fogdryer ago

Interesting how that young mans sentence was changed

syntaxterror ago

This is my neighborhood... maybe worth looking into the Longwood Medical area and other hospital and med school/pharma locations... also fwiw a few months ago we had unexplained explosions underground and throughout the whole covid lockdown there have been crews all over the city working mostly overnight install fiber optic lines (allegedly). Also the main Christian Science church is here and Wayfair had previously been Occupying space in a building right on their

fadingdimension ago

Baclk and white Checkerboard roof on the wayfair office.

Merchant_Menace ago

Public service announcement: Saturn worship and Moloch worship are a jew thing. When you see that shit it's jews flexing that they control that thing.

volunteerwork2020 ago

All from Canaan and Babylon.

Vindicator ago

MB2, Threadreaderapp does not archive tweets. If Twitter suspends the account, or the author deletes his tweet(s), they disappear from the ThreadreaderApp thread. You need to use TweetSave or, and verify it got the whole thread. Usually it does not when it's a more than five tweets in a thread.

ProTip: If you list the urls for each individual tweet in the thread when you make your Voat submission, Derram will automatically save them all to TweetSave. It's a bit of work, but worth it for certain threads.

YogSoggoth ago

I don't know if anyone here remembers, but I constantly was on a site for urban explorers that went into tunnels, sewers, old treasure, mines ect. It was a bit like Peakbagger, but geared for people who like going in places like that. They would share old microfiche out of libraries, and books showing all the old tunnels. Lots of interesting tunnels from the prohibition that were supposedly filled in. I could not find it somewhere around 2013/14? I guess Google shut it down. I think that site got too close to more than one target.

Meowfort ago

Castlegate - parent company of logistics for Wayfair

Has UK location 20 miles from military airport, with private motorway straight to HQ.

Castlegate in Boston is on St. James Ave, with Lolita restaurant around corner.

MercurysBall2 ago

This is getting creepier and creepier! John S Kim, in charge of Pricing, Data Science, etc. with #Wayfair, has ties to the Clinton Health Access Initiative, thus the Clinton’s

millennial_vulcan ago

As you mentioned, and also today, the always amazing Aangirfan reminds us that EVELYN and LYNN de ROTHSCHILD live in New York, MASSACHUSETTS, London and have a country house next to Stowe boarding school in Buckingham, UK (lol, @think- that place sounds so upper class) Stowe’s most famous alumni: Richard Branson

A reminder that the head of Stowe School is G Maxwell, Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson’s best friend, ANTHONY WALLERSTEINER.

Anthony Wallersteiner’s father KURT WALLERSTEINER was business partners with.....ROBERT MAXWELL.

Btw, ALL references to KURT WALLERSTEINER have been scrubbed entirely from Twitter and most other sites.

@Vindicator @Darkknight111

MercurysBall2 ago

Check this out..

Contributing writer REBECCA WALLERSTEINER was the lover and confidante of Lucian Freud, and is the daughter of the late Robert Maxwell's business partner Kurt Wallersteiner.

MercurysBall2 ago

According to that article Trump is very much involved.

think- ago

Btw, ALL references to KURT WALLERSTEINER have been scrubbed entirely from Twitter and most other sites.

@ciabaudo has done a couple of good threads on Wallersteiner on Twitter. I think you'll still find them on his timeline.

millennial_vulcan ago

On it! Xoxo Thanks Think! I remember seeing an interview on one of the British shows in the morning, not the one with piiers Morgan but another older couple, super awesome thy are, and had WALLERSTEINER as the guest when Princess Bride Beatrice was marrying dopey Jack Whatever (business partner GEORGE CLOONEY wink wink)

Honestly, WALLERSTEINER could not have come across more as a total creepo same as all those other posh British pedis. Like, why is he as headmaster of a prestigious school going on live tv and kissing his favorite little ex-students ass. Inappropriate!

MercurysBall2 ago

Don't all these connections make your head spin sometimes? They sure make mine...

Vindicator ago

They definitely make mine.

millennial_vulcan ago

Mine’s still spinning! X

Xax ago

We know these people are Jews. We know what happens in Haiti.

