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thewebofslime ago

They already put a 24 hour warning for deletion due to lack of "clarity" despite being the longest, most well sourced post in the sub's history.

Vindicator ago

Yes, WoS, you can't just dump massive piles of links and pics of links into a submission and claim it's a great post. We've been spammed with similar long, link-riddled posts from the earliest days of the sub compliments of David Brock, designed to lead researchers down dead end rabbit holes. You need to put together a coherent piece that ties all of it's links together, explaining what each one is and how it connects. That's what the v/pizzagate ruleset is about. There are a million other subverses on Voat you can dump your hoard of data into.

thewebofslime ago

I don't claim it is great.

I claim it is the longest and most complete ever posted in the subverse. I would be curious if you had a better example. It still doesn't include everything. Silsby... etc.

I posted it because I was asked to, even though I knew it was going to be a headache.

As far as a "great post" I absolutely didn't want to include triplicate ways to view the same material. For that reason, it is a bit of a headache, but the rules are what make it appear hectic, because I have to explain every single link not just the three times they are all already explained, but again inside the post.

It is an architectural problem.

So, if I wanted to put something nice together, what would you recommend?

Vindicator ago

So, if I wanted to put something nice together, what would you recommend?

Respect the limitations of the medium. Make focused, individual submissions, and crosslink them where relevant to other focused, individual submissions. How is it that everyone else who posts seems willing and able to do this, except you?

thewebofslime ago

I edited the post three times. I'm trying.

Here's the thing, in the timing surrounding your shitty response, my website was attacked.

What do you really think I am after? I am after determining if /v/Pizzagate is operating as a limited hangout. The format is designed intentionally to operate as such and you may just be a pawn, but your recent interactions have raised some serious concerns. Because you raise the possibility you are a shill covering for a criminal conspiracy, I have archived everything I could on you on the Internet and I will be comparing it to my logs.

So, you accused me of being a shill, but I have a little mini RICO database of shills that I will "thot audit." I have a couple of lawyers going over what I've got and a computer science professor from the UC system to provide expert insight.

Am I going to find an IP in my logs that connects your Twitter geolocation tags?

Maybe. Maybe not. You are but one.

Do you understand where I am really coming from?

I've been providing /v/Pizzagate with honesty traps for two years and they always fail.

You made up a completely false interpretation of the spam rules to target my content. That doesn't sit well with me.

Seriously. Do I need to thot audit you? If you don't provide me with some kind of explanation of your behavior, you go straight to the top of the list past the /r/politics mods. I'm not kidding around.

MolochHunter ago

do you really think that any limitations of this platform and medium were authored by the same people who came here years later to start the pizzagate sub in the wake of Podesta's wikileaks ?

i mean, ive got a pretty high tinfoil hat threshold, but that breaches it

thewebofslime ago

I am not following your question. Rephrase, maybe?

I posted a thread that I expected to have a high level of contention surrounding it. However, I made a previous post with almost the same exact information, that was marked "share this". Literally cut and [pasted from the same article with less sources.

So, I set an honesty trap and I even messaged Vindicator that I would be on my best behavior. That is why his vitriol surprised me. I have zero problem if he wants to share a screenshot of that message. I generally prefer to keep everything out in the open.

My thesis, which I required the help of two non-pizzagaters to uncover (they do not believe in it, at all), is that a person used a CACI company device to visit the pizzagate thread, then came to the site and started low level attacks from their own device, before moving onto a series of more sophisticated atrtacks.

This company is under the umbrella of George Tenet and contracts with the Defense Intelligence Agency. This means a literal spy, using company infrastructure (probably due to laziness) to visit Voat, then visited my site, then started the attacks.

This happened within minutes of a contentious exchange where I remained polite.

The difference between the post marked "Share This" and the one now marked "Possible Disinformation" despite me fixing it according to Vindicator's instructions, is the exposure of Robert Mueller as a black hat.

Does that make sense?

MolochHunter ago

a person used a CACI company device to visit the pizzagate thread, then came to the site and started low level attacks from their own device, before moving onto a series of more sophisticated atrtacks.

thats an allegtion of a user that is a shill or deep state operative

thats a separate allegation to 'voat is compromised' Compromised infers the moderators or even site coders are deep state or working with/for them

where is your evidence proving any connection between your shill activity and the moderators / coders of voat ?

if you dont have anything really solid, then you deserve all the heat you get from Moderators whose integrity you have challenged

thewebofslime ago

I am confident that what I have is solid.

MolochHunter ago

thats an answer that condemns you

put the fuck up or shut the fuck up - dont tell me you dont already know that

@Vindicator i reckon you should just put a shill sticky on this user

he's making allegations against moderators being compromised but ducks and weaves when asked to substantiate them

thewebofslime ago

It takes time to formulate a response when I have hundreds of inbox messages across a variety of places.

Again, I started out polite, told everyone I was setting an honesty trap, then it sprung and I found something more than what I was looking for.

I have no problem laying out the evidence and I have slowly been doing it. But, I need help and I am getting it.

Thus far, what I have is pretty definitive.

I'm happy to explain it, but I see that a lot of people are very emotional.

But you have to realize that is nothing new for me.

Either way, I will present what I have because it is of greater significance than what I was looking for.

It will certainly anger a lot of people. This, I know. But, I'm not running a popularity contest.

