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ESOTERICshade ago

The wicked witch is dead. Praise God.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This is not a good thing, you are wrong. Again. Boring.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is not a good thing, you are wrong. Again. Boring.

@crensch ran off the most interesting posters. Crensch is a boring topic. Not much material to work

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You still don't understand, ES. IDK, maybe it's because I'm an emotional female, but I cannot rejoice at people leaving this community. We've lost so much already. The fact that none of you seem to have any empathy for others who disagree, well it makes me sad. I can't seem to find any reasons to celebrate.

ESOTERICshade ago

but I cannot rejoice at people leaving this community. We've lost so much already.

This is not a loss it is a huge victory for v/pizzagate. crensch is responsible for a lot of that "loss" you speak of. Nothing says "welcome to pizzagate" like an asshole wading into a group of Christian researchers and shouting "fuck off you cum guzzling cunt."

The fact that none of you seem to have any empathy for others who disagree, well it makes me sad.

Its not the disagreement that bothered me. It was the fact that this asshole used this platform as a source of his narcissistic supply and did much damage in the process. He has alienated the best people we ever had.

I can't seem to find any reasons to celebrate.

I can. Fuck his narcissistic destructive ass.

kestrel9 ago

This is not a loss it is a huge victory for v/pizzagate. crensch is responsible for a lot of that "loss" you speak of. Nothing says "welcome to pizzagate" like a narcissistic asshole wading into a group of devout Christian researchers and shouting "fuck off you cum guzzling cunt."

I stopped posting on PG for a long time because of YOU.

Having you here is a loss for PG. You knew I wasn't crensch and sat back and watched as your friend White Ronin stalked me all over voat (claiming I was crensch), stalked even old posts of mine, saying that crensch and I licked srayzie's shit of her dad's dick when she was ten years old after he raped her. You are a complete piece of shit ES. Sweet talking srayzie as if you aren't a complete fucking loser. Acting like you know everything. Fuck you.

@crensch @vindicator

ESOTERICshade ago

You knew I wasn't crensch and sat back and watched as your friend White Ronin stalked me all over voat (claiming I was crensch), stalked even old posts of mine, saying that crensch and I licked srayzie's shit of her dad's dick when she was ten years old after he raped her.

I'm not responsible for WhiteRonin's behavior. He is his own person. How was I supposed to stop him from pestering you? Everybody that was paying attention knew that you were not crensch. What were we supposed to do about it? WhiteRonin was a one man tornado and that is not my fault.

And I did defend you against him once in a BeatlesTrollArmy thread. He was calling you another user (not crensch) and I told him you were not that user. You even thanked me for it.

Sweet talking srayzie

I have some PMs I can show you that will change your mind on that one. Totally.

kestrel9 ago

What are the seeds you said you planted in GA, as you sided with White Ronin and others crusade against GA? Maybe some alts that would lie in wait until people trusted the user names? You brought it up in a context of underhandedly alluding to planning to sabotage GA in some way. Why don't you think the users there should be allowed to operate without subversion such as that? Why do you interfere so much on information is applicable to both PG and GA? Why don't you care to admit that from the influx of GA supporters to voat, PG received a lot of exposure, an increase in subscribers and leads in some topics that would very likely have been missed, or taken much longer to discover? One doesn't need support Q or Trump to concede those things. What consensus was ever offered to PG users to elect you as defacto owner of the board, as arbitror of what people should or shouldn't be discussing on here?

ESOTERICshade ago

You miserstood my intentions. If the Qberts want to swim in the Q PSYOP, waste their time, and spread disinformation, let them have at it. I don't care.

v/pizzagate was sacred ground as far as i'm concerned and I don't want that pollution, confusion, and disinformation mixed with pizzagate. We had enough problems attempting to convince people that pizzagate was real without mixing it with a PSYOP.


