HighLevelInsider ago

The Anglican and Episcopalian churches have extensive problems, possibly worse than the Catholic Church. They are completely infiltrated by Freemasons.

carmencita ago

HAH! Well an alarm went off probably for most of us that saw the pictures of the Fashion Show. Something was amiss. Also while not exactly the same situation as our CPS stealing children from parents and handing them off willy nilly, there seams to be Fishy Nonsense being committed by the govt. And if this Reece and Hewson are involved and thrown into the mix I fear for the children. These people seem to have not regard for the placement of the children so there is some kind of cover up or actually it seems that they are doing this in the open to some extent, for after reading this it seems pretty obvious that this whole operation is not above board. It seems that over in the UK and in the US they are doing some really underhanded things right in the open and in plain sight.