crystalclearme ago

Wonderful. Clearly pizzagatewhatever is becoming a place I want to check more frequently!

ghost_marauder ago

Thanks, I've ran across many strange things while investigating Hillary (oh back in the days of 2016, that was a good year Timmy). I'm just trying to put down some of what I've located. There's like a depth of knowledge to sift through, but I'm just one guy (who is about as street smart as roadkill).

crystalclearme ago

Hey I have lived through most of her and Bill's dastardly deeds and watched both of them wiggle out of them over the years as well as the McMartin pre-school and Franklin scandal and largely forgotten about all of them. Never forgot though how she had Vince Foster murdered or Ron Browne. Pizzagate made me look back and remember what I remembered at one time and easily dismissed as bizzarre and unbelievable. With the internet I was able to follow up on things I'd forgotten as well as the "real" truth behind the outcome. That is when it fully dawned on me how real this is and the need to not let it happen ever again.

ghost_marauder ago

Oh I absolutely agree that these people are dastardly and this is exceptionally real.

You'll have to ignore my levity in writing though. I was getting too far into everything for about 4 months. Took it all excessively seriously. The mental side effects of lowered logical thinking, paranoia, and insomnia were starting to effect everything in my life. Inject a sense of humor and some downtime here and there. Side effects alleviated, ready for marathon research again.

crystalclearme ago

No need at all to explain. I'm so glad you took care of yourself. Self-care is required. We have a ways to go and all of need to recognize the signs to back off for a bit. Helps in the long run too as see things with new eyes!

2impendingdoom ago

thanks for this. Nice to have all these resources in one place.