He's minning for upvotes.... Look into is history. Genaric responses

Auschwitz ago

When is the swamp going to get drained?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Two ways the swamp gets drained:

  1. Each state forms a people's militia millions strong and starts issuing arrest warrants for all traitors.

  2. If Hitler comes back and puts jew babies in blenders

Auschwitz ago

Problem is, not everyone agrees on who's a traitor and who's not.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Militia's with like-minded people, and list jews as a foreign threat, and start issuing arrest warrants for all jews.

Auschwitz ago

I would love that.

lord_nougat ago


zyklon_b ago

Death to all who terrorise even cyber bullies like yourself.

zyklon_b ago

Yes I heard them chant it on hooktube and its really catchy.

The_Tinamou ago


Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish. Trump has five children and four of them are married to Jews. All except Baron who's obviously too young to marry.

All of Trump's grandchildren are Jewish. Within one generation the Trump family will be completely Jewish.

Trump's top advisor is Ivanka's husband Jew Jared Kushner who's brothers are Goldman Sachs and his dad is a shady Democrat Jew named Charles Kushner.

Charles Kushner was charged back in 2004 for making illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats. He also paid prostitutes to sleep with politicians and seceretly filmed the encounter.

Charles Kushner leads the Kushner clan and Jared is Trump's top advisor.

The Kushners were Trump's rivals in the NYC real estate market and now they'll imherihit most of Trump's fortune through Ivanka.

Trump has also appointed numerous ex Goldman Sachs Jews including the ex President of Goldman Sachs himself.

There are many more links to Trump and Zionist Jews however I fell as if this is enough to make my point. Trump is owned by Jews. Maybe he works with them willingly or maybe they have some dirt on him ( Epstein style), or maybe it's a little of both, either way, Trump is part of their group and so you can't be surpised if he furthers their causes.

Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Lara Trump [née Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [née Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

CheeseboogersGhost ago

but but he's playing 6 millionD chess

The_Tinamou ago

LMAO never forget the 6,000,000-D chess.

glennvtx ago

Right, turn your back on the only real western-style democratic country left in that shitass region chock full of islamists, see how that works out for you.

The_Tinamou ago

Jews are allied with Muslims. Israel and Saudi Arabia are allied.

Israel and the Jews are the reason why the West is full of Islamists.

1,500 rabbis sign letter calling on Trump administration to support refugees

1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees

184 US synagogues pledge to welcome, support refugees

More Than 40 Texas Rabbis Sign Letter Decrying Governor's Stance On Refugee Resettlement

15 Jewish groups call to open doors for refugees

Cleveland Rabbis fight for Syrian refugees in letter to President Trump

With Jewish help, Muslims win right to build Basking Ridge mosque

Rabbi: Jews are fighting alongside their Muslim brothers against Old Europe

Seattle Jews rally for refugees: 'We are not going back to the 1930s'

Chief Rabbi condemns Trumps Muslim ban as totally unacceptable

South Orange synagogues welcome refugee family

Jewish Groups Slam Trump's Draft Order Barring Muslim Refugees

American Rabbis to Congress: Let the Syrian Refugees In

Cambridge synagogue pledges to open arms to refugees - The Boston Globe

Let Refugees In: Beachwood Rabbi Signs Letter Urging Trump To Welcome Refugees

Bay Area Jews join SFO protest against Trumps immigration ban

Rabbis urge David Cameron to speed up refugee scheme

Canadian Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees

Moved by moral imperative, Canadian synagogues sponsor Syrian refugees

Jewish activist vows solidarity with Muslims in the US

Jewish rights leader to register as Muslim if Trump launches a Muslim registry

White Jews Have A Duty To Stand With Muslims And People Of Color

Protesting on behalf of refugees

Our synagogue is a home for Syrian refugees | Euronews

On refugees, we American Jews will not be bystanders -

Jewish groups say government must do more to house refugee families

Jewish community seeks to aid Muslim refugees

Singing salaam, synagogue hosts a welcome dinner for Syrian refugees

Yes, Jews are making bold, lifesaving efforts to help the refugees - Opinion

Scottsdale rabbi hosts family of Syrian refugees

In Berlin: German Jews, Israelis aid Mideast refugees

As allies of Martin Luther King, Jews must fight for the civil rights of Muslims

Jews with Soviet background protest Trump's ban on Muslim refugees

Jews stand together with Muslim neighbours at Montreal mosque

In the US, we need a Muslim-Jewish alliance ...

