Remygoys1788 ago

You never see an anti Semite or ethnic nationalist revert back to semitephilia or civic nationalism. This should tell everyone what the real red pool is.

Danzig1870 ago

The Soros one is my favorite. Dude was a child and pre-teen through the Nazi years, not some rich powerful globalist Jew like he is today. He wasn't driving around with his best buddy Hitler committing comic book evil in Europe. He's destroying Europe as part of a revenge fantasy they have against the Nazis, not because he was one. Like, what exact parallels are Civnats drawing between the two of them? Makes no sense.

GoyimNose ago

I doubt he had any connection with the nazis. He's propped up to be some "boogieman" but he's nothing more than a fall guy. When George Soros finally dies all this shit that's been going on is still going to continue. People fall into the "super villain" mindset. It's like thinking Hitler did everything, no it was the will of the German people as a whole just as Soros is the will of the Jewish people.

Danzig1870 ago

He's definitely not the be-all end-all, no one is, but still responsible for a significant amount of damage. He has the money and power to back it up, and has been outspoken about the goals of his philanthropy. People have been brainwashed into this comic book like thinking for over half a century so it's no surprise this mindset is rampant. Good vs evil is such a common way of evaluating a topic now. Jesus Christ how many times do I hear elected officials and military experts using the term "evil", it's ridiculous. Comic book shit has probably done a lot more damage than we previously realized.

syntaxaxe ago

Whom'st'ven't looked deep enough will not realize that it is reptilian aliens.

GoyimNose ago

Variations of whom'st is our code word when convincing boomers of the most retarded conspiracies ever

Raxotic ago

"The Jews are the sole reason for European's problems."

"(((Christyaniti))) is a native European religion and so different from those middle-eastern religions."

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Orthodox Christianity is far less kiked than its more well known protestant and Catholic counterparts. Catholicism and Protestantism separated themselves from Orthodox specifically to do more Jewish things (deny logic in favor of sophistry, usury, focus on the letter of the law instead of the spirit, etc)

Don't fall for the straw man caricature that Jews have built out of Christianity. Study it intensely on a philosophical level and you'll see it actually is different from middle eastern religions (such as having an essence-energy distinction instead of a unified, absolutely simple divine nature of God, a "monad", which is very important for how we view God and ultimately ourselves, as well as being the only religion to outlaw usury).

GoyimNose ago

"I have to agree with this gentle sir whoms'tave made a lot of sense"

Astupidname69 ago

Fuck me I wish a cabal of white supremacists controlled everything. We probably would have ascended to a higher plane of existence by now if we didn't constantly have to worry and shitskins and kikes holding us back.

GoyimNose ago

When I was growing up the boomer tin foils all told me it's "rich white Christian men" that are ruining this country. I guess I can't blame them as up until recently the jews have been mostly behind the stage. They are only now starting to show their face. I think when it's revealed that 40-60% of top level government officials are Jewish goyim MIGHT get the picture? Hopefully.


got me on some of those lol.

Huck ago

Jews and Jesuits are the same goddamn thing in my book. Jesuits were founded by a Jew, as the means to subvert and take over the Catholic church. They succeeded. Fuck them all.

GoyimNose ago

It's literally the society of (((jesus))). It's insane that all these boomer conspiracies have one thing in common yet the brainlets refuse to connect the dots.

Yanx ago

Psychologically conditioned against connecting the dots. Take the humanpsychologypill. Human beings can be trained to have conditioned responses to things just like any other mammal. Once you at the battlefield of psychological warfare through the lens of human psychology, the war we're in makes a lot more sense.

onikage ago

Who was the founder?

TheDonaldTrump ago

This link deserves its own post.Thanks!

onikage ago

Thank you, I'll take a look.

Saufsoldat ago

So why did they spread christianity around the world? Seems a bit counter-productive to their supposed hatred for christianity.

GoyimNose ago

It's called controlled opposition. All the top 3 abrahamic religions (85% of all religious beliefs) are Jewish (racial) founded. Religion is about control, and there's only 1 group that's tried to rule the whole wide world since its inception. Another big clue, why is it that of the 3, Judaism is the only one that is allowed to lend money with interest? It's also the one you have to be invited into, they don't recruit.

