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LostandFound ago

Another simple example for you. Columbia, the clintons have been festering here for a long time, longer than anywhere else. USAID 841m as per the above tool, all while clintons and frank guistra were pillaging as much as they could. Pay for play and more ... - written better than I can probably - clinton toxic legacy in Columbia w/real interviews with support 'recipients' - clinton, guistra, obamas secret service, many more in youth projects and underage sex allegations in one city of columbia

Unitaid funding little controlled hundred of million dollars to CF from tax on airplane tickets and strange Dr Douste-Blazy (applying for head of WHO) : (French)

Heres one interview - they are literally down to the level of taking money from the people on the street

'The jilted fish-seller'

Sandra said she received no money from the Clinton Foundation and, in fact, took out a large bank loan at its urging. Paying this loan proved to be a tremendous burden, she said. Even worse, within months the head of the Acceso project told her that she should no longer deal directly with buyers. Instead, she would sell her fish directly to Acceso — at sharply reduced prices — and Acceso would resell them. In other words, the Clinton Foundation would act as a middleman and profit from margins supplied by the people it was supposed to be helping. Sandra and eight other Acceso participants immediately dropped out, she said, worried that “if we had stayed with them, we would have gone out of business.”

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you. I will read these soon. I feel like I am the only one who is irrate about all of the financial morass and refusal to indict any of the fuckers criminally. The podesta wife, Mary is an SEC lawyer. Naturally the "charities" have carte blanche also when the wall street co.s are gifted billions (or is it trillions) in reward for criminal behavior.

LostandFound ago

Dont worry your not alone. If you have time and patience /r/DNCLeaks /r/Hillaryforprison are goldmines. Both subs had 10-15k actives at various points and went to town on all this. DNCLeaks is misnamed kinda it was done for the dncleaks but it was re-purposed a few times for podesta emails and other clinton related activities. Both are kinda dead now and i often use /v/clintongate but the info they dug up is as valid now as it was then.

2impendingdoom ago

this is a favorite source of mine: Pam Martens must have been reading my mind this morning in posting today's story (1/6, I'm only seeing this today). Obviously the Sandlers are involved in both the financial crisis and the handkerchief emails so it all overlaps.

crystalclearme ago

thanks for sharing this. Things like this although seem simple are very helpful and a huge benefit for investigation

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks need to go to @ghost_marauder for posting the link to USAID and other gov. sites...

crystalclearme ago

will do !

ghost_marauder ago

Thanks for the shout out. This type of stuff was my original intention with the post. Great post BTW.

2impendingdoom ago

You are very welcome. I have not even delved into the other links yet. So thanks again.