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MercurysBall2 ago

ROXANNE JOYAL - With ME to WE Artisans

Me to We mentioned in this post :

In May 2012, Ryan traveled to Udaipur, India, as part of Disney's Friends for Change's partnership with international charity Free The Children.[63] The trip was hosted by Me to We, a social enterprise and partner of Free The Children

Back to Me to Ww Artisans :

Artisans 'Kamba' Beaded Bracelet ME TO WE

Reminds me of Donna Karan and her little scam regarding Haitian artisans..

So Nordstrom sells ME TO WE products.. pizzagate voat mentions..

This thread is a continuation of the Belizean Grove lead. Shout out to @LightlyToasted. More members have been identified and the groups they're associated with... Q just mentioned them too in a recent post.

Headquarters Office: Susan Schiffer Stautberg Founder and President Belizean Grove/TARA Adventures for the Mind and The Adventures for the Mind Foundation 17 East 89th Street, Suite 7D New York, New York

.. Moreover, these same women serve on numerous charitable, University, boards and Advisory Boards, e.g., the Ford Foundation, C200, WPO, Red Cross, IWF, Girl Scouts, YWCA, Apollo Theater, the Smithsonian, etc. Member Boards Boards/Advisory Boards on which Grovers currently serve, or recently served on range from publicly held Fortune 50 companies to new technology start ups. A partial list includes: Ameritrade AstraZeneca BellSouth CH2M Hill CIGNA Citibank Canada Coca Cola Commtouch Daffy’s DealerTrack Diner’s Club International Global Hallmark Holcim Kmart Liz Claiborne Accessories NASDAQ New York Stock Exchange Nordstrom Office Depot PLC Corporation PPG Industries Inc. Procter & Gamble Quest Diagnostics, Inc. REI Springs State Farm Bank Target Corp Texaco Winn-Dixie Xerox

Believed to be the female counterpart to known satanic group Bohemian Grove. Has only been around for less than 20 years. There's supposed to be about 125 known members...Found some relevant threads to this lead (Save The Children and Red Cross related) in links below. ..

Belizean Grove visit to Save the Children in Guatemala

Melanie R. Sabelhaus:

Director for Gifts that Give, Inc. Look at their logo (heart within heart): [another rabbit hole]

Putting the following ebay link here because eBay also sells ME TO WE artisan products and is an important link in this rabbit hole that actually links with a couple of other current running pizzagate posts which will come together in due course:

In their search for a sustainable funding source for WE Charity, Craig and Marc were fortunate to be mentored by billionaire Jeff Skoll, eBay’s first president. Jeff encouraged the brothers to grow Leaders Today into a social enterprise, with a social mission at its heart that would turn a profit in order to provide a long-term, predictable source of funding to WE Charity.

Pete, Eric, and Blake Nordstrom seem to be very very worried about Ivanka's $80 tech clutch sales?! It doesn't add up . Something else is going on here. Yes maybe the slave labor and tarriffs but could it also be they are tied up in the Hollywood / fashion pedo stuff too?

The story is huge..

A Club for the Women Atop the Ladder - [archived:]

ON the site of a 17th-century monastery in Cartagena, Colombia, a sort of Illuminati of the business and political worlds gathered in February for their annual winter rites.

Drawn from government, banking, technology and beyond, its members form a rare — and global — power elite. Each has been tapped, in Skull and Bones fashion, by an existing member. Each searches out and grooms new talent — people who can add to this group’s considerable wealth, knowledge and power.

But men need not apply: this exclusive club is women-only.

..Despite its low profile, Belizean Grove is fast becoming what could be considered the world’s ultimate old girls’ club. Perhaps that’s no surprise, as it is modeled on one of the nation’s most exclusive old boys’ clubs, Bohemian Grove. That hush-hush group, an extension of the 139-year-old Bohemian Club in San Francisco, has counted so many rich and powerful men among its ranks — including the presidents Eisenhower, Carter, Nixon and both Bushes — that it sounds like something out of a Dan Brown novel. Indeed, in 1942, the men of Bohemian Grove, who meet each summer under a canopy of redwoods in Monte Rio, Calif., dreamed up the Manhattan Project.

Some members of Belizean Grove are working on a mission of their own: the White House Project. Its goal is to have a woman elected president....

..Melanie Sabelhaus, former deputy administrator of the Small Business Administration, spoke at a Belizean Grove event in 2010.Credit...

Small Business Administration -

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is a United States government agency that provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. The mission of the Small Business Administration is "to maintain and strengthen the nation's economy by enabling the establishment and viability of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of communities after disasters". The agency's activities have been summarized as the "3 Cs" of capital, contracts and counseling.

SBA has at least one office in each U.S. state. In addition, the agency provides grants to support counseling partners, including approximately 900 Small Business Development Centers (often located at colleges and universities)..President Obama announced in January 2012 that he would elevate the SBA into the Cabinet, a position it last held during the Clinton administration,[7] thus making the Administrator of the Small Business Administration a cabinet-level position.

