DontBeRacist ago


Why is he not shooting?

MooseBear ago

I was just jealous of that G36...

StunningAndBrave ago

Rothschild News Agency, at it again.

Colin_Kelley ago

That lady will be crying much harder if her child is stolen and sex trafficked and she is raped.

boekanier ago

AOC started this nonsense

F_Tard_Fred ago

Fake. Shoot the cunt and brat.

plowboys ago

the media is owned

Mjazz ago

On abc's website it says when he looked away she grabbed her kid and ran into the bushes and across the river and turned herself into US authorities. Give me a break.

CanadianAndProud ago

I love the comment. But this never happened and we all know it

wrotgut ago

I've been to central america and fully armed soldiers are normal. Since he has the gun down, i see no reason for the tears.

blackguard19 ago

<insert picture of Apollo moon landings>

TheWorstImaginable ago

100 million need to be found and deported in America alone.

DanIsSwell ago

Not a speck of dirt or sweat, head to toe. Both look fresh and showered. While the lady is full on showing distress, the boy is like “um...ok. What am I supposed to be doing right now?”

b0utch ago

Aw Yes playing the emotional card, a classic in human manipulation

TheOneTruePuttItOut1 ago


bciar-iwdc ago

Probably crying cause their told to go back.

qx4chenxp ago

They sure have some nice shoes and clean warm clothes.

Glipglup ago

Those look like Nike runners which typically retail for $100 or more.

Rabid_Robot ago

Agreed with the comment. If Americans let everyone who looked sad in, there would be no one left in the other countries.

basedmangod2015 ago

these photos don't phase you because youre a bad person.

con77 ago

are you telling me you think that's real? Come fucking on. Motherfucker! You cant be that fucking stupid! Just like the little girl drowned with her arm around her fathers neck? HHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! You cant be that delusional. So that makes you a liar.

basedmangod2015 ago

fun fact: con77 fucks children.

con77 ago

found hiding under a porch. how typical.

con77 ago

only you , you childish retard.

vastrightwing ago

Where's AOC?

con77 ago

directing the photo shoot

HairyAssTrueMan ago

I agree with the comment in the screen shot, even if it were 100% real, I don't give a shit. Fuck off, I have zero empathy for parents who endanger their children like that. Also, fuck off we're full.

hello_reddit ago

subhumans: "white people, why are you so evil and cruel?"

also subhumans: "white people, why wont you let us live with you?"

Pointyball ago

THis is the actuals caption "1/5) Lety Perez fell to her haunches, a clenched hand covering her face as she wept, an arm clutching her 6-year-old son, who glared defiantly at the Mexican National Guard soldier blocking them from crossing into the United States"

webster_warrior ago

I think the entire Democrat position is fake and orchestrated, all the way from "You "white people have an empathy deficit," to and including this "Gee whiz, aren't we just soft heart pushovers?" No, you are not unwitting accomplices, Democrats, you are friggin' evil.

3n0b ago

It's all about the framing.

I wonder what effect these will have when training people against social engineering exploits become more prevalent.

Pointyball ago

The caption and response is faked. Here is the actual caption "1/5) Lety Perez fell to her haunches, a clenched hand covering her face as she wept, an arm clutching her 6-year-old son, who glared defiantly at the Mexican National Guard soldier blocking them from crossing into the United States". There is enough fake news being generated by the media. Don't do this shit and let them shift the blame for their propaganda on conservatives.

Gorillion ago

She's not begging, she's doin' dah Guat Squat!

DeseretIndustries ago

Oh, she’s crying? Well never mind then, we don’t need laws after all. Not if they make people cry.

LettItBurn ago

I hate white people.

I am willing to cross international borders and get raped by fat spics and sold into slavery to be close to white people.

slowcrash101 ago

Bruh, that bitch's shoes are nicer than mine, fuck out of here.

MidnightTrain ago

Beware those who entertain emotion over logic

ramultyleveachan ago

What an idiot lol the soldier has nothing to do with getting her free money and a pussy pass

MasonxMace ago

10 heartbreaking photos that will make you say "fuck having laws and borders and shit" .jpg

WorldofAshes ago

Why can't this woman apply for LEGAL asylum from Canada? Mexico? Why does it have the be the US? Why doesn't she go to her own government? She can't cause it's bad? Then go back and survive or follow the process to come here.

