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ExpertShitposter ago

Just wait 48h from now when he jews out into Syria war. Iraq 2.0

CheeseboogersGhost ago

We will see. If that's what happens then Trump loses his core base but his Israeli shills will be happy and tell us why we shouldn't be mad because "the Israeli's are exterminating muslims for us goys oy vey".

ExpertShitposter ago

Naw his core base is magapede idiots. He will win the second term just like that literal chimp IQ Bush did. They will just say "Its 6 000 000 D chess, for you see, he spent 6 billion worth of tomahawks to make people hate jews more!"


You're talking pretty strong, for being a weak ass

TheWorstImaginable ago

the guy seems like a total faggot. he always sics his faggot retarded friends on you. I seem to remember his little crew of faggots make a post about me pinging my user name. Here's the thing.. I'd fucking murder them whether I was unarmed or not.

ExpertShitposter ago

@zyklon_b who is this faggit? ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑


Hahaha go fucking cry about your worthless life in another sob story post

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha feg, i am making it now you idiota kretina!

zyklon_b ago

I have no idea he keeps following me around trying to suck muh dick.

ExpertShitposter ago

@SJWs_R_FAAAGS is doing the same to me now, and i never talked to him before. Probably some rPV alt or a gay jew.


No I just came across your sob story yesterday, it was humorous. Not because your "suffering" but because your fucking stupid enough to tell people that shit. It's like the dumb fucks who are mad about Facebook data breach, don't cry when someone uses the bullshit you post online against you. And I wasn't going to let some salty European faggot, who probably doesn't even own a fucking gun, call the Trump base "magapedo". Simple dimple, you insult me, I insult you. Neat

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL what a faggot. Let me educate you on your own stupidity. First of all my "suffering" was a half vent half shitpost. If there was anything to be ashamed of, then i would have posted with anon which that sub has enabled, or make an alt. So're out of ammunition as far as that is concerned.

Second, you are the actual r/the_donald literal dumb cuckold jew lover who thinks jews niggers and mexicunts should all get along. Every /pol/ack was CHEERING when trump won, as was I. But by now, the smart ones understand that he is an actual jew, so as white nationalist, we understand he is the enemy of white peoples interests.

Simple dimple, you insult me, I show you a mirror, and its a sad sight. Neat.


First of all, niggers can't educate. Second, I've never been to reddit, which is more than you can say. Third, I fucking hate Jews, hence my hate for zyklon_b. I'm trying to see In to this mirror, but it seems I'm looking through a window, only to find some fat assed European fuck who couldn't keep his shit together, even with a mile of duct tape and a gallon of super glue. Yeah, it is pretty neat!

ExpertShitposter ago

I hate Jews.

I love Trump.

You're gonna have to pick one buddy boi. Also you sound like a grandpa, isn't it past your bed time old timer?

The "fat ass European" keeps his shit in check just fine. I happen to have very high standards because i compare my self to the best, rather then to the common, so sometimes i'm quite critical of my self. And that really is neat!


A white nationalist, using ebonics from the urban dictionary "boi". LMFAO you compare yourself to the best.... But can only stay sober for a few hrs a day. That's literally what niggers do. They get fucked up and talk about how dey kangs n sheeet. Quite laughable actually. I was kinda just being an ass by calling you a nigger, but I think I might actually be correct. Pieces of shit that compare themselves to the best: the exact definition of a nig

ExpertShitposter ago

Your brain is a bottomless pit grandpa, you are past your prime. Have a read, Mr. "I hate jews", just scroll through the list first, then see what you want to click first:


Yes, "my brain is a bottomless pit" says the nigger who can't spell boy correctly. This is fucking awesome. Maybe you should fucking read it, you're the one who's struggling here....

ExpertShitposter ago

That was a fucking meme grandpa, and go lick that jews ass some more. You have been given the link of truth. How you proceed from here is up to your acceptance of fact or fiction.


And the convo turns to shit posting.... I'm sure you're not going to confess, but I'm willing to bet your probably older than I am. Calling a 30 year old dude a grandpa, is well, pretty retarded. But then again, you're calling me a grandpa, which also points to the probability that your actually quite young, and dumb enough to forget that you will be an old fuck some day too. If your young we'll call you naive, but if your actually considered to be an adult, then you sir are clearly fucking retarded.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well you sound like a grandpa.

Nice 6 million ad hominems. Read the fucking link or shut up.


Fucking make me, you faggot piece of shit. Any other day I'd fucking read your stupid link. Not reading it strictly out of spite, hahahaha just like a fucking grandpa.

ExpertShitposter ago

Because a jew like you already know that trump is the most pro Israel president in the history of USA. I don't talk to jew shills.

End of conversation.


"end of conversation" wtf. You safe space creating mother fucker. Just because you say the conversation is over, doesn't mean it's over. Fucking child. " I don't talk to Jew shills".... But you do. You've convinced yourself that I'm a Jew shill, yet you've been talking to me all day. Come back once you've graduated high school, and we can talk like the big "bois"

zyklon_b ago

@Sjws_r_faaags is for certain jewish. I seen an anon post where someone had evidence that kike raped and killed some kid.

Do you have any idea where @SJWs_r_faaags did that horrible crime at?

ExpertShitposter ago

@Sjws_r_faaags crime is that he killed a trany prostitutes asshole in 1990 with his tongue.


You could say anything bro, and I still wouldn't look as fucking retarded as you are. Go cry about being a lazy fuck

ExpertShitposter ago

Go shil for Israel some more jew boy. Ima release @zyklon_b gas on your ass.

zyklon_b ago

@Sjws_r_faaags got his ass eaten out from @theworstimaginable who is also @hecho the infamous pedo

TheWorstImaginable ago

I ate out your dads ass, faggot, then you cummed out

zyklon_b ago

@sjws_r_fags is sane Delaware nigger triggered cuck pedo


You mean you made an anon post... I'm assuming your unaware that you've already completely outed yourself. This is music to my ears. Keep desperately trying to discredit me, it only confirms what I already thought. You know I'm right. I don't expect you to understand with that level 80 chimp IQ


Shut the fuck up faggot, you know exactly why I'm following you.

zyklon_b ago

@KosherHiveKicker ^^^here is an example of how the jew cries out as he strikes you.


I wonder if the people that are giving you all your upvotes realize your a 4 day old account, posting articles and comments that are specific to voats narrative, in order to get massive amounts of upvotes. You're literally the echo chamber people bitch about on here. Paul Ryan is a pice of shit.... No fucking shit faggot.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thanks for the ping, and warning!

zyklon_b ago

No problem.

Keep kicking that motherfucker.

TheWorstImaginable ago

you'd get fucked up IRL you little cunt.