QuestionEverything ago

DEA agents in colombia involved with PEDO prostitutes:

Did they fire them? NOPE. Some even got promoted.

QuestionEverything ago

Still no charges for SS and DEA underage PEDO prostitute parties.

-Seems to be a get out of jail free for PEDo activity in the US gov't. -Maybe they collect 'material' for the FBI pedo servers they run on the Darknet?

NO CHARGES YET? How many years does it take? -Oh wait, they promoted some of them instead..

-Gonna collect some wood soon..

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yes that's a great way to understand it. Also the goal by and large of the FBI, is law enforcement with defined rules and parameters.

CIA, operates by a very different. They hire a totally different type of person. They're a government sanctioned crime/spy/propaganda operation and don't have any sort of defined rules.

dindonufin ago

So happy to see an archive link here...

mooteensy ago

I stopped using reddit after I heard/noticed the Pizzagate censorship (specifically, on The_Donald, my old favorite thread).

21yearsofdigging ago

Yuliana Samboni!! yup Frank Giustra, Ill bet you hes involved

21yearsofdigging ago

Why in God`s world, is there a downvote here

RebelSkum ago

Got it's own page on the Wiki. Come throw down some facts:

hardrock ago

My apologies if this is posted in slightly the wrong place, but it is about pizzagate and is about links to other countries, and it is still extremely fresh and relevant. a suspect named Rafael Uribe Noguera has just been arrested and indicted for the abduction, rape, torture and murder by strangulation of a 7 year old girl in Bogata, Colombia. That country and much of Latin American is erupting in rage. See for basic outline of facts. HOWEVER the story is being ignored in the USA, and ALL of the coverage (meager as it is) is trying to pass off the perpetrator as someone VASTLY less significant than he is, and the press portrays his extended family as VASTLY less significant than they really are. The extended family is the top of the top of the Elite in Colombia, intrinsically woven into the entire fabric of politics, Intelligence services, Military , Judiciary and Finance. Given the stature of the EXTENDED family , and Colombia's role in the world's drug trafficking it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for there to be no links into the greater PizzaGate investigation. Unfortunately , much of the documentary trail exists only in Spanish. Worth pulling the strings, I think. Wish I was literate in Spanish.

AdVict0riam ago

Remember, folks:


LostandFound ago

Here's a previous article tying the cf guistra fbi and secret service to single port city in Colombia. Cf & guistra running youth outreach and training program with one of their main areas of focus is training port operators. FBI and secret service both involved in prostitution cases with suspected underage.

GoldMoose16 ago

Radcliffe Foundation. Learn its history. Follow the money. Was wondering when someone would finally ask serious questions about Giustra.

dannonyme ago

Their site was hacked and taken down just before the election. There is a letter floating around online noting a massive transfer of funds to HRC.

Forgetmenot ago

Very interesting, trump did recommend Colombia and Haiti investigate the Clinton foundation. The puzzle is starting to take shape. Thanks for posting have an upvoat!

7im ago

I am happy to help, wish I could do more.

Forgetmenot ago

Me too. I feel the same way.

Commonwombat ago

Upvoating this for exposure. Just another coincidence linked to the Clinton's evil empire and Bill's best mate Frank. The depravity of these people knows no bounds.

reasonedandinformed ago

The tentacles are unreal. Thanks for posting.

organic1 ago

From the article: "At the very least, Yuliana’s death is the result of an isolated case that will test your faith in humanity. At the worst, her kidnapping is indicative of the human trafficking ring perpetrated through the complex inner workings of the Clinton Foundation."

Or choice C, for both.

fckItsReal ago

thats from a redditor. not an article

remedy4reality ago

Seriously... what is the difference, at this point ?


organic1 ago

Oops! Thanks for correcting me.

EndThePizza ago

How prominent of a school is Javeriana University? If it's a major influence in the community, there could plausibly be an innocent explanation for involvement with CF. If not, it certainly raises the "suspicious" meter.