Muslim Jewish Advisory Council meets with Trump administration officials

Activist Phoenix rabbi hosts Syrian refugee family for Thanksgiving

US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts chance to welcome refugees

Q&A: Jewish rabbi battles Islamophobia in the US

Minister Rabbi Deri Advances Plan to Take In Syrian Refugees

Rabbis back refugees - The Australian Jewish News

Rabbis retirement gift is home for refugees

glennvtx ago

Jews were refugees as well as the victims of religious persecution throughout history, it makes sense they would have a kneejerk reaction in support of those wrongly persecuted for religious belief alone. That being said, i can promise you there is no love for islamists in the jewish community. They hate us more than they hate you, and they really fucking hate you. Sometimes Israel manipulates islamist movements in order to stifle their growth, turn one against another, etc. For their own survival. These groups have Jerusalem as their ultimate goal, they all openly admit to this. What would you do? Wouldn't you take every opportunity to set them back?

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut up you pathetic jew. Had they stayed in their shitty desert then none of this would have been happening. Their "knee jerk" reaction is to have 3000% over representation in the US government? Fuck you jew.

glennvtx ago

IF they had stayed in the desert you would still be wiping your ass with the same stick, You would have been fucked in the ass as a young boy as a matter of policy, and worshiping the pantheon of sticks and stone. Blame everyone but yourself for your failures...

ExpertShitposter ago

You wouldn't have access to electric energy just like the rest of your sandnigger neighbors.

But with this claim, 100% confirmation of a jew.


glennvtx ago

Electricity has been in use longer than western society has existed. Even the ancient greeks used electricity to do useful work. Carbon lamps were in use from time immemorial, in service of the rich.

ExpertShitposter ago

Greeks were not filthy desert rats tho.

glennvtx ago

Greeks were greeks, they are a distinct people. In fact they are more closely related to your "desert rats" than what you call Europeans. You should probably read a book every once in a while.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahaha, now you are trying to mouch off Greeks like the nigger wakandans from Egyptians. LoL. Just go back to Israel and enjoy the show on Syria your massive jew.

glennvtx ago

you don't understand the conflict going on there, because you start with the premise it is about israel. The government doesn't really give a fuck about israel. They have to placate a large population of cultural christians that identify israel as holy because of religion, but the politicians are all psychopaths, who's only desire is more power and wealth. They want to put a pipeline there so the saudis can sell natgas to europe. That is why, they want to simultaneously protect the saudi-petrodollar conspiracy, deprive russia of natgas exports and the political leverage they have over europe because of those exports. that is all there is to it.

ExpertShitposter ago

I understand it fully. I say Israel because USA = Israel. 3000% jewish over-representaion in the highest government positions makes it so.

It about Assad rejection of the petrodolar + the Saudi vs the russian pipeline + munitions expenditure for the profit of military industrial complex + military & economic destruction of all states surrounding Israel because muh 6 million jews + reduction of their oil production because muh Saudi Oil.

Its a multi layer profit scheme.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


The_Tinamou ago

I know there's no alliance. They're using Muslims to destroy the West.

glennvtx ago

The west is the only thing standing between them and certain destruction at the hands of those muslims, so i don't see what 'they' could possibly have to gain by destroying it. You do realize what you consider "western civilization" sprang directly from jewish culture, right?

The_Tinamou ago

I want you to tell me why Jews are using Muslims to destroy the West if it's the West that's stopping them from being destroyed by Muslims.

If you can't answer this question your argument doesn't hold water.

glennvtx ago

You are exhibiting circular reasoning, "jews" are not using muslims to destroy the west.

The_Tinamou ago

Israel sends refugees to Sweden directly by plane and then tells the Jews of Europe ro return to Israel, stating there's no future in Europe due to Islamic immigration.