I don't know any American (honestly) that hasn't been willing on some level to help out, as if we haven't already, and yet we don't get to have any restrictions or requirements?

Speak English, Pay your taxes, follow the fucking laws, and maybe you can stay. Anything other than that:

Fuck off and die useless bitch.

RakerKey ago

Staged photo opportunity

FridayJones ago

Just a picture of a man and his albino python enjoying the Sun together.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Fuck kikes and their playing on white peoples empathy. NO MORE EMPATHY!! We should have armed guards at the border wall shooting 50 cal's at anyone attempting to illegally enter or territory. Flame throwers, drones, dogs, lions -whatever the fuck it takes.

DrPhate ago

That's hilarious!

thislionsheart ago

If you are a sensational normie who still fails to recognize that the border crisis is about CHILD TRAFFICKING and that the OBAMA ADMIN TORTURED CHILDREN and the TRUMP ADMIN GIVES THEM FREE HOUSING UNTIL WE KNOW WHO MOLESTED THEM then you are a shill

BumbleTummy ago

Aaaaaand CUT! Great work, people....

HeavyBrain ago

But you are free to enter at any time. Points to legal immigration application stand.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

10 super sad pics that will make you say fuck borders n laws n shieet

superspathi ago

IQ was measured at 145. I look at that picture and I can accept that it represents reality of some desperate woman being blocked from something she wants. I don't think she is faking her desperation. I just don't care very much. The world is full of desperate fucked up people, that's no reason to allow my home to be transformed into more of a shithole than it already is

BurqaFart ago

I'm surprised they didn't whitewash the soldier's hand.

WhiteWolfSS ago

At this point I wouldn't even care if it was a real photo of a soldier gunning them down for wanting to cross the border.

Enough is enough.

NeoDankZer ago

The NPC:s can't think how the outcome would be if it was reversed, with a white european with her child asking to get into guatemala and live on welfare and gibbs for the rest of their lifes. Be sure that it wouldn't be the same, not even close.

elcob32 ago

Direct her to the nearest port of entry. If she has a valid claim of asylum let her make her case the legal way.

itsits ago

In the article, it even says that the moment the soldier glanced away, she ran across the river into US territory. She's not even crying, she's trying to distract the soldier.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

You stand over there. OK, now take the fake gun here and hold it at a 75 degree angle. Makeup, can we get another layer of tear solution on the mother's face? Wait... CUT! Who hired this nigg- African American gentleman to represent the villain? I want to talk to the casting director!

theHubrisOfMan ago

I had an ex girlfriend that cried because I made her a grilled cheese as a snack and she felt bad having to tell me that she doesn’t like grilled cheeses. Women cry. It doesn’t mean shit.

Humansized ago

Crying and hiding behind the child. How brave. But of course its faked, super obvious.

earlymac ago

She's crying out of gratitude.

sunajAeon ago

Most of them are, it is a crime against humans to be part of this weaponized immigration-it is an act of war, and people that are swayed by the exploitation of this suffering-by the very ones calling out for "human rights" are USEFUL IDIOTS

Witsend ago

Unfortunately, triple digit IQs is not their target demographic

ScientiaPotentia ago

ALMOST NO REFUGEE IS LEGITIMATE! Guatemala is totally safe. It's a great country.

I had friends of mine from Christian Syria who told me that even at the height of the war not one refugee from Syria was legitimate. All them were parasites. None of them were legitimately in Europe or North America because they had to be. They all could have lived perfectly well in neighboring countries or even IN SYRIA since 75% of the country was completely safe.

At the height of the war the death rate in Syria was less than Detroit or Chicago. Let that sink in. More people were killed in an American city per capita than in a country undergoing a civil war. None of these refugees and asylum seekers are legitimate. None. There are specific cases where individuals have been targeted by Islamic terrorists or cartel members. Those individuals have the right to seek asylum, but their numbers are in the hundreds or even just dozens, not the millions that are arriving every year on the West's doorstep.

Anon331717 ago

Not our problem.

