VognerDuke76 ago


tatrodini ago

You forgot the /s

boekanier ago

You don't think it's possible.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Doubtful she's read either book.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

The smug look on that stupid bitch in the background.

BAAC ago

Oh yeah, this is going to end well...

middle-path ago

Good for her.

I wish Whites would do the same with Mein Kampf.

Landwhaleonline ago

So those flying jewish pygmies do exist huh? Well, shit. Kek

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol i don't speak brainwashed, boomer

hakrsakr ago

lmao look at this dude, believing in ancient mythology

Landwhaleonline ago

And look, faggots can't argue there own bullshit so it takes more than one to argue with me haha. Pathetic

Landwhaleonline ago

Sure ill disprove it, he is nowhere to be found. And by your logic, flying faggot jew pygmies should also exist since they can't be disproven right? Yeah gtfo. Retarded logic. Go back to church and enjoy your brainwashing lol

kalgon ago

lol true

I often hesitate

Jew or 15yo fuckyoudad atheist... I think it's the latter, but again I'm not sure

Jay_Mac ago

That's ok with me. Malcolm X was more woke on race than most people. He did not like Jews, did not want race mixing and wanted black independence, 3 things I agree with.

IheartSwimming ago


I am a bot bleep bloop

JopharVorin ago

Malcom X hated jews so lets see it

Landwhaleonline ago

She looks like a mutt.

1Sorry_SOB ago

3 man haters.

DesertFox33 ago

The Bible was read first by kikes. Then it was read by Europeans under the domination of Rome. Then it was read by peasants forced to attend church weekly, read in Latin, controlled by the church who demanded tithes by law.

In fact most 'Christians' today are brainwashed mongrels. They are war dogs. They enjoy bombing the living fuck out of little 'nations over there'. Christianity is now the language of 'put the Jews into Israel'. I would prefer to swear in to Malcom than touch that piece of literally satanic literature

SushiMasa ago

Imagine being so pathetic that your religion is nothing but your skin color.

newoldwave ago

Then she's not official.

Jigsy17 ago

That’s so fucked up. What’s with the black power salute?

Kirbyrambo ago

I don't know. But I think them Georgians better start standing up for them selves before they are all turned into cotton pickers.

HeavyBrain ago

Is swaering on Mein Kampf or Turner Diaries ok?

webrustler ago

Wrap "Mein Kampf" in the Biography's protective cover.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Good. Foot to the metal. Keep the acceleration going. Let the normies see.

middle-path ago


qwsp0 ago

Swearing on the autobiography of an openly radical islamist

Gopherurself ago

What the fuck are we doing

con77 ago

nigger would be dying of malaria in a mud hut if her ancestors hadn't sold her other ancestors to the jew

Apexbreed ago

Now make that a white, swearing in Mein Kampf, and doing a straight arm solute. International chimp out time

ProgNaziGator ago

Compared to what blacks (((think))) the bible says, this might be an improvement.

Heathcliff ago

It's going to get worse

reality55 ago

She is not legally in office then.

Wowbagger ago

Then she hasn't legitimately been sworn in.

WeAreUnited ago

More stupid liberal optics. - love seeing officials actually get stuff done like Trump and not make a fucking gesture

recon_johnny ago

Look at how "proud" the older coon is. Reap what you sow, Georgia.

Themooninthesky ago

I think she forgot he was murdered by other niggers.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

So she is an anti semite?

Good to know.

ProgNaziGator ago

Time to make use of my Twitter account to remind rabbi about his anti semitic leanings of his pet.

GoodGodKirk ago

Just WTF, at this point I wouldn’t trust that bitch to follow through with anything. Malcolm X wasn’t just Jew wise, he was also wise to how mislead many Muslims were.

satisfyinghump ago

I have no interest in the fake politician doing the fake pledge. She has a low IQ and in her mind she truly feels what she is doing is the right thing. Can we fault her? I'm sure there are times we do something similar, in the eyes of other people, which to us 110% right, and everyone else is shocked and upset. The woman with the brillo pad hair is of no interest.

