NotHereForPizza ago

No surprise coming from (you).

Check out my recent posts, everyone. They'll help you pinpoint who the people sent here to discourage us thinking outside of the box they've crafted are.

Good luck, and always remember to look for phrase substitutions based on the weekly news cycle.

I bet if you look hard enough you'll find that Crensch... I mean ExpertShitposter has recently posted something around a week or two ago that said something very similar to what this post says, however it might vary a little depending in what exactly was being reported then.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh look, he talks about you at 5:15

NotHereForPizza ago

How the hell does this relate to me saying people like you are echoing opinions you get from other places, all which match up, and all of which are currently being invented to out certain people?

ExpertShitposter ago

Because i believe that you still have faith in Trump not being a jew, larping as a nationalist, while it is clear that he sold out his asshole to the jews.

dooob ago

Honestly, I dont know how to explain this. A few months ago, if not more, I said somewhere on voat that we never discuss the fact that all his grown kids married jews. I guess our way of thinking cant comprehend that there are good jews, we have seen too many bad ones.

If he was controlled by Israel, he wouldnt have call for intervention in Syria. All he had to do was to say that Assad is a good guy and US shouldnt meddle there, them the MSM would spin negative propaganda about Assad's regime, then do a false flag and people would call for war themselves. By doing the opposite, publicly attacking Assad, he forces the msm to either agree with him or spin anti-war propaganda. Let's not forget how he handled the NK situation.

I just dont see in his actions that he is a controlled opposition. I will remain critical of him and not blidly believe him, just because I think he is playing his opponents doesnt mean I blidly trust him. Also worth adding that he has a track record of "4d chessing" his enemies, it is not just a meme.

ExpertShitposter ago

His kids didn't marry some random dude they met at a club, and it turned out he was genetically of Jewish descent. They specifically married high ranking political Jews from the kind of banker/walls street/politician social circles Trump moved around through all his life. So even if you were to like "the average jew", their life partners would be the "satanic shadow jew" type of jew.

Also consider Ivanka's conversion to orthodox Judaism. What the fuck is that? She was casually reading the Talmud one day out of curiosity and then exclaimed: "holy shit! the Jews are true and knowledgeable and the Christians got it wrong! I now believe in different things than before! I must convert because i now truly believe in this new religion!" Its bullshit. You are not a devoted christian all your life and then you suddenly start believing the Jewish version. Or you don't spent your life not caring about your religion and then all of a sudden you realize that you have faith, but it just happens to be Jewish faith. It was a 100% pure political conversion to gain membership in an exclusive club. They want to be the 1%. They want to be the 0.1%. The entire family for eternity, and they are willing to mix Jewish blood with their own and convert just to get there. No morals what so ever.

Imagine yourself making and raising babies with a gypsy woman just because a bank promised you free 1000$ per month for the rest of your life. Disgusting.

If he was controlled by Israel

With 3000% Jewish over-representation in the US government, the US = Israel. Its practically the same thing as far as government is concerned. The Jews were the only people on the planet that were able to kill the most beloved US president in history and literally get away with it.

With the original cruise missile strike, the MSM actually stopped assaulting him for 48h and started to praise him for striking Syria before going back to the old anti trump narrative. They are doing the same now with talks of war. Because the anti trump sentiment is not what the media thinks, but what they are told to say. They are not journalists with opinions, they are just talking heads. When trump starts doing what the military industrial complex wants, and that is go to war, MSM will LOVE trump. Because then they will be told to love him.

Not only is he controlled position, but the entire republican party. All those people personally have stocks in the weapon manufacturing companies, Trump included. So they profit from war even without any shadow government pushing.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

He cant seem to stop sucking on little mutilated jewish peters

forgot_p4ssword ago

Voat is awakening

ExpertShitposter ago

It is, but very slowly. Lots just cant accept such pain, that voting alone cant fix the world.

ninjajunkie ago

Bullets are the only thing that's going to change anything. If the Jews get their way, we'll do it with swords.

tendiesonfloor ago

1992: William Jefferson Clinton becomes the first black president.

2008: Barry Hussein Soetoro becomes the first gay, muslim president.

2016: Donald John Trump becomes the first jewish president.

elitch2 ago

We all knew that he was going to be more of the same. Politicians can't fix this problem.

If you think I'm wrong, I have a challenge for you.

Join your local street gang, and from within, turn them into upstanding citizens.

Let me know how that goes for you.

ExpertShitposter ago

We all knew that he was going to be more of the same.

Hahahaha no. EVERYONE...well...90% of the "alt right" thought this was gonna be something different. This election was a wonderful opportunity to learn the true meaning of "controlled opposition". What a fucking spectacle. Do you want a female jew, an old jew or a cryptojew. And even now, at least HALF of voat is just adding digits to the chess levels.

I do like your analogy tho. Very nice.

elitch2 ago

Yeah. The last thing I fell for was the Global Warming nonsense, back in 2006. By 2007 I was a hard line libertarian.

Now, apparently, I'm a Nazi.

ExpertShitposter ago

I love being a violence demanding "irrational" nazi. Bring the nukes.

elitch2 ago

No, not that. If the nukes are real, we definitely don't want that.

How about we, as Western nations, deport all the kikes and niggers to their sandbox, and get to developing interstellar travel, and cool new guns?

ExpertShitposter ago

That would require us to ask the 1% most powerful people if they could be so kind to stop ruling over us. Nothing will happen through democracy and political solutions. Something must collapse first.

elitch2 ago


tendiesonfloor ago

Bring the nukes.

We're all going to die. I'd rather go out seeing a cataclysmic event like WW3 or Yellowstone going ham than to die on the toilet at 55. Pull the fucking trigger, let's do this.

elitch2 ago

Jesus Christ, mate. 55? How fat are you?

ExpertShitposter ago

Fucking do it. I want my youtube entertainment to be RWDS militia executing surviving green glowing jew ghouls.

I will glow my self just to see it.