There are elements to these connections that I need to leave out as it will make the narrative too complex for this format. However I hope that with this pared down post some will see the agenda that is emerging and the occultism that is being used to achieve certain goals.
The following stories are all connected :
Published 23rd September : Foster charities fear child refugee crackdown after Parsons Green attack
Fostering and adoption agencies are worried that the government will use the bombing in west London as a pretext to stop child refugees being settled in the UK. In a letter to the children’s minister, Robert Goodwill, Tact Care’s chief executive, Andy Elvin, states: “Any attempted crackdown on child refugees would be wholly disproportionate to the evidence of potential risk.” The letter also claims that “by not accepting asylum seeking and refugee children in a planned way the Home Office are, inadvertently, increasing risks”.
Published 28th August : Christian girl was forced into foster home where ‘nobody spoke English’
A Christian child was reportedly forced to live in a foster home where people ‘didn’t speak English’, and she was made to remove her cross necklace.
The girl was said to be ‘very distressed’ that the foster carer had allegedly removed her cross necklace, and also suggested she learn Arabic.
Published 21st September : Church apologises for hosting satanic fashion show
The Anglican church's alter was transformed into a runway for models wearing inverted crosses, devil horns and vampire costumes to walk down in Turkish designer Dilara Findikoglu's Spring/Summer 2018 collection.
In this post I go into the occult nature of the Parsons Green bombing and provide links to YTers who think there are links to defence and other agencies >
For example, the references to Parsons, Hubbard and Crowley in the story: Jack Parsons and the Occult Roots of JPLYouTube
There was more that I found ..but I digress..
The recent story of a satanic 'fashion show' in a Christian church (it's art, right? - remember who said that? ) was reported in the press and here we found links to Coram Adoption agency as well as to high level freemasonry and occult practices:
London church- host of satanic fashion show has connections to Coram Adoption services, CAFCASS and CPS. Some other troubling high level connections too..
A recent controversial London satanic fashion show in a church and hey presto, links to Hatton Garden, Tavistock and rumoured pedophilia
The UK Supreme Court has artwork created by pedophile connected artist Peter Blake - designer of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover
No doubt we are dealing with occult forces.
DonKeyhote ago
Wait, so you believe Mengele is real but the Holocaust isnt? LMAO! Isn't it a safer bet that it's yet more JEWISH LIES??
With zero prior research I'm gonna predict he didn't do anything close to what Jewrat666 claims. I know one JEW LIAR who got fame speaking about meeting Mengele at Auschwitz -- of course he had to admit he made the entire story up. EVEN THE DUDE WHO EXPOSED HIM WAS CAREFUL TO SAY "I AM IN NO WAY A HOLOCAUST DENIER; MY FIRST JOB WAS GIVEN BY A JEW" AND HIS CURRENT ONE NO DOUBT!
Jem777 ago
Great Post @cantsleepawink
Corcam works hand in hand with CafCass, which is just like CPS here in the US.. During the Hampstead children's interviews thy repeatedly say CafCass was involved in their Satanic Ritual Abuse. They even explain CafCass is a social services agency that "is supposed to help children but they don't they hurt children" Of all the perpetrators involved in CafCass is mentioned the most frequent.
Of course it was then CafCass who took them into Protective custody against their mother who had brought them to the police in the first place after they disclosed what had happened.
The children were then taken to Tavistock for treatment who is actually behind the trauma mind control they were experiencing. The children have never been seen since.
carmencita ago
Yes! That is exactly what I got when I first started reading this. Which came first, but I guess it does not matter. Someone thought this was a great plan. This is beyond scary and frightening for the children. If the children have never been seen since, how many other children might be missing is the question. Clinton and Blair are behind this for sure. They are Satanists and have no problem using other people's children for their experiments. Think Dr. Green's (Mengele) work. I am wondering if this same operation is happening in the US somewhere, only we don't know about it yet. They are masters of deceit. Upvoat4U for your write up of a very informative work. We need more of these to wake up the masses. @cantsleepawink
Jem777 ago
Dr. Green (Mengele) worked in the US...He was transferred to Argentina during WW11 ten up to the US where they continued the Nazi mind control experiments.
I have listed a document discussing Dr.Mengele and his experiments. They are hard to read even discussing his surgeries without anesthesia especially children.
He performed sex change operations eventhough he was not a medical surgeon or even doctor. He would perform these surgeries on children even by cutting off their genitals removing organs etc. He did this not because anyone wanted a sex change Operation these people were starving. He did it just to experiment out of his own evil heart.
He also licked children in cages, raped them, drugged them, injected them with deadly viruses. When he was finished with them he sent them to gas chambers or shot them in cold blood.
During Church hearings on the illegal human experiments by the CIA inside the US children who had survived testified before the Senate naming Dr.Green as a main perpetrator of these crimes.
Think about that it is nauseating. The Nurmeberg War Crimes trials against the NAZI collaborators occurred while the main perpetrators were said to be dead. Meanwhile factions of the US government had extricated them and not only brought them to safety but gave them new identities and placed them in the US and Canada to continue the experiments on children.
rarepeeks ago
Dr. Green has become somewhat of a code word in the MK abuse industry. MK doctors sometimes masquerade under the name "Dr. Green."
carmencita ago
Yes, and I believe they still continue today somewhere. I believe when they take babies from the mother after birth such as written by @MedicalKidnap that they are operating on these children. There are stories about how some babies with problems are operated on over and over. There was one case at Lurie's Children's Hospital in Chicago. 20 months later he was finally returned. Who knows what will happen to this child. They are doing their experiments on children in full sight right in our hospitals. Ann Lurie I have read is a friend of Emanuel.
cantsleepawink ago
London's magic circle, the Hampstead case, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and the Clinton Foundation
MoneyLaw could be the new Magic Circle
Beneath the murky world of human trafficking, a tangled web of PR and lobbying firms ranging from Washington DC to London
Bahamas Tourism Ministry TV Ad Attempts to "Normalize" Child Sex Trafficking, Featuring Illusionist David Copperfield | He is a Resident and Owns Musha Cay Resort | Named in Epstein Document
derram ago :
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