Huck ago

They spread Catholicism because it was socially acceptable and already popular. They surely weren't going to spread Judaism since they believe true Jewishness is only passed on maternally.

By controlling Catholic churches they had the means to get the local communities to believe anything they needed them to.

Social_Construct ago

The Jesuits narrowly avoided excommunication because they were the teachers to the templar, learn some history and drop this retard level shit

Huck ago

Point everyone in the direction of something that backs up your claims, faggot.

Social_Construct ago

That's common knowledge history, you can fucking Google it, it's in no way a secret of any kind, there's a fucking reason the templars fled to Portugal and Spain you degenerate dipshit

Saufsoldat ago

So then jews want to spread christianity?

Your wild conspiracy theories make no sense.

GoyimNose ago

Religion is about control, what you can and cannot do.

Rotteuxx ago

They push the old testament while fallowing the Babylonian Talmud. The Christianity of the Jesuits isn't Christianity at all, it's crowd control. If goys truly followed the scriptures they would have continued what Jesus started and sacked the Synagogue of Satan out of their respective nations.

Saufsoldat ago

So I guess christianity never arrived in South America, Africa, or Asia. That's a "no true scotsman" if ever I've seen one.

kalgon ago

The vid, "when israel is mighty", it's probably the most underrated video of all times, it's a 12 mins goldmine

Rotteuxx ago

Nice strawman.

Saufsoldat ago

Give your definition of "christian" and then explain why jesuits are not christians.

70times7 ago

Jesuits and jews work together.

To ignore the papists is retarded.

Bible warns of the beast that sits on 7 hills, changed Gods times and laws, will soon have a mark and the other 30 things.

Thats the papacy. Not the hooknoses.

GoyimNose ago

Bible was written by JEWS. That's not a conspiracy, it's fact. You have to ask yourself this - are the Jews that wrote the Bible have the goyims best interest in mind, or perhaps they were looking out for team jew like all jews do?

70times7 ago

So the jews wrote a book about themselves where they admit to sacrificing children, incest, pedophilia, and their own prophets call them vipers and servants of satan.

They wrote all that about themselves?

GoyimNose ago

Abraham told his children to rule the world over the goyim. So each child has been trying to please and win daddy's approval. Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim conflicts are nothing more than sibling rivalry. This is why when shit gets real and one team of the jew goyim are going to wipe out the next, the jew always intervenes and tells their family on the other their plans. Everytime.

70times7 ago

Abraham told his children to rule the world over the goyim


GoyimNose ago

Speculation since his children are all jews and have a common goal.

70times7 ago

Isaac wasnt a jew.

But anyway, 2 posts earlier i pointed out that the bible slams jews constantly. As depraved murderers and idolaters. Notorious liars and thieves.

Even their own prophets condemned them constantly.

Why would they write such damning things about themselves?

GoyimNose ago

It's called abrahamic religions, they all lead to king jew. It's called controlled opposition, and divide and conquer. It's a big pill to swallow, just think why jews are both chosen people in the Muslim and the Christian religion. Cohencedince?

70times7 ago

Im more then happy to discuss this but you are saying things that are not accurate.

The "christian" religion calls the jews vipers and the synagague of satan.

The christian leader (Jesus) stuck a knife write into the jews back when He told them point blank he was stripping them of "chosen" status and giving it to the gentiles.

Matthew 21:43 - Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Then his followers twisted the knife into the jews...

Acts 13:46 - Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

The jews are not the "chosen" people in christianity. The goy are.

But again, why would the jews out themselves in their own book for being the scum of the earth?

You say to divide and conquer? That doesnt make any sense.

GoyimNose ago

Okay we have to get grounded in something. Jesus was a jew, and he came only for the jews. After the jews said "nah bro we are good" Jesus got buttmad and he said "FINE I'll be the savior (leader) of the goyim".

If Jesus really is the son of God, why wouldint he have come for the goyim too to start with? Why would he abandon the Jewish people and not forgive them?

Divide and conquer the GOYIM, Muslim conquers the Asians and Christianity conquers the euros. When you have religious fanatics that will live and die for you, that's a very powerful tool at your disposal. The jews don't care if it's Christianity or Muslims who win, because they are BOTH jew owned. This is why so many Muslim/Christian leaders are Cryptos. Hopefully you are getting what I'm saying, it's a hard thing to accept especially if you are so blinded by jew faith.

