Nadeshda ago

So I logged in to see this beautiful project of yours!

Well done, it did not disappoint, AT ALL!

Good work and the pictures and layout of your post is great and easy to follow! Thank you for sharing!

Rotteuxx ago

My please N ! Glad you appreciate it :)

Hand_of_Node ago

That's very well done. Nicely crafted.

Rotteuxx ago

Well, you know how it is... all i see are the defects. Thx !

15044102? ago

Wow- that's some fine craftsmanship right there!

Rotteuxx ago

Thx empie :)

15048955? ago


Rotteuxx ago

Actually I thought of building a library about jews, lots of books out there if you can find a decent copy to print.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahaha. LoL, u krazy man. I'll stick to my pdf :D

Rotteuxx ago

How will you preach to the masses when the commies blow the power grid ?

ExpertShitposter ago

With ammo.

lord_nougat ago

Beautiful work!

thelma ago

Made same.

With a hammer only.

Who's King> Thelma's King.

Rotteuxx ago

Post pics of Hammered Kampf !

thelma ago

I gave it away as a gift.

Goldbergstine ago

I prefer the original binding of blood red. On the Complete and Unabridged FULLY ANNOTATED edition from REYNAL & HITCHCOCK 1939. It seems to be the only version that hasn't been messed with in the original translation and also gives good notes.

Nadeshda ago

This is the one my dad had. A beautiful Copy indeed!

Rotteuxx ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

wow very cool dude

ive done a simpler version of this

i made pamphlets of the tai te ching

like little religious tracts

Rotteuxx ago


Is that like the communist Talmud or something ?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

its more like ancient chink shitposting

i love it

ComtesLafon ago

fwiw David Irving thinks Mein Kampf was tampered with, he thinks Hitler's second book hasn't been though.

Rotteuxx ago

PutItOutCuckedOut ago

Hitler was a total cuck when he had Rommel killed for his own vanity.

Sorry Hitler cucks.

Read Rommels book. Much better than the cucked Hitler tripe.

Of course you won't because you worship cucks.

Rotteuxx ago

Cute burner account, buddy ol' boy !

PutItOutCuckedOut ago

Everyone you linked to is a major cuck.

Like they all went to cuck university.

And graduated with honors.

PS Empress is a dirty whore. I bet she has different kids from different daddies.

Rotteuxx ago

I love how you project your cuckold fetish all over the place.

You're so liberated !

PutItOutCuckedOut ago

Dude you are so tough and based.

So red pilled.

I bet you have to beat the women of voat off with a stick.

I bet they see your posts and instantly are wet in the crotch.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey, did I ever tell you about that time I had to drive to Montreal but ended up in Chicoutimi instead ?

Yeah it was a pretty fucked up drive, but at least I had a lunch packed so I didn't have to worry about running out of gas in the middle of nowhere.

So anyways, this eskimo acrobat is the backseat, I had picked him up in Regina, and keeps talking about how he needs a new fat blub to chew on. I had no fucking clue where to stop for that so I just dropped him off in Hungava Bay.

Apparently that's why storks were originally used in the children's story.

EmpressIsADirtyWhore ago

I always knew you were a leafcuck.

Rotteuxx ago

A new burner already ?

EmpressIsADirtyWhore ago

Why wait for your furious downvoats?

Easier just to start again for the lolz.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh shit, you thought i actually cared about the answer ?

EmpressIsADirtyWhore ago

I don't think you have ever had an original thought in your mind.

Rotteuxx ago

Nah I prefer brown sauce on poutine.

EmpressIsADirtyWhore ago

I had poutine recently at a vegan restaurant.

Its pretty good. You leaf cucks have actually done something to better the world, at least leaf cuck french cuisine.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah that's why i always copper anti-seize instead of silver

NeedleDickStack ago

Canada gets hot?

Or do you use it as lube to jerk off with leaf?

Rotteuxx ago

@nadeshda @ar47 @ilikeskittles @clamhurt_legbeard you dirty commie

@empress too bad I don't qualify for make it monday !

AR47 ago

You and your metal working skills just leave me in awe. Must say it is a project that came out well.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx m8 !