Z11Mama ago

Perhaps Nordstrom's are not into pedo but 'just' employ slave labor for use in making their own label items. Human traffikking.

sunshine702 ago

I am gonna go look up Democrat or Clinton campaign contributions.

archons ago

Here come the shillbillies.

archons ago

The fact this was down voted so fast means you're on to something.

sunshine702 ago

Pete, Eric, and Blake Nordstrom seem to be very very worried about Ivanka's $80 tech clutch sales?! It doesn't add up . Something else is going on here. Yes maybe the slave labor and tarriffs but could it also be they are tied up in the Hollywood / fashion pedo stuff too?

chordwonder ago

Nordstrom enjoys their cheap slave labor. This can be evidenced along the southern border for sure & most likely everywhere else.

sunshine702 ago

I highly doubt this has anything to do with sales since they produced no figures.

Nordstroms is owned by the three sons now. They are yapping mightly about Trump. I suspect they are somehow connected to pizzagate.

AreWeSure ago

And how do you suspect that?

sunshine702 ago

Because everyone else that can not stop yapping about Trump right now is connected. John McCain, Chuck Ellis Schumer (his niece Amy Schumer) Lindsay Graham. Take a look at FBI anon's initials. He also mentioned CEO's . Not certain but there is more to this than meets the eye for sure!

AreWeSure ago

That's what this whole thing is about, isn't it?

derram ago

https://archive.is/LLfPc | https://vgy.me/N19ZwS.png :

Nordstrom dumps Ivanka Trump’s fashion line | New York Post

'SEATTLE — Nordstrom said Thursday it will stop selling Ivanka Trump clothing and accessories. '

'The move comes amid a weekslong campaign known as “Grab Your Wallet,” which has been calling for a boycott of retailers that carry Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump merchandise. '

'The Seattle-based department store chain said the decision was based on the sales performance of the first daughter’s brand, the Seattle Times reported. '

'Nordstrom also said it offers thousands of brands and cuts about 10 percent each year based on performance. '

'Ivanka Trump’s independent lifestyle brand promotes her image as a successful working mother and partners with companies to make the branded blush pink dresses and trendy booties offered in multiple department stores. '

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