70times7 ago

He said He came for the jews because that was a prophecy. He would preach to them for 7 years. Then they would go out to the gentiles.

It was not because he hated the gentiles or loved the jews more.

Daniel 9:27 (the prophecy regarding the messiah) - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease

The verse said the messiah will give the good news (gospel) to the jews for 7 years (1 week)

But they will kill him 3 1/2 years in. (midst of the week)

That is why Paul (remember the guy who twisted the knife) said this...

Acts 13:46 - And Paul and Barnabas, having spoken boldly, said, "It was necessary for the word of God to be spoken first to you .

It was to fulfill the prophecy.

After Jesus was killed his apostles preached to the jews for another 3 1/2 years. Then the jews killed a guy named Stephen, and that closed the 7 years.

Thats what Paul and Barnabas were talking about.

Keep in mind mate, Adam and Eve werent jews. Noah wasnt a jew. Abraham wasnt a jew. And the other hundreds of thousands of peeps in that time period.

They were not jews.

Jews were a fairly new thing. Not some starting race of people.

I get what you are saying, but the error comes in the understanding of who is a jew, who is a christian and what their histories are.

These fake clowns in congress and in the mega churches who say Israel is the chosen land or the jews are the chosen people are liars.

Not christians.

They are shabbos goys who are gonna burn in hell along with the jews.

*really need to keep in mind the 1st 1000+ years in the bible, there was no such thing as a jew. And the bible condems jews throughout it.

GoyimNose ago

I hope you have an open mind because I'm going to be buttmad if I'm effortposting for no reason.

So Jesus plan was to teach his jews for 7 years and then they would ALL goy and teach the goyim?

Okay Abraham is the FIRST JEW (like dracula) or King Jew. Whichever one makes it easier for you to grasp and understand, jew simple means the seed of Abraham (blood related). God chose Abraham of the 12 tribes so then all abrahams children are chosen as well. I don't believe that shit but to reach you in your paradigm I have to speak your language.

Once you are able to see for the first time, you will never lose that sight. The Jewish trick illusion will unveil itself to you. Republican/democrat will be the same to you, because you will see the long nose vulcher bird that the left/right wing is attached too.

70times7 ago

God chose Abraham of the 12 tribes

No mate. That is not accurate.

The 12 tribes came out of Jacob.

You are mistaking jews (from the tribe of judah, benjamin and levi) with the Israelites. (all 12 tribes)

The Israelites marched south and slaughtered the jews. (2 Kings 16:5-6)

Appreciate your taking the time and effort to enlighten me on these matters, but accuracy is pretty important.

*Jesus plan btw, was to have the gospel spread to the entire world. He chose to use a certain group to do it. They said kick rocks buddy, so He chose the gentiles to do it.

Either way, it was going to go to the entire world.

GoyimNose ago

Oof I guess right, I'm not to familiar with kikebook so I made a oopsies. Abraham was the "king jew" though correct, Abraham made a deal with God (demon) and that if he listened and obeyed the plan he'd be rewarded or something. There is a lot of truth in the Bible, if you look at it objectively. Well I guess we can only assume its true. It's hard to say when the great library and all its books got burned.

He didint chose a certain group to do, he chose his family to do it. Jesus was related to Abraham, as with all the other semites. Correct me if I'm wrong here, it's important that we establish common ground.

Jew means that the lineage traces back to Abraham. Jesus was blood related to Abraham. Jesus is a jew. Christianity is a Jewish religion.

Rebuttals on just that part?

70times7 ago

Jew means from judah. Or if you want to go a bit broader from the southern kingdoms. (judah, benjamin)

The other 9 tribes hung out up north. (levi tribe hung out both places)

The tribes come from Jacob. Jacob comes from Abraham. Abraham comes from... It could go all the way back to Noah. Noah can go all the way back to Adam.

Abraham wasnt a jew. Weird to be king jew if your not a jew.

Jesus was begotten of Gods Spirit. He existed before creation.

To even assign him an earthly race serves no purpose other then to show how prophecy was fulfilled.