..The Microloan program provides direct loans to qualified nonprofit intermediary lenders who, in turn, provide “microloans” of up to $50,000 to small businesses and nonprofit child care centers.

Jovita Carranza, Administrator Carranza has served as a board member for several national nonprofit organizations such as the National Center for Family Literacy and United Way.

To be continued..

LightlyToasted ago


great work

MercurysBall2 ago

SBA and Microloans you say?

MICROFINANCE PUBLICATION ROUND-UP: The Role of Business in Society; Life Microinsurance in Mexico; Social Performance Report for India

“Invisible Giants;” by Lindsay Levin; published by Vala Publishing; March 2013; 176 pages, available for purchase at:

This book was written by Lindsay Levin, the founder and managing partner of Leaders’ Quest, a UK-based for-profit social enterprise that aims to improve the impact of global leaders by integrating “social purpose and company performance.”

If you plan to sell a few items online or offer digital downloads through your website or Facebook page, feature-flooded shopping carts may be more than you need. If you don’t want to take the time to set up a completely new online store you have options: Selz and Wazala allow you to sell physical and digital products on websites, blogs, or social media pages by embedding simple “buy now” buttons.

WAZALA you say???

That leads us back to Texas - the lone star state, the BUSH family, THAT elite boys' pedo ring from the 80s, the New World Order and NASA

That's the name of the website that the "madam of Houston" had when she was arrested in 2009 and subsequently taken over in 2010.. see the detailed conversation between @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS and myself re WAZALA

including this bit of information where the trail leads back to Isabel Maxwell ..

Isabel Maxwell (born 1950) is a French-born academic and entrepreneur. Maxwell is a Technology Pioneer of the World Economic Forum, the President emerita of Commtouch, and the co-founder of Magellan.[1] She is a Director of Israel Venture Network and built up their Social Entrepreneur program in Israel from 2004-2010. Maxwell was also Senior Adviser to Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus' not-for-profit microfinance organization Grameen America.

@think- @Vindicator


Wazala again-for transactions no less. That means they potentially have webhosting, transactions and webcams; all connected to a confirmed ring.

Good work as usual Merc!.

POdPatriot ago

All connected:

The B Team Supporters:

The B Team Leaders:

MercurysBall2 ago

SBA and Microloans you say?

MICROFINANCE PUBLICATION ROUND-UP: The Role of Business in Society; Life Microinsurance in Mexico; Social Performance Report for India

“Invisible Giants;” by Lindsay Levin; published by Vala Publishing; March 2013; 176 pages, available for purchase at:

This book was written by Lindsay Levin, the founder and managing partner of Leaders’ Quest, a UK-based for-profit social enterprise that aims to improve the impact of global leaders by integrating “social purpose and company performance.”

If you plan to sell a few items online or offer digital downloads through your website or Facebook page, feature-flooded shopping carts may be more than you need. If you don’t want to take the time to set up a completely new online store you have options: Selz and Wazala allow you to sell physical and digital products on websites, blogs, or social media pages by embedding simple “buy now” buttons.

WAZALA you say???

That leads us back to Texas - the lone star state, the BUSH family, THAT elite boys' pedo ring from the 80s, the New World Order and NASA

That's the name of the website that the "madam of Houston" had when she was arrested in 2009 and subsequently taken over in 2010.. see the detailed conversation between @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS and myself re WAZALA

MercurysBall2 ago

Melanie R. Sabelhaus is an entrepreneur who founded United Way Worldwide, American Red Cross Tiffany Circle, Exclusive Interim Properties and BridgeStreet Worldwide, Inc.

Our United Way posts here:

Our American Red Cross posts here:

MercurysBall2 ago

Some more stuff about WE from our archives:

Real Estate Companies and Agendas 2021 and 2030. A Gender for TRANSformation

Robert Egger is working with Soho House

Interesting because I've found links with them, the Maisha Foundation, Brightest Young Things, WeWork, ..which connects to Alefantis and the Standard Hotel, and eventually to @Heisenberg123's comment (re Charles DeSantis ) on @MolochHunter's post

Joe10jo ago

Same OP, I rarely post but I check the page a good 20x a day. ❤️ our researchers!!