They bring Muslims to the West en masse and then openly admit thar Muslims destroy societies. Try harder Kike.

glennvtx ago

So.. let me see if i understand your argument correctly, Eritrean blacks sneak into your country, then lefty utopian sweden along with the UN offer to take them off your hands, and you are going to willingly hold onto them / support them yourself, because reasons????? LOL. As far a i am concerned this just proves the israeli government aren't totally fucking retarded.

The_Tinamou ago

No. The countless Jewish agencies and lobbyists fight for us to take them.

glennvtx ago

Sounds to me like you need to stock your fucking agencies with smarter people. Maybe get some jews, apparently they are good at offloading niggers onto unsuspecting SJW cucks.

The_Tinamou ago

Lmao the Jews are the SJW cucks. Israel created the refugees and then lobbied to bring them here.

glennvtx ago

Israel did not create refugees. Shit administration of a country created refugees, in fact israel did not support it's independence, The arabs did.

The_Tinamou ago

Israel destabilizes the region. It's called the Greater Israel Project.

glennvtx ago

The region doesn't need any help destabilizing. It would have devolved into something akin to afghanistan without that little outpost of western civilization you call israel.

The_Tinamou ago

Israel openly destabilizes the region. It isn't conspiracy theory. It's called the Greater Israel Project...shill.

glennvtx ago

You don't even know what you don't know. The "greater israel" project is a thinly veiled conspiracy theory concocted by low iq antisemites. They couldn't even bother to get their map right. Do some jews want to expand israel? Well fuck yes, you would too if you only had 40 miles of buffer between you and a bunch of savage neighbors. You would think a hardcore racist would at least recognize that as a valid desire.

The_Tinamou ago

So why are Jews using Muslims to destroy the West if the West is stopping them from being destroyed by Muslims? Israel has the 4th most powerful military in the world with 400 nukes. They don't need America.

1,500 rabbis sign letter calling on Trump administration to support refugees

1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees

184 US synagogues pledge to welcome, support refugees

More Than 40 Texas Rabbis Sign Letter Decrying Governor's Stance On Refugee Resettlement

15 Jewish groups call to open doors for refugees

Cleveland Rabbis fight for Syrian refugees in letter to President Trump

With Jewish help, Muslims win right to build Basking Ridge mosque

Rabbi: Jews are fighting alongside their Muslim brothers against Old Europe

Seattle Jews rally for refugees: 'We are not going back to the 1930s'

Chief Rabbi condemns Trumps Muslim ban as totally unacceptable

South Orange synagogues welcome refugee family

Jewish Groups Slam Trump's Draft Order Barring Muslim Refugees

American Rabbis to Congress: Let the Syrian Refugees In

Cambridge synagogue pledges to open arms to refugees - The Boston Globe

Let Refugees In: Beachwood Rabbi Signs Letter Urging Trump To Welcome Refugees

Bay Area Jews join SFO protest against Trumps immigration ban

Rabbis urge David Cameron to speed up refugee scheme

Canadian Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees

Moved by moral imperative, Canadian synagogues sponsor Syrian refugees

Jewish activist vows solidarity with Muslims in the US

Jewish rights leader to register as Muslim if Trump launches a Muslim registry

White Jews Have A Duty To Stand With Muslims And People Of Color

Protesting on behalf of refugees

Our synagogue is a home for Syrian refugees | Euronews

On refugees, we American Jews will not be bystanders -

Jewish groups say government must do more to house refugee families

Jewish community seeks to aid Muslim refugees

Singing salaam, synagogue hosts a welcome dinner for Syrian refugees

Yes, Jews are making bold, lifesaving efforts to help the refugees - Opinion

Scottsdale rabbi hosts family of Syrian refugees

In Berlin: German Jews, Israelis aid Mideast refugees

As allies of Martin Luther King, Jews must fight for the civil rights of Muslims

Jews with Soviet background protest Trump's ban on Muslim refugees

Jews stand together with Muslim neighbours at Montreal mosque

In the US, we need a Muslim-Jewish alliance ...

