux Mint on my wife's PC and even though it is now deprecated, it still runs fine. She just does email and Internet surfing. I tend to do much more with computers. If VOAT has a subverse for Linux support, it will be worth doing. But Linux has a learning curve to it. DOS still exists on Windows, but it is rarely used by consumers, so command prompts in Linux might be intimidating.

moonshadoe ago

I went through the first purge when they took down CBTS on reddit. Been with Q since first post. Thanks mods for giving us another platform! Much love to all and remember to Fight, Fight, Fight!

CokeOrPepe ago

I had to disable AdNauseam to see the main menu bar here. This site is worth shutting Adblocker off on.

Korsavius ago

Appreciate this post.

CindySEilat ago

I came over from reddit. I'm too old for this s%&#! Just started understanding reddit. Now I have to start all over.

qbck ago

I feel your pain, but focus your energy and this feel like home in no time

DropGun ago

I'm 50 and feel the same way.

RedStormRising ago

Thanks. Great tips. @alele-opathic Is there a Linux FAQ or a Tips post stuck somewhere. I looked for one, but I didn't see one anywhere. I'm not looking for detailed instructions on installing Linux. More like what packages I should install or uninstall, config settings and security related tips. Sage wisdom from those who've been there.

alele-opathic ago

Is there a Linux FAQ or a Tips post stuck somewhere.

I don't have one saved, and search is down at the moment. Usually someone just starts a post in v/whatever and everyone joins in - we get one of these maybe every 4 months or so, and we haven't had one in a while. Things are a little nuts at the moment, and, if you did make a post, it may get lost in the storm, but do give it a try.

colway4 ago

Thank you so much Patriot! I can get used to this site...….remembering Q's words....FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

NamelessMofo ago

Is also considred comped? I will be a sad panda if so.

alele-opathic ago

Not that I know of, I just couldn't quite remember all of them (oops). It's in there now.

everlastingphelps ago

Also note that the mods can't do anything in secret here. You can see all the mod moves here:

Note which threads were pulled, too, like this one.

Figure out what is going on for yourself.

trustingtrump ago

Going to lurk for awhile... thank you.

whatsupnoobs ago

Thanks noobs! Glad to be here.

SuperiorPotassium ago

How do you search for posts on a specific sub or whatever this is called?

alele-opathic ago

Search is down at the moment because of an attack we had a few months back. I'm not sure if Putt said when it would be back.

oohhhhcanada ago

Can I make upvoted threads invisible to see more unread threads?

auroravoyager ago

Great tips for a Q normie like me.

based80 ago

I use Proton Mail - so I'm interested in what you mean by Protonmail being compromised. Pls tell me more.

saffremaquis ago

Here's a copy/paste of the info provided further up this thread by alele-opathic, many thanks to him/her for the info: TL;DR for those of you who won't bother reading: NordVPN and Protonmail share a CEO. They claim to operate in Panama/Switzerland, but both companies are shell companies, owned fully by PROTONVPN LT, UAB, which is located in Lithuania, which has a law requiring 6 months of data retention (this matters, because, even though they tell you they keep no logs, they are legally required to maintain them). Finally, the headquarters of PROTONVPN LT, UAB, is in the very same building as TesoNet, a Lithuanian data mining service. ProtonVPN claims that the colocation is just happenstance, and they don't actually work with TesoNet, but researchers found NordVPN using privacy certificates signed by TesoNet in their official app binaries.

This also applies to DuckDuckGo as well, who was started by (((Gabriel Weinberg))) to capitalize on all of those wanting to jump ship from google, and does track clicks and links (though it claims not to). An article by the timesOfIsreal on Weinberg's site, which didn't have any traffic worth speaking of until the Snowden limited hangout, which pushed everyone even mildy privacy-aware straight into the dragnet.

Manifestlife3 ago

Same here! Daunting being the newbie but here we go! Thanks so much for all the work you guys have done here!

SharkShack ago

May I add, if you love Win XP and/or Win 7, Linux Mint is the distro for you. Install it alongside Windows so you have an OS that won't cause problems like Windows.

kalestew ago

So much faster loads today. Looks like someone got some donations that got things moving!

Thanks for the warm intro Patriots!

crayonanon ago

What do you guys think about the potential of Debian being compromised? Assange referenced it once, and the founder of Debian 'committed suicide', and other things.

