DarkMath ago

Sheila I don't understand your point here. David Seaman is a total shill for Gold Money. I get it. But he's not a disinfo agent. He's not putting out false stories. The problem is he's not really putting out any real evidence. He's a cheer leader.

That's fine with me. Who cares. Remember when I tried to convince you it wasn't John Podesta in the infamous fatherhood video? You gave me some flak as I recall. But then you got it. You figured it out. I was right.

Same deal here. I'm right. Trust me. Take a look here, do you see @roundhouse1776? He's a Stage 5 Shill. He's the worst of the worst. Here he is attacking the credibility of the 5 leading Pizzagaters.


Isn't that odd? He seems really really really intent on taking down the big names. He's got CTR written all over everything he does.

David Seaman is an unabashed self promoter. So is every other journalist on planet Earth. Journalist need to get paid. Otherwise they can't be journalists. But you can't attack a journalists for selling advertising which is all David Seaman is doing.

Sheilaaliens ago

I never said he was a shill or putting out disinfo. I was simply letting people know his history of scamming people on the internet.

I'd like to see where I gave YOU flak about that not being John Podesta's voice, because at the time I posted it I myself wasn't even convinced it was him and still am not. So try again. David isn't gonna be shilling on this forum under the name "davidseaman" anyway so for all you know, he IS roundhouse. Just saying. That's a moot example for you to use.

Again, watch the video because where did I call him a shill? I didn't.

DarkMath ago

"scamming people on the internet"...........How is selling gold scamming people?

Also do you realize @roundhouse1776 is a confirmed shill?

Your post made him very happy.

roundhouse1776 ago

Accusing other people of being shills is a common tactic of disinfo shills. Nice try.

DarkMath ago

"common tactic"......Well that's easily countered. Please explain 3 possible crimes Hillary Clinton may be arrested for given recent evidence uncovered by George Webb.

If you're not a shill then you can come up with the top 3 crimes Hillary Clinton may be arrested for.

Heck, I'll make it easy for you. Explain one crime Hillary Clinton may be arrested for in the next 6 months.

If you can't think of anything you might try looking here:



roundhouse1776 ago

You still don't get it do you. Nobody is defending Hillary Clinton.

  1. war crimes
  2. money laundering
  3. murder
  4. sedition/treason

And a million of other crimes.

DarkMath ago

Dipshit, write it in a sentence. For example:

Hillary Clinton is guilty of treason for allowing the Awan brothers root access to intelligence committee servers.

That type of thing.

roundhouse1776 ago

You are retarded, I don't even know why I respond to you. Please stop following me all over the forums.

DarkMath ago

I KNEW IT!!! You couldn't even write one sentence with Hillary in it and a crime she committed.

You're a slimy little fucking worm.

You're not fooling anyone you materialistic fucktard.

Why are you shilling for organ harvesters?

Why don't poor Haitian throw-away people get to keep their organs?

roundhouse1776 ago

During the middle of that AMA, while he was being called out by redditors for his stupid shit, he stopped answering. Later he claimed that his laptop battery died. Sure David, we totally believe you.

I haven't done a ton of research into congressional districts, but I'm pretty sure that if he was actually running, he would have been going up against Debbie Wasserman Schultz. A Democrat heavyweight who was already the chair of the DNC at that time. I.E. he had exactly 0% chance of winning without major financial backing and support. It's a moot point though, because Seaman was never actually planning on running, this was another one of his publicity stunts to swindle people out of their money. He has no moral code and shows sociopathic tendencies.

The proper authorities need to investigate this scam artist, or at least expose him. Will he call out Sheilaaliens like he did with Lift the Veil and others? I'm guessing not, because he knows he will get destroyed in a back and forth because he is a weakling with no proof of any of his claims. He'll make more vague claims on Twitter about how David Brock is out to get him and they're trying to poison him.

Ramona ago

You are the only person I've come across that has investigated this dbag further than I have. I appreciate your fine work, sir. I did see him call out Sheila on twitter, and she made this video anyway. That.Is.Awesome. He is absolutely a sociopath, no question, and there is more than enough evidence of such. What I want to prove is whether he's simply a scam artist, or a full on Limited Hangout. All the signs of the latter are there; just need proof.

Sheilaaliens ago

LOL He called me a troll just because I posted

turns off notifications for d_seaman

along with a screenshot of his latest tirade of manic, un-thought-thru tweets. He was having Twitter diarrhea and it was blowing up my phone, was the only point I was making and he flipped out lol.

Ramona ago

He's a loose cannon, and imho, the worst representative we could have.

DarkMath ago

"You are the only person I've come across".........LOL. You two shills are probably cube mates for Christ sake. Are you two a CTR or Share Blue brand shill?

Do you mind explaining to me why you two dipshits are shilling for human traffickers, drug smugglers, organ harvesters and child rapists?

Why is your checkbook more important than poor black Haitian throw-away children?

Have you no sense of decency?



Ramona ago

I'm glad people are starting to come around on this issue. When I first started investigating him and talking about my findings I was attacked so intensely it actually got scary. I was even accused of pedophilia myself for simpy asking question about his blatant scam artistry.

OfficerMcfucks ago

I'm just more interested in the origins of this whole clusterfuck not just the opinions of one person. David's videos are too short and if you come at it from the right perspective he comes off as an e-begging SJW. Just replace the word pedophile with misogynist. That along with every talking point the guy has is just regurgitated information from sites like voat or 8chan. Plus there is wind of some even more bizzare stuff going on according to someone who was about to launch a website with him. Somethings fucky.

Sheilaaliens ago

I showed facts in the video, not just my opinions.... in the first 30 seconds I show where you can find a LOT about David on reddit - not just opinions but his own interactions with the users is very telling. A treasure-trove of insight into his psyche. Youtuiber Titus Frost gets into it even deeper in his last vid on David S. w/the Soros connection and how D.S. is doing several disservices to Pizzagate moreso than he ever was brining it to light.

roundhouse1776 ago


Me and some others like Ramona and armyseer have been exposing Seaman here on Voat and reddit for a long time. I'm glad to see some Youtubers taking up the torch. If Seaman does come back at you, it might be worth looking through them to get of the research that's already been done on him.

Here are the posts I made about him:



https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1700438 - This one is still a working theory that I haven't had time to research further yet.

Sheilaaliens ago

I got the majority of the info and details/leads from an Anon who has done extensive research on him, but chose to remain nameless :)

Thanks for the additional info!

Ramona ago

Do tell! I heard they backed out of the website, but nothing more. Spill it please! Even if it's just rumors, this forum is for investigating, and Seaman is a person of interest.

redditsuckz ago

VEDA Day 26 - David Seaman Interview


redditsuckz ago

Reddit, I'm a non-politician running for United States Congress to defend Internet freedom, right to trial, reduce police state craziness, and be a voice of relative sanity in D.C. AMAA


David Seaman For Congress dot com LOL





Hey, I'm U.S. Congressional candidate david seaman. anti-cispa, anti-sopa, anti-idocracy ama



David Seaman asking for donations



roundhouse1776 ago

Thanks for the heads up, I don't check pizzagatewhatever that much. I should probably check it more often.