Imgur is compromised. Alternatives:
Youtube is compromised. Hooktube no longer works. Use:
Windows is compromised. Linux is nowhere near as hard to use or install as FUD would have you believe. Numerous posts have been created here over the years on getting started in the various Linux flavors, and we are more than happy to help out.
NordVPN/Protonmail (along with most VPN/private email services) are compromised. There are no 'proven good' alternatives, but there are some that haven't yet been proven bad:
- Rolling your own email server (which can cost just the price of a domain, and possibly also a raspberry pi if you want a dedicated server)
Nightmode is top right:
You can save posts and comments. You can only view 20 pages of your own comment history, which means that, when you eventually need to cite that one glorious comment you wrote last year/month/week, you'll be unable to find it without having it saved.
Politics spill into everything, and because of the reduction in ability to censor (even for curation's sake), you will find politics even here, in your own sub, eventually. Modlogs are public and cannot be hidden. Here is yours:
It's a smaller community here. If there is some form of content that you want, but can't find, contribute what small amount you have to start things off and others will pitch in. The Chans work the same way, and the Linux ecosystem as a whole *tends* to operate this way.
(((Echoes))) around a noun signify either that it is Jewish (e.g. for a name), or that it is the product of Jewish meddling (e.g. for a concept). Contrary to mainstream damage control, echoes aren't a right wing 'golden star' or similar, but actually are how they would refer to themselves in classified CIA documents.
Ask people to cite their sources - most are friendly enough to tell you where they found/heard something.
Welcome to Voat. Enjoy your stay.
Edited to add magaimg.
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KahaAnaloa ago
Protonmail comp’d? Sauce? I cannot find anything that shows emails decrypted or stolen. Just user access denial for a short period of time.
alele-opathic ago
Detailed in the linked text above, copied here. Extremely short story: They claim to be Swiss, but the Swiss business registry shows them owned by a Lithuanian company, and Lithuania law requires 6 months of records necessarily be kept. Furthermore, they are cohoused with a datamining service; the CEO claims that it is just coincidence, but their android app certs are signed by the datamining service itself; turns out both companies share a CEO.
Sources are Swiss business registry, Lithuanian Business registry, droid APK, and the CEO's responses on the hackernews forum, so you can verify yourself.
saffremaquis ago
Wow! Thank you for taking the time to further explain about Protonmail. I took a lot of time to set it all up and feel like I've been scammed.