Muslim Jewish Advisory Council meets with Trump administration officials

Activist Phoenix rabbi hosts Syrian refugee family for Thanksgiving

US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts chance to welcome refugees

Q&A: Jewish rabbi battles Islamophobia in the US

Minister Rabbi Deri Advances Plan to Take In Syrian Refugees

Rabbis back refugees - The Australian Jewish News

Rabbis retirement gift is home for refugees

CheeseboogersGhost ago

haha Isntreal is a fake ass country of pedo cowards. They are no ally. They are cancer

bdmthrfkr ago

I'll go one further.

pic related

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its most excellent! Israel must learn to be multi-cultural and they will resent us whites for helping to make that happen.

MetalAegis ago

No more white wars, period.

BigFatDaddy ago

Gas the kikes.

Race war now.

Auschwitz ago

I agree. Why do you think I chose this name?

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

Well he did try to leave, and then (((they))) tried to start WW III.

Don't think anyone can be dismissive of Isreal's genocidal agenda now.

3Calculated5Me ago

Trump has a giant tower in jew York city and people don't think he's in bed with the jews?

Oh_Well_ian ago

You watch TV and read media..


Listen to you retards lol

The_Tinamou ago

Defend this.

Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish. Trump has five children and four of them are married to Jews. All except Baron who's obviously too young to marry.

All of Trump's grandchildren are Jewish. Within one generation the Trump family will be completely Jewish.

Trump's top advisor is Ivanka's husband Jew Jared Kushner whose brothers are Goldman Sachs, and his dad is a shady Democrat Jew named Charles Kushner.

Charles Kushner was charged back in 2004 for making illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats. He also paid prostitutes to sleep with politicians and seceretly filmed the encounter.

Charles Kushner leads the Kushner clan and Jared is Trump's top advisor.

The Kushners were Trump's rivals in the NYC real estate market and now they'll imherihit most of Trump's fortune through Ivanka.

Trump has also appointed numerous ex Goldman Sachs Jews including the ex President of Goldman Sachs himself.

There are many more links to Trump and Zionist Jews however I fell as if this is enough to make my point. Trump is owned by Jews. Maybe he works with them willingly or maybe they have some dirt on him ( Epstein style), or maybe it's a little of both, either way, Trump is part of their group and so you can't be surpised if he furthers their causes.

Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Lara Trump [née Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [née Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

jangles ago

there are more jews in america than native americans. FACT

Oh_Well_ian ago

copy pasta garbage

So... Jews run everything. Who the fuck doesn't know this?

You stupid shill cunts think Trump can take down the Mossad and the International Banking Cartel without bumping into Jews? lol

get the fuck out of here, Shlomo.


The_Tinamou ago

Trump's family and friends are Jewish. Idiot.

Oh_Well_ian ago

No shit, dipshit.

Ever heard of families marrying into power, you fucking retard?

Only fucking stupid cunts like yourself think fixing the country revolves around gassing all Jews, you stupid piece of shit.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oy vey jews are our friends and not the problem oy vey

John Bolton, is that you?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey!!! How's it going this morning faggot?

You ready to go at it again?

( Jews and Isreal are the problem, you cunt. I know MOSSAD pulled off 9/11 with dual citizenship Israeli's and the Bush Neocons... you think it was Saudi's lol )

ExpertShitposter ago

Just wait 48h from now when he jews out into Syria war. Iraq 2.0

dooob ago

Have faith.

ExpertShitposter ago

I have faith in survival of good people in the world. Not any government.

dooob ago

Isnt it obvious he is playing the media and the world? The attack was an obvious false flag, if you look into how deadly sarin is, it requiers full body suit to handle it. A small quantity can enter your bloodstream through your skin and kill you. White Helms didnt even use gloves, let alone the body suit. They made the same fucking mistake proving they are only good for goat fucking. Nobody is buying the narrative, news websites around the world are full of comments of people claiming it would be ludacrous to attack with the only weapon the west hates just days before literally winning the war. I think we can both agree it was a false flag done by Israel or the Deep State.