GodHand666 ago

Another key factor here is how children from broken places are targeted for this sort of thing. I myself believe this is most definitely involved with scandalous Clinton fingertips, considering they have involvement there in Columbia. NEED MORE INFORMATION ON THISSSSS

AFriend ago


Just fuck my tax dollars up fam!

remedy4reality ago

The FBI covers up crimes of the Elite and prosecutes crimes of the non-Elite.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I'm actually starting to think the FBI may be ready to investigate these allegations because they know with the Trump DOJ, they can take down these criminals for the first time in their careers.

From what I can tell, there is a war going on between the FBI and the CIA. Obviously the CIA is full of criminals that have no problem using children to gain control of politicians and to generate revenue.

Verite1 ago

Agreed. I think this is a YOOOGE lead! this is SO much bigger than pizzagate. PG is a "window" into this larger issue of trafficking, where we can see the culture which has been "normalized," because the criminal behavior has been institutionalize at the highest level, where elites don't get prosecuted, it's all about business and as it trickles on down the ladder, ppl feel their behavior and crimes are immune because there is always someone more powerful above them who has their hands in the cookie car. FUCK!

Antonius ago

Ooh they are bad....trying to connect kidnap with Clinton Foundation....NOT!

standalone ago

Final person of interest is Frank Giustera, one of the wealthiest donors to the foundation.¹⁴ Giustera is close with Bill Clinton, who reportedly set up meetings with Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, after which Giustra obtained permission for his timber company to log in Colombia.¹⁵

Holy cow, Frank Giustera! What a small world! This dude is already on the blacklist for being a major Clinton Foundation donor, operating Elpida a NGO targeting children and displaying a prominent "Boy Love" logo that he removed promptly after being exposed, and owning a couple of businesses like mining companies that have been getting some heat for using underaged workers. Giustra is one of our most prominently obvious case of child trafficker. This is a huge lead. Dig the shit out of this. If Giustra is in Columbia working for the Clintons, there is fool play.

DeckoGecko ago

Was Elpida the one with the facebook page where the guy blatantly commented the boy love code... I think he said 'BOY i'd really LOVE to be there right now,,hehe'... lolz it's like they need to be given classes in how to use code words.. it doesn't work if you make it too obvious. Like the email where the guy is talking about the "waitress" haha,, in fkin quotes.

Anyway,, when that link first came out I followed up on mr Boy Love himself and archived a bunch of stuff. He was being followed by a couple of people and one guy was an out an out satanist [pretty sure his fb statuses confirmed it].

I haven't shared it because the boy love guy seemed small fry and probably only useful as a turncoat but I'm happy to dig it out if it's been scrubbed :)

MAGABoomer ago

I don't even....Jaysus is the whole world sick? Great catch and correlation. Eyes wide open...all of us. This shit has to stop. I don't know how they kept the locals from dragging that entire family into the street and executing them on the spot.

CrackerJacks ago

I'll keep my eye on this....Could turn into something big if what is said is true and if he's willing to talk to the FBI.

Orange_Circle ago

I can't believe they have not banned Conspiracy yet.

standalone ago

Now they ban people who upvote threads. Less obvious. They are just going to mass downvote the thread so that it goes under the radar.

Verite1 ago

We can't let that happen. This needs to go viral

AgainstPedos ago

I got banned from GLP (GodLikeProductions) the very day I gave them $$ and they never told me what I did wrong. I suspect it was because I linked an article to the wrong media source, as I do not use foul language or dis other posters.

If anyone knows specifically WHY I got banned I'd appreciate any insight. Thanks.

tmntnut ago

Came here from r/conspiracy hoping someone had referenced it here, thanks for posting. This is very eerie and I believe it to be extremely relevant to the investigation.

7im ago

Happy to do my part and spread the word. God speed!

centima ago

this is great. good work, don't let this be suppressed. +1