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13445123751 ago

"Because us white people have colonised black and brown lands for millions of years!" - Some blue-checkmark kike on Twitter

HonkyVitamin ago

what stupid questions.

ever wonder why jews have such a bad reputation? might want to look into that, if you're seriously wondering why we have to put up with niggers, spics, etc.

godsstudent ago

Like I said carry a gun and walk loudly!

HotJazzOnACatsMeow ago

Gasp! You bigot! /s

Blompf ago

Jews. That's why we have to put up with it.

con77 ago

Mobs of nigger "youfs" now feel like they can rampage at will. We need to break them of that assumption. The first guy that shoots 4-6 of them will be labeled a white supremacist terrorist

HiJoker ago

Hopefully you'd be rock star among the whites in prison. If there are enough there to matter when you go.

whiteshower ago

Diversity is your greatest strength you fucking goyim.

DontBeRacist ago

Yes, goy. You're a fucking racist.

yewotm8 ago

Our children shouldn't have to grow up around blacks.

go_heeled ago

No. Move. If you’re in the US, there are still a few not so well kept secret places.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

You mean "Gang of Youths".

Or as Joe Pesci prefers, "Gang of Yuts"

SpreeFeech ago

We can start by repealing the Civil Rights Act. Racism is not about hate. It is about self preservation. We should have the right to protect ourselves against any perceived threat.

QualityWhite ago

((( USA ))) is done

lanre ago

It's hilarious, because if you live somewhere without niggers for awhile you get to see how the locals learn to hate them immediately on first contact, due to nigger behavior and nothing else.

QualityWhite ago

Communities sometimes display Confederate flags as negro repellent

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Nope. Don't trust niggers and make sure they feel intimidated when they come into contact with you. Considering they become crybabies the second you point out they're a nigger, it's rather easy.

Reverse-Flash ago

because jews?

fataa ago

Ever seen kids in a shop? Demands for all sorts of stuff will never end unless you stop giving in and they realise its useless or ends up getting them less than they would otherwise.

TauCeti ago

Just another shove toward Amazon ruling all, isn't it. Feral mobs can't loot Amazon. Porch thieves can be defeated by having a decorative box for delivered packages to be placed in and thus out of sight.

HiJoker ago

Porch Thieves, I'd have to make some fake boxes with some nasty surprises in them so that niggers can steal it.

I'm thinking a combination dye pack, smoke and teargas.

allahead ago

Well then you will find this quite satisfying, porch thief gets glitter bomb.. I think a spinning bottle of bear spray would be pretty funny.

jimibulgin ago

Just another shove toward Amazon ruling all, isn't it. Feral mobs can't loot Amazon.

Holy shit.....

Spaghetti_Forgetti ago

That's a very good point about amazon. Locked Mailboxes are becoming more common in cities. They're essentially a small version of the post office mailbox where you can drop off packages but can't reach in and grab it without a key. Though knowing niggers they'd take the entire metal box if they could.

LostandFound ago

Yes completely unreasonable. Look at the tolerant french and learn a lesson, you must give all of your things to the ferrals and then you must breed with them or leave, what is it about the final solution multiculturalism you dont get?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Yeah! You're being racist and antisemitic!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Because reperatiuns

crazy_eyes ago

there aint no living slaves

WhiteChickens ago

Clearly they deserved it.

ihatejunkiemail ago

unless you count kids....

Aethos ago

There's plenty... in Libya and the Moslem world.

Whites are the only ones who've abolished slavery, or felt the need to.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

too get rid of niggers mostly

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

don't matter shitskins want muh revenge that is what this whole sjw thing is about turning white men into faggot cucks

Ken_bingo2 ago

Those fucking apes can't even comprehend vengeance. They just want to chimp out for gibs.

crazy_eyes ago

revenge for being born? what the fuck? they should be grateful to not be in africa, they're one of the lucky ones