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MercurysBall2 ago

@ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS .. I think I just found something huge.. I'll have to do a post, I can't yet explain what because I don't yet have all the links in the chain.. but I'll post the first link here:

Wazala Announces Partnership with Wibiya, Enabling Social E-commerce Integration for Wibiya Publishers. - [archived:]

Wibiya is a product of Modular Patterns Ltd., a company founded in 2008 to help online publishers, bloggers and other online properties to integrate the most exciting services and applications of their choice into their websites through a customized web-based toolbars. The Wibiya platform offers a one-stop solution for integrating, managing and tracking third-party applications on websites. Headquartered in Israel, Wibiya is backed by Primera Capital, Dr. Yossi Vardi and other Private investors from Israel and the USA. For more information, please visit

Los Angeles, CA, February 02, 2011 --( Wazala is the first e-commerce application to integrate with Wibiya. The Wazala online store can now appear as an icon within the Wibiya toolbar next to Facebook, Twitter, and other services that readers can use to interact with the website they are on. The integration also allows website owners to easily add an online store to their website through a few clicks in the Wibiya administration interface.

"Wazala's social e-commerce solution is a great addition to the Wibiya application marketplace. Wibiya publishers can now easily create an online store in just a few minutes and add it to their websites," said Dror Ceder, CEO and Co-founder of Wibiya.


Please see parent and @MercurysBall2 incredible dot connecting around Wazala and Wibiya. They have all the tools for the online angle of what we discuss here. @think- @vindicator

MercurysBall2 ago

The Israel Conference Magic Circle Mailing List (currently disabled)



This article reviews the history of the concept of the magic circle, its criticism and the numerous other metaphors that have been used to capture the zone of play or the border that surrounds it, such as world, frame, bubble, net, screen, reality, membrane, zone, environment, or attitude. The various conceptions of social and mental borders are reviewed and separated from the sites where cultural residue of such borders is encountered. Finally, a model is forwarded where the psychological bubble of playfulness, the social contract of the magic circle and the spatial, temporal or product- based arena are separated.

Critical Potential on the Brink of the Magic Circle -

This paper explores the problem space of forbidden games: games not only on the border of games and reality, but explicitly referencing the double-coded nature of that boundary—in other words, games that use their status as “only a game” as a strategic gesture.

Magic Circle by Lex Nau of Tel Aviv https://www.behance[dot]net/gallery/6539345/Magic-Circle

https://www.behance[dot]net/LEXNAU - EBay — Netanya, Israel

Very interesting article: Wired’s tech cities: Tel Aviv -