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Huck ago

Jews and Jesuits are the same goddamn thing in my book. Jesuits were founded by a Jew, as the means to subvert and take over the Catholic church. They succeeded. Fuck them all.

Saufsoldat ago

So why did they spread christianity around the world? Seems a bit counter-productive to their supposed hatred for christianity.

Rotteuxx ago

They push the old testament while fallowing the Babylonian Talmud. The Christianity of the Jesuits isn't Christianity at all, it's crowd control. If goys truly followed the scriptures they would have continued what Jesus started and sacked the Synagogue of Satan out of their respective nations.

Saufsoldat ago

So I guess christianity never arrived in South America, Africa, or Asia. That's a "no true scotsman" if ever I've seen one.

kalgon ago

The vid, "when israel is mighty", it's probably the most underrated video of all times, it's a 12 mins goldmine