hardrock ago

Millenial_Falcon seems to have acquired (either by mistake or by bad intentions) some "fixed idea" about what is or isn't legitimate pizzagate investigation, and is using that fixed idea to arbitrarily delete stuff that doesn't measure up. Unfortunately, Millenial_Falcon is not SHARING the actual nature of that "idée fixe" with others, making it impossible for others to respond to or argue with it. It's like an invisible rule. It's also a nasty little power trip and quite destructive of the entire VOAT platform, not mention how it's wrecking the pizzagate investigation by chopping off whole lines of inquiry, without recourse to discussion.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Millenial_Falcon seems to have acquired (either by mistake or by bad intentions) some "fixed idea" about what is or isn't legitimate pizzagate investigation


@Millenial_Falcon is operating within the guideline set by the rules and the past years interaction with the wider community about what pizzagate is and is not.

It's also a nasty little power trip and quite destructive of the entire VOAT platform, not mention how it's wrecking the pizzagate investigation by chopping off whole lines of inquiry, without recourse to discussion.


without recourse to discussion.

/v/pizzagatewhaever for all your recourse needs.

nasty little power trip and quite destructive of the entire VOAT

Projecting your own needs onto the entirety of voat and assuming we all agree with you is a nasty little power trip called narcissistic projection.

Unfortunately, Millenial_Falcon is not SHARING the actual nature of that "idée fixe" with others,


Millenial_Falcon is acting according to the will of the wider community that has made it's will know from the beginning. And has faced repeated character attacks designed to unseat and disrupt the mod team by opening the door to take over attempts.

ALL of this is just energy wasting churn intended to reduce the resources applied to the investigation and the recording of the evidence uncovered by the investigation.

hardrock ago

Couldn't help but notice how quickly you (@VictorSteinerDavion) descended to ad hominem jibes like "narcissistic projection". What kind of psycho-babble is that, anyway? Your reply is fallacious for so many reasons 1) Since you are not Millenial_Falcon, you cannot know what is (or is not) in that person's mind, and therefore have no standing to speak as though you did. 2) There is no such thing as (in your words) the so-called "...will of the wider community..." , at least not in any form knowable to mere mortals. 3) If you believe that there IS some para-normally received wisdom, and you are privy to it , then maybe it's YOU with the idée fixe. Such pretentious arrogance is usually the refuge of ignorance. 4) Perhaps Millenial_Falcon has experienced character attacks, of that I don't know much (and care even less), but to assign them to me is so illogical that it borders on outright delusion. To imply that I have some intention to unseat Millenial_Falcon is just paranoiac. Makes you sound like Groucho Marx in "Duck Soup" . Please please please THINK before you write!

Understand this : if you will not play openly ( and only) by the rules that you yourselves have written, but insist on hidden and unexpressed "rules" ( such as the esoteric nonsense as the "...will of the wider community ") then I'm outta here. It's your sand-box. The world is wide, I am old, and there are better things to do than argue with well intentioned (but immature and poorly educated) gatekeepers.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Understand this:

IGDAF what you think, you're only here to create and perpetuate drama

but immature and poorly educated

descended to ad hominem jibes

pot meet kettle

hardrock ago

Well, now, that's a *little * better. An actual human response is something I can work with. Let's get down to business. Millenial_Falcon has introduced arbitrary standards for admissibility of suggestions, and fails to unambiguously describe what they are in the 5 basic rules for submissions. Turns this platform into a guessing game, dunnit? Also wastes my time. And you know how us narcissists feel about having our time wasted. So what hidden standard did I violate that got my perfectly legitimate submission deleted? Was it reference to adrenochrome? To MK Ultra psychiatric drug experiments? Or perhaps the historical time frame (1941 to 1964 forward)? Or did I tip over some other sacred cow which Millenial_Falcon (or yourself) deems to be unworthy? Like I said, it's YOUR sand box. Make up whatever rules you like. Just state those rules (ALL of them, please) clearly and specifically enough that others can understand and comply. My objection is that Millenial_Falcon (and perhaps others) has quite obviously introduced UNSPOKEN rules or secret taboos, and I have neither time nor interest to waste on playing "Twenty Questions" to find out what they are. I respectfully suggest that you carefully consider what I've said here before replying to me, because if your answer is anything other than responsive and professional then I am simply gone, and VOAT will be the lesser for it.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

An actual human response is something I can work with.

