carmencita ago

Oh God. They think we just fell of the Turnip Truck. They keep trying.

HugoWeaving ago

In this clip, Spielberg's MK Ultra brainwashed twin kids point to their penis, then to their mouth...

UMMM FALSE. 100% FALSE. Not even gonna bother with the other links because it's clear your fragile agenda will fail here on merit alone.

derram ago :

Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part One) - YouTube :

Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part Two) - YouTube :

Proof That Steven Spielberg is a Child Molester (Part Three) - YouTube

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1Sorry_SOB ago


You people need to up your game.

HugoWeaving ago

Haha. Shills gonna shill...10 hour accounts will do that to ya!