The woman next to her, beside her, with the short hair cut, is of interest. She belongs to a stereotype, the type of woman who is always found standing beside a minority that is doing an action similar to what Ms. Brillo is doing in the photo. She is the one that is cheering her on, like a pet, while doing behind the scenes manipulations, with the ultimate goal being that what Ms. Brillo is doing will become the norm and not only will swearing on the Bible become rare, it may become an outright example of racism, and anyone that DOES do it, will lose their job, friends and social standing. Similarly the reaction to those suspected of a hate crime (although 99% of those white suspects end up being innocent, but the damage has been done, so it doesnt matter that they were ultimately found innocent. Which in itself is pathetic, since in this country we find people guilty but they remain innocent till we do.).

The woman next to her and others like her, are the ones to watch out for, plan for and prepare for.

dreamer98 ago

This does say something about the current social/political climate. On the other hand, a lot of this looks like LARPing to me. This posturing gets her some coverage and costs her nothing. When that changes, she and others will stop doing it.

Itsdone63 ago

If she actually believed that much in x wouldn't she want to get her black ass back to africa?

sir_andy_of_bad ago

But there aren't enough whites in Africa to provide the gibs that they require to survive.

293948172 ago

who gives a shit? why the fuck does this matter jesus christ

Olimpia8 ago

This makes me sick! So what did she say at the end; so help me Malcom???

Crackrocknigga ago

We are a Christian nation. Any who deny Christ should be denied citizenship


So most of the country. Check the stats on those who drink and watch porn, they're all out.

irelandLost ago

Drinking is unchristian is it? Did Jesus turn water into grape juice so, cos I can do that with a bit of cordial.

tatrodini ago

What about the porn? Rationalize that.


Jesus isn't a person, wine into water is a metaphor.

Both in Greek and Hebrew any fluid, air, or ether was called water until organized; then it was wine. The rain that falls on the ground and taken up into the organism of tree, vegetable or fruit is changed into wine, i. e. t sap or juice.

The parable of turning water into wine at the marriage at Cana in Galilee is a literal statement of a process taking place with every heart beat in the human organism.

HouseHawkwood ago

Jesus isn't a person

Dude actually lived, no historian worth their salt attests otherwise.

Pulverizor ago

[Citation Needed]

HouseHawkwood ago

Robert E. Van Voorst, Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence, Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2000. p 39- 53

Pulverizor ago

Just the one?

HouseHawkwood ago

There's more but I trust you know how to use google/Duckduckgo/bing.

HouseHawkwood ago

You're a retard. Tacitus, Pliny the Younger and Suetonius, ancient Roman historians, who would have no reason to perpetuate a lie, wrote that a man named Christ lived and died during the time that the new testament talks about.


Right, and Odin walked the earth.

HouseHawkwood ago

If your going to play the 'Im going to be intentionally stupid and miss the point' game then yes you do have a reason to lie, to hide the fact that your a brainlette. Again, there are records independent of the bible, written by men who were not Christian and of a different faith altogether, by men who were also performing the capacity of cataloguing history, who are considered actual sources for historical happenings as recorded at that time by modern scholars, who say a person known as Jesus Christ lived and that Christians worshiped him as the son of God.

Using your logic then any written recording by any individual can be discounted as fabrication for any spurious reason whatsoever. You know who does that? Fucking leftists.


Bible is fairy tales.

HouseHawkwood ago

Assertion is irrelevant in regards to the historical existence of a man named Jesus as Tacitus, Pliny and Suetonius were not Christian nor did they write the bible.


You mean "Chrestus?" LOL, can't even get the name right.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

She was elected a County Commissioner in a special election in May by 13 votes (638 to 625). Her election is indicative of little of nothing. Only 1,263 people voted and she won by only 13 votes. And she replaced another black person who held the seat for 25 years before deciding to run for mayor. And her opponent was a black man. Both were Dems (non-partisan elections means you have to look at the platforms and both supported pretty much the same stuff).

tastywhitemeat ago

Why don't they have them swear on the state constitution?

The only objection I have to sweating on a Bible, and I can't really drum up enough rancor to really call it an objection, is that the great parts of it that are the basis for our country are mixed in with a lot of extraneous stuff that has nothing to do with modern democracy.

Not saying those parts are not relevant in other ways, just saying we have put the politically salient points into much more succinct documents.