Quick read Matthew 1:1-16 if you want to see how the scriptures describe his lineage.

About your conclusion, Jesus was around in the old testament before jews. He was speaking to Adam and Eve. Hung out with them in the garden. Spoke to Noah. He was their king and they werent jews. So he would be the king of alot more then just the jews. He would be the king of everyone and everything.

None of this has anything to do with jews or gentiles. God doesnt care about that nonsense. (not to say he didnt use jews or gentiles specifically) but He doesnt care about that.

Same as he doesnt care about black or white, male of female , young or old and every other physical measure.

GoyimNose ago

  1. a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.

Thats the definition I get, havent you heard of "the seed of abraham", that's who they are talking about isint?

Are you fucking kidding, how are you going to argue that jesus was with adam and eve. it's funny because some people swear by the trinity and some dont, even though they read the same book. Regardless I am very disappointed that you would turn this woo-woo so fast. Even if say everyhing you say is true, the bible was WRITTEN by JEWS right??? Who the hell is going to trust and believe what a jew says, read "the jews and their lies" lol.

God does care about race and sex or he would not have made the many different races and sexes. He told us people not to mix the blood, and that's why miscegenation is pushed so hard by jews because they are of a satanic people.

70times7 ago

Okay, you win.

GoyimNose ago

I'm not here to win, im here to save you from the satanic death cult. Obviously you don't believe anything I said, because you are to indoctrinated. Just consider the possibility of that maybe what the jews wrote in the bible may actually be for their benefit and control of the Goyim. That's all! I'll consider yours a possibility, you should check out the Urantia book when you get a chance. Theres a whole section on Jesus.

70times7 ago

Yeah, urantia, zeitgeist, crowley, blavitzki, icke etc.

Well versed.

Had the jews call me a christcuck. Had the protestants call me a pharisee. Had the muslims mock me. Had the atheist scoff.

If you have something new, by all means present it.

You are saying nothing new. You offer only your opinions. Nothing to actually counter anything I said. With historic record, scripture or even an inspired revelation.

What I read from the bible is the opposite of a death cult.

Death is what this planet is infected with. Everything will die.

The only life available is the life of the Son of God.

Nothing else.

GoyimNose ago

Present what to you? You calling the "bible & scriptures" as historic evidence, they are fucking jews writing fiction book lmao. You know the bible wasint even written until WAY after jesus died, basically all the people that witnessed jesus alive were already dead, so everything is written on heresay.

I can understand some THINGS about the bible that could possibly be true but the fucking living inside a whale for 3 days? come on dude...surely you can admit that SOME things in the bible are faked, which course the excuse of "its metaphors!" which is retarded but it says nothing like that.

The bible is one big death-cult fetish, they want the end times to come so they can be "saved" on the day of reckoning or whatever. It's absolute insanity.

70times7 ago

You mean the new testament wasnt written until Jesus was born? Yes. Thats pretty common knowledge.

And in noway would invalidate what is mentioned.

Youre not claiming the old testament was written after Jesus right?

Even liberal atheist whack jobs would never make that claim.

No, Ill take the story of jonah in the whale as literal.

I could prove to you the validity of the bible if you would read something for 20 minutes.
You are well learned it seems and surely a 15 minute read could do no harm.

It is quite interesting also.

Let me know if you will. (have to actually read it though.. Id guess about 15 minutes it would take)

GoyimNose ago

it wasint written till like 50 years after he died. you can make alot of shit up in 50 years, just listen to the "miracles" that the jews write about the holocaust.obviously we are talking about (((CHRISTIANS))). So when I say bible I am talking about the chirstian bible.

Listen to your self, you think a person lived inside a whale for 3 days. Are their ANY stories that you think might be fabricated or do you believe that the bible is 100% accurate.

What text are you talking about? theres no way you can PROVE to me that the bible is 100% sure, obviously some shit is true as it was also used as a recording of historically events.

70times7 ago

I was thinking of something I read long ago (i didnt write it)

Takes a chapter from the book of Daniel, a book all secular and religious scholars agree was written at a certain period, and shows how 50+ chronological prophecies came to pass.

Chronologically. ** Hundreds of years** after it was written.

The odds of it being by coincidence or accident are astronomical.