Linux Mint is the go to - but I'm wondering if we should not be recommending anything Debian based.

I say this as a long time linux nerd, looking for opinion of other nerds.

ButterMyPopcorn ago

Thank Q for the tips. Ready to take a deep breath and learn to navigate, once again.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

go to v/GreatAwakening I say this begrudgingly as it was a nice little sub for so long....

atowrks ago


Pol-itical-crap ago

This is very helpful. Thank you.

GolfinGirl ago

Thank you, new here from reddit/greatawakening. Thanks for tips. Is there a way to share a post to twitter or text message?

qdudearoo ago

Excellent advice and thanks for the alternative sites. Very useful and thanks for having us refugees.

MAGAinVA ago

Thanks for the tips. This will take some getting used to. Can't decide if the Boat app for android or mobile site is easier to find my way around in. Maybe I should just lurk moar...

Libertymagnet ago

Can someone please explain how you keyword search here like you could in reddit with the magnifying glass icon?

grandpa_9 ago

ThankQ, Patriot. This boards gonna be a learning curve for this grandpa. But we'll get through.


Kamura777 ago

Thank you so much for the tips and the warm welcome. The censorship going on over at reddit and YouTube is ridiculous. I couldn't believe that this purge is really happening. Thank God for Serial Brain2, Praying Medic and Spaceshot76 for getting the Word out and directing us to a much safer platform here on Voat. We need to stay together. We will not be scattered to the wind. United we are strong. They are so afraid of the truth. They're so afraid of the masses waking up and finally seeing the evil and the corruption that has blinded our people for so long. I trust in my Lord and Saviour's promises , which is why I have faith and can trust in Q's plan. The Q team told us this would happen. They said not too long ago that the attacks would intensify, but these people are stupid. #WWGOWGA


I need up votes, Patriots. MAGA

qbck ago

We all do brother. WWG1WGA! Fight fight fight!!

Mgd61 ago


BradMoo08282326 ago

Been a tumultuous 24hours to say the least......thanks for the info!! #WWG1WGA

AngelofDeath ago

Thanks for that!

BarrysMuslimFaith ago

Thanks for that. Need to get a VPN.

Rise_and_shine ago

New to Voat! r/thegreatawakening refugee. I’m impressed we were able to regroup so quickly! Thank you for the tips. Gonna take a look around and try to catch up!!

HRKrow ago

Thank you for the tips! I lurked for awhile on the previous board but never engaged. Glad to be here.

Ok_Top ago

Thanks for that. Going to be lurking awhile to figure this out.

Smo-Guiver ago

Trying to figure out how to get 10 CCP so that I can make a post.

GodEmperor2020 ago

What evidence do you have that ProtonMail is compromised? State your source(s), please...

alele-opathic ago

Detailed info in in the linked text above, copied here. Copying my response from a similar question here.

Extremely short story: They claim to be Swiss, but the Swiss business registry shows them owned by a Lithuanian company, and Lithuania law requires 6 months of records necessarily be kept. Furthermore, they are cohoused with a datamining service; the CEO claims that it is just coincidence, but their android app certs are signed by the datamining service itself; turns out both companies share a CEO.

Sources are Swiss business registry, Lithuanian Business registry, droid APK, and the CEO's responses on the hackernews forum, so you can easily verify yourself.

PatrioticOkra ago

I haven't seen data on a compromise, bt it's Swiss, and Switzerland has a mutsl legal assistance treaty with the US, which means that the US can get access to anything the Swiss government could compel ProtonMail to turn over.

InTrump45WeTrust ago

Thank you for the tips and the welcome

KahaAnaloa ago

Protonmail comp’d? Sauce? I cannot find anything that shows emails decrypted or stolen. Just user access denial for a short period of time.

alele-opathic ago

Detailed in the linked text above, copied here. Extremely short story: They claim to be Swiss, but the Swiss business registry shows them owned by a Lithuanian company, and Lithuania law requires 6 months of records necessarily be kept. Furthermore, they are cohoused with a datamining service; the CEO claims that it is just coincidence, but their android app certs are signed by the datamining service itself; turns out both companies share a CEO.

Sources are Swiss business registry, Lithuanian Business registry, droid APK, and the CEO's responses on the hackernews forum, so you can verify yourself.

saffremaquis ago

Wow! Thank you for taking the time to further explain about Protonmail. I took a lot of time to set it all up and feel like I've been scammed.