Food_Stamp ago

Im upset that the soldiers arent shooting these shitskins.

cattarhero ago

That's not a US uniform, and that's not a US issue weapon.

Attac ago

Dude. People are really trying to pass the border illegally and are stopped by force. It's not fake.

Of course the picture is biased, but the validity is dependent on the source. And since it is Reuters it is probably fake.

Mcoli ago

Shameful staged propaganda

ScientiaPotentia ago

Guatemala is absolutely beautiful. It's the perfect climate with beautiful beaches, rainforest and food grows year round with 4 crops per year. It's safe for Latinos. Most people aren't rich but they aren't dirt poor either. It isn't a place that you can legitimately seek asylum from.

Glipglup ago


And this ladies, is how you end up with a machete inside your neck.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Give me a break. Yes it's dangerous for White people, duh. But for Latinos its pretty safe.

Glipglup ago

Tell that to my cousin who got mugged 3 times by the same guy. Or mom who almost got carjacked at gun point. Or all the break ins. Did I mention the only reason my Aunt didn't get raped was because of a 2 inch thick steel door? How many solid steel doors have you seen in America? How many police men do you see at the mall with Mac-10s, fully loaded with the safety off ready to go?

Bro it's a violent shit hole, the people want to leave because it's a violent shit hole, and they are fucking idiots because they refuse to acknowledge it's a fucking violent shit hole because of themselves, their culture and life styles.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Sorry I didn't realize. I have friends in Honduras who said it is very safe, but they are wealthy and that Guatemala is not as dangerous as everyone says it is. Sorry, I stand corrected.

Glipglup ago

Yeah if you're rich any where in the world is safe.

user9713 ago

First thing when I look at any photo claiming to capture something is the quality and angles. If the quality is too clear or the angles are too close, I tend to err on the side of BS.

SkrutinizeYou ago

Yeah let's make "everyone who cries and begs can come in" our immigration policy.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

No, they're not being held at gunpoint. If that was a U.S. soldier or cop you bet, the gun would be pointed directly at them. Our guys are trained to be very frightened at all times. Trained cowards if you will.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The fact that these "liberal" Americans can step over children sleeping in the streets on their way to get a Starcucks coffee with a crack addict shooting up in the bathroom and pull out their phone manufactured by slave labor in China just so they can look at this picture and be offended and wonder why nobody is doing something about THAT problem.

Podge512 ago

Pleeee-hee-hee-heese let me break the laaaww (sniff)!!!

How about fuck off?

Doglegwarrior ago

If your white and your iq is 125 or higher you would be asking the important question? Why has he not shot both of them and started to recieve his medal of honor for defending the homeland against forigein invaders.

Flirp ago

Funny how all their clothes are freshly laundered and very nice. I'd believe slightly if they rolled around in the dirt for a second.

HiJoker ago

Yes, but they don't want to be dirty when they go to the bank.

Rok_Weiler ago

That’s funny I don’t remember US forces ever using H&K G36 rifles. I’m calling it faked.


Bawww my country sucks

Then go back and fix it what the fuck

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Well, I mean she IS crying. We MUST let her in!

Biggerpotato ago

Almost as if she had to squat down to get the camera angle to work. Also her kid looks confused about wtf she is doing.

cdglow ago

Emotional manipulation at its finest.

I hate to distract her from her busy schedule of posing for propaganda photos, but has anybody asked her why not stop in Mexico? Isn't Mexico a perfectly fine country where she already speaks the language? What is she seeking in the US that she can't get in Mexico?

Oh and by the way, where is the father in this picture? Does he know where his son has been taken? How do we even know if this lady is the mother?

rompele ago

Mexico won’t giver her gibs like the US will.

FPSFairy ago

I hope it is. I hate to think of how many parents are irresponsible enough to drag their children unprepared and unprotected through the middle of the desert to get to a border that is patrolled by armed guards. Especially if they think that those armed guards are the pawns of some terrible, fascistic regime. (But not terrible and fascistic enough to consider not trying to sneak in illegally apparently.)

flaxom ago

"Ughh, I crawled ALL THE WAY to the bank and they still didn't let me into the vault even when I cried. WHERE IS YOUR HUMANITY??"