My previous response was a human response. To claim otherwise is to create forced contention where there is none.
This further supports my statement that you are only here to stir drama and waste time.

Millenial_Falcon has introduced arbitrary standards for admissibility of suggestions

Provide evidence to support the assertion, my earlier comment refutes this rather clearly.

So what hidden standard did I violate that got my perfectly legitimate submission deleted? Was it reference to adrenochrome? To MK Ultra psychiatric drug experiments? Or perhaps the historical time frame (1941 to 1964 forward)?

The bandwagon shill.
The overtly stated rule you violated is called Rule 1.

it's YOUR sand box

This is much more a reflection of how you think forums should be run than the reality of how this forum is run.
All moderators are servants to the community, not owners asserting their will.

It is no more my sandbox than yours and the rules that are in effect are those advocated for by the community.

I respectfully suggest

This statement is exclusively used when there is no respect.

you carefully consider

You imply I previously carefully considered nothing and presume to lecture me on how to conduct my thoughts.

because if your answer is anything other than responsive and professional then I am simply gone, and VOAT will be the lesser for it.

Go. Fuck off.
Nobody needs your narcissistic rage quit anywhere, let alone an internet forum.
Voat existed before you and will exist after you. And it will exist after pizzagate (if it ever ends).
Your last statement is a very weak attempt at threatening the removal of your prescience, which seems to forget that your absence is my preferred state.

hardrock ago

What a completely astounding rant. Makes not one whit of logical sense from start to finish. Quite a feat. But, no matter. Since I can neither help nor hinder your self destructive descent into mental illness I'm just gonna leave you to get on with it.

Kekistani ago

That mod has got to go

Kekistani ago

@crensch Should srayzie be doxxing people? Is that against voat rules?

PoeticJunction ago

I can see your point, guesswork isn't really good enough when it comes to banning a researcher.

Vindicator ago

@Crensch @kevdude @VictorSteinerDavion: Not sure what the deal is with this user, but there a number of problems with this post. They have not provided links to the posts they refer to, they claim MF is targeting them but show a screenshot of a message that looks like it comes from Reddit, not Voat, they keep trying to discredit legit user @srayzie, and show a pattern of disregard for v/pizzagate submission rules, particularly having linked support for every claim.

The drama-stirring claims of being victimized are remniscent of other well-known Voat trolls.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

It's obvious it's a timewaster attempting to fatigue the verse with drama.

The rules are there, many many other members of the community are able to understand and work within them.
Making an exception for one moron is the inevitable floodgate to forumslide.

Zero tolerance, maximum enforcement are now the new standing orders.

srayzie ago

“Sarah” has a sub verse under one of her many profiles.

PoeticJunction ago

I would appreciate it if you would stop using my name in vain.

It's Hebrew and you are a heathen.

Shizy ago

OMG you're weird!

srayzie ago

You want another song?

PoeticJunction ago

No I want you to reveal yourself as Mossad.

Shizy ago


Shizy ago

Why are you using a different screen name now OP? That seems strange doesn't t? And you said @srayzie sent you a video of felatio but now you're saying it was a song about felatio? You've been here what 2 days of that and you have already been caught in multiple lies.

srayzie ago

A parody! I linked it.

RevolutionaryOcelot ago

"Shizy" and "Srayzie" are both the same man, someone called Dankeyhote

srayzie ago

Go tell Flynn

srayzie ago

@Crensch @Millennial_Falcon @Kevdude...

@Vindicator gave me permission to share this...

I’m calling this person Sarah because it’s the first name he/she gave me. I put this together last week and gave it to @Vindicator.