Nevadasabigstate ago

[My Sgt. Fisa Release meme] ( was getting some good traction yesterday on GW. Can I get some upvotes so I can contribute here on Voat.

Far2Long2 ago

Protonmail is good as well. I switched from Tutanota.

PatriotPrepper70 ago

I'm so confused!

Bansheemanshee ago

If youre looking for a decent android app to browse Voat, I found "Boats for Voat" last night. It's not as good as apps like SYNC for reddit but it helps me get my mobile fix.

EZMojo ago

Thanks for the nightmode tip. I can see again!

TrueTemper ago

Thank you. Rough transition for me. I made one comment on the original VOAT Great Awakening board and got down voted.

Any upvotes appreciated. Was active on the reddit boards. I'll be looking to contribute with comments where possible.

SpagMeat ago

Newfag question: why am I limited to 100 upvotes a day when others are telling me they don't have a limit? I checked their profiles and it was true. One fellow's best comment had 3 upvotes yet his stats showed he'd given 999 upvotes.

Gmoneybigs ago

Should I switch from Windows to Linux now? How far does the compermise go?

dideediane ago

Thank you for the tips, and thanks for being patient with us newbies, found Q about 4 months ago and follow praying medic and katieG, only at reddit for little over a month and sitting there making a post and then "poof' all gone kind of shocked me really. I thank the entire QArmy for all you do to help us open our eyes and the eyes of others. God Bless WWG1WGA

MegaMAGA ago

Thanks! I recently installed Ubuntu 16.04 on a several years-old laptop (came with Windows 8 originally, which I wiped), and it really is simple and works very well. Not using it right this moment, but it's sitting to my right ready to go.

Predestinarian ago

I like this interface better than Reddit! Wow - great job voat!

Whiskeyjohn ago

I feel so lost here, but Praise God we found a place to park till we win this censorship fight. Until then WWG1WGA. My prayer, Lord God give us the wisdom, strength, and courage to stomp these SOB'S who are working for the luciferians to bring America to her knees. HOOORA and AMEN.

utility68 ago

We need to be semi-conscious about up-voting good comments from newbies (me at the moment) who need a minimum of 10 upvotes to contribute their own content. I feel like a high-school freshman whose just been demoted back down to the1st grade! Reddit can go down in flames with the rest of them. I'm looking forward to "the RESET" of all this BS!


SheSellsSeashells ago

Somehow the sun is brighter here and the air smells fresh and clean! Thank you for the welcome to this site - I'm looking forward to getting to know Voat and learning my way around.

BohemianConusLure ago

What's up with magaimg? I've got lots images hosted there

alele-opathic ago

There are a ton of them I forgot to mention - this would be one. I'll update OP.

Ugbootshuffler ago

I have been lurking the Chan's for about a year and said fuck all, same rules here or just go for it?

pairadocs ago

Thanks for the help and encouragement!

Jimzay ago

As someone who never posted on any Q topic or board. Just wanna say that this new forum is great and a lot like reddit, easy to use. Also, kinda weird reddit banned a LARP(?) subreddit hmmmmm!

Patr555 ago

Thanks a lot!

Libertymagnet ago

Is there a keyword search feature like in reddit? Can’t seem to find it.

aQzd ago

I would also like to add if anyone is considering switching to Linux I would recommend Linux Mint as the first choice to try. The download to get is Cinnamon 64-bit. After downloading the .ISO download a program called Rufus and using Rufus you can make a bootable USB drive to install Linux Mint.

It may seem like a bit of work at first, but I promise you its worth it.

TNQuilter18 ago

Glad to see you all are still up and running been a while since I have been over here. Not much for posting but love to read what everyone is thinking.

Wwwoodchuck ago

Thank you for taking us Reddit refugees in.

It doesn’t seem all that hard to navigate, like moving to a new neighborhood and finding where all the right stores are. The stores are all there (maybe even better ones!), just in a different location. It will just take a little time.

sgtempleton ago

How does one search for a particular poster (Neon Revolt). I have found a search spot but he was not found and he is the one that suggested I move here. I am not very intuitive here it seems.

thisistotallynotme ago

NR hasn't posted his voat username yet. But kudos to him for directing people this way.