Why aren’t we coming up with red pills for blacks so they find out who’s sacrificing Haitian kids to moloch?


Why can you not communicate without using Hollywood memes that got us here? Take your red pills as a suppository, we're not living in a movie.

juschippinyababe ago

suspected kike amongst us folks

Xax ago

I see. The Jewish annal fetish. Can’t post without it!!

millennial_vulcan ago

The things going on in Boston are called Harvard and MIT, lol :)

Freedom_Fighter ago

Let's not forget all of the people who have mysteriously died after a night out on the town in the last 10 years ending up found in the Charles....

Roughboy ago

Look at the connections and symbology in this thread. Once you get past the beginning it gates interesting and delves into Masonic symbols.

MileHiLife ago

NOTE the Masonic black & white "checkerboard" atop the entire roof of Wayfairy building. Yet another coincidence

MercurysBall2 ago

Trinity Church

Trinity Church in the City of Boston, located in the Back Bay of Boston, Massachusetts, is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. ..In addition to worship, the parish is actively involved in service to the community, pastoral care, programs for children and teenagers, and Christian education for all ages. The church is home to several high-level choirs, including the Trinity Choir, Trinity Schola, Trinity Choristers, and Trinity Chamber Choir. The building is currently under study for becoming a Boston Landmark

The church and parish house were designed by Henry Hobson Richardson and construction took place from 1872 to 1877, when the complex was consecrated. Situated on Copley Square in Back Bay, Trinity Church is the building that established Richardson's reputation. It is the birthplace and archetype of the Richardsonian Romanesque style, characterized by a clay roof, polychromy, rough stone, heavy arches, and a massive tower. This style was soon adopted for a number of public buildings across the United States. The stone used was Dedham Granite.

In addition to their primary function of supporting worship, the choirs of Trinity Church are fixtures in the rich musical landscape of Boston. The Trinity Choir has toured extensively, and can be heard on several critically acclaimed recordings. The Trinity Choristers are a group of children who learn music and sing in the tradition of the Royal School of Church Music. The current Director of Music and Organist is Richard Webster. The Trinity Choir and Trinity Choristers tour England every three years, serving as choirs-in-residence at major houses of worship such as Ely Cathedral, Chichester Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey (summer 2016).

The parish supports many forms of community outreach and social justice ministry. These include partnerships with Rosie's Place, the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, Pine Street Inn, Habitat for Humanity, Community Servings, the Walk for Hunger, the Rodman Ride for Kids, and others. The Trinity Boston Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to support the social and emotional well-being and development of young people.

Henry Hobson Richardson (September 29, 1838 – April 27, 1886) was a prominent American architect, best known for his work in a style that became known as Richardsonian Romanesque. Along with Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, Richardson is one of "the recognized trinity of American architecture"

Richardson was born at the Priestley Plantation in St. James Parish, Louisiana,[2] and spent part of his childhood in New Orleans, where his family lived on Julia Row in a red brick house designed by the architect Alexander T. Wood.[3] He was the great-grandson of inventor and philosopher Joseph Priestley, who is usually credited with the discovery of oxygen..

Richardson's great admirer Louis Sullivan adapted Richardson's characteristic lessons of texture, massing, and the expressive language of stone walling (see Richardson's noted Chicago building Marshall Field's Wholesale Store), particularly at Chicago's Auditorium Building, and these influences are detectable in the work of Sullivan's own student Frank Lloyd Wright.

TheReturnOfTheTruth ago

A few reminders -

1) Frank Lloyd Wright’s father started the Unitarian church in Wisconsin

2) Frank Lloyd Wright’s trail leads to Exit 333 in Racine

3) Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fellowship cult is the model for NXIVM and other clubs

4) Joe and Jon Schmitz are from the Racine area

5) Mitt Romney is named after his relative Mitt Romney who was the QB of Racine’s NFL team

6) The Rothschilds and new Bauers live in Racine

7) The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World held a key signing at a Frank Lloyd Wright designed building in Racine

8) Look at Wingspread from top down - what symbol do you see?

9) What happened at Taliesin?