Last time Assad was accused of this, Trump bombed an airfield, low casulties, no base damage, airfield operational in a few days like nothing has happened, most missles overflew the target. He literally return a false flag with a false flag.

I dont like pulling the Q card but it is very interesting how just before Trump said he will attack Assad, Q said to have faith in Trump. I am ready to bet my money he will outplay them, quiet possibly expose some shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

He fired 50+ missiles and most missed because Russians jammed them. They wouldn't miss on purpose because it makes the Tomahawk look like shit not worth buying. They simply would have fired only a few and made sure those few achieve 100% accuracy. So they wanted to do a lot more damage, the Russians just fucked them over with some unpublished tech. Probably the same being used to jam their drones that they are complaining about now.

Most of the old media is keeping quiet and claiming the attack was real, and the average person is dumb and still only using youtube for music and sluts who vlog.

I suppose maybe we can wait to see ONE more time. Maybe he will pull a lame 100 missile attack and drop the issue. But if i had to bet my life.....i would bet against him at this point.

dooob ago

I am ready to bet everything on the opposite of what you think. I think he will manage to outplay the deep state. Ill snort a Tide-pod if he fucks something up.

ExpertShitposter ago

GoBack2AfricaNiggers ago

dont worry goy, killing the enemies of israel is just 4d chess

The_Tinamou ago

It's Never-forget-the-6,000,000-D- Chess...

CheeseboogersGhost ago

We will see. If that's what happens then Trump loses his core base but his Israeli shills will be happy and tell us why we shouldn't be mad because "the Israeli's are exterminating muslims for us goys oy vey".

ExpertShitposter ago

Naw his core base is magapede idiots. He will win the second term just like that literal chimp IQ Bush did. They will just say "Its 6 000 000 D chess, for you see, he spent 6 billion worth of tomahawks to make people hate jews more!"


You're talking pretty strong, for being a weak ass

TheWorstImaginable ago

the guy seems like a total faggot. he always sics his faggot retarded friends on you. I seem to remember his little crew of faggots make a post about me pinging my user name. Here's the thing.. I'd fucking murder them whether I was unarmed or not.

ExpertShitposter ago

@zyklon_b who is this faggit? ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑


Hahaha go fucking cry about your worthless life in another sob story post

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha feg, i am making it now you idiota kretina!

zyklon_b ago

I have no idea he keeps following me around trying to suck muh dick.

ExpertShitposter ago

@SJWs_R_FAAAGS is doing the same to me now, and i never talked to him before. Probably some rPV alt or a gay jew.


No I just came across your sob story yesterday, it was humorous. Not because your "suffering" but because your fucking stupid enough to tell people that shit. It's like the dumb fucks who are mad about Facebook data breach, don't cry when someone uses the bullshit you post online against you. And I wasn't going to let some salty European faggot, who probably doesn't even own a fucking gun, call the Trump base "magapedo". Simple dimple, you insult me, I insult you. Neat

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL what a faggot. Let me educate you on your own stupidity. First of all my "suffering" was a half vent half shitpost. If there was anything to be ashamed of, then i would have posted with anon which that sub has enabled, or make an alt. So're out of ammunition as far as that is concerned.

Second, you are the actual r/the_donald literal dumb cuckold jew lover who thinks jews niggers and mexicunts should all get along. Every /pol/ack was CHEERING when trump won, as was I. But by now, the smart ones understand that he is an actual jew, so as white nationalist, we understand he is the enemy of white peoples interests.

Simple dimple, you insult me, I show you a mirror, and its a sad sight. Neat.


First of all, niggers can't educate. Second, I've never been to reddit, which is more than you can say. Third, I fucking hate Jews, hence my hate for zyklon_b. I'm trying to see In to this mirror, but it seems I'm looking through a window, only to find some fat assed European fuck who couldn't keep his shit together, even with a mile of duct tape and a gallon of super glue. Yeah, it is pretty neat!

ExpertShitposter ago

I hate Jews.

I love Trump.

You're gonna have to pick one buddy boi. Also you sound like a grandpa, isn't it past your bed time old timer?