Sburban_Shitposter ago


Obergruppenmemester ago


shittyusername2 ago

That's something to see so many niggers in US politics nowadays...

basedmangod2015 ago

newsflash not everyone is a christian or even religious at all, some of those people get elected to congress. get over it


newsflash some people are heathens!!!!

basedmangod2015 ago

yeah, and in america those people are still entitled to representation


not in my America.

RoundWheel ago

Those who are moral swear in on the US Constitution.

basedmangod2015 ago

what about christians and muslims that swear on their holy texts, are they more beholden to their religion or the constitution?

Tallest_Skil ago

Fun fact: the Founders wrote the constitution to protect Christianity as much as they wrote it to protect the white race.

tendiesonfloor ago

Aww, did your parents make you go to church, so know you're a "rebellious" atheist. You sure showed them.

basedmangod2015 ago

no i just don't reallly give a shit what a congressman swears on, total nonstory

Obergruppenmemester ago

Downboat for engrish

Trash_Panda ago

Newsflash, religion is what holds society together and without it your country will quickly be subsumed by leftism and degeneracy. Prove me wrong.

basedmangod2015 ago

yeah if you need imaginary friends to stop you from becoming a degenerate, you're probably already a degenerate. some people don't need the bible to tell them to be a good person in order to be a good person.

irelandLost ago

It’s cute that you have such unshakable confidence in your own inherent strength of moral character, alas it is merely delusion. Look to history, look to pre-Christian European societies, look to atheistic societies in recent history. The notion of inherent morality that sees people be “good” in the absence of authoratative morality does not stand up to any form of scrutiny. It’s only your misguided arrogance that has allowed you to divorce your morality, or being a “good person” from the fact you grew up in mainly Christian surroundings with the tenets of that faith serving as the authoritative moral code of the society.

talmoridor-x ago

Morality is bullshit invented by the elites. Human instincts evolved for a reason; they keep you alive. Morals are for the suicidal.

Trash_Panda ago

Sweet. Show me a society without any morals that flourished and prospered.

talmoridor-x ago

Societies are overrated. Unless you're a ruler, they're the enemy of man.

dbvapor ago

When did this become a thing? We can choose just any god damned book to swear in now? The fuck standard are we going by anymore?

CarefulBigotry ago

The whole point of swearing people in on a bible was that people who refused couldn’t get the job.

ilikeskittles ago

I'd get sworn in then on Sun Tzu's The Art of War. That should get the lib's panties in a wad.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

Patrick Little gets elected President

swears in on The Culture of Critique

AmericanJew2 ago

I thought you were going to say The Creature from Jeckyll Island.

recon_johnny ago

I'd pay to see that, though....frankly.

BumFightChamp ago

Hitler was a liberal faggot, but that's your choice to gay out.

kalgon ago

Yeah right and staline was capitalist

You use words you don't even understand what they mean so shut the fuck up

BumFightChamp ago

You're such a stupid fuck, you don't know jack shit about anything.

Look at the SA and the leaders of it, and how he was besties with all of them. Or Hitler's policies and everything he said.

But you can be a cuck and think Hitler wouldn't be super cool with Obama and Hillary.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

You mean the SA he had liquidated because they ended up being a bunch of degenerates? Those besties? Try learning something next time, such as simple definitions. When you actually use the words you meant to use, you'll be able to construct a cogent argument. Just stringing together random words doesn't cut it, I'm afraid.

BumFightChamp ago


How is that for stringing words?

ShineShooter ago

FDR was any different than obama.

Heathcliff ago

That would be hilarious

Rotteuxx ago

Here's mine, it's all shiny :)


kalgon ago

The right text version needs to be added

Rotteuxx ago

All translations are contested as to which is the most accurate, but I agree screw annotations.


Ford's translation is highly rated though and up to now I haven't noticed anything shitty about it.

CouldBeTrump ago

One of the nice things (in my opinion based on reading only the Ford translation) about the Ford translation is the annotations. There are references specific to the original audience that I would have missed without the annotated context.

Dank-AssAyyLMAOs ago

Who cares what book someone puts their hand on?

Tallest_Skil ago


Commit suicide. Now.


because t symbolizes you telling the truth to your creator...… duh....