10) Who are the Johnsons and what happened with executives at Cargill, Diversey, ConAgra, Dow, Monsanto and DuPont?

11) Anthony Weiner is a main connection between NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias - where was their historic parade held?

12) Epstein, Byrd, Schumer and the Emanuels are all connected with the Knights of Pythias

13) Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting and suddenly resigned at the peak of his career

Who was the Anon before Q and what did they say to “keep digging into”?

What city passed “the most over-arching COVD order or ordinance:” in the country along with a billion dollar referendum endorsed by Joe Biden?

What is the original Chicago founded by the Astors that is the real “root” and model for smart cities, community policing, common core, community health, sustainability and the agenda beyond 21 with the Mark of the Beast?

The Truth has been shared with all since The Beginning.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Kevin Annette out of Canada was tipped off of a sacrifice that was to be held in the basement of a catholic church. He stopped it.......the CEO of Cargill was there. Kevin Annette info can be found on Murderbydecree.

MercurysBall2 ago

Ken Kaiser has A LOT of connections to Racine I discovered. Need to look into it when I have time.

MercurysBall2 ago

Old South Church

Old South Church in Boston, Massachusetts, (also known as New Old South Church or Third Church) is a historic United Church of Christ congregation first organized in 1669. Its present building was designed in the Gothic Revival style by Charles Amos Cummings and Willard T. Sears, completed in 1873, and amplified by the architects Allen & Collens between 1935–1937. The church, which was built on newly filled land in the Back Bay section of Boston, is located at 645 Boylston Street on Copley Square.

..Members of the congregation have included Samuel Adams, William Dawes, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Sewall, and Phillis Wheatley. In 1773, Samuel Adams gave the signals from the Old South Meeting House for the "war whoops" that started the Boston Tea Party.

During the Unitarian Movement of the early 19th century, Old South was the sole Congregational Church in Boston to adhere to the doctrine of Trinitarianism. In 1816 Old South Church joined with Park Street Church to form the City Mission Society, a social justice society to serve Boston's urban poor. During the American Civil War, Old South became a recruiting center for the Union Army under minister Jacob Manning. Though the congregation was not entirely abolitionist, it strongly supported the Union cause. The conclusion of the Civil War was followed by an expansive time of increased inclusion for the congregation. Under minister George Angier Gordon the congregation moved from its meeting house at Washington Street to its Back Bay location in 1875, occupying the present church constructed on newly filled land.

anotherdream ago

This was a good dig. I think it has something to do with the federal reserve. - You ever seen the Boston reserve? - Place is like a fucking impenatrable fortress. Just take a look at the building. - Mother fucking thing looks like it's got murder holes at the top in case it were to be assailed. - Financial district in downtown Boston is surrounded by the dirtiest, scummiest, most criminal type places that exist. - Fucking departed wasn't kidding. Dirty cops, and owned mother fuckers living in hi rises over looking the commons, - right down the street from the kiddie-fuckers and FED. - Yeah, something's going on in Boston.

wipeyournose ago

Were there any BLM protests in Boston?

anotherdream ago

I was at the Occupy Wall Street protests that happened back in the early 2000's. I didn't march or protest, but I was there talking to folks and just learning about what they were doing. - - Boston is largely white, but hosts a large international student and immigrant population. There were events and sprinklings of BLM here and there, but the main focus of the time was the housing bubble, predatory lending, and income disparity.

syntaxterror ago

Do you remember the DNC in 2004, how they basically shut down the city and had a cage for protestors? Interestingly (?) the only time I’ve seen riot police in Boston that wasn’t pro-sports related

