CodyCigar_1800 ago

Pro Zionist Christians twist scripture in uncanny ways. They really are like cattle, because they haven't studied the Bible. They should be familiar with replacement theology. The Jews rejected the fulfilment of God's covenant, the sacrifice of His only Son, and entrance into Paradise. God exiled them for the final time, and the Jews turned to evil ways. They've embraced post modernism, Marxism, Satanism and all forms of degeneracy, and push it on everyone. God foretold this in Revelations. Jews are key to the end days, and that is why the Synagogue of Satan does what it does. You can only fully comprehend their motives with the aid of the Bible; and thus, the only way to defeat the Jew, is to uncover to these fooled evangelists what the Bible really says about the disastrous destination Zionist Jews want to steer the world.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

christianity is BIG JEW

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dawnbandit1 ago

Christianity Unmasqued is a great book. It goes into how "Judeo-Christian" is an oxymoron and how the two are incompatible. It also discusses what a "Jew" is, great read.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

how can judeo-christian be an oxymoron if christians worship a jewish god 🤔🤔🤔

Ken_bingo2 ago

Because you misunderstand the fundamentals of theology in general, that's how.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Alright mr. (((theology))) scholar

abewasatallman ago

who is this? last name?

AlphaOmega ago

I had a friend in college who was fucked up a lot in high school but was such an unbelievably talented athlete he got his shit together, found Jesus and did amazing things in college

His passion for fucking Jews, though, was creepy. Even before I knew about (((them))) I never understood why Christians were so keen to hold Jews and Israel on such a high pedestal. The New Testament was not all that supportive of the Jew. Why are they? Why are they so content to call Jews “God’s Chosen”? Did Jesus say that? What the fuck?

Why do you owe them anything? What have they done for you?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

so insidious, almost makes me wish i believed in Hell so i could comfort myself knowing this parasite would end up there.

huhu11 ago

Thanks for posting this had no idea.

70times7 ago

There is that word again. "Evangelical".

Maybe I dont know many christians, but I have never heard one refer to themselves as "evangelical"

Only hear that word though the media.


ke4ke ago

I've noticed that as well. I would imagine that any Baptist type of group would be "Evangelical??

LtDanDingus ago

Oh yes, Baptist’s definitely. Speaking from personal experience all my childhood and teenage years. I don’t recall us ever outright stating we are “Evangelicals”. The usual tag was Independent Bible Beliving Baptist’s” or some shit like that. But we were EXTREMELY heavy on Evangelists and Evangelicising. And of course, we LOVED Israel and Jews

hfkmfn ago

Some churches use that term for a family of denominations... Various Pentecostal and/or Charismatic denominations, things like that. In political discourse they mean something different, though there is a large overlap.

spaceman84 ago

How else do you describe someone who can only think in the context of the Bible.

oddlike777 ago


70times7 ago

A christian?

fuckingmockies ago

An idiot.

70times7 ago

derp. so smart in your 19 years of life here.

you should rule the world with your wisdom

fuckingmockies ago

I'm 31, and I think I'd do a pretty fucking good job ruling the world. Better than you, certainly.

70times7 ago

sure nero. youd do great!

you are so wise!

N3DM ago

Don't answer a fool according to his folly

fuckingmockies ago

Wise enough to not be a Christcuck lol. And hey, are you supposed to be meek and humble or some shit? Don't get uppity; turn the other cheek like a good Christcuck.

JopharVorin ago

Dont forget about that kike Joel Osteen

BB-3 ago

Oh shit. I never put two and two together.

Hitlers_Politoed ago

He looks like a mega Jew.

JopharVorin ago

His wife is a jewess too

kalgon ago

My niggas my niggas,

The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians


Two years after Scofield’s reported conversion to Christianity in 1879, the Atchison Patriot was less than impressed. Describing the former Atchison resident as the “late lawyer, politician and shyster generally,” the article went on to recount a few of Scofield’s “many malicious acts.” These included a series of forgeries in St. Louis, for which he was sentenced to six months in jail.

Being a “born again” preacher did not preclude Scofield from becoming a member of an exclusive New York men’s club in 1901, either. In his devastating biography, The Incredible Scofield and His Book, Joseph M. Canfield suggests, “The admission of Scofield to the Lotus Club, which could not have been sought by Scofield, strengthens the suspicion that has cropped up before, that someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield.”

