new4now ago

throw in Carlos Slim.....

this is a dangerous trio

Clinton been tied up in Mexican policy

born to it by HW Bush

Slim is the George Soros of Mexico

here's Slims Foundation...

He is moving Trillions through it

The man OWNS Mexico

they say he is the frontman for Carlos Salinas, who have solid ties to the Bush family

Jeb best bud with Salinas son

This is not good, I smell CI yahoos

maybe thats why of the push for the wall

sore_ass_losers ago

Comment from 2 years ago by @LostandFound:


Another simple example for you. Columbia, the clintons have been festering here for a long time, longer than anywhere else. USAID 841m as per the above tool, all while clintons and frank guistra were pillaging as much as they could. Pay for play and more ... - written better than I can probably - clinton toxic legacy in Columbia w/real interviews with support 'recipients' - clinton, guistra, obamas secret service, many more in youth projects and underage sex allegations in one city of columbia

Unitaid funding little controlled hundred of million dollars to CF from tax on airplane tickets and strange Dr Douste-Blazy (applying for head of WHO) : (French)

Heres one interview - they are literally down to the level of taking money from the people on the street

'The jilted fish-seller'

Sandra said she received no money from the Clinton Foundation and, in fact, took out a large bank loan at its urging. Paying this loan proved to be a tremendous burden, she said. Even worse, within months the head of the Acceso project told her that she should no longer deal directly with buyers. Instead, she would sell her fish directly to Acceso — at sharply reduced prices — and Acceso would resell them. In other words, the Clinton Foundation would act as a middleman and profit from margins supplied by the people it was supposed to be helping. Sandra and eight other Acceso participants immediately dropped out, she said, worried that “if we had stayed with them, we would have gone out of business.”


sore_ass_losers ago

From 2 years ago:

** Interesting post from /r/conspiracy about the kidnap of a 7-year-old Colombian girl connected to the Clinton Foundation**

sore_ass_losers ago

From 2 years ago:

What does HRC, Frank Guistra, Clinton Foundation, Obama, the Secret service & underage prostitutes have in common?

'Answer : Cartagena, Colombia

Clinton Foundation in partnership with Frank Guistra run a project Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership - with aims to address existing market gaps in developing country supply or distribution chains.

Specific YOUTH outreach project listed on CF site under Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership in Cartagena, Colombia

In Cartagena, youth from the poorest neighborhoods are provided training for jobs in productive sectors including tourism, port logistics and health care. thats the official site listed on the CF... first post visible... "200 young people from communities near Cartagena received certification as port operators"

But wait what about Obama's Secret Service guys who were busted have sex with underage girls in Cartagena, Colombia. Coincidence? /

Update: Another piece just in:

Trump’s administration will encourage foreign governments to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s finances

“Haiti and Colombia will be key diplomatic posts for this ­because of all the money ­involved,”

Update 2: Looks like the DEA were having sex parties in Columbia back in the day too, which was discovered after investigating the Secret Service for the above - ty @ALDO_NOVA

cheers @JrSlimss & @Forgetmenot for contributions'

sore_ass_losers ago

Training 200 young people as port operators sounds kind of sinister as it might be handy for smuggling operations.

carmencita ago

@fogdryer Did you not do a post about the Clintons and Columbia that included rat lines and lots of names involved. I remember digging on this.

fogdryer ago

,,,,,,,Clinton has helped Frank Giustra, biggest donors to the C G I, score meetings with high-ranking Colombian officials. Giustra has several business interests in the country, both he and Clinton have collaborated on an effort to fight poverty by partnering up with mining companies in Colombia and elsewhere. and whom Bill personally introduced to Colombian President Uribe (Giustra is the same guy Clinton helped land a uranium deal in Kazakhstan. 2007, Clinton received an award from President Uribe for his efforts to reverse the country’s image in the United States. t “the Colombia government [was] trying to counter its negative image among Washington Democrats and secure congressional passage of a free trade agreement.” Bill hosted a “philanthropic event” with the Colombian leaders in Sept 2005. The purpose, , was to introduce Uribe to Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining tycoon who was interested both in mineral rights and Colombian oil, a position that lent itself to a more open-trade environment. The Clinton WH used a poll commissioned by a very interested party to help provide cover for the Colombian initiative . Here’s how it worked: defense contractor Lockheed Martin commissioned Democratic pollster Mark Mellman to conduct a poll which concluded that 56 percent of registered voters would support $2 billion being spent on “tracking planes to be flown in drug-producing areas.” Lockheed’s smart bomb hit its mark: five months after this manufactured mandate was presented to the president, he proposed the $1.3 billion package, confident that he could shake “the will of the people” (or at least the 800 people Mellman offered his tailor-made questions to) in the face of opponents.

carmencita ago

The Clintons neber fail to lend a helping hand to their evil friends. I remember reading how Bill was on a flight with some guy having to do with uranium. Later to find out about Giustra. They always manage to be in the right place at the right time to make money. I shudder to think how many kinds of coke they smuggled out of there.

fogdryer ago

btw--------- Venezuela has uranium and gold H had something to do with their collapse as Soros....

think- ago

Thank you for posting, @sore_ass_losers! :-)

sore_ass_losers ago

This mystery school seems sinister. But the students in the photo appear to be of age. This could be just some bullshit photo-op to make it seems like the Clinton Foundation actually does something good.