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shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Investigator Smith testified that he first began assisting the New York City Police Department in 1977 and 1978 in the arrest of a juvenile call service operator named Paul Abrams operating out of the West Side of New York. Smith testified that Abrams' service involved children. After pleading guilty to the charge of prostitution, Abrams received probation. In answer to a question from Senator Bernstein, Smith said the courts were not doing enough to help law enforcement deal with the juvenile prostitution problem. He testified: "There doesn't appear to be any support from the courts."

In answer to a follow up question from Bernstein about legal services provided for call service operators, "Did you find any central attorney or firm of attorneys representing these people?" Smith responded, . . . in Washington, there have been various attorneys that will show up that will handle the defense for a number of call services."

Smith left New York for Washington after working at Policy Sciences Center in New York working on organized crime cases. Smith returned to New York from Washington in 1982 to assist the committee's investigation. Smith began investigating two bars in New York connected to the male juvenile prostitution trade. He named them in testimony as the Follies Theater and Dallas. He said the Follies had live sex shows involving "underage kids." Smith described drug use among the juvenile prostitutes that involved marijuana, cocaine, and amphetamines.

Smith also testified that he did not believe the New York State Liquor Authority had ever sanctioned the bars that were catering to juvenile prostitutes. The Haymarket and Follies Theater remained open after the news about the ring surfaced in the media. Smith proceeded to name a number of other New York bars that were employed underage boys, including the Gaiety Burlesque Theater at 201 West 46th Street; Eros II at 732 8th Avenue; Big Top Cinema on 49th Street; Male World at West 42nd and 8th Avenue; King's Cinema at 235 West 50th Street; the 55th Street Playhouse at 53rd Street near 6th Avenue; David at 236 West 54th Street; The Adonis at 8th Avenue and 50th Street; The Night Shift at 777 8th Avenue; and the Ninth Circle in Greenwich Village.

Smith identified the operator of the Follies as a William Oates and said he operated a similar establishment in Washington called Cinema Follies, as well as one in Pittsburgh called The Best of Both Worlds. Smith said the kids would be transported between New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. Smith also said there was a Florida connection to the juvenile prostitution business that involved a south-Florida based magazine called "Blue Boy" and a Fort Lauderdale hotel, the Marlin Beach Hotel. Smith assisted Florida police in their investigation of the Florida ring as well as the Arlington, Virginia police in their investigation of two call services, Friendly Models and The Stables. Smith also investigated a pedophile magazine published in New York called "Laddie."

Smith identified other Manhattan bars involved in the juvenile sex trade, incluidng The Haymarket on 8th Avenue.

But it was Smith's testimony about what Washington call service accountant Robert Koehler told him about foreign intelligence agents buying juvenile call boy clients lists that was the bombshell dropped during the committee hearing. The following is the verbatim transcript:

"MR. SMITH: Through an investigation I worked on in Washington, I was able to go in under cover and interview the owner, one of the owners of the Stables' call service.

MR. MCKENNA: Did he tell you anything that surprised you concerning their operation?

MR. SMITH: Basically, this individual confirmed several vital pieces of information that I had received from other sources. He had also added that a lot of the money from the call service was being invested in real estate in the Washington area.

MR. MCKENNA: Did he discuss with you any sidelines that had become very profitable?

MR. SMITH: The operator of this service, no.

MR. MCKENNA: Did you ever have occasion to talk to a Mr. Koehler?

MR. SMITH: Yes, I did.

MR. MCKENNA: And what was his function in these operations?

MR. SMITH: Mr. Robert Koehler is an accountant for several years of several call service operations in Washington.

MR. MCKENNA: Did he discuss with you the profitability of these operations?

MR. SMITH: Yes, he did.

MR. MCKENNA: Did he tell you they were making profits besides call service itself?

MR. SMITH: Yes, they were.

MR. MCKENNA: How were they doing that?

MR. SMITH: Through the sale of information on the sexual proclivities of the clients to agents of foreign intelligence services.

MR. MCKENNA: Were there any other call service operators you were able to interview?

MR. SMITH: Yes, there was.

MR. MCKENNA: Do you remember what his name or their names were?

MR. SMITH: One call service operator in Alexandria, Virginia, by the name of Johnathan Christopher Reynolds, III.

MR. MCKENNA: And what was the name of his call service?

MR. SMITH: It was Brian's Boys and Fantasies Unlimited.

MR. MCKENNA: And was he also selling information out of the call services?

MR. SMITH: He stated so.

MR. MCKENNA: Did he say who he was selling them to?

MR. SMITH: To British and Israeli intelligence.

MR. MCKENNA: Did you have occasion to investigate in Washington a person by the name of William Oates?