Phil_Free ago

NR's username is "NeonRevolt" -- ( )

anxin11 ago

Thanks for the tips and preparing a new place. Hope everybody is safe on the East coast of the USA.

Petersonclaushenry ago

Thanks for the advice. New to Voat.

twowheelsmgee ago

Thank you for all the help! After getting blacked out on reddit I felt at a loss. Neon Revolts article brought me to Voat. Your thread will help me in future posting!!

MI6chock ago

A spot has been reserved for us on the 8ch board by the band of anons! The reason stated is the concern that "voat will likely not be able to to stand up to pressure from their hosting company". Here is the announcement: We will see what will happen next, but digging some 8ch-nettiquette might be a wise move, and to know where to go.


Fortunately my long desired screen name is available here; the rest is Greek to me until the lurking phase is over

FidelNaidoo ago

Thank you.

BreadTwists ago

And remember: Always bring a towel

Phil_Free ago

Hehehe... true that. A tip o' the hat to Douglas Adams and his illustrious Guide.

manxom ago

Thank you for the info

NoraPandora ago

Thank you for this warm introduction. :)

VioletStorms ago

A suggestion for an alternative to Youtube - Mike Adams (aka The Health Ranger) who himself had his YT channel banned because he was highly critical of censorship and also covered (uncovered) inconvenient truths like the many questionable practices of Big Pharma, the CDC and GMO’s as well as current affairs like Deepwater Horizon and missing Malaysian Flight MH370. (He did that great ballistics analysis of the Las Vegas shooting based on the rifle reports). He's a true patriot, as well as a research analyst with his own Lab and when YT started banning conservative content creators, he wrote his own alternative - Real Video ( which closely mirrors YT without the lag and buffering issues of others like Steemit/Dtube/Bitchute. Website is:

thisistotallynotme ago

Youtube Replacements:

Youtube proxies (Because Fuck GOOG and ES):

Past-Worlds ago

Thanks for the link, I've been looking for a YT replacement!

hoeskioeh ago

Nightmode is top right:

THAT was the single most helpful tip ever!
Thank you!

joanofarc1951 ago

Thank you for that tip <3

Karmytrumpateer ago

Never saw nightmode before. Did reddit have it too?

hoeskioeh ago

the app did, and i think it was available for reddit gold members (unsure about that)

Paula1958 ago

Thank you for the tips

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

Thanks for finding us all a nice new home to discuss all things Q/GreatAwakening WWG1WGA

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Hey! I'm an old linux user. Still have LM and Ubuntu on some comps in the house. I've been wanting to create a liveboot thumb drive for my Windows laptop, but haven't found a method that won't take me hours to figure out. Any suggestions?

The thought has crossed my mind to erase Windows 8 off my laptop, but it's a work computer. Hence the flash drive option.

On another note, I just created a mailfence email the other day. Any thoughts on it's security?

alele-opathic ago

I've been wanting to create a liveboot thumb drive for my Windows laptop

If you are creating it from windows (which it sounds like), Rufus is the recommended tool to flash live USBs. Make sure you select Fat32 and tick the MBR option if the other OS on the machine you want to boot is non-UEFI enabled (i.e. Win7 or older). You can burn a live USB of most any distro this way, provided you have the .iso (or .img .etc) downloaded. Excepting actually writing your thumb drive, setup takes about 30 seconds.

Any thoughts on it's security?

I couldn't tell you, sorry. I more or less stopped paying attention once I started rolling my own.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Awesome - exactly the info I was looking for. Thanks. I have windows 8, so the MBR option won't be needed. What's your preferred iso lately?

thisistotallynotme ago

If you're not a Gentoo user, you should be using Mint. Anyone in-between is just afraid to go full-Gentoo.

TL;DR - Install Mint until the urge to build your own kernel becomes too great.

BetweentheGreennBlue ago

Mint has been my main one, for the simple reason I just don't have the time to do all the tweeking that's needed. Mint simply WORKS, and I really love it. I wanted to try something different, and went to SUSE, but when I had several hardware issues (ie. It worked and looked great, then crashed, every time), I just went back to Mint.

Thanks for the confirmation. Cheers, and let's keep this fight for freedom alive. Amazing that it seems every generation or two we have to go through this BS all over again. Welcome to history.

ArGangel ago

Damn im buzzing and feel dumb looking at this..