Sosacms ago

Here's how I talk to my boomer mom about this. Letting in migration helps 1% of 1% of the third world's population. That means 99.9% of the suffering they are escaping is still going on.

If we cared about reducing suffering, wouldn't we want to help the 99%?

Granted I just want to kick them, cut all foreign aid, and cut all trade/travel with shit hole countries creating "refugees". They need to figure out how to live peacefully amongst themselves before they can interact with others.

CameraCode0 ago

For some Boomers you have to beat some rational thought into them AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, it's like They no longer have cognition and are only able to hold opinions based on what people tell them to believe.

Strontium_Dawg ago

“Hand me another hand grenade! Cuts down on that foreign aid, all I want to see is killing killing killing!” Old Army running cadence.

Nofilterdude ago

Most of them aren’t “refugees.” They’re economic migrants. They know to seek refugee status to fucking game the system to help actual refugees. These fuckers need to be sent back ASAP .

strongsad ago

The problem with Boomers is they see the USA as this source of infinite wealth that is 90% white. They're still living in 1965 in many ways.

A boomer exclaimed to me the other day how hard working all the Mexican immigrants are in the farm fields. I told him most were illegal, they send all the money back home, and that American teenagers used to work those fields in the summer. Unfortunately we're going to have to see what happened in California happen to the midwest before people wake up.

Aboresh ago

Boomer is a mental state. My bugman exroomate has been blubbering about this shit

allahead ago

Unfortunately the boomers are going to wake up dead, over half of them will be gone in ten years. The youngest are 55 now. 24% of them have already passed away.

They work, come home, and turn on the TV. They were the first generation raised on it and it's warm glow lured the country to the brink of extinction.

RoundWheel ago

You can't help anyone by destroying ourselves.

d33t ago

The goal is not to lift these people up, the goal is to use these people to tear us down.

Sosacms ago

Exactly. Basic concepts we've stopped teaching.

Plus, 3rd world migration to 1st world nations, creates two 3rd world nations. 1st world migration to 3rd world nations, creates two 1st world nations.... Maybe that's the next step for humanity. Restart the frontier spirit we used to have. Keep us busy until we are ready to go into space.

Norm85 ago

We could send all the people who claim they want diversity a free one-way flight to the developing country of their choice.

Intrixina ago

That's actually a win-win scenario. They always bleat about how they want to help those people - that would allow them to do so. Making a third world country prosperous, and it would also give them the ego kibbles they wanted because they were the saviour of that particular country, right?

Sosacms ago

Need to somehow convince them that current immigration practices is just a white privilege. It's colonialism only more convenient for whites.

White_pride_cis ago

That's not our uniforms... Fucking idiots.

ForgottenMemes ago

Also the rifle is not an M4

White_pride_cis ago

We don’t always use the m4. Some of my teammates had scars

ForgottenMemes ago

That's not a scar, looks like a g36 which means 99.9% chance it's not US military.

White_pride_cis ago

I know it isn’t a scar. I am saying that not all us military carries the m4. Sorry if that was not clear

satisfyinghump ago

No. Notice the article was careful to say "soldier" without mentioning U.S.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Yea, but they say "begging soldier to let her enter the U.S." which helps the reader assume a US soldier because "why would any military other than the US military be defending US borders?"

CameraCode0 ago

Not that they have to do that anyway; anyone stupid and emotional enough to be persuaded by this doesn't care about the media lying.

ianadba ago

AOC, is that you?

Vyasa ago

Love the devil horns being flashed, as well.

FuckThrottlingSpeech ago

devil horns have the thumb down, you grasping christstain

Vyasa ago

I guess a pentagram is only occult when two points are pointing north, as well.

veteran88 ago

The soldier is in brand new DCUs The Air Force kind of DCUs on top of it.

Photo is fake and gay

midnightblue1335 ago

I was wondering wtf that was. I've never seen that kind of uniform and I haven't been out for that long.

veteran88 ago

That is a custom sight and handguard, I hadn't seen anyone use that setup in the military. I can't even tell what all the random straps and shit sloppy all over his back are.

Missing sidearm. Missing ammo clips on web belt, if it's even there.

