DMTco2Melatonin ago

Saudi Prince + Al Quaeda = 9/11 /// Saudi Prince + Bill Gates = Mandalay Bay /// Saudi Prince + Citigroup = Cabinet Members... Ruh Oh

myvoicefromhell ago

Annnnnd... It's gone.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

What's gone? I was making chocolate dipped Chinese lanterns.

myvoicefromhell ago

Your Salon link.


Did the Saudis own the floor of Mandalay where the shooting happened or not?

7e62ce85 ago

I heard the brother/prince of the current Saudi king owned the upper floors and that the current upset is important. Maybe the US/Trump finally put some pressure on the Saudis to stop their terrorism?


I think Trump made a deal with the SA prince. If trump supported his coup he would stop terrorism

derram ago :

Salon: in-depth news, politics, business, technology & culture

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