UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Political Appointed Jobs

Certainly many many High Ranking places under President Trump...

But, and bearing mind there are lots of ways to measure size, it is probably the biggest firm in the USA, so also likely to attract and recruit the best, and therefore be the number one source for Presidents looking for talent....

Political Contributions

Political contributions were 77% Democratic in 2008, BUT changed to 59% Republican in 2012....

Also they contributed heavily to Obama..

I suspect that, for ongoing case and client attraction purposes, they might contribute to whoever is in power or likely to gain power.....

CNOTE100 ago

That makes very good sense. Thank you.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Acosta was appointed head of labor dept in Trump's cabinet!! I bitched about this and no one really cared much here, until the Epstein's case chirpped up once again and Trump had him on a short list for attorney general!

Truther65 ago

Hard to figure out what to make of this. On the surface it seems like bad news but who knows. There has to be a plan of some sort. Maybe Trump knows he won't be approved by the Senate.

CNOTE100 ago

yup, don't want to read too much into this. Just very interesting stuff there.

stbelmont ago

G H W Bush's sister married an Ellis. I remember the name from the Bush vs Gore election night when a Bush first cousin by the last name Ellis working for Fox News was the first to have the election called for Bush.