MR. SMITH: Yes, I have.

MR. MCKENNA: Did he have any operations going in Washington?

MR, SMITH: The Cinema Follies.

. . .

MR. MCKENNA: Did you ever develop information as to any other intelligence aervices that were buying information, foreign intelligence services?


MR. MCKENNA: Which one was that?

MR. SMITH: The Soviet Military Intelligence was named as one of the agencies of the foreign intelligence services that was purchasing information from the call services in Washington.

MR. MCKENNA: Did you ever more or less confirm that on your own?

MR. SMITH: I don't know whether I had confirmed it to the satisfaction of the committee or not.

MR. MCKENNA: Were you satisfied?

MR. SMITH: I was satisfied.

MR. MCKENNA: Were you debriefed by someone you thought was a foreign intelligence officer?

MR. SMITH: No, I was not personally -- I -- I -- I was not personally debriefed by a foreign intelligence officer.

MR. MCKENNA: Were you questioned?

MR. SMITH: I have had contacts with foreign intelligence officers."

The Chibbaro notes contain a statement from someone who worked at Washington's Chesapeake House, one of the juvenile prostitution bars under FBI and CIA surveillance. The source stated on May 26, 1981, that "all sorts of international intrigue surrounds the gay outcall services that would shock the general public. Many U.S. officials in the military and in civilian life patronize these services." Another source said the Naval Investigative Service (NIS) was conducting a major investigation of sexual blackmail of the out call services clients involving Naval personnel at the Pentagon.

One Chibarro source who worked for the Stables said he met a man at Chesapeake House who claimed to work at the British embassy. The source claimed the man had some sort of "State Department-issued" diplomatic ID card. When the British man discovered that the source had worked as an intern in the office of Representative Mickey Edwards (R-OK), he was asked to provide "information regarding government contracts for tanks (and other military equipment) to be provided to NATO bases. In particular the British man wanted information on a Chrysler tank contract and bids and prices. The source said the man seemed to be more a corporate intelligence collector rather than a foreign intelligence agent. The source was paid $1500 cash by the British man for the information obtained by the source's contacts on Capitol Hill.

That international intrigue was involved in the call boy scandal was an understatement. According to Chibbaro's notes, other members of the House of Representatives linked to underage call boys, included Rep. Larry McDonald (D-GA), who was the second President of the extreme right-wing John Birch Society and an opponent of federal aid to homosexuals [McDonald was a passenger on the ill-fated Korean Air Line flight 007, shot down by the Soviets on September 1, 1983. In 2001, the International Committee for the Rescue of KAL 007 Survivors, based on the research of an Israeli research center, claimed McDonald survived the KAL 007 shootdown and was taken to Moscow for interrogations and debriefings]; Rep. Roy Dyson (D-MD), who became embroiled in a scandal involving his chief assistant Tom Pappas over Pappas' sexual proclivities with young male staffers; Tom Pappas, Dyson's aid who was said to have leaped from a New York City hotel to his death on May 1, 1988, the day the story concerning his alleged sexual misconduct in Dyson's office hit the papers; Rep. Micky Edwards (R-OK) who was a founding trustee of the right-wing Heritage Foundation but who said he voted for Barack Obama in the last election; and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA), censured by the House in 1983 after he admitted to having an affair with a 17-year old male page. Studds died in 2006 after suffering a pulmonary embolism.

Ironically, Dyson's predecessor Bob Bauman (R-MD) resigned after he was charged with propositioning a 16-year old male for sex.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


The list also contains the names of Robert Gray, Ronald Reagan's 1981 Inaugural Committee co-chairman. Gray was a board member of Consultants International, the suspected CIA front company founded by Edwin Wilson, a close colleague of the CIA's infamous "Blond Ghost" Ted Shackley. "The Deep Backgrounder," in its July-August 1982 issue, described Gray as a "specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA" in an article with the headline, "Reagan Inaugural Co-Chairman Powerful 'Closet Homosexual'?"

Wilson's colleague Frank Terpil described Wilson's main function at the CIA as "to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary... Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasies in the flesh... A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras... The technicians in charge of filming. . .[were] TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]... The unwitting porno stars advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office."

There is an interesting postscript to the Marino Senate hearing. The Follies Theater sued Marino for slander made about the establishment during the testimony by Smith. Smith had mentioned that judges and courts were not helpful in stopping the juvenile prostitution. Based on the actions of one New York judge, Smith appears to have been right on the money. Judge Arnold Fraiman refused to dismiss the slander claim against Marino in the case Oates v. Marino. In effect, Fraiman, in his ruling, permitted the operator of the Follies Theater to conduct discovery of all materials and information collected by the Senate investigation, including the identities of confidential informants.