Tyrone_Biggums ago

The niggers pretty much got away with it last time with the white boy.

SearchVoatBot ago

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whiteshower ago

That's nothing goyim, a 71 year old white woman said the n word the other day. It's another shoa!

CRKT_M16Z ago

Just out of curiosity, I did a google image search for various forms of "teen". e.g. "Chicago teen", "Spokane teen", "Nashville teen", "Atlanta teen", "Vermont teen", etc.

The results were interesting. But essentially, in larger metropolitan cities, "_____ teen" indicates a criminal of some sort.

New-World-Ebola ago

i honestly want total RAHOWA... i'm sick of this judaised world.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Niggers want war on whites. Make sure you get to them first.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Those damn teens. Probably Trump supporters.

Boyakasha ago

But some old white woman called a spade a spade and made international news, so nothing to see here.

DamonAxemaker ago

I didn't watch the whole video. I refuse to

But why do black people always fight the same way? Anyone with a little bit of guts could kick their ass. They always look like they are deathly afraid of getting punched. Anyone that can take a little punch could just go up and MAUL them. That must be why they like to gang up on people or use weapons. They suck shit at fighting

Malick ago

Cameras are Racist!

Darwinxmachina ago

I wanna see a video of a group of these little shit skins start this kinda crap only to have their victim pull out a fire arm and gun their asses down!

Gail33 ago

Well, according to the new FBI director, that would be considered "Domestic Homeland Terrorism"...

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

I like the way you think 🤣

zxcvzxcv ago

Oy vey. Those poor oppressed teens clearly had nooses on their necks put derr by that white woman and trump. white people so racist. Imma start a go fund me for dem poor oppressed children.

Sanpa33 ago

It must be Smollett's MAGA country again in the news.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Poor juicy, no one's talking about him anymore. He can't even get beaten up for a subway sandwich in Chicongo these days!

QualityWhite ago

Move out of negro infested areas, and into ethno-communities. 🔫🍀

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Has her family burned all of the local projects to the ground yet?

Charliethebum ago

Darn teens.

ViperCarbz ago

I've avoided professional jobs in the Chicago metro area due to the nigger problem government won't speak about. I've avoided that shithole state because I can't move there legally without firearm registration.

Pretty bad when niggers killings niggers controls state politics.

ravensedgesom ago

You couldn't pay enough to move into that area even if I was holstering a pistol all the time.

tendiesonfloor ago

The taxes are almost as bad as the niggers.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

One and the same. More non-whites, more taxes.

aztlanshark ago

She’s not white

spirallocus ago

It says raw footage but that video is censored and had the sound taken out which really lessens the severity of the attack, full uncensored video can be seen https://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhaUZs6960QpaytF54

Illaskthequestion ago

That website is in need of a good ole' DDOS. It causes stupidass niggers to want to grab their 5 minutes of fave. So they grab a camera and start recording. And what are they uploading? Them attacking whites. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

dayofthehope ago

I'm glad for worldstarhiphop, because more than anything else it helps advance understanding of what dangerous animals niggers are.

Dnomen ago

Or you could just locate the owner of the website and record a good old fashioned curb stomping.

It won't take 5 of us.

Gail33 ago

Or a good old fashioned Chechnyan necktie.

Apollexis ago

There's a follow up video where the monkeys apologize and crocodile twerk their eyes. Fucking niggers

Holonomic ago

'we reewy sowwy......we rewwy sowwy'.....fuck those vile coons. Take a nice 2x4 and crack each one in the forehead. Whomever lives.......shove a rock down their throat and let them suffocate.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

"crocodile twerk their eyes" there's a reason I check in every morning!

con77 ago

now if a fellah were to witness this and walked up and started shooting he'd be the bad guy right?

hello_reddit ago

Like moonman? He’s a superhero, like Batman except real

Illaskthequestion ago

Dey wuznt do'n nutin wrong. Dey were gud kidz. Fucking niggers. It's time for people to start defending themselves using their 2nd rights

White_Collar_Crimnal ago


Randy-Dreamweaver ago

We're long past time for defense. It's time for retribution.

OdinsMessenger ago

The race war is coming, we'll get our chance.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Bad guy, spelled HERO

Cant_Call_It ago

Chicago teens

So sick of this.

ex-redd ago

same, I was gonna ask if teens just means niggers/migrants these days.

Anomalia ago

The term is "young men" or "men" in general without mentioning either race or ethnicity in the report. Get used to it... europe is so far ahead in terms of new speak.

ex-redd ago

really it has been going on here for a while with niggers and not mentioning race most of the time (well over a decade); every single time it is "teens" now, and it really is just niggers or migrants under 18 (technically even 19 and under if you really want to make someone look innocent/victimized)

HeLovedPandas ago


Eleutheria ago


ArcAngel ago

probly shouldnt blurr the faces so justice can be adequately dispensed