That someone, Canfield suspects, was associated with one of the club’s committee members, the Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer. As Canfield intimates, Scofield’s theology was “most helpful in getting Fundamentalist Christians to back the international interest in one of Untermeyer’s pet projects—the Zionist Movement.”

Others have been even more explicit about the nature of Scofield’s service to the Zionist agenda. In “Unjust War Theory: Christian Zionism and the Road to Jerusalem,” Prof. David W. Lutz writes, “Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism. Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latter’s career, including travel in Europe.”

Highonfire ago

This is why I use voat

Lateknighttt ago

Literally always it’s always them.

killdozer ago

Crazy stuff. I think this is one of the most pertinent issues to tackle. What's the game plan?

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fuckingmockies ago

I have been trying to make the argument that the culture and spirituality that shaped European society predates Christianity by tens of thousands of years - that Christianity is a foreign, invading spirituality.

I try to make the argument that if it had been Islam that conquered Europe and destroyed and replaced our natural spirituality instead of Christianity, they'd be devout Muslims quoting the Koran and defending Mohammed. Most seem to think they'd recognize the inherent truth of Christianity and convert. Unlikely.

I try to make the argument that behavior is biologically rooted, and spirituality is a reflection of a people's most respected behaviors - the race creates the religion. This is one of the reasons I hate Christianity so much; it's the spiritual version of Civic Nationalism.

I'm mostly wasting my breath. If these people were capable of critical thinking, they'd have reached these conclusions a long time ago.

Most think that Jews hate Christians and therefore Christianity is the best way to oppose them. Their view of history goes back only five to ten decades. This racisl struggle has been going on a lot longer than that.

Western Civilization was built despite Christianity, not because of it. Western Civilization is a white creation. Not a Christian one.

Remygoys1788 ago

How far back does western civilization go? Were neadrethals in Spain part of the "west"? How about nomadic deer hunters in Ireland thousands of years ago? What about the Huns? When does the "west" start?

What about ancient Chinese civilization? It goes back 5k years, continuously. Is it Chinese civilization or "yellow" civilization? What about Japanese civilization, Vietnamese,. Etc.

Was "yellow" civilization DESTROYED by Buddhism? Were Buddhist monks the destroyers of yellow, oriental civilization because it came from India?

depehb ago

lol retard

fuckingmockies ago

Name calling? How unchristlike of you.

kalgon ago

Make sure every single christian zionist in america sees this video

From beginning to end

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Netanyahu’s statement may be startling to some, but it does make sense if one’s priority for Israel is to hold on to all the biblical land. They were Netanyahu’s best friends, better friends than President Clinton from that perspective, with whom he was meeting the next day and who was pressuring Netanyahu as well as the Palestinians to meaningfully negotiate. For the Likud party and their supporters, this was a smart political alliance. Liberal objections about the real motives of these Evangelicals were not persuasive. True, these Christian right leaders believed the real significance of the State of Israel was its role in the apocalyptic end-times scenario, which they believed would culminate in the wiping out of most Jews and the conversion of the remaining few. This is deeply problematic and offensive for us as Jews. One could argue, however, that we don’t believe in these visions of the end time anyway, so what do they matter? If we agree on what should happen in this world, why not agree to disagree on what happens in the next.


knije_tahou ago

Fantastic comment. I've saved it for future reference. That YouTube video is really eye opening

kingdomhearts123 ago

does joel have a last name? wtf?

killdozer ago

It's Rosenberg. What else would it be?

I_Always_Lie ago

Bergowicz? Steingold? Silverstein? Goldman? Kaplan?

All just random guesses.

oddlike777 ago

I wonder why they never used Platinumstein, or Diamondman.

I_Always_Lie ago

Or Paladiumberg.

killdozer ago

Anything that the Netenyahu faction wants, we will tell our cattle to help them because we told out cattle that they must love Israel and the Jews unconditionally. And somehow whatever Israel needs at the moment is incidentally a bible prophecy that must be fulfilled. You want to meet Jesus in the second coming don't you? Thanks for the billions suckers.

bushka ago

But first give us a new plane so we can be closer to God.