Alice89 ago

Thanks for the info! I know some guys here are not so nice but most of the people here are actually trying to help and welcoming us the best way possible :)

JLynne4444 ago

Thank you for the warm welcome and great tips!

DanijelStark ago

Thank you - very useful tips .

Soakingitup123 ago

I realized my VPN was likely compromised, but had no idea how to tell if one was good or not. Any guidance on this? It seems like even then it does offer some protection, at least from random sites

alele-opathic ago

but had no idea how to tell if one was good or not

This probably isn't what you wanted to hear, but there really isn't any way to 'prove' a VPN good.

Consider who you want privacy from. If you just want to torrent, then don't sweat it. If you are planning to take over the world, you couldn't positively 'know' that a VPN was secure unless you owned it's nodes.

PatrioticOkra ago


That being said, I find cryptostorm to be sound. Https://

thisistotallynotme ago

token purchases are legally separate from VPN access? check.
VPN exists in a jurisdiction that prevents subpoena? check.
Banking/accounting of tokens exists as a separate legal entity in a unique and protected jurisdiction? check.
Tor access built-in? check.
Company known to commit suicide rather than submit to subpoena of a single user? check.

Count_it_all_joy ago

Thank you for the tips. Very appreciative.

bitterwon ago

Thank you!

unbecoming2007 ago

CBTS and GA refugee here. Didn't post here but read due to GA links. Now it's my home so shell out some votes folks.Thanks.

JohnChimpo ago

Ditto here. I was a pro-am lurker, but yesterday's purge was my battle cry!

asymptote_12 ago

Mr too... GA/CBTS/GLP/LOP/The-Fringe/etc refugee.

I hope this one lasts til the end of the storm at least...

1whoknocks ago

fantastic work everyone - thank you!

WyFly ago

Thanks for the tips! Can I get some upvoats so I can get posting :))

ShaowIndy ago


Mendoza86 ago

Super helpful- thank you thank you!

BQrnAwake ago

I was only on GA reddit a short time-now I'm here. I've watched this censorship get to such a stupid level and it's like we're living 'opposite day' or 'backwards day' every day for the last 2 years! If I have a laptop w/windows-how would that program replace it? And would my microsoft office 365 still work? Something tells me it wouldn't but can anyone give me more info if you've been using it? I'd really appreciate it.

Strelnieki ago

Ive often referred to it as Bizarro World. Homage to Sealab 2021.

BQrnAwake ago

Earlier yt kept asking me to 'sign in' but it stated I was 'signed in'-it wouldn't let me share/like/save to my playlist-things are happening and I'm not sure if those 'things' are for the best or worst just yet! I restarted my phone-same thing but eventually it went back to normal-I'd love to know the truth on what that's all about!

Phil_Free ago

Sealab 2021! Love it! You are not alone! ;)

Ashamandre ago

Thanks for the tips! Niggerfaggot that came here when pizza gate got shut down, returning because I got burnt by shreddit...again.

SkyPilot98 ago

Thank you. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones!

Patriotinflorida ago

Thank you for the info!

Gitmo_money ago

Good info - thanks for sharing.

Countrygirl007 ago

Love your name it is hilarious

Gitmo_money ago

I love country girls. They're hilarious. We are all bringing something to the Q party!

Awake2Truth ago

TY! Helpful!

Qzenseeker ago

Thanks for the tips. will setup a linux box after today :)

Oinkie ago

Great Tips. I feel like I’ve been shipwrecked on an uncharted island and not sure what language the natives are speaking.

Patriot369 ago

I think its free will language. Anything goes.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Lurkmoar niggerfaggot.

OG-Kush ago

Hahah very much so

mjw8129 ago

Exactly! Feel the same!!

ee_tard ago

and I'm sure you can't wait to ban them right?

oldzeke ago

I've been here long enough to tell you this: 90%+ of the new arrivals are cancer who don't belong here. Faggots typing "LOL" and not understanding how a sentence operates are an emblem of the exact sort of cultural degradation this site hopes to vanquish.

Chin up, shoulders back, and don't tolerate any Reddit circle-jerk faggotry from this point forward.

Welcome and I hope you enjoy it.

