If you've followed a link of his, you've likely given him some info you didn't want him having. He admits this. He admits fully to storing users' IPs, and given his claims when doxxing researchers, he keeps that info and uses it to find out who you are.
He is extremely dangerous, and has recently, despite his flair, caused two researchers to back off of doing good work here for fear of their real lives being ruined or them and their family being hurt. TheWebofSlime once doxxed a researcher to a known drug addict, pedophile, and violent criminal (yes, he was jailed for his violence).
Continue associating with this pedophile-protecting user at your own risk.
argosciv ago
Fucking kek.
Now he's dribbling shit and pushing all the typical ES + TTT talking points.
MadWorld ago
Relevant submission: https://voat.co/v/ProtectGoats/3319514
This user has also indirectly admitted to using stolen credentials to send out emails.
He also thinks that your passwords are public info.
He also claimed to hold a lot of dox on Voat users:
In addition to all that, he has claimed to database everything and query on anyone, using terabytes of info he has collected.
If you add these examples together, the intent is clear.
heygeorge ago
Mad. I dug what you’re throwing out, but don’t you think some of this is a touch flimsy/hyperbole? I guess he’s a bit of an odd one, but is it not disingenuous to willfully misinterpret what he means about passwords being ‘basically
public information’?
MadWorld ago
How are passwords public info? Even if a site's database was leaked/hacked and dumped, it still does not make that info public. Sure, you can find or buy it in dark places, it is still a stolen credential, not public info for everyone to freely access.
I was informed last month or so, that TWOS was credited for hacking certain websites:
And he does not see any issue with using stolen credentials to his benefit. If I remember correctly, there were moments where he encouraged other users to verify that those accounts were indeed authentic.
There was another coincidence where a Voat user's IP, that was doxxed to him, showed up during recent ddos attack. I am hoping to find out if there is any common denominator to those IPs exposed to him.
heygeorge ago
Where is this information from?
Edit: Not specifically just those two, but all of that info
theoldones ago
according to ivan:
MadWorld ago
You should try to use archives, just to preserve information.
Mods for pizzagate and Q subs should make a sticky post on their subs explaining to all the technologically-ignorant boomers that visit their subs the importance of having good opsec, and use this as an example.
theoldones ago
TWOS admitting to doxxing srayzie via facial recog services and posting her unredacted court docs:
here's TWOS on poal
A. lying about whether or not he posted his website link
B. using an alt to act shady, and try to spam me off that website (ruining said alt with a site-wide label in the process)
argosciv ago
^ Another burner account which needs to be banned.
MadWorld ago
Doxxing is bad on both sides, and both sides have reported the doxxing material appropriately. In that sense, it sort of balanced itself out. But this one is interesting, because it presents the ambiguity in banning over a similar content of comments. Since the comment was already removed, supposed we can consider it resolved at this point.
argosciv ago
Not really, given that TWOS has continued to slander srayzie in allegiance with the worst of the worst and continues to hand wave (relying on reader ignorance/laziness) in an attempt to downplay his actions and reinsert himself into a community (pizzagaters)(see linked comment and bottom of main post) which he has demonstrated a willingness to dox the members of, under the guise of a manufactured crisis, using his website as a honeypot and any other conceivable tool at his disposal including emails and other data obtained and disseminated by malicious hackers.
To an extent, you're right to mention that doxing was not okay regardless of sides and that some acted appropriately and others not. TWOS's involvement and malevolence, however, goes beyond just the scope of the situation directly involving srayzie and he has thusfar escaped any repercussions.
As an aside, take a look at the voting in this submission's comments and the shitbergs who are throwing their smarmy comments in and tell me it looks organic... /s
@Crensch @Vindicator
MadWorld ago
I would ban him, if it were up to me. But Putt is the one who has the final decision...
I also do not believe that TWOS will go away anytime soon. He would just reappear under different accounts. I would expect him to have many accounts, since he compartmentalizes to different subjects.
argosciv ago
Yurp. At this stage I don't want to be hounding Putt over it anymore anyway.
