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letsdothis3 ago

Robert Egger is working with Soho House

Interesting because I've found links with them, the Maisha Foundation, Brightest Young Things, WeWork, ..which connects to Alefantis and the Standard Hotel, and eventually to @Heisenberg123's comment (re Charles DeSantis ) on @MolochHunter's post


carmencita ago

Holy Cow! Somehow I just knew they had a connection. Thanks for this. I will check in morning. You are the greatest!

letsdothis3 ago

I wish I had the time to write it up but I'll hang on to my notes :)

carmencita ago

Thanks Much. @fogdryer did a bang up job on this post and I look forward to reading those notes.

Soho House: Putting Cool In Service Of Good - My Arse.