anotherdream ago

I missed that one. - Tell you a story though. -I'd been working at the hospital there for a while right after finishing university. We were asked to prepare for some emergency training exercises. The scenario was that a "rogue scientist/terrorist" detonated an explosive devise on red-line. EMT and Doc's all on standby and cleared several hours to take in fake patients with all sorts of misc injuries; simulated loss of limbs, shrapnel, various types of burns. Etc. - Whole thing was filmed and documented, and took the latter half of the day. - It felt weird. It was sudden, and just didn't seem right. Kinda spooky, and suits everywhere at the hospital that day. A week later the Boston Marathon bombings happened. - Knowning what we know now. - I'm certain that shit was just more homegrown Obama admin terror. - All the shit we saw and trained for that afternoon actually happened in the real bombing. - Can't make this shit up. - Boston's dirty as fuck. - It felt like they just walked up to the hospital and were like - Yeah you guys better get ready. - Bomb's gonna go off soon, and you're hospital's gonna be overrun.- Sure enough that shit happened. -It got wiped from the news, but there were private security type guys walking around with backpacks & sunglasses etc. Showed them just placing the backpack over there in broad daylight. - . . . Fucking sick world we're living in. Stay safe patriot.

syntaxterror ago

Sorry for the delay! I just saw this reply and wanted to acknowledge it. That’s so interesting ..... do you think they might have incorporated the footage from the trainings as part of the actual event? ... Interestingly, I was visiting Haiti when that all went down, and the six months prior to that I was living in Asheville , NC. I have always felt like I came back to a very different city than the one I left, but never could quite put my finger on exactly what was different. “Dirty as fuck” sums it up quite succinctly .

Anyone else with any boston stories or insights to share ?? I generally tend to feel like the majority of the population is NPCs and opioid zombies .::. And real estate developers, who have caught wind that there’s no one here who gives a shit about what they do , so they essentially come in , take a gigantic, multimillion dollar dump in the middle of wherever.. everybody acts offended but nobody will do anything about it, they just shrug and say ,”it’s too big to move!” so instead people start paying $4000 a month to live inside of it ??!!

(But I digress..)

Anyway. Keep fighting the good fight ! Xo

wipeyournose ago

Exactly. And what kind of exposure did those protests get? They were mocked and basically forced to shut down. There were no changes. No three day weekends. No rebranded products. And there certainly weren't many, if any, riots. Fuck the bastard jews who are in charge of our lives

MercurysBall2 ago

Well Niraj Shah is on the board.. I'll have a look at the building.

anotherdream ago

Yes. Haven't seen the roof, or anything like that. - Just talking proximity. Also, the design of the building is odd. The two sides being the only way to the upper floors with that space underneath? - Strange. - I think if the Cabal had had their way, there'd be a lot more brutalist architecture standing there. - Some of the government buildings in Boston look like straight up fortresses that were rethought at the last minute. If I remember right, City Hall in Boston was supposed to look like the tower of Sauron from LOTR at one point, but it never happened. - The building they eventually did build was no better.

MercurysBall2 ago

Salesforce is in the Wayfair building at 500 Boyiston Street, Boston - 19th floor

fogdryer ago

Sales force is in here. Caught trafficking humans hmm

MercurysBall2 ago

close to Rothschilds..

FCLT Global and Lynn de Rothschild

FCLTGlobal is an American think tank headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. FCLTGlobal publishes research on long-term investment strategies for companies, asset management firms, and institutional investors. FCLTGlobal is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.

FCLTGlobal was founded in July 2016 by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and McKinsey & Company, BlackRock, The Dow Chemical Company and Tata Sons.

Board of Directors and Strategic Advisors

  • Board of Directors

Mark D. Wiseman, Global Head of Active Equities and Chairman of BlackRock Alternative Investors (FCLTGlobal Chair)

Dominic Barton, Global Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company

Else Bos, Former CEO, PGGM

Chow-Kiat Lim, Deputy Group President, Group Chief Investment Officer, GIC

Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company and Executive Chairman, DowDuPont

Mark Machin, President and CEO, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever

Mark Weinberger, Global Chairman & CEO, Ernst & Young

Theresa J. Whitmarsh, Executive Director, Washington State Investment Board

Sarah Keohane Williamson, CEO, FCLTGlobal (ex-officio)

  • Strategic Advisors Natarajan Chandrasekaran, Chairman Tata Sons Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock Nitin Nohria, Dean, Harvard Business School Randall L. Stephenson, Chairman and CEO, AT&T

MercurysBall2 ago

Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company and Executive Chairman, DowDuPont

Liveris serves on the board of directors of the battery company Novonix,[33][34] and he is also on the board of IBM and a member of the executive committee of the Business Roundtable. Liveris is also a former president of the International Council of Chemical Associations.[35] He served as vice-chairman of The Business Council for 2011 and 2012, and as chairman for 2013 and 2014.[36][37][38][39] He is a member of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and the American Australian Association.