Crackrocknigga ago

Lolbitarians like you are part of the problem. By being apathetic to the degradation of our white anglo Christian values, you are assisting in destroying what made this country great. Before you go on some secularist rant, realize that you are on the side of atheist commies and they'd agree with you.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

On the bright side, Malcolm X was Jew wise

watts2db ago

So he wouldn't like that kike to her left

DeadBeatNigger ago

Read his autobiography, he wasn't a racist, nor did he hate whites. I took the time to read it. He was labeled as racist because he hated Jews, and believed in violence as a solution, and the Jew was able to paint him as anti-white and sCaRy!!! He was actually a very nimble-moron. He knew he was dumb, and needed to improve, and this was also seen as bad, because it sent a message of self sufficiency and self-learning to nogs. The reason niggers worship him and see his autobiography as a racial bible... is because they can't read and spout hearsay. I'm not even making this up. Ask any nigger who worships him about the contents of the book, and they'll be utterly stumped.

GoyimNose ago

I didint even need to read his book to understand this, just listen to his speaches. He was 10x better than faggot DR MLK GIBS

Plavonica ago

Sigh... Another book to add to the list.

Doglegwarrior ago

God damn it i have too much to read already and then you convince me i need to read something else.. thanks!

Maximum50 ago

You basically have two kinds of political blacks, the coons that admire MLK and the nationalists that admire Malcom X. I know which side I would chose of God would have inflicted me with niggerness.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

nationalists that admire Malcom X


Maximum50 ago

As in Black power black ethno state Wakanda niggers.

Maroonsaint ago

Jesus was a jew

GoldIsRealMoney ago

You seem to be under the impression that modern Jews are actually Jews

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Who fought against the Jews. It's not his fault that modern day Christianity got cucked and started worshipping Jews and serving their money and debt slave system.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

The Pharisees and money changers had the old Jews pretty cucked, too.

Maroonsaint ago


GoldIsRealMoney ago

I relish the fact that you need to ketchup on your kike history

Maroonsaint ago


ProgNaziGator ago

These buns need to stop.

Maroonsaint ago


frankie2shoes ago

I just fucking moved to GA. While this suggests she's more black friendly than christian, at least she said she wants to take an oath on something she values. Rather than say Jews swearing on the Bible or Muslims swearing on the Torah

Simpleusername ago

I just helped move an ex out of that nigger fucked state. Watch your 6...the niggers there will rob, rape, kill you.

frankie2shoes ago

They're not in the mountains only the cities and hoods. It's why houses just outside are 300-600k, to keep them in the cities.

recon_johnny ago

There's nothing good about this picture. Don't try and bring in a false comparison. This thing will actively work to remove you.

ProgNaziGator ago

But that's an enemy qhite normies are comfortable fighting. Jews are too good at slow boiling. Chimp out revolts are our speciality.

refugee610 ago

He was also a racial separatist for most of his life. Ironically the Jews' efforts to put their pets into power may end up working out rather well for us in the long run.

herbalism ago

Id be ok with giving black people Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi and giving the Mexicans NM, AZ, southern TX and southern california as long as they promised (on pain of death) to never set foot on the white part of the US.

ragnarrockwell ago

I don't know why you're being downvoted. Do people just LARP as white nationalists on here?

This kind of thinking is the only realistic way of leading to a white ethnostate. The Jews have whipped up minorities into hating whites. We can use this to our advantage and support black separatist and latino separatist movements. Black nationalists are our allies. We can work together to defeat the Jew.

As soon as we get the ethnostate, we can build a nice big, heavily guarded wall around it. When the other ethnostates inevitably go to shit, anyone attempting to get in can be shot.

tatrodini ago

But who's gonna clean your houses and raise your kids?

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Look at this kike, thinking he can bargain with the 3rd world.

GoyimNose ago

I think that's the best way to go about this. Whites get 35 states for themselves and the others will get 10 divided up.the last 5 will go to fags, mutts, and other degenerates.

Drakgan ago

Fuck you, Texas fought the mexicans off twice. We're keeping our land Yankee faggot.

tokui ago

If society has the will to effect that and enforce death, society has the will to liquidate all of them from the country, even to invade Canada & Mexico and genocide the inhabitants for American Lebensraum.

fritz_maurentod ago

That would be a big mistake. As soon as they transform those places into 3rd world they'll move to the nearest white state. Rinse and repeat. Never compromise.

