Let's just take a quick walk through the realm of the Senate Committee on Appropriations
Press Jurisdition for more info than I provide.
USAID’s efforts directly enhance American—and global—security and prosperity. The United States is safer and stronger when fewer people face destitution, when our trading partners are flourishing, when nations around the world can withstand crisis, and when societies are freer, more democratic, and more inclusive, protecting the basic rights and human dignity of all citizens. By focusing on these two goals, together, we position ourselves to meet the challenges of today while mitigating the risks of tomorrow.
https://explorer.usaid.gov/prepared/us_foreign_aid_complete.csv (csv for people who like to dig deep)
EXIM provides U.S. businesses with solutions to protect against foreign buyer nonpayment and in turn support the export of more American.-made goods and services. One product in particular that allows businesses to protect themselves against foreign buyer nonpayment is Export Credit Insurance.
open foia documents
Council of Economic Advisers
The Council of Economic Advisers, an agency within the Executive Office of the President, is charged with offering the President objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy. The Council bases its recommendations and analysis on economic research and empirical evidence, using the best data available to support the President in setting our nation's economic policy.
The Council is currently comprised of a Chairman and two Members. The Chairman is Jason Furman. The Council's members are Sandra Black and Jay Shambaugh. The Council is supported by a staff of professional senior economists, staff economists and research assistants, as well as a statistical office.
If you would like a laugh read this
President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers Cabinet Exit Memo: Eight Years of Recovery and Reinvestment https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/20170105_cea_furman_exit_memo.pdf
Office of Management and Budget
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) serves the President of the United States in overseeing the implementation of his vision across the Executive Branch. Specifically, OMB’s mission is to assist the President in meeting his policy, budget, management and regulatory objectives and to fulfill the agency’s statutory responsibilities.
Grants handed out by the Executive branch
Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (Part of the OMB)
The Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator is dedicated to the protection of the American intellectual property that powers our economy. American entrepreneurs, business owners, and the general public are best served by an economy that fosters and protects our global competitive advantage, which must discourage intellectual property theft while protecting the constitutional rights of our citizens. Our office strives to make sure that the Federal government takes the most appropriate action to realize those goals.
This is the plan of attack for 2016, it's actually an enteresting read if you're a pirate.
Office of Government Ethics
Because we all need a laugh
White House Fellows Foundation and Association
Additionally, the Foundation and Association provides former Fellows as mentors to the current class of White House Fellows, and organizes local, regional, and national programs supporting the WHF Education Program, to include an Annual Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. This meeting is typically held in October of each year. Membership in the Foundation and Association is limited to those who have successfully served as White House Fellows, members of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, and members of the Commission staff who administer the Fellowship Program on a day-to-day basis.
Everybody in this organization should be looked into.
Office of Real Property Asset Management
The Office of Portfolio Management is responsible for providing strategic direction, administration, and management support services for real estate portfolio management, asset business strategies, capital allocation, portfolio analysis, asset valuations, pricing policy, occupancy administration, and property utilization and disposal.
Portfolio Map
United States Sentencing Commission
The Commission collects, analyzes, and distributes a broad array of information on federal sentencing practices, continuously establishing and amending sentencing guidelines for the judicial branch and assisting the other branches in developing effective and efficient crime policy.
Interesting infographic on organized crime punishment
United States Tax Court
You thought the IRS was bad
Of mild interest, the longest serving Judge in U.S. Tax Court’s history. (Was the 93 year old man taken out by Hillary????)
As a side notes:
Check out https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/edb/2014/index.html which shows how exports and imports move by state. Good info for number crunchers.
https://code.gov/ <- Found this in OMB's blog. Programmers should take minor interest. Site's still in beta if you want to crash a gov website.
crystalclearme ago
Wonderful. Clearly pizzagatewhatever is becoming a place I want to check more frequently!
ghost_marauder ago
Thanks, I've ran across many strange things while investigating Hillary (oh back in the days of 2016, that was a good year Timmy). I'm just trying to put down some of what I've located. There's like a depth of knowledge to sift through, but I'm just one guy (who is about as street smart as roadkill).
crystalclearme ago
Hey I have lived through most of her and Bill's dastardly deeds and watched both of them wiggle out of them over the years as well as the McMartin pre-school and Franklin scandal and largely forgotten about all of them. Never forgot though how she had Vince Foster murdered or Ron Browne. Pizzagate made me look back and remember what I remembered at one time and easily dismissed as bizzarre and unbelievable. With the internet I was able to follow up on things I'd forgotten as well as the "real" truth behind the outcome. That is when it fully dawned on me how real this is and the need to not let it happen ever again.
ghost_marauder ago
Oh I absolutely agree that these people are dastardly and this is exceptionally real.
You'll have to ignore my levity in writing though. I was getting too far into everything for about 4 months. Took it all excessively seriously. The mental side effects of lowered logical thinking, paranoia, and insomnia were starting to effect everything in my life. Inject a sense of humor and some downtime here and there. Side effects alleviated, ready for marathon research again.
crystalclearme ago
No need at all to explain. I'm so glad you took care of yourself. Self-care is required. We have a ways to go and all of need to recognize the signs to back off for a bit. Helps in the long run too as see things with new eyes!
2impendingdoom ago
thanks for this. Nice to have all these resources in one place.