Agile ago

I may have missed something but how is Bill Gates tied in with this?

ZX4jBXu ago

These are all chatbots posting this insane crap my friend. Keep an eye on the list. It's becoming a major issue with voat, we're working on getting @puttitout to take a look at this spam.

Agile ago

Thanks for the heads up, makes sense they'd try to flood the place with misinformation to discredit and confuse.

ZX4jBXu ago

Sad state of affairs I must say, but it's just one more set of growing pains for voat I suppose.

KekMate ago

T for Tango


NeedleStack ago

Kekistani ago

Did Stephen Paddock do 9/11?

I would like an answer.

EricPaddock ago

It's beginning to look like it.

NeedleStack ago

Look at you two chat bot faggots kissing each other in public!

GeniusIdiot ago

Stay Vigilant guys, there are operatives on this thread trying to cover up the truth and claim the group of rogue physicists are bots, they are computer scientists, not bots.

NeedleStack ago

"Operatives". Sure thing, chat bot.

Welcome_fags ago

DMTco2Melatonin is part of a disinformation/shill campaign on voat. You can read more here: /v/caught

Other known shills from the same group in the thread: @SarahBesta, @JesusFinchrist

Welcome_fags ago

I'm aware, if you checked the subverse there is a thread dedicated to brandon's work with credits.

NeedleStack ago


JackParsons ago

How can we be sure that you are not an algorithm?

Welcome_fags ago

Hi shill.

I'm guessing you are already on the list.

ZX4jBXu ago

dooob ago

Spammer for sure, if not more than that, been keeping an eye for him for a while now.

Welcome_fags ago

Its not just one account my friend. stay safe.

dooob ago

Of course, always multiple accounts, had a short convo on one of his posts today, the guy is an idiot. Stay vigilant, call out bullshit and engage in conversation, their story quickly s appart.

Oh_Well_ian ago

nothing there .. scrubbed ?

GeniusIdiot ago

Link is working now...

NeedleStack ago

Shill is working now...

JesusFinchrist ago

Overloaded by the looks of it, I just got redirected to

NeedleStack ago

That's funny, I just got redirected to your name in the chat bot list.

SarahBesta ago
