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letsdothis3 ago

Margaret Mead posts:

R.D. Laing was appointed senior registrar at the Tavistock Clinic in 1956, three years after he left the

British Army Psychiatric Unit. He began experimenting with LSD in 1960, and then in 1962

when he became a family therapist at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, he also

met Gregory Bateson while visiting the U.S. Bateson had been with the Office of Strategic

Services (forerunner of the CIA), and then led the MK-Ultra hallucinogen (LSD) project.

Bateson's and Margaret Mead's daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson, along with New Ager Jean

Houston, would later help Hilary Clinton write IT TAKES A VILLAGE. The

'Core Group'

Original Members

From the 1942 Meeting: Lawrence K. Frank; Warren McCulloch; Margaret Mead / Gregory Bateson; Arturo Rosenblueth

LSD, Mind Control, and the Internet: A Chronology "1942: The Cerebral Inhibition Meeting, sponsored by the Josiah Macy Foundation, organized by Frank Fremont-Smith. Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead, and five others members of the (later) Cybernetics Group attended. Meeting focused on "physiological mechanisms underlying the phenomena of conditioned reflexes and hypnosis as related to the problem of cerebral inhibition."

Long Island Biological Laboratories research project, headed by Harold Abramson, established in part with Macy funds, and with support from the War Department. Abramson was then a Major in the Technical Division, Chemical Warfare service."

...After reading that short history of the war-gamers and computer history and mind control fanatics in top science positions I wonder if the child trafficking pedofiles we scrutiny as #pizzagate researchers get their immunity from prosecution and media blackout on their crimes because they are part of this mass social "experiment".

is the reason the D.C. pedo ring, the Franklin cover-up was smothered because they were a product of of this "hypnotism and conditioned reflex" experiment?

Did control masters who attended the 1942 conference lay the groundwork for today's pizzagate (specifically the D.C. pedo ring associated with the Podesta e-mails and Comet Ping Pong)? And did they lay the groundwork for Epstein's freedom of movement to commit so many crimes and Saville's obscenities and the Hempstead group and other covens?

flyingcuttlefish ago

I just posted a new one to get this viewed in a more modern light ...

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the link.

flyingcuttlefish ago

thanks, I forgot this one. I will link it to my 971 blog in a newer post about these pervert scientists ....

letsdothis3 ago

Margaret Mead and the Origins of Multiculturalism - (archived:


A moetotolo, or “sleep crawler,” is a digital rapist. He enters the home of a young woman in the early morning hours and attempts to insert one or two fingers into her vagina before she’s fully awake and able to resist. This was once a venerable tradition in Samoa; it was based on the ceremonial deflowering of a taupou, a high-caste virgin.

Margaret Mead was nonplussed when she was told about the practice soon after she began her research on Manu’a in 1925. She had to mention it; the custom had been reported by Western travelers since the early 19th century. Mead decided that the sexual assault added “zest to the surreptitious [consensual] love-making which is conducted at home.” (Mead 1928, 95) The girl, after all, was probably expecting a lover and may “indiscriminately accept any comer.” (No pun, presumably.) Mead also attempted to blame the victim. “The Samoan girl who plays the coquette does so at her peril.” (Mead 1928, 94) The moetotolo was often acting out of revenge for having been stood up...

..If Coming of Age helped launch the sexual revolution, it was also the Magna Carta of multiculturalism. Its unsubtle subtitle was “A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization” and the book hammered home its message in the last two chapters, “Our Educational Problems in the Light of Samoan Contrasts” and “Education for Choice.”

...But Mead presented herself as scientist, or at least an anthropologist. She also redefined what was noble about the savage. He had never been admired for his promiscuity. Quite the opposite: the mythical savage was purer, more faithful, more monogamous than the European. Mead turned this formula on its head, making his chief virtue the absence of what had come to be considered, and despised, as middle-class morality. Happiness had begun to replace nobility of character as a desideratum, and the Samoans were happy because they were laid back. Americans were unhappy because they were repressed.