Liveris collaborated with Muhtar Kent, chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, George David, chairman of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, and George Stamas, partner at Kirkland and Ellis LLP, to found The Hellenic Initiative (THI), a non-profit, non-governmental organisation with the goal of encouraging entrepreneurship and job-creation investments in Greece

Re Kirkland and Ellis:

MercurysBall2 ago

Mark Machin (born 1966) is an English-Canadian investment banker who is the President and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board...

Canadian Pensions you say? >> Canada pension fund OMERS invests $121 million in IndInfravit Trust

Mumbai: Canadian pension fund Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (OMERS) on Friday announced an investment of $121 million for a 22.4% stake in IndInfravit Trust, an infrastructure investment trust (InvIT), marking its first infrastructure deal in India.

The other anchor investors in IndInfravit include Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) and Allianz Capital Partners (ACP).

Voat posts re OMERS:

The Royal honeymoon and a Saudi hotel chain that takes us from the City of London back to the Podestas and the Acorn Group

Jasper Park Lodge ..In 2006, it was purchased by Oxford Properties, the real estate investment arm of Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), but is operated by Fairmont Hotels. (Oxford Properties also owns the Leadenhall Buildingin the City of London). .... ..AccorHotels today [December 2015] announces the signing of an agreement with the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) of Saudi Arabia and Oxford Properties, an Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) company for the acquisition of FRHI Holdings Ltd (FRHI), parent of Fairmont, Raffles, and Swissôtel.

..This transaction is subject to the regulatory approvals of the antitrust authorities. Rothschild and Zaoui & Co are acting as financial advisors and Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier and Proskauer Rose LLP are acting as legal advisors to AccorHotels on this transaction. Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC are acting as financial advisors and McCarthy Tetrault LLP and White & Case LLP are acting as legal advisors to FRHI on this transaction.

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan acquires Acorn Care and Education ..

The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), whose worldwide investments also include the UK's Busy Bees nursery chain, indicated it was looking to expand the business. ..

Richard Desmond, the billionaire owner of the Daily and Sunday Express newspapers, is planning to bid for the rights to run the National Lottery.

Desmond, who already runs the rival Health Lottery, is said to be preparing to tender for the UK lottery franchise when it comes up for renewal in 2019. Camelot, which is owned by Canadian pension fund the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, holds the rights to run the National Lottery until 2023.

See Desmond's connection to Jimmy Savile : here..

So the lottery in the UK is corrupt and connected to OMERS and other Canadian companies. Epstein and his Zorro Trust collected on the US lottery right? We need to look into that.

More stuff on OMERS here: -

Camelot, which is owned by Canadian pension fund the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, holds the rights to run the [UK] National Lottery until 2023.

More posts re OTPF:

PSU Chemistry Professor who faces 35 Counts Of CHILD PORN drives for Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates and has links with Jeffrey Epstein

Lyft, Inc. is a transportation network company (TNC) based in San Francisco, California and operating in 640 cities in the United States and 9 cities in Canada ..In July 2017, the company announced that the Walt Disney World Resort "Minnie Van" service will be powered by Lyft....

Lyft had raised more than US$2 billion from investors such as General Motors (US$500M), Alibaba Group, Andreessen Horowitz, Coatue Management, DiDi, fbFund, Floodgate Fund, Fontinalis Group, Fortress, Founders Fund, GSV Capital, Icahn Enterprises, Janus Capital Management, K9 Ventures, Mayfield Fund, Prince Alwaleed's Kingdom Holdings Company, Rakuten, Tencent, and Third Point Ventures..