Some faggot staged this and picked random peices to include.

Anoxim ago

Its an FX05, basically a beaner version of the G36.

green_man ago

Some more info regarding this, that's a Mexican soldier and eventually the Squatemalan just walked by the bean patrol and got to the US.


Squatamalen... my fucking sides

green_man ago

I stole it from the TRS guys.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

Seeing as the use doesnt use that type of rifle and wear those type of BDUs im guess this is fake as fuck. Send them all back

Tallest_Skil ago

Shoot them both.

CultureOfCritique ago

No need for violence, just send them back to the shitholes they came from. If they refuse then force is warranted. We should be above random killing, that's for niggers

GoyimNose ago

Yup just deport them, it worked thousand of years against the Jews right? Let them live.

v ago

Jews area special case. Deporting them will do no good. Extermination is the only solution. We've tried being peaceful, it made us a doormat.

Tallest_Skil ago

just send them back

They won’t go peacefully.


Who said anything about random? I said nonwhites.


Zero fucks given

Herkules97 ago

I agree with the reply in the pic.

Couldn't really care about these images, some emotional twat might be manipulated by them.

lkjdaqp ago

If they can fake this, imagine what else they've faked, and for how long they've faked it.

In any area you are morally condemned for questioning the narrative, understand they've faked it so they can oppress you.

ilikeskittles ago

Looks contrived.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

It's a Mexican soldier and he wasn't preventing her from entering the US. He was warning her of the hazards of attempting to do so the way she was intending. Sadly, Reuters wants people to think that the US is going to shoot unarmed women and their children.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I wish they would. Kill Invaders or surrender your people as disinfranchized slaves of the newcomers.

Rabid_Robot ago

Reuters lies, what a shocker.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I wish they'd shoot them

369693936 ago

Sadly, Reuters wants people to think that the US is going to shoot unarmed women and their children.

If the USA shot all invaders for just one 24 hour period, it would likely stop the invasion completely.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

That's a big "if" right there.

cursedcrusader ago

Of course they purposely cut off the sleeve.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago


hello_reddit ago

shoot unarmed women and children

what are we israel?

Soyboy69 ago

Sadly, Reuters wants people to think that the US is going to shoot unarmed women and their children.

To be fair I want people to think that too.

Maroonsaint ago

If only we did shoot them. Maybe there’s a better world out there in an alternative universe

cantaloupe6 ago

In those clean shoes - walking a thousand miles from Guatemala through fields and unpaved roads. Wearing black in the generally 90 degree weather.

sunajAeon ago

Do you have sources to back your statement up? Its worth tweeting if you do

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Yeah, even CNN admitted it was a Mexican soldier.

obvious-throwaway- ago

We're not Jews in Israel, why would we shoot unarmed children?

DeltaBravoTango ago

Yeah, that is the Mexican “deserto” camo pattern and an FX-05 rifle

Lord0Trade ago

Yeah, the first thought that came to my head was "that isn't US camo that I know of, and the rifle doesn't look right either"

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Right my immediate thought was "that's not a US-issued rifle." Funny they don't show what flag's on his uni.

Tablemonster ago

I'm ashamed, I didnt even look at the rifle, and I was an armorer for several years in the army.

Did notice the camo and camera angle though

Saturday405 ago

I was going to ask. Thanks goat!

Le_Bucheron ago

Damn I tought it was a fully semi automatic AR-47

BlackGrapeDrank ago

that's actually an authentic White Colonial Assualt Rifle from General Cornwallace's army.

the design was stolen from the slave engineers that were ancestors of the negro sheboons that calculated the moon landings.

the honorable mexican high IQ doctor/soldier is only intimidating the future lawyer and physicist because Donald Trump forced him because racism.

fusir ago

It can fire 30 magazines in 1/30th a second from its 30 magazine clip.

Charliethebum ago

Truly terrifying

fusir ago

Guaranteed PTSD afterwards. Proper training with the gun results in at least 7-8 PTSDs.

HairyAssTrueMan ago

With 300 clips on it

Nofilterdude ago


HiJoker ago

Don't be stupid, that's an AK-16 and it's very fully semi automatic capable of mass bullet spray.

