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Fuhrer1488 ago

Shouldve gone for the neck

TerryB ago

I want to know how that coon managed to break free. Shitty hand cuffs ir table anchor design.

sonofjacob ago

I wonder what all the nigs were in jail for?

Probably dindunuffin.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

"Where does it hurt?"

"Mostly around the bloody spots."

invisiblephrend ago

Reinke was sentenced to an additional 32 years behind bars for an attack about eight months later on a corrections officer. Prosecutors said Reinke and another inmate stabbed the officer 32 times.

Reinke was already serving a life sentence for a 2004 Cleveland murder before the stabbings.

what the fucking fuck? either the guards are super corrupt or too retarded to not strip search mr. stabby stabby before entering genpop.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Super corrupt AND too retarded.

SchwoogNite96 ago

Winner, winner,

Stab some niggers!

invisiblephrend ago


wasteroftime ago

Needs yakkety saks!

AlabamaNigger ago

Pants still on the ground. Fuckong counter culture no matter where they are

Shotinthedark ago

He got tired of them slapping the cards on the table while playing spades.

Holonomic ago


Table full of niggers ---- what could POSSIBLY go wrong.

watts2db ago

wonder if he was restrained too and got out of it somehow

BlueDrache ago

According to the article linked by @swinston79, he either had a key or picked his way out of the cuffs.

watts2db ago

thanks I thought something like that was the case. guys a true warrior

Lynch_Tree ago

You gotta go for the jugular

Islamiscancer ago

Hahaha and then he gets fucked up by that nigger. Hahahahahahaha good on him though. Shame he is the only one who will die out of them all.. good spirit though. Should have used a gun when he was still on the outside then an Herod.

mf1776 ago

Nice try faggot nigger. He suffered nothing. The guards came in and beat the shit out of that escaped coon.

BlueDrache ago

Not all heroes take the sandnigger route.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

God damn where were the guards at? Probably cheering on.

Simonsaysgoat ago

The only place whites are fighting back lol

YamaMaya ago

Can we get some Benny Hill music on this cuz that was what ran through my mind hahaha.

Jhat420 ago

just played yakkity sax while watching this...yeah...its fucking great!

wasteroftime ago

Damn, you beat me to it, hahaha.. I was thinking the exact same

Simonsaysgoat ago

Hahahahah right on!

SchwoogNite96 ago

Give that guy a Ka-Bar for next time!

jewsbadnews ago

Took me a second to realize they were chained to the table, was laughing my ass off at them all moving around it at the same time.

SomeGuy ago

I would like to know what they are all in for.

AlabamaNigger ago

Werent even trying to help each other. They bleed too slow

tomdogg ago

At first I thought the three guys were holding the first guy to the table so the white dude could stab him. Then he started stabbing the others.

invisiblephrend ago

they're just playing a wholesome game of duck, duck, noose.

tanukihat ago

Blessed Aryan Brotherhood.

QualityWhite ago


barbell ago

Mexicans would like a word with you... They friend with Mexican Mafia. You racist pricks might not like that.

TradMan ago

They friend with

Do tell.

CobraStallone ago

AB is allied to the Mexican Mafia, SureƱos, the Sinaloa Cartel, and the Vagos MC inside federal prisons against the niggers.

They are enemies to Nuestra Familia, and NorteƱos Hispanic gangs though, so what's the point?

tanukihat ago

Ahaha check out this dude

parapaparapa ago

eat shit and die, boomer

Goys-R-Us ago

4.3 years, 57 CCP, lol. Some JIDF fuckhead found his password.

GranulatedBooty ago

I'm genuinely surprised the nigger that freed himself didn't run away. Maybe he was actually capable of thinking one step ahead that his prison mates would exact revenge on him for abandoning them. Nah it can't be. There's another explanation.

invisiblephrend ago

word would definitely get around that he ran. then he'd forever be a bitch to the rest of the prison.

TheWorstImaginable ago

they may be another species, but never underestimate them. Even Ants are a lot smarter than you think.

You have to understand them within the frame of their genetics, culture, upbringing etc. Even the dumbest animal is good at something.

Islamiscancer ago

Lol true that. Best to kill them and not wind up locked in prison with them.

Dude should have an Herod on the outside. But forward thinking was not that white dudes strong point..

con77 ago

chained to a table. KANGZ?

OhRutherfordBehave ago


con77 ago

ended too soon

AfricanZionSafari ago

Niggers attack whites in groups.

Whites attack groups of niggers.

altident ago

They are handcuffed to a table tho...

LibsAreRetardedFags ago

Yeah one of those wily sumbitches actually managed to slip his cuffs! Still, it's pretty tough to come at a dude with a shank when you got nothin.

scrimmmy ago


altident ago

And the commenter I was responding to was basically making it sound like the attacker had huge balls for coming after a group of apes. I'm glad the attack happened but the dude wasn't exactly chasing after a group of Crips in the streets or anything.

scrimmmy ago

Any little bit helps bud. And to be honest I find your complaining a bit silly. I mean, how many niggers have you stabbed lately? At least this dude is putting in work... Get off his back! Lol

tanukihat ago


allupinyogutts ago

I was wondering why none of them fought back

AlabamaNigger ago

Niggers are fucking pussies when a real man gets in their face

Reddit-is-kill ago

That isn't a real man.

A real man takes care of his family.

That guy is in jail having fights to the death with niggers.

I don't admire him. He isn't what I aspire to be.

WhitePaladin ago

Even on jail the white man improves society.

SomeGuy ago

God damn son!

TheBudhha ago

Right fucking on...

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Go white boy go