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neptunium1 ago was created by Sven Kilian on 16/03/2007

What is it allowed to be? An R2D2 robot? Samurai underwear? Sven Kilian can help. The German sends crazy Japanese products from Tokyo all over the world. He started with an ear-cleaning-device, now even the "Wall Street Journal" is studying his offer.

The first copies Sven Kilian has still sold from Japan on Ebay to Germany - eight years ago. Since then he has founded his own company, hired five employees and offers around a thousand Japanese products in his online shop. More than one million euros in sales makes his company OctoTrade a year.

Same Sven?

Sven Kilian-Nakamura is the CEO of CScout Japan Co, Ltd. and is based in Tokyo. He is a well-known and cited expert in Japanese trend and market research, and has done a great deal of development work bringing foreign and Japanese companies together for business and mutual understanding. Before joining CScout and founding the Tokyo office, Sven was GM of an advertising firm and CEO of an internet company.


Micheal84 ago


Think its the same guy, here he is at the German embassy in Hiro Japan.

Bald guy on the left.

neptunium1 ago

Just found the webpage with the image. So that confirms Cscout at the German embassy, working with Danny Choo and Jimmy Choo.

And McDonalds, check out the pedo swirls:

YogSoggoth ago

This looks more like Walt Disney's signature with the three sixes. This one appears to be 666 read from both sides of the box. Choo hangs out with Private pyjama party at the Ambassador's residence - German ... After having personally welcomed all the attendees, Ambassador Prinz gave a speech, highlighting the importance of the Day of German Unity and pointing out to which extend it is relevant abroad. Search domain ahkaustralia.wordpress.com From the glowing article, I gather she is a lesbian. Pretty obvious when you see the picture of her and the traveling partner. The after most of the guests have left photo is interesting. Who are they?

neptunium1 ago

Crikey. What a mad world. That image is ffom Danny He's the son of Professor Jimmy Choo. Danny seems to specialize in 'dolls' :


Professor Jimmy Choo has a very interesting Instagram account:

carmencita ago

Hmm. After looking at a few other comments, the father and son relationship could be more than they are trying to hide. I don't like 4/8chan but look whenever it is mentioned here. I have noticed some of the weird stuff on our site too and it all creeps me out. It seems to me that many sites may just be taking this money in because they are just plain GREEDY. We def must pressure our site to Stop It Now. I really am starting to see 4/8chan as a Pedo Hangout.

carmencita ago

I actually like Jimmy Choo's shoes (some of them) I appreciate his art and the sketches are extremely artistic. I don't see him pictured with any recognizable pervs that we know of, like in Hollywood. Don't know the Japanese pervs. But his being invited by the Queen..........Hmm. His son is has connections to Amazon, Microsoft but he may not be a perv either and is just an Enterprising Jerk. Wanting to sexualize girls and also fool their parents with these Whorehouse Dolls. The doll clothes are as Trashy as it gets. The short skirts just grazing the Dolls's Bottom Line, is disgusting at best and the Lingerie is beyond Over the Top. It is more like Honeymoon Night Ware. He may just be someone that wants to make it big and top his Dad in the market. The problem is that he is Sexualizing Girls AND inserting something really nefarious into those toys. So you can find your child? Does the child always have the doll? I bet they are very easy to hack into for pedos. That is a Whole Other Ballgame. Or he may just be a Pervert.

neptunium1 ago

New age mumbo jumbo from Florian Peter..meanwhile in Japan..

neptunium1 ago

Following the rabbit hole will take you straight to the CIA. Disgusting world we live in.

neptunium1 ago


GPS Tracking Made Cheap and Easy - Japan might not be the only country with phones designed specifically for children...

carmencita ago

I may be stretching things a little, but look at the logo a large C with something round like a globe (as in world). Turn it on it's side and it could be an eye. New World Order Just a thought.

Micheal84 ago

Very handy, if your child is lost.

Or when looking for one...

neptunium1 ago