You are a pretty logical guy, sounds like something youd like to investigate. Only take you a few minutes.

*about the whale/fish, people can survive in all sorts of crazy places. He'd have had air to breath in his stomach, he didnt need food, or light so whats the problem? 3 biblical days can be as short as 1 full 24 hour day and 2 seconds. 1 second left in day 1, 24 hours day 2, 1 second of the 3rd day. 3 days.

Let me know if you want to check this link out, or just dismiss me as the loon you already think I am. ;)

GoyimNose ago

Okay fair, so the "prophecies" are instructions to follow. It's we have the 6 million meme number go to isreal, they are trying to play out the bible so that when all hell breaks loose on earth the "messiah" will come, and the rest of us will be stuck on earth on hell. It's artificially created though, theres no "godly work" about it. I know that's hard for you to believe, I have an aunt that whenever anything good happens she always sees it as "thank you jesus!" or some kinda miracles. Muslims are the same way, they have a phrase called "if god wills it" or something like that.

check this out:

See how the 3rd WW is getting close (muslim invasion, israel tensions etc).

dude lol how big do you think a whales stomach is? do you think a whales hollow lol you cant just chill inside there how are you going to breath? wait what are you saying about the biblical days only being 1 second long?

I didint see you post a link so i cant check out what you are saying.

70times7 ago

Was waiting for you to say you would read it.

Here is the link. Again, I didnt write it so if its hard to read or follow or whatever dont blame me.

*biblical time is sundown to sundown. So if its 4pm on a monday and you start something and finish at 8am on a wednesday, thats considered 3 days. 3 days in the whale, 3 days in the grave etc.

Give that link an honest good read for a few minutes. Keep in mind Daniel 11 was written hundreds of years before the events happen, and the jews had nothing to do with the events spoken of.

Mainly the greeks and romans.

GoyimNose ago

Daniel 11:2

It shows there was actually far more than 4 kings. It's like me predicting there will be 1,000 more suns and on the 1,001th it will be very hot.

Daniel 11:3 (not a debunk) That's just retarded, all kings are going to be "mighty" lol

Daniel 11:19 Okay fine, I see that he would stumble and fall, but being dead is not the same as "not being found" that would mean he fell off a cliff or something and they couldint retreive his body. This one is simply picking and choosing literally & metaphorical meanings.

Overall this shit is whack, its WAY to vague, it's like the numerology stuff. Plus it's connecting shit that happend 2,000 years later, that's just picking and choosing. A lot can happen in 2,000 years, if I make a vague prediction it's going to for sure come true within 2,000 years lol.

You're wrong about the jews had nothing to do, they were definitely involved in roman society. The jews always put themselves into nations where the people don't want them. Just look at Jewish/Roman wars lol. IMO jews caused the downfall of rome through immigration, similar to how USA is going to be destroyed. You have bible vision, so you will only see things Biblically. It's almost impossible for you not see things that way now, it's like living your whole life with color tinted shades and thinking everything is orange lol.

70times7 ago

How about 1 last one.

Can skip the intro paragraph and just scroll down.

GoyimNose ago

which one is the last one?

70times7 ago

Meant one last link.

Social_Construct ago

The papacy has been in conflict with the Jesuits since the templar excommunication, some of you guys are a special kind of dumb dumb

70times7 ago


Thats why the current pope is a jesuit.

Social_Construct ago

The current pope is a TRAITOR WHO SHOULD BE CRUCIFIED, that doesn't mean the Jesuits are jews now lol, also if you look into it most common Jesuits are against him and Jesuit schools teach mass media and world religion as a method of pre-redpilling students

70times7 ago

"It is within the city of Rome, called The City on Seven Hills, that the entire area of Vatican State Proper is now confined" The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 529.