DietSodaLuvr ago

No make the rest of the country white ethnostate. Once the blacks fuck up their area slowly start creeping in to their land and take it all back over the course of like 20 years. Slowly do the same to the Southwest.

captainstrange ago

The deserve none of it. They earned none of it. And giving them anything only serves to reward and encourage them.

We should give them the bottom of the ocean.

And as a welcoming gesture we should drive them into it.

TheWorstImaginable ago

lots of whites are less deserving than an average nigger. where do we put the worthless whites?

captainstrange ago

You mean the meth addicts, criminals, antifa, and other ilk?

Theres plenty of room for all of them at the bottom of the ocean?

Everyone talks about pinochet dropping communists from helicopters.

They rarely mention that he dropped them into the ocean.

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

Send them wiggers and coal burners to Africa.

NoRagrets ago

End welfare.

Gopherurself ago

Hope so

DeltaBravoTango ago

Things didn't go too well for either of them.

Landwhaleonline ago

difference is there is proof of a malcom x having existed and he was on to the jews just like someone mentioned.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Depends on your interpretation of success in the case of Jesus

Obergruppenmemester ago

Considering christianity still hasn't lead to anything positive for Europe, I'd say it's been a net failure with little to no hope of success going forward.

MrDarkWater ago

It's what kept Europe together after the fall of Rome. It United us through shared ideology and against common enemies.

Obergruppenmemester ago

It's what kept Europe together after the fall of Rome.

Except for all the parts that fell to chaos, until the most un-christian thing occurred: the Renaissance.

It United us


sir_andy_of_bad ago

Yup. Christianity is the common ground between the multitudinous ethnic groups that make up the white western world. Before it, we were cavemen, fighting over minute principalities. The kikes absolutely hate Christianity. I'm surprised at the amount of people who still just take the word of others online when they say they're white nationalists, or just white at all. Anyone advocating for the destruction of our spirit is a jew.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, paid jewish shill. Kill yourself.

Obergruppenmemester ago

TIL jews are Asatruar

kalgon ago

Without christianity, europe would be quite muslim since centuries, to begin with

Obergruppenmemester ago

Without christianity, Europe (and the middle east) would still be Pagan lol

kalgon ago

Yeah, just like niggers!...

And clueless about kikes on top of it

Obergruppenmemester ago

Considering that a lot of the damage done to Arabs were caused by the rampant incest via islam, I wouldn't be too sure about that.

And clueless about kikes on top of it

Without the varying branches of judaism, there'd be no way for said kikes to climb up to the positions of power they hold. That innocence would be a sign of purity from such a demonic influence.

kalgon ago

Because you think paganism renders a people immune to incest?


Not sure about what you mean in the rest of your message

Obergruppenmemester ago

Reread what I posted and get back to me once you've digested it a bit more.

kalgon ago

If you can't be understood by others it's your problem, not mine, don't have time to play cryptic charade, either you are here to share information or you are not, if you are not you're not interesting

Chimaira92 ago

I guess that motto rings true for the Jews.

Landwhaleonline ago

that made no sense, so it's athiest and jewish? lol

kalgon ago

You're a jew

Landwhaleonline ago

Fuck jews, and proove your god exists, faggot

kalgon ago

lol, christianity wasn't created by what you call jews, to begin with, that's what you fail to realize

Second, why are you spitting on your heritage? You're in your "fuck you dad!" moment in your life?

Landwhaleonline ago

No, i don't need a make-believe character to make myself feel better. Your pastors and priests fuck kids all day and get caught, so who's in their "fuck you, dad" moment again?

kalgon ago


You insecure and ignorant faggot jew...


Rabbinic Judaism (Hebrew: יהדות רבנית‬ Yahadut Rabanit), also called Rabbinism, has been the mainstream form of Judaism since the 6th century CE, after the codification of the Babylonian Talmud. Growing out of Pharisaic Judaism

Tell me again how jews created christianity

Landwhaleonline ago

good job, you use the joogle and jewipedia for your information lol. reeeeee is correct, you are lost. believe whatever you want, tell god i said hi lol

kalgon ago

(hey faggot jew, it's your turn)

So which is it? Your ancestors weren't christian or you're in your "fuck you dad!" moment?