In February 2016, Prince al-Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia made an investment in Lyft which included the purchase of $148 million worth of existing stock from Andreessen Horowitz and Founders Fund. In December 2017, Lyft raised $500 million from Fidelity Management & Research Company and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Fund.

from this post: MISSING and suspected suicide - Ex-Mayor of Sparta and former police officer with the New Jersey Department of Human Services >>>>Laying down some tracks on the New York Yacht Club here - notes for a forthcoming post.. ahem.. Epstein.. cough cough

The USS NEW YORK Commissioning Committee Foundation relied on the generous financial support of corporations, foundations and individuals alike. OFFICIAL SPONSORS include:

The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey; The New York Yacht Club; Conde Nast

Fraunces Tavern Museum - Revolutionary New York revolved around Manhattan's oldest building. The 1719 Georgian-style yellow brick house is the site of Samuel Fraunces Tavern (1762) where George Washington gave his farewell address to officers of the Continental Army in 1783 and later New York Yacht Club was founded.

New York Yacht Club, 37 W 44th St

Manhattan - The club was founded in 1844 by John Cox Stevens and eight friends aboard Steven’s yacht Gimcrack while sailing in New York Harbor. On August 22, 1851, the schooner America won the 100 Guinea Cup (renamed America’s Cup) from the Royal Yacht Squadron by defeating 14 British yachts in a 53-mile race around Isle of Wight. The syndicate that captured the trophy later assigned the Cup to the New York Yacht Club with a Deed of Gift, under condition that it be preserved as a perpetual Challenge Cup for friendly competition between foreign nations. The trophy was renamed the America’s Cup.

Henry McFarlane House, New York Yacht Club

30 Hylan Blvd.

Staten Island - Home the the NYYC from 1868 to 1871, years when the club successfully defended the America's Cup off the coast of Staten Island. the property is presently owned by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.

New York Container Terminal - Built by American Export Lines, the terminal was purchased in 1973 by the City of New York for $47.5 million. In 1985, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey leased the terminal from the City for a period of 38 years. The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan bought the marine container terminal in 2006 for for $2.4 billion.

Piers 1—12, Brooklyn-Port Authority Marine - *Terminal - Piers 1-6 Brooklyn Bridge Park;

Pier 7-11 Red Hook Container Terminal*

South Brooklyn Marine Terminal - An 88-acre marine terminal located between 29th and 39th streets in Brooklyn, just south of Erie Basin. The SBMT is owned by the Port Authority and managed by EDC.

New York Dock Co. Warehouses - Twin six-story one-block-long former warehouses were part of the New York Dock Company's huge freight handling complex that extended for two and one-half miles on the waterfront. The Port Authority took over property in 1955 and it was leased to Maersk in 1958. Today the structures deteriorate while developers litigate their future.

Beard Street Warehouses, Beard Street

Red Hook, Brooklyn - 21 warehouses

New YorK Yacht Club

Members include: David Rockefeller; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Ted Turner; Harold Stirling Vanderbilt; Chris Dodd; Pete DuPont; Michael Bloomberg

MercurysBall2 ago

Re Rabbit Statue:

The Tortoise and the Hare is a 1994 bronze sculpture by Nancy Schön, installed in Boston's Copley Square, in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. The work references one of Aesop's Fables, The Tortoise and the Hare, and commemorates Boston Marathon participants.

Nancy Schön

Nancy Schön (born 1928) is a sculptor of public art displayed internationally. She is best known for her work in the Boston, Massachusetts area, .. In 1991, Barbara Bush gave a duplicate of this sculpture to Raisa Gorbachev as part of the START Treaty, and the work is displayed in Moscow's Novodevichy Park.

n 1952, after graduation from Boston's Museum School, she married Donald Alan Schön (1930–1997), and her series, The Reflective Giraffe, with a giraffe as the central icon, is a tribute to her husband. Since 1966, she has lived in West Newton, Massachusetts

Donald Schön

Donald Alan Schön (September 19, 1930 – September 13, 1997) was a philosopher and professor in urban planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who developed the concept of reflective practice and contributed to the theory of organizational learning.

For many years Schön was with the large consulting firm, Arthur D. Little along with Raymond Hainer with whom he worked on his ideas which resulted in his first seminal work, The Displacement of Concepts. In fact this original work was a new interpretation on the history of the ideas of all time—a complement to Thomas Kuhn's work..