"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty" ...Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894,

Vigilius...ascended the papal chair (538 A.D.) under the military protection of Belisarius." History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, p. 327 In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one." -Encyclopedia Britannica 1941 edition

Catholic emperors of the eastern empire found ways to help the pope by eliminating three of the Arian tribes. (These "Arian type" nations would not agree with the popes plans) The Catholic emperor Zeno (474-491) arranged a treaty with the Ostrogoths in 487 which resulted in the eradication of the kingdom of the Arian Heruls in 492. And the catholic emperor Justinian (527-565) exterminated the Arian Vandals in 534 and signifcally broke the power of the Arian Ostrogoths in 538. Thus were Daniels three horns - The Heruls, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths - "plucked up by the roots." -C. Mervyn Maxwell, God Cares Vol. 1, p. 129

Read in the bible about an entity that sits on 7 hills, is blasphemous, would rule for 1260 years then receive a head wound, would destroy 3 nations when coming to power, and various other signs.

Cant quite put my finger on who its speaking of...

Social_Construct ago

Why are you posting walls of text that have nothing to do with the topic? Jesuits were formed in 1534

70times7 ago

Give it a read again.

Social_Construct ago

You're a dipshit

70times7 ago

Not very Christ like mr catholic

Social_Construct ago

I dont really consider myself a practicing catholic anymore that should be obvious, I still more than enough about the history that all this shit about Jesuits smells of jew obfuscation, they were a hair away from excommunication among with the templar

70times7 ago

Yet the pope is a jesuit. Elected by catholic cardinals.

ItsBad ago

People don't understand how deep the corruption is though.

The Catholic Church, the Pope, are all too eager to wash the feet of Muslim Immigrants in Europe all the while sucking off Israel.

The Church and the Pope ARE Jewish.

School academia media corporations ngos history economics religion science politics leadership nations

They are ALL Jewish

They are ALL full of lies

This is why people go off about "those damn freemasons and reptilians"

They're unable to see how interconnected and massive this whole operation is

Jew Freemason Jesuit Vatican Zionist Khazar Rome Scientology Illuminati NWO CERN NASA Satanist Demon Archon Reptilian Alphabet-Agency United-Nations Tranny

They're all the same shit.

And of course, Q is a controlled opposition psyop

The way out is to refuse to rely on the poison and try to make do on their own

They are parasites, their competence is grossly overestimated.

Hack job false flags and simulated events like 911 and Sandy hook all the time

Walk away and work on your own life away from the system

And as always "Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

But it's a lot easier than you'd think to rely on yourself. When you cut away all the bullshit lies that is.

GoyimNose ago

I'm with you on everything except the Ted part, pretty sure the Unabomber was working with Terrance Mckenna did.

ItsBad ago

How interesting. I saw one of McKenna's vid's recently - "Worry is preposterous" and found it good and useful. Didn't look into his other stuff, except the quote "the western mind is a house of cards" which I feel is a nice description of the layers of deception going on. Because if one card falls all the others will, it's really difficult for people to realize problems with their model of reality.

Thought he was just some random guy, but nope, CIA actor / controlled opposition. Thought maybe I was being paranoid suspecting they were everywhere. That instead there's just a bunch of fools who've scratched the surface but refuse to go deeper that are making content. Apparently not.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Ted never actually killed anyone, and the whole thing was just another crisis actor activity.

A better way to phrase my opinion is that: "Civilization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

Relying on a nebulous group of others is a recipe for disaster no matter how trustworthy they profess they are. You really need to learn and do things yourself.

It's become clear to me recently that governments pretty much don't do anything. They're not even protecting against terrorism or hostile groups really. They're the ones who create (or create the appearance of) terrorists and hostile groups. People claim government is a necessary evil because we have to protect our borders from hostile nations. But the government is the hostile entity and sure as hell won't help in an actual crisis situation.

Civilization is largely an illusion, a mental construct.

GoyimNose ago

Give that a quick read and lemme know what you think. If Ted was real why wouldint he bomb important servers or key people? Doesint make any sense lol

LtDanDingus ago

Hey I read that PDF, that was a good read. I’m convinced Ted was a willing actor

albatrosv15 ago

They are parasites, their competence is grossly overestimated.

Can't stress that enough. Their only trump card is deception.

kingdomhearts123 ago

I still like saying the word “illuminati”

It’s fun

kalgon ago

"For all those years I've been chasing the illuminatis, the jesuits, the freemasons, satanists... And in the end I realized it was all fronts for the jews"

undertheshills ago

Spent years looking at illuminati symbolism and coincidences. After a couple months here I realized Its just a bunch of Jews and their shabbos