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GoldIsRealMoney ago

On the bright side, Malcolm X was Jew wise

DeltaBravoTango ago

Things didn't go too well for either of them.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Depends on your interpretation of success in the case of Jesus

Obergruppenmemester ago

Considering christianity still hasn't lead to anything positive for Europe, I'd say it's been a net failure with little to no hope of success going forward.

kalgon ago

Without christianity, europe would be quite muslim since centuries, to begin with

Landwhaleonline ago

that made no sense, so it's athiest and jewish? lol

kalgon ago

You're a jew

Landwhaleonline ago

Fuck jews, and proove your god exists, faggot

kalgon ago

lol, christianity wasn't created by what you call jews, to begin with, that's what you fail to realize

Second, why are you spitting on your heritage? You're in your "fuck you dad!" moment in your life?

Landwhaleonline ago

No, i don't need a make-believe character to make myself feel better. Your pastors and priests fuck kids all day and get caught, so who's in their "fuck you, dad" moment again?

kalgon ago


You insecure and ignorant faggot jew...

Rabbinic Judaism (Hebrew: יהדות רבנית‬ Yahadut Rabanit), also called Rabbinism, has been the mainstream form of Judaism since the 6th century CE, after the codification of the Babylonian Talmud. Growing out of Pharisaic Judaism

Tell me again how jews created christianity

Landwhaleonline ago

good job, you use the joogle and jewipedia for your information lol. reeeeee is correct, you are lost. believe whatever you want, tell god i said hi lol

kalgon ago

(hey faggot jew, it's your turn)

So which is it? Your ancestors weren't christian or you're in your "fuck you dad!" moment?

Landwhaleonline ago

So that's your proof of god? Lol weak

kalgon ago

See? Your whole understanding of christianity, and religion and general, is limited to just that "buh buh buh where's the man in the clouds!"

You're on par with the dumbest illiterate moron in any given cult when it comes to it


Landwhaleonline ago

That's the lamest way to dodge a simple question

kalgon ago

God is the ultimate authority when it comes to the Law, whether you or anyone else like it or not is irrelevant, not even kings are above god

You don't believe in god? No god given rights

Again, your simplistic interpretation of religion is at pissant level, it's called "fuck you dad!" atheism

You're a little commie helper, nothing more

Landwhaleonline ago

Still no proof. As expected. Full of shit

kalgon ago

Again, I don't need to give a you a proof of god, just as the founding fathers didn't need to deliver one

You aren't a creature of god, by your own admission, you are therefore denying your god given rights, by denying the creator from which they stem from, on top of having no soul evidently

So what does that make of you?

An NPC that's what

Landwhaleonline ago

"Again, I don't need to give a you a proof of god, just as the founding fathers didn't need to deliver one"

So you admit you have NO argument lol. After all that shit talking, and looks like I found a Qoomer haha

kalgon ago

God delivers proof of his existence by himself, I don't need to deliver it to you, he doesn't need me to deliver it to you

He made you ugly with a small penis because he always knew you would be a cunt, and that's why you hate him, what other proof do you need?

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol that's pretty pathetic for someone as old as you are. Least you finally admit you can't prove shit and btw the nPc meme is describing retards that can't think for themselves and just follow what they are told. Like you....

kalgon ago

Listen, god proved to me that he exists, a long time ago

You want proof that he exists why do you ask me? Ask him

Landwhaleonline ago

Sigh, it's been fun. Feel free ask him for me, maybe he can provide a better argument for YOUR case

kalgon ago

That's not my job to ask him, again I'm not the one who needs a proof of his existence, you're the one who needs it

But quite honesty, I don't think god would answer to an NPC

Landwhaleonline ago

That's okay, i'm sure santa would answer me. Close enough

kalgon ago


kalgon ago

Which is a funny way of saying that you have no argument

Again, why are you spitting on your ancestors, on your heritage?

Landwhaleonline ago

Sure ill answer, my ancestors may have been christians, but doesn't make christianity anymore valid. So, i'm still awaiting your proof of god. Why are you dodging, brah?

kalgon ago

my ancestors may have been christians

What do you mean "may have been"? Like you aren't sure you're white? Or aren't sure you are a jew?