In contrast to Westerners, a Samoan child learns that “sex is a natural, pleasurable thing; the freedom with which it may be indulged in is limited by just one consideration, social status. Chief’s daughters and chiefs’ wives should indulge in no extra-marital experiments.” (Mead 1928, 201)

Lovemaking, as Mead wrote in a follow-up study, is “the pastime par excellence.” “Sex is play, permissible in all hetero-and homosexual expression, with any sort of variation as an artistic addition . . . Love between the sexes is a light and pleasant dance.” (Freeman 1983, 91-2) “Romantic love,” she assured readers of Coming of Age, “as it occurs in our civilization, inextricably bound up with ideas of monogamy, exclusiveness, jealousy and undeviating fidelity[,] does not occur in Samoa.” Samoans “laugh at stories of romantic love, scoff at fidelity to a long absent wife or mistress, believe explicitly that one love will quickly cure another . . . Adultery does not necessarily mean a broken marriage.” However, when partners do agree to separate, “divorce is a simple and informal matter.” (Mead 1928, 104-5, 106, 108)

...Unfortunately, as Freeman detailed in two books, Mead had written a work of fiction disguised as an anthropological monograph. His most sensational finding was that she relied heavily not on testimony of adolescent girls, but on a sixty-sixty-year old half-Samoan widow, Phoebe Parkinson, “with singular gifts as a raconteur,” Mead admitted, and, especially, two Samoan friends her own age, Fa’apua’a Fa’amu and Fofoa. The two young women deliberately mislead her. “We were just joking,” said Fa’apua’a, in sworn testimony. “She must have taken it seriously, but we were only joking.” (Freeman 1983, 252; Freeman 1999, 3)

Mead's field notes are the smoking gun. They reveal, writes Freeman, that "the sexual behavior of the adolescent girls she had selected for study was never systematically investigated." (italics Freeman's)(Freeman 1999, 158) The American anthropologist Martin Orans, who also examined the notes, concludes that Mead's research was "seriously flawed . . . filled with internal contradictions and grandiose claims to knowledge that she could not possibly have had." He is incredulous that her book "could have formed the basis for an illustrious career," and disturbed that "virtually none of the numerous reviews of the Mead-Freeman controversy point to the profoundly unscientific nature of her work." (Orans 1996, 132)

...But for the few skeptical readers of Coming of Age, the elephant in the room was the moetotolo. Though she admits digital rape is “curious” and “abnormal,” readers learn that it is one of three forms of relationship between the unmarried that receive “formal recognition from the community," the two other being "the clandestine encounter" and "the published elopement, Avaga." (Mead 1928, 89)

Larry Nassar had a more effective modus operandi than the young Samoan men. As Mead delivered her revolutionary message in the guise of an anthropologist, so Nassar engaged in moetotolo (the verb and noun are the same) while playing the role of physician. He didn’t slip into his victims’ bedrooms at night; they were ushered into his examining room for physical therapy.

...Dr. Nassar, accused of abusing over 250 young women, would have won Olympic gold.

...The sexual revolution has been won. Multiculturalists no longer extoll the supposed enlightened attitudes toward sex of non-Westerners. They are admired merely because they have been victimized by Europeans, replacing the workers exploited by the bourgeoisie. But whereas not so long ago multiculturalists simply ignored the rebarbative patriarchal practices of their heartthrobs, like the segregation of and denial of rights to women, the burqa and hijab, cousin marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation, etc., they have now begun to defend some of these.

FGM, referred to as “circumcision” or, better, “surgery,” is now regarded as a harmless cultural inheritance under assault by insensitive Islamophobes. The bioethicists at the Hastings Institute have given the practice their seal of approval. Mead was sympathetic to the moetotolo, and, so long as he isn’t a white male, he, too, may eventually find even more outspoken supporters.

think- ago

They are admired merely because they have been victimized by Europeans, replacing the workers exploited by the bourgeoisie. But whereas not so long ago multiculturalists simply ignored the rebarbative patriarchal practices of their heartthrobs, like the segregation of and denial of rights to women, the burqa and hijab, cousin marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation, etc., they have now begun to defend some of these.

FGM, referred to as “circumcision” or, better, “surgery,” is now regarded as a harmless cultural inheritance under assault by insensitive Islamophobes. The bioethicists at the Hastings Institute have given the practice their seal of approval. Mead was sympathetic to the moetotolo, and, so long as he isn’t a white male, he, too, may eventually find even more outspoken supporters.


Iirc, the NYT decided that it will refer to genital mutilation as 'cuttings' rather than as 'mutilation' in the future, because, you know, the term 'mutilation' might be off-putting for the perps. The perps!

Trigger warning -

And some 'feminists' have argued that genital mutilation shouldn't be referred to as 'mutilation' because even if you cut off the clitoris of a girl with a rusty knife, she might still be able to experience a vaginal orgasm!! /s

Remember the good ol' days when feminsts were advocating for the well-being of women, and not siding with perps who kill and mutilate them... /s

CornyGoatWeed ago

cointelproject and you are now their dupe mockingbird stooge dumbass. Obviously any woman walking around town who calls herself feminist would curl her lips in revulsion and hostility at the mention of it.

Try it some time, ask a woman irl

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I remember.