“Sarah” has been blowing up 8chan with her shilling. Now, get this one! She made a tweet this morning. I just happened to come upon it because of the hashtags she used. Follow this little trail!

Sarah’s Tweet directs you to Reddit which directs you to Voat which leads you to 4chan which leads you to more of her weird youtube videos and listen to the sounds this one makes. The same weird sounds as the other ones. In the “about section”, you see her discord link Temple of Time and the picture looks like one of her drawings and has an owl on it.

What’s wrong with this person? Why does someone do this? Yesterday I found different 8chan threads she bombed. On this one she goes by Lucifer. 🙄 On this one she goes by Ataraxia.

This isn’t just someone trying to attack pizzagate. She does this on different platforms, different subs and her latest obsession is Stephen Paddock instead of Tavistrock. She also used all those numbers like I’ve seen her do here as well. Tons of ones and zeroes.

Here is a screenshot of the trail I was lead on today.

I give up. If you go thru these, they link to other profiles of hers. It’s never ending!

So here are more profiles to add to this psycho’s list. I can tell the first YouTube channel is hers because it’s like her others that I have. They are weird and have very few views or subscribers. The 2nd video I’m not sure if it’s her channel or not. But, the weird sounds I wanted you to hear.

So now we can add the profiles I found today to this freaks list...

GrapesOfWrath on Voat.

SarahNarwhalAlien on Reddit.

BohemianCustard on Twitter.

Sammy Souseki on youtube.

Reiko - Temple of Time on Discord.

Just to keep everything together, I’ll post other accounts I have of hers too...

Here is the long shill list someone posted on voat that is full of her profiles. Not all, but most.

# YouTube Channels...

Mademoiselle Marquee
Cat On The Howling Moon Records
Sammy Souseki


King_Shadily - Now deleted


Cat on the Howling Moon
Mademoiselle Marquee


A list of Voat Profiles




Cat On The Howling Moon Records


Cat On The Howling Moon Look at the evil things on it!


Cat On The Howling Moon

Band camp...

Cat On The Howling Moon Records
Mademoiselle Marquee


Mademoiselle Marquee


Reiko - Temple of Time

Weird links she shares...

YouTube video called Something Demonic

A book or article published on Issuu that looks totally demonic.
Sean Laffan - Psychoactiv - Número 33

This is part of the issue number 33 of Magazine. - The 13th Magazine.

Here is a small list of some of the YouTube videos he/she has shared. Listen to the weird sounds. He/she believes they can use mind control on you using images and sounds like these.


“Sarah” is very much into demonic things and the Illuminati. He/she has personally threatened me and my family. I’ve blocked several of his/her Twitter profiles because she kept sending me private messages.

Don’t forget to look at this list. Note: Jem always showed up in her comments in the past.

Be very careful of this person.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Everything you've shown here fits my profile of a long term disruptor of the v/pizzagate subverse.

Publicly available information (especially information published by the person in question) is not doxxing even by voat standards.

I've yet to determine if this user is a standard nutjob or if it's a paid agitator - but either way nothing I've seen you do here is to be considered against the community.

srayzie ago

Good thank you.

PoeticJunction ago

Those aren't even my pages lol

srayzie ago

Sure ok 🙄

srayzie ago

Look at the weird video this freak pinged me in @shizy

Shizy ago

What a fucking fruitcake! What type of sick freak watches that crap?

RevolutionaryOcelot ago

It's not a video lmao

Shizy ago

Who cares!

Kekistani ago

It's the speech from Easy Rider form the campfire.

srayzie ago

Luciferian. The real question is... does the bitch glow in the dark? 🤔

srayzie ago

“Sarah”, here is my gift to you since you liked the song so much last time.

PoeticJunction ago

Don't email me again. I have no intention of responding.

DreidelDance ago

Creepy that they are emailing you.

Srayzie seems like a rabid moth, whacking off a street light.

srayzie ago

I don’t even know your email loser. Don’t make me block anymore of your twitter accounts because you’re so obsessed with me. I saved your threats.