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol you are still dodging the question. I'm not a jew, happy? Now answer me, wheres your proof of god?

kalgon ago

So you're a fuckyoudad atheist then...

You ask a proof for god, what you don't realize is that I don't need to give you a proof, just as the founding fathers didn't need to deliver one

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

You think you're smart with your fuckyoudad atheism, but you're a useful idiot, nothing more

Landwhaleonline ago

That's a huge wall of text, but still no proof. You're full of shit, your god doesn't exist. Copying and pasting all the text in the world won't change that. You also seem to have daddy issues, but it's no surprise, we all know what your pastors do to you when you're young.

kalgon ago

Yeah I know, 3 paragraphs is a huge wall of text for you timmy, but you're a big boy now you'll see it's not that big, try again

Landwhaleonline ago

Thanks, grandpa.

kalgon ago

I'm not your grandpa you soulless creature...

Landwhaleonline ago

Ok, sorry, preacher.

kalgon ago

No problem NPC

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol says the devoat christian XD. Good day, sir

kalgon ago

That's right run away...

Landwhaleonline ago

Says the guy with no argument hahahaha

kalgon ago

Oh, I thought you were done mister "I failed to prove that jews created christianity because I have no idea about what I'm talking about in the first place, because I'm 15 and I believe being an atheist shitlib makes me a cool kid"

Why do you hate god? Got raped by a rabbi? Penis problem? Both?

Are you still unsure that your ancestors were christians, kike?

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol you're pretty good at making yourself look retarded. This is actually very entertaining. Are you angry that you weren't able to prove your buddy exists? Oh we are on the kikes again I see. So when all else fails lets call everyone a jew lol. Still copying and pasting more bullshit i see. What else you got, Qoomer?

kalgon ago

You're the one looking like a complete retard with your fuckyoudad atheism kid

People spitting on christianity are either;

Communists, jews, muslims, progressives, dumb atheists evidently, and useful idiots

You're one of them, and that's a fact

If anything, this is what jews want you to be, they want you to forget about christianity, for a reason

Landwhaleonline ago

Lol the tired old " if you don't agree with me you are this or that"

You're so brainwashed you just can't help yourself.

kalgon ago

It's a fact

Communists, jews, muslims, progressives, dumb atheists evidently, and useful idiots are the ones spitting on christianity, nobody else

Fact, and you happily join them

Landwhaleonline ago

Sure sure. I'm all of those if it makes you feel better, ok? Smh. Lol.

kalgon ago

It should make you feel bad, tool

Landwhaleonline ago

Yes, i feel oh so bad. Lol.

kalgon ago

I think I'm done with you, you pretty much only keep parroting the same NPC.Says("Christianity Bad!"); lines over and over again, without bringing any meaningful information, or argument, when it's not dumb empty comments like the one above

But since I'm a very generous guy, and since we both know that dumbasses like you always need the last comment to feel secure, like little retards need their participation trophies, I'll let you have it, out of sheer christian charity

Landwhaleonline ago

If you say so, Qoomer. XD. Don't be mistakened, jews believe in your god too, so you fags have that in common, and you all apparently do sick shit to children, this is why you coudn't help yourself from imagining me as a 15 year old boy and you just had to bring a penis to the conversation when all i asked was you to try and prove that your god exists. Lol who the fuck knows what goes on in that sick mind of yours. Sad

kalgon ago

If you say so, Qoomer. XD.

Ok mister "XD lololol roflomao"

You're as stupid and as superficial as your approach of religion, if anything that's all you proved here

Jews rejected christ, they rejected the messiah, and they got expelled from numerous christian countries, so no, they didn't create christianity

Judaism is satanism, the bible is quite clear on that matter

Landwhaleonline ago

Haha the bible is your guide. Hilarious. Oh nos, satan!!!! The boogie man rofl.

kalgon ago

Again, that's some 15yo level of understanding about what it says about so called jews

But It's not as if I was expecting any elaborate line of reasoning from you at this point

You dumbass npc

Landwhaleonline ago

"But since I'm a very generous guy, and since we both know that dumbasses like you always need the last comment to feel secure, like little retards need their participation trophies, I'll let you have it, out of sheer christian charity"

As expected, full of shit