TyrannyinTX ago

Welcome fellow Patriots and Q followers. WWG1WGA. We will not be silenced because of fascist social media platforms! We grow stronger every day!

angiebou21 ago

Lol, yeah me too, Patriot.. I’m gonna lurk and learn.

flylife2103 ago

A new place, a new language, a new adventure. I will often ask! be patient :-)

BadMonk ago

Same here. Back to lurking until I 'get it' again.

Malakyzek ago

i am an old man. i fall into the 'old tricks' category. but i have signed in figuring that i can at least support y'all by throwing upvotes at you as often as i can. i love this country. i love this president that we have been given. i love all of you who are working to pull this country back on to a path of righteousness. God bless this country. God bless you all.

Conyin ago

I’m not sure how this thing works either, but I too think we will get our country back. We have to stick together. I’m getting pretty tired of weasel $&@# taking away our freedom. I’m old too, but will fight to the death when needed! Clean up aisle 7

Malakyzek ago

lol. i spent a LOT of time lurking on greatawakening....loved to read what peeps were doing and saying. i found it to be an excellent source for qanon commentary. but i find i don't have the 'skills' to jump in ...there or i find i don't understand how stuff the upvoting..etc. anyways i do very much appreciate your comments you sent to me. thank you. i know i cannot do much...but i will do what i can...and try to learn along the way.

Svetlana ago

LOL! Me too! But thankful I’m here. Let’s get busy and keep getting this sites log info out to the others! WWG1WGA!

upvoat99 ago

All they have done by banning these subreddits is force splintered groups with the same goals together. These people really are stupid.

deplorableme2 ago

Feel the same, I was just getting started (3 months). Great to be here and thanks to Qmap dot pub for showing the way.

Mammaof5 ago

Ditto for me too. I am spittin' mad!!! I feel like I'm living in com munist China.

MagaRepublican ago

great analogy. I was feeling the same and trying to navigate around.

Past-Worlds ago

Shipwrecked is exactly how I felt too. I lurked forever on Reddit, signed up a while ago and then last night things went kasplodey. I'm just picking myself up again, dusting myself down, gritting my teeth with determination, flipping Reddit the bird and carrying on the good fight. As for language... we all speak Q!

007forGod ago

Yip, me too. Have been following Q for a while, also praying mefic. But was reasonably new to redditt, just began finding my feet. And the they threw us out. So bye bye redditt and thanks VOAT. We're a very loyal bunch...

subshine ago

You may also like "neon revolt".... he's on Gab and ( and no, I am not him, lol)

joanofarc1951 ago

Yes neon revolt has great posts. He deeply researches any subject he writes about. He is so good that Twitter and YouTube banned him quite awhile ago. He, along with SerialBrain2 and PrayingMedic are 3 of my favorites. Justinformed Talk on Youtube is another.

TyrannyinTX ago

I was on reddit long before Q came about but I was just lurking in the Q sub reddits until they decided to pull the plug. I will never be using reddit again. Good riddance fascists may you go the way of the dinosaurs!

Whoohoo ago

Same. I still will be on t_D until it gets the hammer per Q notes. I never commented on GA, but lurked due to being more a chan person. Having a more comfy platform for discussion is useful for many.

Meatgod ago

T_D probably just lost a ton of active users. oh well

HRKrow ago

I too have been following for the last 6 months. Fortunately everyone I’ve spoke with in the real world have been on board with Q or interested. These are amazing times to be alive!

AQuirethetruth ago

Ive been following daily for 6 months aswell but no one really wants to know here yet, so I rely on this community to keep my sanity in these epic times!

OsoCovfefe ago

Yup, we do live in interesting times! WWG1WGA

Jatsinkutsu ago

Like me everyday when waking up 😂

tantruminterruptus ago

Perfect analogy! Still...the air smells fresher than our old place and I can't wait to get my feet and help continue the fight. Already seeing a lot of familiar usernames!

Awakenednotwoke ago

I've noticed a lot of familiar usernames too! I pray we Patriots can keep going on this site through the New Year!

Kehar ago

I debated, but decided to change mine to go with what I use on Gab. But my old one on Reddit was chocolateredhead...

mjw8129 ago

yep, circling the drain at reddit, now here! Hello to all Patriots and obviously, WWG1WGA, or some of us anyway!

