GoodGodKirk ago

i actually trust v/greatawakening more but thats cause Ive gotten to know the mods there. Nothing against patriotsoapbox, just unknown to me.

Plus Jen777, aka Task Force (recently murdered), regularly submitted to v/pizzagate and v/greatawakening, which constantly overlap.

meek_follower ago

I posted this in another thread and I will post it here

I was not a mod on reddit. Have no idea what it entails. I do understand organization and hierarchy as well as cliques, politics and culture. I witnessed shit go down on GA as most of us did. I read the he said / she said rhetoric. Sounded like a bunch of cackling hens in my view. This is not fucking reddit as many as you fags have reminded us. This is a fresh start. If you don't wish to place trust in these mods. I'm sorry - but I don't know you. I don't trust you and encourage you not to trust me until you can decide for yourself.

You don't have market share on the red pill brother

Mods have a tough job - so I have heard. There is always a bee is this bonnet. It is the nature of politics. These mods have done nothing to offend me. I do not know these mods individually. I know there reputation. I do not seek to be a mod, I would not take the job if offered. I want to make my mods nervous and mad. I simply ask you give these mods an opportunity to show you what they can do before recruiting "useful idiots" for other subs. This shit works both ways. Allow us time to deal with this.. Give us our space please.

Oh and if any of you old GA mods think shit is going to be like before. Your basic and nerd to step down. I will be calling for a reackoning and you are going to spill the beans. Fresh start right mods?

everlastingphelps ago

Watch the mods yourself. I'm certainly forming my opinion.

What is done in the dark will be brought to the light.

petevoat ago

That is not red pill brother. I am not swinging dicks with anyone. I am pointing out a fact that GA in the last 2 months were controlled opposition.

BuilderAnon ago

I noticed this post got deleted by those mods. Over the target. This is Voat. We have logs :)

Orien_Blue ago

I’m glad you posted this as patriot soap box or CBTS when on Reddit was absolute trash. Allowing all kinds of honest to god calls for violence, threats and doxing. I moved to TGA and it was leagues better regulated. You’ve come to the wrong place touting Soapbox. The live stream is absolute garbage as well. Move along.

MeditationAnon ago

And even though Beanz has a sexy YouTube voice, I don’t trust her at all. Too close to Corsi, plus Q called her out: “careful who you follow.”

FreeRangePatriot ago

Tracybeanz does some amazing research. Also, Brenden Dilley has come out strongly in support of her, and that carries a LOT of weight with me. I don't always agree with Brenden, but I value his opinions highly.

Bottom line, people, is to think for yourselves. Don't "follow" anyone. Listen to what they have to say, evaluate, and make an intelligent decision about them. Do you "follow" Q, or have you joined them in their fight against evil in America and around the world? There is a difference.

Orien_Blue ago

Brenen “I-acted-like-I-had-direct-intel-similar-to-q-but-it-blew-up-in-my-face-when-nothing-I-predicted-came-true” Dilley? There are no outside coms. Beanz was against the internet bill of rights as well. Please go elsewhere on voat to discuss that garbage.

MudPuddlePie ago

No...Q didn't call her out. That was someone's opinion about who Q was calling out.

Thoutzan ago

GA mods were compromised, that was for sure. That's why there was r/T_GA. At least we always have Q from the 8chan command center.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

At least we always have Q from the 8chan command center.

what do we do if that goes down?

Izzysays ago

Thank you. I will check out these subs, too. Good points. Will also stick around here and see what I think.

obvious__alt ago

Reddit GA played along with the admins in a naive attempt to not get banned.

ManyAreGettingAwoken ago

Yep... and glad they did. 297k is substantial, and GA was durable against their preferred means of taking control.

anotheronelikethis ago

Idk if it's a psyop as you say but I'm glad to know about an already established board here and I'll definitely check it out. I just wanna be where the MAGA is happening!