No doubt he's already using one or more alts in subverses he's banned from.
theoldones ago
every comment with evidence is being shilled down hard
Rotteuxx ago
Not evidence, just comments being stretched to fit a narrative.
Just like y'all are trying to reinvent what a doxx actually is so you can use it as a weapon against Voat users you don't like.
theoldones ago
using the truth is not a lying narrative.
Rotteuxx ago
Then link to a doxx of his as proof you're not lying
SandHog ago
Linking to dox is same as doxing, imo. Plus it was removed. Fourth comment removal down is where the comment that contained the dox was removed. In fact katharzo got banned for reposting the info that webofslime posted. Weird that she got banned and he didn't isn't it?
He admits he did it here and says there is nothing wrong with what he did while at the same time saying:
That's a hypocritical way of looking at things don't you think? To my knowledge he was the first person to link her full legal name along with some old court records to her Voat account. If that isn't doxing then nothing is.
Rotteuxx ago
Opinions don't matter though, only Voat's definition of doxxing does.
I found out her grandfather is a Spanish jew because one of her online profile pics linked to a mylife.com page through a reverse image search.
That's publicly available info isn't it ?
He could have gotten the court records from there because it says she has an extensive legal history (that might involve being on the sex offender registry btw).
So one of her pics leads to a profile page and that leads to public records irl. Where do we draw the line keeping in mind Voat's definition of doxxing, which she has partaken in before that, let's not forget to mention that.
You'll probably bring up zyklon_b's doxx of GG and I'll point out it was a troll doxx because it was an old address and no names given.
Stayzie did doxx her for real though but no one got outraged at that event, just to point out the double standards at play when the user in question is a member of the PG/GA community, which is why none of this can be taken seriously. PG/GA mods are acting like gatekeepers and attacking anyone who doesn't fall in line
SandHog ago
No idea if that's true or not but if you post that information and link it with someone's Voat identity then that is doxing per Voat's Dox rule: Content contains personal information that relates to a Voat users real world or online identity
That's a discussion that absolutely needs to happen. IMO, nobody should be linking any amount of a Goat's personal info on here that can be used to trace someone's identity. It's like loading a gun and leaving it on a park bench for anyone to pick up and use. Everyone that posted that stuff or linked to it on both sides was wrong for doing so.
Any personal info. That was a dick move by him because it's a breadcrumb that easily led to her identity. GG posted a name later on that was presumably zyklon's. That's the problem with this doxing shit. All it does is lead to more doxing. And it can have negative real-life consequences for any user that posts here. Just the fact that someone posts here can be used as ammo for commie-fags to get people fired, black-balled and all sorts of other nefarious stuff.
She was also banned along with a number of other people who were doing it and some that weren't. The no Dox rule needs to be applied equally across the board.
You seem to have an uniformed view on what actually happened. This is what I saw firsthand. Several months back webofslime made a post on v/pizzagate that did not align with the posting rules so it was flagged since he didn't link to any actual sources for the information that was provided. He got upset because he thought he was being censored and proceeded to run around saying shit like 'PG mods are compromised ' on reddit and other places. Then he threatened to dox @Vindicator and accused him of 'trying to hack' his website. A couple months later zyklon stirred up a bunch of old drama for his own amusement. Webofslime took advantage of that drama to dox srayzie. So that's two mods of pizzagate that have been threatened with dox and one that actually was doxed.
All that aside, this isn't even an issue about Pizzagate or GA, though. It affects ALL of Voat. Doesn't matter if you like who it happened to or not or even why it happened. If that sort of shit is allowed to continue, Voat is toast. Maybe you are in position in life where being doxed is of no consequence. I'd wager that most people who post here are not. There isn't any undoing the stuff that already happened all we can do now is learn from it and not allow it to happen again.
theoldones ago
there are several in this thread. can you not read?
Rotteuxx ago
There are zero doxxs in this thread.
Correct me by linking to them.
theoldones ago
he fucking admits to it multiple times.
you say no doxxing happened but TWOSs own words are right here saying otherwise.
Rotteuxx ago
So no actual doxxs.
