letsdothis2 ago

Well, I hope that these posts will get more attention now then. The music industry has been used by the intelligence services as well ..

Peter Crowley- victim of the Parsons Green bomb - links with the London Goth music and S&M scene - Gary Numan and Friends Electric. Occult weirdness.

The Parsons Green bomb, a satanic spectacle related to Coram Adoption and vulnerable Christian children

The Children: Our Ultimate Investment (COUI) charity, Teens and Toddlers program, ARK schools and another connection with the Hampstead case

Addendum To "Beyond Magic": Harry Houdini, Rick Rubin, Genesis P'Orridge and the Hampstead Children

Among the science fiction writers Heinlein recruited for the special project were Isaac Asimov, John W. Campbell, Jr., George O. Smith, Murray Leinster (Will F. Jenkins), L. Ron Hubbard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Fletcher Pratt.....

Laurel Canyon is an extremely interesting place with a very particular covert history to put a recording studio......

letsdothis2 ago


Scientology and Hubbard >> Noetic Society >> New Age transformation agenda >> Harvard Divinity School and "How we Gather" >> Alefantis and Dr Pong, Berlin (studies on youth culture and the Berlin wall) and DuPont Circle Underground tunnel art project (Artist who also worked on the set of the Exorcist commissioned to doa report on the art project for the tunnels), and of course Transformers DC).

Related :



goatload ago

John B Wells interviewed Tom Horn about this topic last week.

Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

Yes... he was the father of the musician who wrote “ The Parsons Project”... music based on Edgar Allen Poe poems and like minded material... time to refresh yourself about Laurel Canyon kids and who you thought were cool famous singers and just who their families were... there are no coincidences... everything planned.. everyone related! You will hate the music you used to love... it will make you puke...mind control and social engineering... ! I believe it called “ Secrets of Laurel Canyon” by McGowan! Long read but you will be stuffed to the gills with red pills... and very pissed off!

Zorrilla ago

Here is some more information about the subject of the series: http://archive.is/AySx2

Zorrilla ago

Here is an IMDB review from someone who seems to know what they are talking about:

"As the author of a best-selling book (Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA) that deals with Jack Parsons, Crowley, Hubbard and their influence over JPL's occult patterns, I have to say the pilot was disappointingly slow. The show's writers chose to focus on a fairly non-descript period of Parsons life, but that's no excuse for how dull the episode was. The show pretty much glosses over what a complete lunatic Parsons actually was, and how poorly he treated many of those around him. There was never really a point in his life where he was in any way "normal" as is portrayed in the show. He had major emotional problems and his hatred for Western Civilization and its mores defined him from an early age. I know the shows creators were going for a slow set-up, but not much at all actually happened in the episode, nor is there really a hint of who Parsons really was or what he would become.

"That said, the show has some potential and I'm sticking with it, hoping the writers, directors and producers pick up the pace and get to the juicy stuff. Honestly I could have written them a more interesting take on Parsons life and the extent to which NASA and JPL are still influenced by Parsons relationships with L. Ron Hubbard and Crowley. But, I won't get that chance so I hope they go deep into the story and bring out the honest truth about what Parsons really desired, which was no less than an apocalypse. How they treat the Babalon Working will be the key to it all. It will be interesting to see if they recognize that the Working was the basis for the film "Rosemary's Baby" as well. I'm all for ripping the lid off the occult freak show in Hollywood as well as NASA, and I hope they can pull it off."

Zorrilla ago

Here is some more information about the subject of the series: http://archive.is/AySx2