"you don't know if Q is a psyop or not."......Yes I do. One of the Qberts most famous one liners is "Q said some disinformation is necessary." By definition that is a PSYOP and it has not place in pizzagate. Zero, none.

kestrel9 ago

I'm referring to topics that cross the desks of both subs. I don't expect PG to be GA 2, or expect people here to support GA or Trump. I don't expect them to drive out Trump supporters or Q supporters either. Your approach throws away the baby with the bathwater in some instances, and within all the discussion of censorship going on now, why doesn't the talk of driving out any mention of info within Qdrops on PG (on PG topics) get the same concern over censorship issues? Since when do you own PG? Who approved you as guard dog? Why did you revert back to that stance after confessing Q was real to srayzie and offered to lead the charge to help out on GA?

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm pretty sure I never told srayzie that Q was real because I never believed that it was real. I did tell her I would help her find some interesting topics to post to V/GA that were not Q related. I used to send her articles and topics to post at V/GA that were not Q related because I wanted to help her diversify the subject matter in her sub. THIS NOTION THAT I HATED SRAYZIE AND TRIED TO DRIVE HER AWAY FROM V/PIZZAGATE IS A DAMN FANTASY THAT @VINDICATOR MADE UP IN HIS OWN MIND.

I was nice to her. I didn't want her gone from pizzagate. We remained friends (or so I thought) long after she got involved with Q. I just didn't want vindicator's vision of v/pizzqanon to happen to pizzagate. What I didn't realize was that she was brainwashed by the Qanon phenom that she actually thought I might be a "government agent" because I didn't believe in Qanon. (eyeroll...facepalm) I think @vindicator was brainwashed enough by Q that he suspected I was a government agent too.

If a Q topic was pizzagate related I usually didn't complain if it showed up in v/pizzagate. The war got started early when vindicator practically tried to make v/pizzagate the new Q headquarters when Q got kicked out of Redditt. I saw the hand writing on the wall that this would be a death blow for pizzagate.

kestrel9 ago

It just occurred to me how I'm noticing that you have a lot to say about how things should be run on PG as a "NOT Q or GA" sub, but not much to contribute to the board's subject matter itself. Your last submission was (a year ago). So much of your commentary is about you saving PG from Q talk, but srayzie created GA over a year and a half ago. There's an entire sticky about you on PG for whatever--the point is that it's all about you for better or worse. I think the shadow you are casting on PG is empty and a distraction. Maybe if you started to contribute you'd eventually fill the gap between your self perceived support of PG and what you actually do here.

ESOTERICshade ago

but not much to contribute to the board's subject matter itself. Your last submission was (a year ago).

Contributing to pizzagate used to be my favorite activity. I stopped being a contributor and started being an activist to preserve and save pizzagate for posterity. Fighting for pizzagate's survival took all the fun out of pizzagate for me bro.

Maybe if you started to contribute you'd eventually fill the gap between your self perceived support of PG and what you actually do here.

Pizzagate would not still be here in it's pure form if I had not turned into an activist to save it's life and that is a FACT. Somebody had to do it. It burned me out on pizzagate for the time being.

I usually don't say anything about all this bullshit anymore unless I am responding to the non stop slander and slurs thrown out by crensch and vindicator. And usually I don't respond to those.

If vindicator had balls he could have just said "yeah, mixing Q and pizzagate in the same sub was not a good idea. My bad...." and we could have all just rolled on with the program. He still has not gotten over it and I don't think he ever will. crensch doesn't matter anymore.

kestrel9 ago

You've given the impression that your opinion holds more weight than others, and because you are so vocal you suck oxygen out of the room imho. That would be one thing if you contributed to the research, but you gave that up. You currently don't know how PG would be without your crusade for purity. Are you still staying here to police people's political opinions and vet Q supporters? Do you still see yourself as the only one that makes "true" PG research possible? Can it exist without you here? (not saying leave, wondering about your opinion of your role here now). In other words, are you acting or intending to continue to act as the gatekeeper of content and contributors now that crensch has left?