SirSighAlot ago

I hope they never get to her

I wonder what they will try

POdPatriot ago

I don't even want to think about that. Sje has a remarkable talent for breaking down complex material and making it not only understandable but also engaging.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for reposting POd! :-)

POdPatriot ago

No problem - told you I was worried about screwing up :-0

Hadriansbattlecoin ago

The rabbit holes run deep

POdPatriot ago

Yes. Not only do the rabbit holes run deep, the rabbits multiply exponentially. That's a lot of digging.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah well Amazing Polly should have taken notice of me when I was the only one screaming about pedophilia in the film industry (in Hollywood and Canada) and was blacklisted as a result of wanting to know who threatened to hurt my 4 year old if he talked to me. 25 years almost and most popular interview videos I have done were taken down. Largely ignored yet now others are screaming about it. About time. Next up, wait til the masses realize that ritual abuse exists and THAT is a truly dark corridor to go down. "my children my children" I yelled but no one was paying attention. Shame on my family as well. Because I was tracked, harassed, gas lit, death threatened and had every conceivable way of destroying my life I still survived. Sadly, if ever I talked about the cars following or the break ins, the theft, most just thought I was nuts. Not anymore assholes. The harassment was designed to make me appear bat shit crazy if I ever talked about it. Much of the harassment I kept my mouth shut about it. My ex wife, 10 years ago, was running an orphanage in Cambodia that was a child trafficking operation. Again, I was largely ignored about it, although they were forced to shut it down. Little victories but nothing like what is coming

carmencita ago

God bless you my friend.

fogdryer ago

I feel the same about being ignored. I was shamed and yelled at etc. where are those people now? Do they even remember being ugly to me , no.
So sorry for your situation ( harassment etc ) I can only imagine.

People don’t want to face the reality in this. They choose denial and anger. Much easier that way !

Vindicator ago

We care, 21. What you've done has made a difference.

POdPatriot ago

Five years and thousands of hours into researching a non-pgate topic, and sending info to people who SHOULD care, I understand your frustration. Yours, though, is way worse bc it's lasted so long and affected your career, and, most importantly, your child. I've seen firsthand what happens to the few who come forward early with truth. It isn't pretty and sets an example to deter others. Thing is, if you hadn't come forward 25 years ago, maybe we'd have another 25 years to wait "for what is coming." You seem to think it's imminent at this point - I hope you are right. Certainly there are signs things are moving in the right direction.

Yes, the Cambodia trafficking is peripheral to my research. I will never understand the concept of human beings as commodities to be bought and sold. Hopefully, it is coming to an end.

Thank you for coming forward about it and sharing your experience..

darkknight111 ago

Look into the Golden Triangle.

That whole region is a cesspool of both drug and sex trafficking. Most of them kids.

The deep state instigated the Vietnam War to secure that route. The fall out causing the rise of the Kymer Rouge. Millions died just for the sake of procuring a route to traffic kids.

3141592653 ago

Wow. Ive never heard of this or thought about it this way before, but damn....

fogdryer ago

It won’t end, not now or ever. It is a reality of life on earth

Good and evil, not just one ☹️

POdPatriot ago

I know it won't entirely end, but we can sure make a big dent.

Abi73 ago

It surely will if it is exposed to all ?? It will certainly take some time but how will it continue once it's known to everyone ? ? My own mother was a child sex abuse victim yet I had no idea how prevalent it was worldwide until the last few years . Neither did she , fortunately ,in a way ,she died 12 years ago . I've done nothing but draw attention to it since I've know , as have all those who research here and more. As this horrific fact spreads worldwide I cant see how it will be able to carry on ? ?

POdPatriot ago

Unfortunately, supply is driven by demand, and unless we find a way to stop the demand, there will always be a problem. Like you, I knew it existed but vastly underestimated its prevalence.

The one thing that will ruin everyone's efforts is implementing Digital ID and other methods of controlling/monitoring people - bc we will never be able to organize, research and have outlets for telling people the truth.

We also need to make people aware of how trafficking is enabled by "humanitarian" programs, such as those that supply computers and web cams to people in third-world countries - and shortly we see whole neighborhoods of children being exploited online. We can call it an "unfortunate consequence," but is it?

I'm sorry for your mother's experience - no child should ever have to endure abuse or the lifelong issues that often accompany it. She was obviously a strong woman and would be proud of you for educating people.

Thank you for sharing.

fogdryer ago

If I may say, Harry was raised in an orphans home in England. Nine or so was his age. Why would they do that, put a child in an orphanage? Why not just kill him like everyone else??? Harry escaped the home and was a victim of a shooting while living independent. Hmm

The Harry we see is a fake, working thir plan. Meagan is a tyranny and is apart of the NWO. Go figure . It’s all a story

If I need a link let me know🥴🥴🥴🥴

abwydyn ago

What's the connection you're making here?

volunteerwork2020 ago

MK Ultra mind control techniques

MercurysBall2 ago

Hmm.. that makes a lot of sense. It was clear that from an early age Meghan was being groomed for her current role. Her uncle worked for the foreign office, her father 'won the lottery' allowing him to send her to a private school in Hollywood which is probably run by satanists according to my research. Shortly afterwards she ended up on television because of some fake letter she sent to a soap company and the letter was addressed to Hillary Clinton. She was photographed in front of the palace as a teenager. She'spart of the Soho House crowd which is 100% deep state.. and then there's those CRAZY eyes she's got...