MadoffShillter ago

That's nothing compared to the deadly AR 670-1

HiJoker ago

Feh, doesn't hold a nazi candle to the ARM-17, the Automatic Rapid Machine gun that's one better than the M-16. It's got those one thingies on the front of it for terrorism and stuff in the back with a terrorist/nazi grip for assaulting. It's illegal in California, but it needs to be double illegal and double double illegal on a federal level. For the children, think of them. Not in a dirty way, but as little bullet catchers on the playground as white nationalists spray bullets into the beautiful brown future Amerika.

edistojim ago

^only correct answer

satisfyinghump ago

Thank you for mentioning this. Im sure others found it peculiar that the article stated just "soldier" and NOT U.S. soldier.

Looks like they hoped people would fill in the blank with "US soldier"...

Fambida ago

WHAT? The media deceives even when it's not straight lying?! My world will never be the same!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reuters wants people to think that the US is going to shoot unarmed women and their children.

I want to shoot unarmed nonwhite women and children.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You're starting to sound like a glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Nah, you re just weakling faggot.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Nah youve just been here for a year with a fucking sleeper account

BearDolphin1488 ago

Nah. I've got two accounts. One for for my phone and one on my pc

Tallest_Skil ago

if you want whites not to be exterminated, you’re a jewish puppet exterminating whites

You need to try harder.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

You literally just advocated for violence on a website that's clearly a government information mining honey pot and you're trying to deny the fact that you are a glow in the dark?

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Ever since putt mentioned the feds and people needing to 'tone down the threats' TS went from "no one will do anything" to "I'm gonna kill now and you should too".

I think it's pretty obvious he's a fed, and a psychopath.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

he's a fed, and a paychopath

If not one then the other

FridayJones ago


Tallest_Skil ago

You literally just advocated for violence

I literally do not care.

a website that's clearly a government information mining honey pot

So why are you here.

in an attempt to get others who are not part of your click

  1. Clique.
  2. White nationalism is not a clique.
  3. I don’t care if people who aren’t white nationalists join a fight to exterminate nonwhites. That’s not relevant, nor was it the purpose of the statement.

so that they can be convicted of inciting violence

It’s already illegal to be white. I don’t care about convictions. I don’t care about words.

you're trying to deny the fact that you are a glow in the dark?

Given that I do the opposite of what jewish puppets do, yeah, I’ll deny your proven falsehoods.



RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Glow in the dark nigger confirmed.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you want jews dead

Okay, you’re paid to post here.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

If I got paid to post here that I would be posting way better shit than what I've been posting buddy.

Tallest_Skil ago

I freely support the jewish narrative


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

going along with the commentary and escalating violence

Honk honk

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re going along with the jews by rejecting the jews

Kill yourself, admitted paid shill.

v ago

100% based, 100% redpilled

FUCK fence sitting concern shills

Maroonsaint ago

Shit I want to shoot them to. You shoot the guys that ain’t gonna stop the endless breeding of those animals. You pop a kid you just ended an entire future family line. Say you get 2 kids. One male one female. Imagine them breeding. You just knocked out four or five not to mention all their kids so on and so forth

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I mean at this point you guys might as well both just admit that you work for the Department of Defense and show us your credentials

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Possibly, but I too am rarely inclined to saddle up a fence and ride it off into the sunset.

Maroonsaint ago

you show me your nudes. I’ll show you that I work for the fbi.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Okay here you go

Wheres them dod tags at boy

Maroonsaint ago

I can’t see the picture andthe website said it was removed

fluhthreeex ago

FuckThrottlingSpeech ago


good. stay wanting.

Tallest_Skil ago

Enjoy making yet another sockpuppet account, kike.

Bigdickedelf ago

Found the SPIC!!!

GapingAnus ago

Keyboard warriors always do.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Some keyboard warriors fight for the fence.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

It could be real. No way to tell.

fightknightHERO ago


UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago


CultureOfCritique ago

  1. Wrong type of gun-- not a US issued rifle
  2. Wrong uniform-- not a US uniform
  3. Why would they be having a conversation in this manner instead of her standing up and talking to him like people normally do? Everything about this just looks staged.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

i'm thinking mis-labeled.