The "fat ass European" keeps his shit in check just fine. I happen to have very high standards because i compare my self to the best, rather then to the common, so sometimes i'm quite critical of my self. And that really is neat!


A white nationalist, using ebonics from the urban dictionary "boi". LMFAO you compare yourself to the best.... But can only stay sober for a few hrs a day. That's literally what niggers do. They get fucked up and talk about how dey kangs n sheeet. Quite laughable actually. I was kinda just being an ass by calling you a nigger, but I think I might actually be correct. Pieces of shit that compare themselves to the best: the exact definition of a nig

ExpertShitposter ago

Your brain is a bottomless pit grandpa, you are past your prime. Have a read, Mr. "I hate jews", just scroll through the list first, then see what you want to click first:


Yes, "my brain is a bottomless pit" says the nigger who can't spell boy correctly. This is fucking awesome. Maybe you should fucking read it, you're the one who's struggling here....

ExpertShitposter ago

That was a fucking meme grandpa, and go lick that jews ass some more. You have been given the link of truth. How you proceed from here is up to your acceptance of fact or fiction.


And the convo turns to shit posting.... I'm sure you're not going to confess, but I'm willing to bet your probably older than I am. Calling a 30 year old dude a grandpa, is well, pretty retarded. But then again, you're calling me a grandpa, which also points to the probability that your actually quite young, and dumb enough to forget that you will be an old fuck some day too. If your young we'll call you naive, but if your actually considered to be an adult, then you sir are clearly fucking retarded.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well you sound like a grandpa.

Nice 6 million ad hominems. Read the fucking link or shut up.


Fucking make me, you faggot piece of shit. Any other day I'd fucking read your stupid link. Not reading it strictly out of spite, hahahaha just like a fucking grandpa.

ExpertShitposter ago

Because a jew like you already know that trump is the most pro Israel president in the history of USA. I don't talk to jew shills.

End of conversation.


"end of conversation" wtf. You safe space creating mother fucker. Just because you say the conversation is over, doesn't mean it's over. Fucking child. " I don't talk to Jew shills".... But you do. You've convinced yourself that I'm a Jew shill, yet you've been talking to me all day. Come back once you've graduated high school, and we can talk like the big "bois"

zyklon_b ago

@Sjws_r_faaags is for certain jewish. I seen an anon post where someone had evidence that kike raped and killed some kid.

Do you have any idea where @SJWs_r_faaags did that horrible crime at?

ExpertShitposter ago

@Sjws_r_faaags crime is that he killed a trany prostitutes asshole in 1990 with his tongue.


You could say anything bro, and I still wouldn't look as fucking retarded as you are. Go cry about being a lazy fuck

ExpertShitposter ago

Go shil for Israel some more jew boy. Ima release @zyklon_b gas on your ass.

zyklon_b ago

@Sjws_r_faaags got his ass eaten out from @theworstimaginable who is also @hecho the infamous pedo

TheWorstImaginable ago

I ate out your dads ass, faggot, then you cummed out

zyklon_b ago

@sjws_r_fags is sane Delaware nigger triggered cuck pedo


You mean you made an anon post... I'm assuming your unaware that you've already completely outed yourself. This is music to my ears. Keep desperately trying to discredit me, it only confirms what I already thought. You know I'm right. I don't expect you to understand with that level 80 chimp IQ


Shut the fuck up faggot, you know exactly why I'm following you.

zyklon_b ago

@KosherHiveKicker ^^^here is an example of how the jew cries out as he strikes you.


I wonder if the people that are giving you all your upvotes realize your a 4 day old account, posting articles and comments that are specific to voats narrative, in order to get massive amounts of upvotes. You're literally the echo chamber people bitch about on here. Paul Ryan is a pice of shit.... No fucking shit faggot.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thanks for the ping, and warning!

zyklon_b ago

No problem.

Keep kicking that motherfucker.

TheWorstImaginable ago

you'd get fucked up IRL you little cunt.

boekanier ago

I'm afraid of the contrary, there is a new war for israel coming up.

ExpertShitposter ago

For which Israel wont pay a cent, all defense will be funded by US tax.

zyklon_b ago

Death to Israel.