Landwhaleonline ago

So that's your proof of god? Lol weak

kalgon ago

See? Your whole understanding of christianity, and religion and general, is limited to just that "buh buh buh where's the man in the clouds!"

You're on par with the dumbest illiterate moron in any given cult when it comes to it


Landwhaleonline ago

That's the lamest way to dodge a simple question

kalgon ago

God is the ultimate authority when it comes to the Law, whether you or anyone else like it or not is irrelevant, not even kings are above god

You don't believe in god? No god given rights

Again, your simplistic interpretation of religion is at pissant level, it's called "fuck you dad!" atheism

You're a little commie helper, nothing more

Landwhaleonline ago

Still no proof. As expected. Full of shit

kalgon ago

Again, I don't need to give a you a proof of god, just as the founding fathers didn't need to deliver one

You aren't a creature of god, by your own admission, you are therefore denying your god given rights, by denying the creator from which they stem from, on top of having no soul evidently

So what does that make of you?

An NPC that's what

Landwhaleonline ago

"Again, I don't need to give a you a proof of god, just as the founding fathers didn't need to deliver one"

So you admit you have NO argument lol. After all that shit talking, and looks like I found a Qoomer haha

kalgon ago

God delivers proof of his existence by himself, I don't need to deliver it to you, he doesn't need me to deliver it to you

He made you ugly with a small penis because he always knew you would be a cunt, and that's why you hate him, what other proof do you need?

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol that's pretty pathetic for someone as old as you are. Least you finally admit you can't prove shit and btw the nPc meme is describing retards that can't think for themselves and just follow what they are told. Like you....

kalgon ago

Listen, god proved to me that he exists, a long time ago

You want proof that he exists why do you ask me? Ask him

Landwhaleonline ago

Sigh, it's been fun. Feel free ask him for me, maybe he can provide a better argument for YOUR case

kalgon ago

That's not my job to ask him, again I'm not the one who needs a proof of his existence, you're the one who needs it

But quite honesty, I don't think god would answer to an NPC

Landwhaleonline ago

That's okay, i'm sure santa would answer me. Close enough

kalgon ago


kalgon ago

Which is a funny way of saying that you have no argument

Again, why are you spitting on your ancestors, on your heritage?

Landwhaleonline ago

Sure ill answer, my ancestors may have been christians, but doesn't make christianity anymore valid. So, i'm still awaiting your proof of god. Why are you dodging, brah?

kalgon ago

my ancestors may have been christians

What do you mean "may have been"? Like you aren't sure you're white? Or aren't sure you are a jew?

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol you are still dodging the question. I'm not a jew, happy? Now answer me, wheres your proof of god?

kalgon ago

So you're a fuckyoudad atheist then...

You ask a proof for god, what you don't realize is that I don't need to give you a proof, just as the founding fathers didn't need to deliver one

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

You think you're smart with your fuckyoudad atheism, but you're a useful idiot, nothing more

Landwhaleonline ago

That's a huge wall of text, but still no proof. You're full of shit, your god doesn't exist. Copying and pasting all the text in the world won't change that. You also seem to have daddy issues, but it's no surprise, we all know what your pastors do to you when you're young.

kalgon ago

Yeah I know, 3 paragraphs is a huge wall of text for you timmy, but you're a big boy now you'll see it's not that big, try again

Landwhaleonline ago

Thanks, grandpa.

kalgon ago

I'm not your grandpa you soulless creature...

Landwhaleonline ago

Ok, sorry, preacher.

kalgon ago

No problem NPC

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol says the devoat christian XD. Good day, sir

kalgon ago

That's right run away...

Landwhaleonline ago

Says the guy with no argument hahahaha

kalgon ago

Oh, I thought you were done mister "I failed to prove that jews created christianity because I have no idea about what I'm talking about in the first place, because I'm 15 and I believe being an atheist shitlib makes me a cool kid"

Why do you hate god? Got raped by a rabbi? Penis problem? Both?

Are you still unsure that your ancestors were christians, kike?