ESOTERICshade ago

You currently don't know how PG would be without your crusade for purity.

I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. My "looming presence" over pizzagate is a sticky from crensch. That means in reality crensch is the one looming over pizzagate. That billboard of butt hurt is crensch's.

Are you still staying here to police people's political opinions and vet Q supporters?

That was never my goal. crensch and vindicator are the people that pick out a few targets from the crowd and use those targets to justify their driving need for censorship. Both vindicator and crensch are just itching to get into the "banning for comments" business. crensch is already there.

vindicator didn't succeed in selling the audience with his first sticky that he should be allowed to censor free speech so he made himself another sticky to persuade people that he should be allowed to censor free speech. If I don't like it I have every right to voice my opinion just like you are voicing yours now. See?

Do you still see yourself as the only one that makes "true" PG research possible?

Never saw myself that way. I see myself as a person that had a huge impact in keeping pizzagate from becoming a bastardized hybrid of Q and pizzagate, because its true, and i'm not ashamed of it.

Can it exist without you here?

Sure it can but it would require the mods to stop trying to pollute it with shit like Qanon and stop trying to censor free speech.

wondering about your opinion of your role here now

Observer mainly. And I don't do that as much as I used to.

In other words, are you acting or intending to continue to act as the gatekeeper of content and contributors now that crensch has left?

I was never a gatekeeper of content. I saw something dangerous to pizzagate and I voiced my opinion, regularly.

now that crensch has left?

I don't appreciate @vindicator becoming infected with crensch's zeal for censorship, and his earnest desire to gain control over the comments, and I said so. I might speak about it again. Who knows?

kestrel9 ago

The reason I mentioned your intentions about "acting as gatekeeper of content" is because a couple months ago you had said that you had done so on voat in regards to how people determine information as acceptable or not acceptable (based on the messenger). (

In response to this statement: "Anyone who tries to turn you away from information should be suspect and immediately make you want to find the information they are trying to turn you away from."

One of the things you said was:

We had standards for accurate information and we used to run people like the Q tards out of forums or told them to shut the fuck up and stop spreading disinfo.

Aside from you views of "Qtards" were you acting then, as PG's arbiter of truth (even though you don't do research?) when it came to shared areas of research?. Could your role be accurately described as a 'citizen mod' by a set of rules made up by you?

The OP was trying to make several points, one was conveying the idea that a lot of research has been done as a result of the appearance of the Q.

You also said:

There is no "research" coming from that sub, and its mostly made up fantasy, cognitive bias, and total disinfo, and a parrot of the mainstream news and Washington D.C. disinfo. Worst thing that has happened to the truth community in my 25 years of doing this.

Does this opinion of yours warrant driving researchers off of PG if they do find useful info that is not fantasy, cognitive bias, total disinfo and parroting MSM? Are you the one who decides how to construe info when it comes to connecting dots? Does reading multiple sources of info ever end up revealing surprising bits of info that is important but easily overlooked? (since you don't research let me answer that last one as a yes).

If you are not researching, how can you claim to know when info (not political alliance) is important to exposing the cabal, regardless of who finds it?

ESOTERICshade ago

Actually I do have something good to say about the Q movement believe it or not. Even though I don't consider what they do "research" I have noticed that the collective I.Q. of the Q movement has gone up a few points since "Qanon" stopped posting.

They are starting to think for themselves instead of waiting on "Qanon" (Coleman Rogers/Patriot Soapbox) to throw out three or four meaningless phrases and making up fantasies about what it might mean until they come up with one they want to believe the most.

They are slowly starting to use their own brain. It is encouraging.

ESOTERICshade ago

Look dude, i'm not gonna go back and forth with you all night. I explained my reasoning for not wanting v/pizzagate to become the landing pad for the Q movement when it got kicked off Redditt. I think my reasoning is sound.

You are free to disagree.