MolochHunter ago

when I have hundreds of inbox messages across a variety of places.

kinda sounds like you run an awful lot off accounts under different personas

thewebofslime ago

Yes. I measure artificial impressions as a way to monitor shills and make investments.

Politics and corruption is just a hobby. I monitor many, many subjects where I compartmentalize. Music. Stock market. Uranium. Gold. etc.

WoS is also comprised of many accounts:









Are you making an accusation? Because that is exactly what you are trying to criticize me of doing, right?

I've explained my set up many times. I've been 100% consistent across my three years posting as Web of Slime and all of this criticism is being generated and everyone keeps steering the conversation away from the best way to present the evidence.

MolochHunter ago

go earn your money elsewhere, asshole

this sub is for pizzagate research, or hadnt you noticed

the moderators spend thankless hours trying to keep this board user friendly to genuine people - which, by the above stated motivation - you arent

your not committed to pizzagate research or awareness. You stated yourself your vested interest is a derivative function of our purpose- ergo you are a corrupt influence

thewebofslime ago

Seriously... what are your numbers?

Let's compare.

MolochHunter ago

once again - you prove that you are not here for the right purpose

this isnt a pissing contest


thewebofslime ago

You just accused me of not bringing awareness.

It's weird that you don't want to compare numbers.

It;s not about vanity. You brought it up. I have never broached the subject.

So, who would be the vain one?

But seriously... I'd like to know how people generate interest and I would be interested in comparing numbers with you.

MolochHunter ago

i didnt accuse you of not raising awareness

I observed that going by your own statements of your activities, raising awareness is a secondary and compromised function of your vanity and vested interest

when is it going to start being about the children, and not your ego and hip pocket?

thewebofslime ago

This should suffice to answer your question.

Vindicator made me remove the part in my last post that talked specifically about saving the children where I even posted a meme from the Big Lebowski, "Here life is in your hands." Vindicator told me to delete it.

MolochHunter ago

i dont see a single comment by Vindicator in that link stating or requesting anything ?

thewebofslime ago

He requested that the "Veteran's Today" article be removed in order to have the "disinformation" flair removed.

I complied. He failed to hold his end up.

thewebofslime ago

I RARELY post to /v/Pizzagate. I was ASKED to post the last post. Otherwise, I don't bother.

I find your response curious. Don't you guys think you should have a spreadsheet of evidence in the side bar? A list of confirmed high level DEmocrat pedophiles? I'm not sure what you are doing to raise awareness, but I imagine my Pizzagate output far surpasses yours, in numbers of impressions. My twitter, alone, has like 150k impressions per month. My post on /v/PIzzagate? Like 200.

So, you accuse me of not wanting to raise awareness, but... honest question... do you know what your numbers are?

MolochHunter ago

the issue is not raising awareness

the issue is you pissing on the backs of the moderators here insinuating they are compromised

then you dont stump up the evidence when asked

you kick a hornets nest then bitch about getting stung ? you must have been educated by cultural marxists

thewebofslime ago

the issue is you pissing on the backs of the moderators here insinuating they are compromised

Someone is compromised.

I'm not bitching about getting stung.

I explained, from the beginning, that I was setting an honesty trap, and they still fell for and still got caught lying and my site still got attacked.

I'm actually perfectly calm about the whole thing and using the opportunity to learn about my attackers.

[email protected] goatblower

[email protected] trolling

[email protected] babydoll

[email protected] babydoux

[email protected] thematrix

[email protected] scorpio

[email protected] 69tuchita6985

[email protected] rudem00d

[email protected] picojode

[email protected] Empire

[email protected] Peachfield1

[email protected] PhantomF4J

[email protected] unicorns

[email protected] iamking357

[email protected] 4076911_NyJy

[email protected] dad1234

[email protected] dogsoldiers

[email protected] Tugb0at1

[email protected] gobble!

[email protected] biscuit

[email protected] stargate

[email protected] wunderkind

[email protected] lemon73

[email protected] hogdog

[email protected] stegosaur

[email protected] catdog

[email protected] MPMtopologyMPM

[email protected] bishop

[email protected] Jellybaby1

[email protected] agentorange

[email protected] gothic1

[email protected] electrolube

[email protected] tigercub

[email protected] lollipop01

[email protected] Maxdomcarmen1

[email protected] montanaismyname

[email protected] 7955265186z

MolochHunter ago

what the fuck do i want with that list?

this is what i think is happening

you spin webs of you own making

then YOU get tangled up in them

then others say 'WTF are you doing' ?

and you take that as evidence that THEY, and not you, spout web strands out your anus

seek a second opinion on your meds is my advice

thewebofslime ago

Out of curiosity... what benefit do you get from constantly being insulting?

I've shut down a few of your arguments already and you're just looking for a reason to hate, rather than to understand.

Won't your life be better FOR YOU, if you weren't so crotchety?

I get it.. I delve in sometimes... but just to determine intent. Otherwise, you're kinda wasting your time.

Especially... if you are interested in helping get the truth out.

thewebofslime ago

Which fact are you suggesting I made up? I see that you're emotional. The list is a group of shills out of a DIA contractor. I just thought the first password might suggest, to you, that THAT particular shill was aimed at Voat... "goatblower"

You can learn about people by their passwords. You can learn about organizational structures by their emails.

If you sort /v/thewebofslime by new... you can see where a lot of this is coming from. I understand that it is hard without context to not be able to see from where I am coming from.