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol you're pretty good at making yourself look retarded. This is actually very entertaining. Are you angry that you weren't able to prove your buddy exists? Oh we are on the kikes again I see. So when all else fails lets call everyone a jew lol. Still copying and pasting more bullshit i see. What else you got, Qoomer?

kalgon ago

You're the one looking like a complete retard with your fuckyoudad atheism kid

People spitting on christianity are either;

Communists, jews, muslims, progressives, dumb atheists evidently, and useful idiots

You're one of them, and that's a fact

If anything, this is what jews want you to be, they want you to forget about christianity, for a reason


Landwhaleonline ago

Lol the tired old " if you don't agree with me you are this or that"

You're so brainwashed you just can't help yourself.

kalgon ago

It's a fact

Communists, jews, muslims, progressives, dumb atheists evidently, and useful idiots are the ones spitting on christianity, nobody else

Fact, and you happily join them

Landwhaleonline ago

Sure sure. I'm all of those if it makes you feel better, ok? Smh. Lol.

kalgon ago

It should make you feel bad, tool

Landwhaleonline ago

Yes, i feel oh so bad. Lol.

kalgon ago

I think I'm done with you, you pretty much only keep parroting the same NPC.Says("Christianity Bad!"); lines over and over again, without bringing any meaningful information, or argument, when it's not dumb empty comments like the one above

But since I'm a very generous guy, and since we both know that dumbasses like you always need the last comment to feel secure, like little retards need their participation trophies, I'll let you have it, out of sheer christian charity

Landwhaleonline ago

If you say so, Qoomer. XD. Don't be mistakened, jews believe in your god too, so you fags have that in common, and you all apparently do sick shit to children, this is why you coudn't help yourself from imagining me as a 15 year old boy and you just had to bring a penis to the conversation when all i asked was you to try and prove that your god exists. Lol who the fuck knows what goes on in that sick mind of yours. Sad

kalgon ago

If you say so, Qoomer. XD.

Ok mister "XD lololol roflomao"

You're as stupid and as superficial as your approach of religion, if anything that's all you proved here

Jews rejected christ, they rejected the messiah, and they got expelled from numerous christian countries, so no, they didn't create christianity

Judaism is satanism, the bible is quite clear on that matter

Landwhaleonline ago

Haha the bible is your guide. Hilarious. Oh nos, satan!!!! The boogie man rofl.

kalgon ago

Again, that's some 15yo level of understanding about what it says about so called jews

But It's not as if I was expecting any elaborate line of reasoning from you at this point

You dumbass npc

Landwhaleonline ago

"But since I'm a very generous guy, and since we both know that dumbasses like you always need the last comment to feel secure, like little retards need their participation trophies, I'll let you have it, out of sheer christian charity"

As expected, full of shit

Landwhaleonline ago

Yeah, I'm a jew lol and you're a kike christfag, nice to meet you

Maximum50 ago

Without Christianity there would be no Islam. We would probably still worship pagan gods.

kalgon ago

Pfffff what a load of absolute crap

sir_andy_of_bad ago

I agree. Talk about pulling a turd out of your ass.

talmoridor-x ago

Europe would do better with Islam. Even Hitler endorsed it. The problem is not the religion, but the race.

riffwraff ago

The church did fine by Europe for 1600 years prior to Hitler.

kalgon ago

Whatever, hitler didn't endorse islam, especially for whites, just because part of the nazi higher ups saw it as a convenient military indoctrination vector for foreign troops doesn't mean they embraced it for their own people, "nazi muslim" troops experiment was an overall failure btw

Just because there were african troops allied with nazis doesn't mean hitler endorsed race mixing

talmoridor-x ago

According to Speer, Hitler wished that the Ottoman Empire had conquered Vienna in 1683: "The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

Similarly, Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers ... then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."


kalgon ago


In 1922, a decade before Hitler took power, former Prime Minister of Bavaria, Count von Lerchenfeld-Köfering stated in a speech before the Landtag of Bavaria, that his beliefs "as a man and a Christian" prevented him from being an anti-Semite or from pursuing anti-Semitic public policies. Hitler turned Lerchenfeld's perspective of Jesus on its head, telling a crowd in Munich:

"I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."[131]


A failure by Charles at Tours would have been a disaster, destroying what would become western civilization after the renaissance, and that's a fact

So please gtfo with your kike tier view on adolf hitler and christianity

talmoridor-x ago

That is not quoted by Hitler.

kalgon ago

And Speer isn't hitler, nor is he directly quoting him, what's your point?