Where does he admit to linking personal IRL information to user accounts and making it publicly available ?
theoldones ago
if i link you that, you'll just flag me for doxxing. do you think im an idiot? TWOS admits to it. there's evidence of it in these comments.
go the fuck back to making keychains.
Rotteuxx ago
So you have fuck all to offer but empty claims against @thewebofslime.
No factual evidence, just circumstantial mumble jumble followed by telling me to fuck off because I'm not buying it... and then you edit comments after I've replied to them.
Why am I not surprised that a user who has stood up to the jewess slut and her zionist cucked lacky is getting attacked by the gatekeepers of pizzagate ?
So you are aware of doxx info available on here but aren't reporting it for deletion or are you just imagining it and trying to sell it as a truth ?
Link to said evidence which is irrefutable since you claimed in your very first reply it was the truth.
theoldones ago
nigger, read what i said. you're repeating yourself, and i have better things to do then do the same.
Rotteuxx ago
Shill harder, you suck at this character attack bullshit.
Of course I'll repeat myself when you avoid answering a straightforward question in a straightforward fashion, that's how shills reveal themselves. Push a narrative without anything solid to back it up and then attack people who call it out.
gabara ago
Damn it why do my friends have to fight each other!
Rotteuxx ago
I ain't fighting, I'm just asking questions and getting told to fuck off because he doesn't like it.
AbrahamGoldowitz ago
He was part of the SBBH intelligence unit.
turtlesarepureevil ago
Pick one
AbrahamGoldowitz ago
Both. We all have advanced degrees. I have a Ph.D in Advanced Website Subversion.
Crensch ago
Other absurdities on this user:
Claims Q is British Intel, and is hacking him. Also accuses PG mod of something and refuses to back up his claim (meaning he is a LIAR). https://archive.fo/CtL4a
Claims to have found @freshmeat on a cannibal fetish site https://archive.fo/gfoh9
So, TWoS thinks @freshmeat is a CANNIBAL, but:
Submits a hit piece on @Vindicator to freshmeat’s subverse https://archive.fo/QKxGq
Pretty sure this was a Freudian slip https://archive.fo/72XhU#selection-5247.0-5247.65
THSenior ago
So he’s a retarded nigger? Block him, why so much attention needed?
freshmeat ago
got you panicked, and deservedly so. Just wait you pedo faggot
Crensch ago
Nobody is concerned about what you're going to do, faggot. You're a beta, and you have no leverage whatsoever.
freshmeat ago
remind yourself of that in a week
Crensch ago
You won't even be on my radar in a week.
Mittermeyer ago
Pretty sure you said that a month ago.
Crensch ago
Prove it.
Mittermeyer ago
You two have been having some gay back and forth for months now. You used to do decent posts before the Q shit, namefaggotry, and ego got involved. Now it's all just some drama with the same random fucks again and again.
Crensch ago
So, you can't prove it?
Mittermeyer ago
You are proving it with your actions as we speak doublenigger
Crensch ago
freshmeat ago
you wont be on anyone's radar in a week except for the NSA lol
Crensch ago
You're a yap-dog. The worst thing about you is knowing you have nothing of any substance to try to communicate, despite all the noise you make.
freshmeat ago
i know when to hold em and fold em
Crensch ago
Thanks for confirming my above analogy, since you've done nothing but fold since you made this username.
Vindicator ago
Here's where he admitted to attempting to dox me: https://archive.fo/pGkBY
NotHereForPizza ago
Dude, it's not even that hard. You're a retarded normie and you like your name here to names you use in other places.
You're making it easy on people. That's just as much your fault as it is his.
I could find out your real name in a minute or two. Hell, I used to know it.
You guys need to quit being so fucking irresponsible and stay in your God damn lane.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
What's your technique? Google search pulls up nothing in the first couple pages - Do you go to other sites and manually check the name?
NotHereForPizza ago
No. Figure things out for yourself.
SandHog ago
Well...this might feel a little awkward but have an upgoat. Facts and truth should be all that's needed to win points in an honest argument. On this we agree. I dunno what you are talking about when it comes to lanes. Perhaps you could inform me what 'lane' it is you are in. And what 'lane' you think I am in. That would probably add some clarity for both of us.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Don't care enough.