Palindromedan ago

I kept my old user name, and I was happy to see some I recognized too

ImNoDisneyPrincess ago

I'd only learned a few phrases and now I have to start to learn another new language. Pardon me, while I lurk awhile and people watch till I get the hang of it!

flylife2103 ago

Great Tips. I feel like I’ve been shipwrecked on an uncharted island and not sure what language the natives are speaking.

mm_on_the_wall ago

Yes! I had lurked on reddit for 6 months and just got motivated to join the conversation and be counted less than a week ago. I will definitely need a new warm up period.

BeenT_DoneT ago

Same here. I lurked for 8 months before I thought what I had to say might be Post worthy.Any way, glad I was able to migrate from thegreatawakening site to here with other like-minded Patriots. Long live Voat/the awakening. WWG1WGA

Gypsy12345 ago

I feel the same but I am enjoying the show from here much better

Man_Quan ago

Just dive in. The water is fine. It works much like Reddit so the learning curve is almost zero.

jackmcmick ago

Same for me...must say the lingo is very ..ummm ..very...freeing

Svetlana ago

Welcome! GA was an amazing place, this will get up there too. Enjoy. This board will be have a learning curve but they all do.

Fighting4OurChildren ago

Not sure I understand this new board. Maybe with time. In any case, though, I'm glad to be here!!

Glory_Freedom ago

Yes, in full agreement. Time to learn again.

AQuirethetruth ago

Same, it will take some getting used to but WWG1WGA!!!!!

HRKrow ago

Love your name!

Fighting4OurChildren ago

Hey, thanks so much!! Thought a lot about my name before registering. Fighting against the abuse of our children (worldwide) is my main heartbeat. Looking forward to nailing these evil suckers. WWG1WGA!!

Dafunkstarr ago


Refugee-From-r-GA ago

Same here. I, for instance, learned at least one new word! Never thought I would type the word niggerfaggot!

Meatgod ago

Still have trouble with that, but I get it. If you can write it and not be banned, then you are in a free speech zone. It is the canary in a coal mine. I left voat after pizzagate devolved into some sort of nazi like shit show. again, I get it. The goal is to drive away the shills. But I can't send my grandmother there to learn more. I think that is the issue I am having. I think that was why reddit was serving a purpose.

Kodo0 ago

Only those who really want to will know the truth.

NoisyCricket ago

Still have trouble with that, but I get it. If you can write it and not be banned, then you are in a free speech zone. It is the canary in a coal mine.

Exactly right. This is all that matters. If people are repelled by liberty then we don't want them around because it's impossible they can ever meaningfully contribute to a discussion or society at large. They care more for emotion than facts or evidence.

Words like, "nigger", "faggot", or, "niggerfaggot", need not become every day words. I have no use for them in daily life. In fact I've used them more since the Reddit Great Awakening migration than I have in years here.

Here you will lean the true meaning of liberty, tolerance, and diversity. Sadly, the real meaning scares many people away. Which brings us back to the canary in the coal mine.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." - George Washington

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Kierkegaard

“A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything." - Napoleon I

People who hate the canary have no place in America, let alone Voat.


Traprock ago

Ok so.... wow,I feel old with all these new terms....but what is a niggerfaggot? Saw this earlier on Neon revolts sight. Would I be an oldfag?dumbblondefag?

Pandas_revenge ago

Is fag a good or bad thing? Lol

Traprock ago

So many questions these days and so many answers that can be skewed multiply ways

Traprock ago

I quess it depends how you look at it and who you are

DTPerk ago

LOL! Interesting what we can learn by taking a leap (or being FORCED to). My newest coined word off the chans is 'assfag'! 'Autist Support Staff' (No Homo!) LOL!!

Peanut22 ago

Me too

SneakyWino ago

Me three. So glad we are able to regroup.

Peanut22 ago

Do they know it says this when logging in: this site is called subversive?

TheMightyWurlitzer ago

Yes. Please, please, please ditch Windows if you still use it. Mint Linux.

deplorable_podunk ago

Yes, for sure. Been using linux mint for many many years. Love it. Have never looked back.

aboxofbooks ago

The flavor I would recommend to a newbie would be Elementary OS. It's SUPER EASY and what I'm using right now. Very nice and reliable.

thisistotallynotme ago

Elementary is a very strong 2nd-place for newbie distro of choice. The only thing it lacks is pre-installed codecs and other tweaks that Mint does.