In a 1928 speech, he said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian."[132]

And that's from hitler

Look at muslim countries, if not for oil they would produce nothing but backwardness

And again, muslim invasion of europe = no western civilization period

So really, you can go home on this one

talmoridor-x ago

I just fucking said it's a race issue, not religion issue.

kalgon ago

Oh yeah sure, it's like communism it works when whites do it


sir_andy_of_bad ago

Dude, you're arguing with a kike. Don't worry about him. Just stock up on ammo and long guns, he'll get his soon enough.

carlip ago

false. the romans did more than just keep the muslims at bay, the romans also sacked jerusalem and left it in ruins. ultimately christianity weakened rome to the point that the hordes could start taking over land in the east and christianity caused a further schism that divided the empire in two. so no fuck you.

riffwraff ago

Lol, how many times before Christianity was Rome split up? Three? Four? The only special thing about the schism was Rome got sacked. Romans got too powerful and too decadent, and relied on foreign mercenaries for protection. Eastern Rome lived on for another 1000 years as a Christian state until other Christians (Italians, coincidentally) and then Muslims ruined it.

HouseHawkwood ago

the romans did more than just keep the muslims at bay

Mohammed was born almost hundred years after the official fall of the western Roman Empire in 476. Islam didn't began trying to conquer the Byzantine empire until 634 which over a 150 years after the fall, so what history book are you refencing because there is no overlap between Rome and Islam. Christianity did not weaken Rome it was the converse the weakening of pagan Rome was filled by Christianity. The late 2nd and entirety of the 3rd centuries was a period of intense civil strife as Roman civil society visibly declined, this in turn lead the disenfranchised to seek something better. The reason why Christianity thrived in Rome was as he wrote:

"(1) The inflexible, and, if we may use the expression, the intolerant zeal of the Christians, derived, it is true, from the Jewish religion, but purified from the narrow and unsocial spirit which, instead of inviting, had deterred the Gentiles from embracing the law of Moses. (2) The doctrine of a future life, improved by every additional circumstance which could give weight and efficacy to that important truth. (3) The miraculous powers ascribed to the primitive church. (4) The pure and austere morals of the Christians. (5) The union and discipline of the Christian republic, which gradually formed an independent and increasing state in the heart of the Roman empire."[95]

Or to word differently, where Pagan Rome was fractured, effette, permissive and weak (sounds familiar to our secular society today) Christianity was unified, masculine, unyielding and strong. If there had not been Christianity at the time of the fall of Rome then the west would not have survived. Christian monks recorded and saved the ancient wisdom of the Greeks and romans, Christianity kept the social fabric of the west together even as the civil fabric fell into disarray, Christianity's moral ethos and theology rooted in greek philosophy laid the foundation for everything to come. Without Christianity there is no west, period.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Dude, you're arguing with kikes. There are no white nationalists against Christianity (see positive Christianity, etc), just another angle of attack for the kikes to impersonate us and attempt to further weaken us through attacking our religion. Paganism is overwhelmingly permissive of such wonders as child molestation and homosexuality. Again, anyone who preaches le christcucks is a Jew. Always have been. Always will be.

carlip ago

ah fair enough i should have said arabs.

Phantom42 ago

Emphasis on Christianity, not Kikeianity.

Christianity disposes of degeneracy and Kikes.

Kikeianity... Well, just look at how "Christians" behave today.

kalgon ago

Roman empire went extinct before muslims even started to exist, christianity survived it, much more resilient it seems, so what's your point you stupid kike?

Charles martel leading the christian forces of europe kicked out muslims out of europe, not romans

Phantom42 ago

I love how they always go for "Kikeianity killed muh ROAHM!!!!"

As if Rome was some pinnacle of civilization. It was filled with degeneracy and vile behavior. I appreciate the influence they've had on Europe but it's like these Kikes think Rome was heaven on Earth.

Maximum50 ago

Rome of old, the SPQR is definitely worthy of admiration, as were the old Romans like Cincinnatus, but that Rome died when Sulla killed it.

HST ago

Claudius wasn't half bad as far as later rome goes

Maximum50 ago

Did you watch the old TV show, I Claudius? I really liked it.

HST ago

Hell yeah. Torrented it at some point

Phantom42 ago