PoeticJunction ago

I suggest you post them here, otherwise you will look like a liar.

srayzie ago

Ok well I do have permission from Vindicator. Be right back.

srayzie ago

Thanks “Sarah”. I already gave a huge list of your profiles and demonic YouTube videos to Vindicator who is passing them onto @Kevdude @Crensch @Millennial_Falcon.

I explained how you’ve stalked me here and on Twitter and made threats against my family. Now you are all butt hurt and going to cause more drama.

You kept sending me Illuminati and demonic videos and “artwork”that looks like the kind at Comet Ping Pong. I told you to stop. I gave you a link to a YouTube parody video. Instead of Jingle Bell Rock, it was Jingle My Cock. 😂 Sorry you couldn’t handle it. I can find more! 😮 It made you stop sending me your videos so I guess it worked.

I also informed @Vindicator that you get mad and post lies about people saying they are with Stratfor, are different profiles, etc... You’re lucky that I didn’t post your shit publicly. I was even given the ok to do so. Get a life and stop playing games.

I took screenshots of the journey you sent people on last week. I saw your post on Twitter which lead to Reddit, then to voat, then to 4chan which lead to youtube, which was a continuous mindfuck cycle. It shows how warped you are. Find a hobby and stop pretending to be a woman you freak.

Thanks for the ping bitch.

PoeticJunction ago

The difference between you and I is that I am not a coward, feel free to post whatever you like about me. I couldn't give a flying fuck.

Why don't you post my birth certificate while you are at it, which proves I am a woman. You spineless excuse for a man.

Shizy ago

but do you identify as a woman? I thought we weren't going off what birth certificates say anymore?

RevolutionaryOcelot ago

I'm identifying as a private citizen and ocelot. Which a member of this forum is attempting to defy...

Shizy ago

Good for you

srayzie ago

How about you go gag on a big dick

PoeticJunction ago

Why are you so orally fixated? Part of your arrested development? Is that a requirement for Mossad?

srayzie ago

I like giving you what you deserve

PoeticJunction ago

As I said before, don't bother emailing me again.

srayzie ago

As I said before... I don’t even have your email. Stop being fake. Don’t ever contact me again. For like the 100th time.

PoeticJunction ago

I have no intention of contacting you. Please stop stalking me online, as indicated by the masses of surveillance you have presented on me, to the detriment of your mental health.

srayzie ago

Then stop posting stupid crap here and trying to trick people.

PoeticJunction ago

I told you before, I don't want anything to do with you.

PoeticJunction ago


@Crensch: Then present your case in /v/pizzagatemods, ping kevdude, me, @VSD, @vindicator, and @heygeorge.

v/pizzagate (Vindicator) > PoeticJunction | Sent: 13 hours ago on 1/17/2018 1:50:14 AM Submission /v/pizzagate/2343305 deleted Your submission /v/pizzagate/2343305 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 1/17/2018 1:50:14 AM

Reason given: @PoeticJunction: Rules 1 and 3

Original Submission Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester In this clip, Spielberg's MK Ultra brainwashed twin kids point to their penis, then to their mouth as they watch MK Ultra brainwashed Michael J. Fox and Elizabeth Shue. Mirror this and share on your own channel. This is going right back up on other accounts as soon as Spielberg takes it down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqmX2zQf4PMYouTube

Spielberg's child sex slave actors fondle a statue's carefully-crafted penis while making sexual remarks about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlXZG2YLrmUYouTube

Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part Three) Jesuit/Vatican deviant Steven Spielberg told his child sex slaves to say "penis breath" to each other in this horrific clip. Spielberg actually pulled out this clip from E.T. as the questions about his bizarre pedophilia connections in every single one of his movies began to mount and mount over the years. Today he practically leads a recluse's life to avoid the spotlight, allowing others to direct all his films and quickly cutting out his pedophile directors as soon as they are positively identified by the public, like J.J. Murphy, "Super 8" film employee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXgzeqZHofYYouTube

Credits: Obama's False Flag Flying Circus Exposed