Soakingitup123 ago

Would this work in a raspberry pi? Thinking that may be a better alternative to getting a new laptop. Or perhaps dual boot

thisistotallynotme ago

Yes, but you'd be better off using a different distro like raspbian. Mint is x86/amd64-only. raspberry pis all use Broadcom ARM chipsets and video.

TheMightyWurlitzer ago

It just might but you'd need to find someone who knows techie stuff to tell you for sure. I would think there is some flavor of Linux that would work. Short answer. I don't know. best o luck.

aboxofbooks ago

make a live USB using the program Rufus. Here's how: 1. Download your flavor of linux 2. Download Rufus on iwndows. 3. Launch rufus 4. Point to where your download is 5. hit start 6. let program run

To use, put into your usb port, then restart your computer. 1. you may have to hit escape, f2, f1 or f12 to get to a menu 2. Computer should boot into linux. You can use it "live" without committing to installing if you want. 3. When you are ready to install, it has an install option on the desktop usually. 4. Whole installation should take somewhere between 5-10 mins.

Meatgod ago

Damn it. Lost. FML. I am so fucking locked into windows and android. FML

Remnant601 ago

Definitely great advice. Linux Mint is so much easier to use than Windows. Just find a few years old computer and install Mint. Add your favorite browser. You don't need to know any Linux commands to access the internet.

Mr_metanoia ago

Manjaro KDE, FTW--but... Honestly, I keep relapsing w/ compromised shit. I gotta stay in Windows rehab or something. Maybe learn how to use WINE. Didn't know about Protonmail, tho.

alele-opathic ago

If you are dual-booting, which it sounds like, it helps to set up a soft symbolic link between your windows user folder and wine user folder - this would allow you to run e.g. your favorite windows music software and keep your playlists/music, etc. Ask for more on this if you are curious. Also, note that the current wine version is 3.02 (or 3.15 if devel channel), as most distros pack an older version.

Do note that there are other things you would need to do in Windows to make it play nice (i.e. disable fast startup, disable hibernation), but then you could set your windows partition to automount and everything becomes automagic at that point.

Also, grab the Luna.msstyles file (from WinXP) so that everything doesn't look like ass.

Ask for help if you need it!

Mr_metanoia ago

I'm dual booting, indeed! I really only have just begun using windows because I never had any money for software. Had been all over the distros for awhile as I inherited a few old laptops. Developed the same affinity for upper-tiered-older hardware at cheap prices because of the Linux experience with Manjaro, Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary... even had PuppyLinux on a 10 yr old dell for my youngest. I don't get WINE tho. Tried to use it a couple of times and I should have watched some YT videos or something...

I understand about the BIOS/Win10 changes being necessary for compatibility, but how are you creating the sym-link? I only ever heard that term on busybox.

alele-opathic ago

but how are you creating the sym-link?

Use ln in a terminal window. The -s (for soft) argument will create soft links, as opposed to hard links.

ln -s /path/to/windows/folder /path/to/wine/folder

One caution though - check and double check that your paths are correct before entering the command. If the link is wrong, you need to use 'unlink' to remove it, which, though it sounds like it only unlinks symbolic links, can actually unlink normal files as well (which is the equivalent of deletion, but a little worse, as undeleting wouldn't recover metainfo [like filenames]). Just doublecheck and you will be alright.

Use quotes if your windows path has a space in it. The fake windows system wine creates is hidden by default, but should be in .wine in your home directory. Match up the two folders from both windows and wine and copy+paste from the file browser into terminal for the easiest way to not make a mistake.

robertawearefree ago

If you can manage to set up a dual boot system, then you can manage doing whatever you need to do in Linux. Take the plunge.

DankOrganism ago

Great guide, great site!

exoter60 ago

Thanks, Good Info. (Upvoting you all, too.)

Brittser2 ago

Thank you! Looking forward to making new friends and meeting back up with old ones.

Semlow ago

To meet the old postings, one tip to review and save original Reddit discussions using google cache: Google with three search terms, i.e.: drops 2063 The link, 'drops' and the drop number, here 2063. Then find the search hit with the reddit url and the correct drop number. Don't click that link, just the triangle behind (down arrow). Recovered! Sorry using google but in this case they are useful because they remember anything we say. ;-) Maybe someone finds a way to build an archive. Feel free to repost!

Ludogirl420 ago

Very helpful! Thank you!